Local Government TV

Friday, July 28, 2023

NorCo GOP Chair Bans Four State Committee Members Under Criminal Investigation

Northampton County Republican Chair Glenn Geissinger has confirmed that he has banned four committee members from attending monthly meetings until a criminal investigation of their behavior has concluded. He declined to identify the members, but I have learned that the proscribed members are elected state committee members Debra Biro, Melanie Heilman, Steve Lynch and Richard Morea. 

This quartet is alleged to have disrupted a meeting in June with an extremely intrusive personal attack against two members. Lynch later gloated about it on his Facebook page. I decline to specify the nature of this ugly onslaught and refuse to publish any comments that attempt to go into the details. These two members have been damaged enough. 

Geissinger informed me that the state committee authorized him to disallow these state committee members until the criminal matter is resolved. 

None of these members attempted to crash last night's meeting. Local police were put on notice. 

Lynch, incidentally, is a failed candidate for Northampton County Exec. 


  1. Wow

    Who saw that coming?


  2. Good thing the police have an audio of the meeting that proves geissinger amd flower liars and exonerated steve and the others

    1. No audio recording can negate physical criminal acts. Nice try. These knuckleheads are so stupid that they committed multiple serious crimes in front of a room full of witnesses while having no idea that they were setting themselves up.

  3. With those 2 it's called karma couldn't have happened to 2 more deserving, those members will be back ask detective Anderson when he is closing the case? Having spoken with him and share# the exonerating audio...I'd say they will be back very soon. I expect better from you ohare oh wait no I dont

  4. Oooo! This is exciting! Can't wait to hear how Lynch and Co. go after their own in over the top 'roid rage fashion!

  5. Disallowing elected members to carry out their positions because they are being investigated? "Innocent until proven guilty". Glenn is a hack and his committee is falling apart. Republicans will realize this in a few short weeks. And his little game with Mr. Myers should disqualify him as chair.

    1. They were banned not because they were being investigated but because they continually fail to follow the rules of order and have created disruptions and chaos at multiple meetings. This last incident just happened to be the most severe and was the last straw.

      Without order and procedure, the committee cannot function. This cancer has been excised to protect the integrity of the entire body.

    2. I don’t know that the bylaws allow disruptive members to be banned from committee meetings.

      That said, the Chair needs to maintain control of the meetings and does have the ability to have them removed from a meeting if they are out of order.

      But a pre-emotive ban is outside the Chair’s authority

    3. The committee has exceeded its authority.

  6. sl - a true example of the severely mentally ill tRUMP maga cult puppets.

  7. Bernie you should write more efficiently, you are using too many words...

    Instead of "Lynch, incidentally, is a failed candidate for Northampton County Exec."

    Use "Lynch, incidentally, is a failure."

    See? Half as many words, yet still accurate.

    You're welcome and Happy Friday to all.

    1. @7:41am- I just spit out my coffee. Thanks for the laugh. Happy Friday to you, too.

    2. Coming from a guy who probably would struggle to bench a bare bar more than 5x its hilarious to see the BETA uprising against a highly successful body builder, business owner, and thought leader.

    3. Lol, “thought leader”. Lynch has cork for a brain.

  8. Lynch is as crazy as Geissinger is weak and ineffective. I left the party because of Geissinger. Lynch and his nuts only confirm my decision. Lynch is just a response to Geissinger's weakness and ineffectiveness. The party is in tatters; more due to Geissinger than Lynch.

    1. Agree. The NCRC was absent during the primary and don't even invite their own members to their own meetings.

    2. Geissinger had done a fantastic job considering that Snover and her NCRC domestic terror faction known as the “Northampton County Difference Makers” have been disrupting the meetings and inhibiting the forward movement of party business since day 1.

    3. If Snover wanted to run continue to manage the county party, she should have rain for Chairman. The only reason she didn’t is because she has alienated so many committee people over the years that she can’t win. Lee Snover is old news and continues to cling to the last vestiges of her influence in a futile effort to stay relevant.

    4. Having open discourse with your political opponents and allowing open dissent is strength. Attempting to work with these people despite their antics is strength. Tolerating the constant barrage of insults, whining and insubordination is strength. Geissinger has showed his true character and his leadership by only now, in the face of such unheard of and severe behavior, barring these individuals from the meetings.

    5. Lot of area chairs on here defending their banana committee.

  9. " ask detective Anderson when he is closing the case? Having spoken with him and share# the exonerating audio.."

    Wow! the Lynch mob is incredibly stupid. You bully two people in a manner so disgusting I'm unable to write about it, but you actually record yourselves doing it. I'm sure Detective Anderson loved getting that audio bc it confirms you violated Pa.'s wiretap law, dumbass.

    1. BOH- I understand your dilemma about not wanting to publish Lynch's remarks, but it will give the public an honest look at the situation. Lynch does not need to be coddled. The public should understand just how pathetic and bullish he and his mob are.

      I'm blocked from Lynch's Facebook page because he's a crybaby snowflake who cannot take criticism. Therefore, I can't view his vile remarks.

      I understand your point about not re-victimizing Lynch's target(s), but they are public figures and leaders in the Northampton County GOP establishment, not anonymous private citizens.

    2. When charges are filed, the criminal conduct of Lynch & co-conspirators will be public record.

  10. "Lynch is as crazy as Geissinger is weak and ineffective. "

    There are three factions in the NorCo GOP. There is Geissinger's tea party faction, Steve Lynch's fascist faction and the Lee Snover's MAGA faction. At the moment, Snover and Lynch are united in attempting to disparage Geissinger bc he is the chair and they both want to pull the strings. Snover is using Lynch to do her dirty work, but there is little doubt in my mind that she is the actual ringmaster. So her faction will sneak on here and try to lay the blame for Lynch's craziness at Geissinger's feet. The problem with being in power so long, as she was as head of the GOP and on the state committee, is that it becomes intoxicating. It's time for her to stop.

  11. 9:20, The two individuals victimized by the Lynch mob are county committee members. They can be elected with as few as two votes. They are not what I'd call public figures. Even if they were, I'd still decline to go into the nature of the attack because it is extremely intrusive into their private lives.

    Lynch has been cagey. His gloat was an emoji on Facebook with smiley faces after the attack, followed by numerous comments from his goons backing up what he and his goons did.

    He claims he is being suspended by Facebook again, rather conveniently.

  12. After seeing the horrible grammar and the run-on sentences of the Lynch defender comments, I think it's safe to say that Steve isn't sending his best.

  13. Dumbass here not under any investigation ohare....you're just salty because you're spinning this in away it isn't. You will see I'm right I get it you need a good story amd if I'm a dumbass you're a drunkard feel better now?

    1. 10:18am- Huh?

    2. You write like you are the one that is drunk. Sadly, you are not drunk, just illiterate.

  14. I am unfamiliar with the county committee by-laws, but do know Geissinger's action was authorized by the state committee.

    1. He has exceeded his authority.

    2. Interesting. Maybe you should listen to Gunther today. Looks like Glenn lied. Head is state committee Lawrence Tabas stated that Glenn lied and did not have State committee support or blessing to ban these members. Maybe you should vet your sources better before hitting publish.

  15. Soon geissinger will endorse Houck for da mark it down

    1. Spot on! He just recently announced to the committee that they will be supporting a write in campaign for Houck now. Are they backing any Republicans in the next election? All I see are Democrats

    2. This is a blatant lie. Never happened. Nice try!

  16. "Dumbass here not under any investigation ohare."

    You recorded a private meeting without the consent of those recorded in violation of Pa.'s wiretap law, dumbass. I'm sure the detective loved getting the audio from you. You just put a bull's eye on your back, but are too stupid to realize it. I suggest you hire a good lawyer.

  17. "Soon geissinger will endorse Houck for da mark it down"

    There you go again. This has nothing to do with the DA's race. Geissinger has made clear he is not endorsing Houck. Terry is a Democrat and will remain one. But he is first and foremost a professional prosecutor. If the facts lead him to conclude crimes were committed, he will file charges. If they don't, he won't. Political party affiliation is irrelevant.

    1. Well he endorsed Myers and welcomed that democrat in wholeheartedly. I'll take the bet.

    2. He already did, unofficially, at last night's meeting.

  18. Hes going to endorse Houck to get him to go after lynch. ohare think about it you called me a dumbass but you are smart. You can't see that. If you can't I worry for you. This whole county is corrupt.

  19. As an observer of many but not all of these meetings, and after reading the comments here…the jig is up.

    The bad actors here have a pattern of promoting/orchestrating a circus act during these meetings and then criticize the chairman/officers for failing to maintain order. When the meeting was first limited to only the voting body, these same malcontents staged a protest outside the meeting and literally played circus music in an effort to create further disruption, despite not being allowed to participate.

    Republicans who want to move the party forward know who the real clowns are and won’t be fooled by choreographed dramatics.

    These circus didn’t come to town to elect Republicans. They just want name recognition and a soap opera.

  20. The Core4 has never been more.united around Brother Steve and his cause, the cucks crying to LEO'S are weakling RINO country club types with turkey necks and FUPAs unworthy of the dais

    1. You attempt to talk tough but fail miserably.

  21. Truth is the enemy of the state.

  22. Being banned from a meeting is a little inconvenience for them as compared to what these folks have done to disrupt and harass others. They follow the direction of the party divider who is noticeably absent when the crap hits the fan. They have lost all credibility in the party and probably in their personal lives now in addition to criminal charges. Time for the party to heal and now move on with those who really want to work, not divide and harass others.

  23. I'll buy the three factions narrative. All three factions are ineffectual, however; thus, the disarray. The political wheel has turned nearly 180 degrees. To paraphrase what Will Rogers used to say about being a Democrat, "I don't belong to an organized party, I'm a (Republican)."

  24. "Truth is the enemy of the state.

    Beverly, How fitting that you would quote the original Nazi. The truth is that you have debased yourself. You at one time saw the truth and rightly condemned Lynch. You are now part of the Lynch mob as your puppet master Lee Snover pulls the strings. You speak of the truth but lie to yourself. I'm ashamed of you.

    1. On a roll today Bernie. You nailed it again.

  25. "The shortest way to the distinguishing excellence of any writer is through his hostile critics." Richard LeGallienne

  26. Bernie O’Hare (11:59 am) said: “How fitting that you would quote the original Nazi.”

    I don’t have a horse in this race, and I realize that all rationality and perspective are lost when it comes to BO writing about Lynch, but do we always have to go to Nazis and Hitler?

    Nietszche died decades before the National Socialists (the Nazis) formed as a party in Germany.

    I don’t think anyone can fairly accuse him of being the founder of Nazism, or “the original Nazi”.

  27. "Spot on! He just recently announced to the committee that they will be supporting a write in campaign for Houck now. Are they backing any Republicans in the next election? All I see are Democrats"

    You obviously are both lying and do not know what you are talking about. There is no need to conduct a write-in campaign for Houck bc he already is the GOP nominee. You are stupid, but Geissinger is not and would not utter such a ridiculous statement. Moreover, you are lying. I have checked with people and there has been no vote to support Houck. The only vote taken, and this was some time ago, was to not endorse him.

    1. You are right Bernie. I misspoke. No need to hurl insults. We are both adults here. MYERS is the Democrat turned last-minute Republican that Glenn is ordering his committee to support in a write in campaign this November. HOUCK is the Democrat running as the Republican on the ballot. I stand corrected. There are so many Democrats running as Republicans and supported by the NCRC that I got them confused. It could happen to anyone. Thank you for correcting me

  28. Beverly, It is not hostile criticism. I am very much ashamed of you. Do you stand for anything? Certainly not truth.

  29. The paper thin skinned RINO'S responsible for this skullduggery will ultimately be purged from the party like a bad gas station burrito , either orafice will do same result they will be in the sewer

  30. "Interesting. Maybe you should listen to Gunther today. Looks like Glenn lied. Head is state committee Lawrence Tabas stated that Glenn lied and did not have State committee support or blessing to ban these members.

    I did listen and never heard of any such statement by Tabas. I instead heard him getting attacked by Gunther and Prince. I also heard Prince incorrectly claim that Geisinger was the person who complained to police. He also falsely states that Geissinger contacted me, when I actually contacted him. He also falsely states that Geissinger gave me all the information relevant to the expulsion when, in fact, he declined to identify the people involved. Pince also stated that this quartet was removed because they are patriots when, in fact, they are bullies. Prince did state that Tabas gave no authorization to Geissinger, but that is what Prince says, not what Tabas says. What I was told is that Geissinger was authorized by counsel for the state committee to preclude these people.

    1. The fact you and Geissinger speak at all says everything republican voters need to know about the NCRC's leadership. RINOs.

    2. 2:30pm- the fact that you find an open dialogue between two different people of different ideology wrong says all one needs to know about the current state of the Northampton County GOP.

      Vote Democrat early and often.

      Let's get rid of this filth.

  31. What a mess. They can't stop fighting with each other, while PA's Fetterman - the brain dead human test pattern - has missed 8 of 40 Senate votes in July, long after his return from the nuthouse. Still, this vulnerable mental pothole and his absentee record will go unchallenged.

  32. Where is Ron Angle when we need him?

    1. A question I myself ask many times. 🤔

  33. Lynch, Morea, Heilman, Snover and Biro poison the well and then complain about the water quality.

    A purge is needed.

  34. "The fact you and Geissinger speak at all says everything republican voters need to know about the NCRC's leadership. RINOs."

    By that logic, you must be a RINO bc you're speaking to me. Your stupidity is breathtaking.

    I have known Geissinger many years and was highly critical of him as a member of Northampton County Council. He was highly partisan. But guess what? He always spoke to me. He is a gentleman who is deeply committed to his faith and has a great deal of personal integrity. He and I disagree on almost everything, but I'd break bread with him.

    Lee Snover talked to me all the time. She must be a RINO, too.

    The only party boss who ever refused to talk to me was a Democrat.

    Let me give you a lesson in simple math. There are more Democrats than there are Republicans. The only way a Republican wins in this county is if he gets independent and Democratic votes. I am a Democrat who votes for nearly as many Rs as Ds, sometimes more. So it's extremely foolish and short-sighted to exclude people who fail your litmus test.

    The three factions (tea party, Lynch fascists and Snover MAGAs) are little more than three little sewing circles that have no appeal to mainstream Republicans.

    Go be happy in your echo chamber. Maybe invade the a capitol or wave a flag or march around with an AK-47 or something.

    1. True. You and Geissinger are both losers.

  35. Bernie,
    I stand for the truth although some seem to have that market cornered. Standing for truth makes you stand alone and isolated, and truth is so hard to ferret out, especially if you're not seeking it. As you know, some people must always be right, regardless of the truth, and they will fight any fight to maintain the delusion.

    This situation is so much larger than you are presenting and actually began last June. So much back story you and many are unaware of. If I were you, before I published anything, I would at least try to get some of the other side's story. The victims here are not as presented.

    When you create a hierarchy, and you stop rank and file members from participating in meetings, they usually walk away, feeling unneeded. One of NCRC's problems now is lack of workers. Another is lack of communication and argumentation which is key to a healthy exchange of ideas and growth. Shut down the other side and all you have left is an echo chamber. No one is omniscient. I will not admit that your alternative reality is correct as it's not based in truth, but on the idea that one side is wicked and lying while the other is pure and truth-telling...seldom the case in my long experience. No thinking person accepts another's opinion as supremacy of knowledge so as to surrender his own reality testing. You are practicing "bounded reality" where you don't go for the maximum or the optimum but accept the easy "truth" someone tells you. This is not fully rational. It's just easier. Had you been dedicated to truth and done the work, you would have been 100x more successful in breaking down this situation. I myself have held opinions that turned out to be wrong and was not too proud to admit it.

    Call me if you truly want to hear more information; or don't if you are satisfied in your current universe. You have my number from my LWV days when you were also unhappy with me.

  36. Beverly, You are unfortunately both gullible and flighty, a very dangerous combination. You are far from standing alone. You are backing the Lynch mob you once reviled and nover, who always pulled the strings for you.

    The situation began when Lynch was defeated in his quest to become NorCo GOP chair and Snover lacked the votes to get re-elected. Sour grapes. Since that time, both the Lynch mob and Lee's lackeys have attempted to disrupt every meeting. Police have been called when Lynch was actually kicked out of one meeting.

    And I have spoken to you, although speaking to me makes you a RINO. I made very clear to you at Nancy Aaroe's news conference that you were being used and that I was very disappointed bc you were one of the few who actually stood up to him and was vilified for doing so. Remember that? Do I have to pull out your complaints and post them here? You were allying with Lynch only bc of your disdain for the tea party. That's what you told me. I have given all sides an opportunity to educate me.

    The behavior at that June meeting is certainly outrageous and, in my opinion, criminal.

    Nothing gives people the right to disrupt meetings. That is not healthy debate, but bullying. You now shout people down and do everything you can to destroy worker bees who fail to live uyp to the litmus test of the day, which is whatever Lynch and Snover say it is.

    You used to have a backbone. What happened to it?

    As for your LWV days, I always posted your announcements even though you had to do them over all the time. I always came to your debates and treated you very fairly. I was certainly critical at times but was always respectful. You folks appear to have lost that trait.

  37. One thing you and your mancrush McClure have in common is you love to use the law to bully and scare people. This is not the age OF HOOVER. People are recording things all the time. Their phones are out, and it is a common occurrence. Good luck trying to get anywhere with that. No permission and multip0le recordings of everything. No one ends up in court.

    So while you are no longer allowed to claim to be a lawyer, you should not dispense your dumbass legal opinions that are meaningless. Stick to kissing your mancrushes assend.

  38. It just goes to show how much these people care about voters. Who would choose these people to represent them. We should save and post this every election.

    1. Good plan.

      Not our Republicans.

      We the people. Not we the Lynch mob

  39. Bernie, you have no idea how spot on you are in your assessment of the Lynch mob (directed by Lee). These folks drink the Kool Aid and yes- once respected people have become unapproachable and condescending to anyone who dares to point out what they were and now have become. Please keep on with printing the truth.

    1. Spot on assessment.

      If I didn’t know for a fact that these people were simply ignorant and cultish in the extreme, I would infer that these they were plants to destroy the party from the inside.

  40. Buy Orville Redenbacker stock.

  41. I am a registered Republican. Until all these Trump MAGA idiots are purged from our party we’re never going to win another election. The candidates we run suck. Because of the closed primary we can’t get a decent candidate to the general election. We lost to someone who literally has brain damage lol. We run Tim Scott, a good man and great candidate, we win in a landslide. Nope, let’s stick with loser Trump and get smoked again.

    1. You're a RINO.

    2. No I’m not. William F Buckley said to elect the most conservative people THAT CAN WIN. If we can’t beat Joe Biden, John Fetterman, and Lamont McClure it’s time to reevaluate our candidates and our platform. Your candidate lost to someone who literally has brain damage lol. They use the small set of stairs for Joe to get on Air Force One now because he falls so much. Yet he beat Trump.

      If you think Tim Scott is a RINO then you are clueless and uninformed. Stick with Trump and keep losing.

    3. So you’re a RINO if you don’t support Trump. Lol. Trump isn’t even a conservative. Trillions in spending after he got Warnock and Osoff elected by telling ppl not to vote. He’s 77 years old and a proven loser. Time to move on.

    4. I'm a registered Libtard
      Demon-crat and I have no problem with MAGA idiots choosing suck-ass, clown Republicans in the closed primary.

      P.S. I heard clips of Trumpy speak his KKK rally last night.
      He said to his dumbass audience that the Justice department is only going after him because he's winning in all the Republican primary polls. I yelled at the TV, "Yeah, loser, and I'm loving every minute of it".

    5. Your both RINOs. We don't need ya.

  42. Everyone wants to blame the Lynch crew. Geissinger and his band of losers cause as much disruption. I witnessed many of Glenn's supporters shouting at the top of their lungs "no", "no" in order to prevent a vote from occurring. I'm not choosing sides. I'm walking away. The NCRC can get bent. Did nothing in our area of the primary and deserve all posses coming to em.

  43. I have never read Nietsche except in quotes, but Speaking in defense of the departed: https://bigthink.com/thinking/how-the-nazis-hijacked-nietzsche-and-how-it-can-happen-to-anybody/

    Also, since the subject came up about the PA wiretap law: ever since I heard about the law which changed the pre-existing law where a person who was present could legally record those around them without permission, basically making it a memory device for the person recording, it was easy to understand why those who do not tell the truth would desire such a law. Corporate lawyers and crooked politicians must have pushed hard for that one.

  44. I have declined to publish two comments that attempt to switch the subject and somehow bklame this all on McClure or Gracedale or something.

  45. 11:02, You are correct about Neitsche. He was a philosopher, not a Nazi. But some of his concepts, like "the blond beast," "Übermensch,: master morality, slave morality and "will to power" formed the philosophical basis of Nazism.

    The Pa. wiretap exists to prevent surreptitious recordings of individuals without knowledge or consent. That is what happened during this private meeting.

  46. Bernie, those named people are Republicans state committee people but I don't see them helping our local candidates running for office at local events. All they do is create issues with other volunteer Republicans. They don't even help the candidates they recommend. Sad for the Republicans . I am not sure that they support the Republicans that are currently in office for not following their agenda.

  47. Reading the comments on this post, and watching the infighting between republicans makes my heart smile. The MAGAts calling other moderate republicans RINOs just solidifies my notion that there will never be a serious conservative politician to EVER hold office. The MAGATs dream about starting their own fascist cult party, but can’t because they simply won’t have the numbers to win any election. The moderate Republican appeals to the MAGATs with dog-whistle rhetoric, but know they draw enough votes from the far-right. So they come on here and yank each others chains and it’s a delight to witness. Yay for democracy - lol

  48. I was once a Republican, but saw the light and switched parties. All of this infighting is so juvenile, but it reflects the Republican Party as a whole. It is the party of hatred and until that changes, it will be on the bottom rung of the ladder looking up at the Democrats, many of whom shouldn’t be in office, but are BECAUSE of Republicans, passing them by. The Republicans may also be the party of stupidity because instead of recognizing Trump and his minions for what they are, they continue to think he is some white knight coming to save the world. Evidence to the contrary means nothing. Reminds me of 1930s Europe.

    1. Yea, the democrats have their shit in order. Ok....

    2. @8:12 The difference is that we hold our politicians accountable and if they’re guilty of crimes, we stop supporting them. Trump has time and time again has shown to the worst politician of all time and you imbeciles blindly support him amidst the mounting evidence of all the crimes he’s committed. That’s the difference.

  49. BOH, you talk about the Lynch Mob disrupting meetings, but I've never seen you at one. I can only assume you are getting third party information. I have attended these meetings long before Glenn was ever in charge and chose not to go anymore due to recent events. I can't ever remember Lee using a gavel, but Glenn uses it like it's going out of style. Did you ever think that maybe it's not the Lynch Mob making the disruptions, but instead it's the reactions to their questions? I don't always agree with the points they make, but as of late, it doesn't matter what any of them say. the reaction is always the same uproar. I've chosen to stop being involved with this catastrophe of a committee. I'd have to respectfully disagree with you that these people are the ones always ruining the meetings. It's the reactions of their (sometimes) valid concerns. You know, like not supporting lifelong Democrats who decided to be a Republican today.

    1. These disruptions weren’t present when Lee was chair because these disrupters weren’t part of the committee. Now they are, she’s not in charge and they cause havoc inside and outside of the meetings (apparently at her direction, it appears). They are too busy doing that with no time left to help the candidates (and the candidates know it).

  50. I was a Republican for over twenty years, but switched parties when they started caring about “winning” more than truth and honesty. Part of winning to these neo-Republicans is being ideologically opposed to the left, no matter what. If you wear a mask, I’m not wearing one. If I like this movie, they HATE it. If you don’t like a song, they’re gonna vote it number one in some insignificant chart. Career conservatives and media personalities tell their audience that they’re LYING to them, and they still don’t hold them accountable. It’s a different party,

    1. 9:34- I wish my spouse would read your words. He's been a republican for 40 years and since 2016, he's been in a conspiracy theory delusional state. I don't recognize him anymore. I'm not sure I even like him anymore. Fox News is on his constant echo chamber. He's like a caveman. "Republican good (grunt), Democrat evil (grunt).

    2. Now laugh and tell me that you're joking. The party that cares about winning over truth and honesty??? The Democrats wrote the book on that. They are so politically ravenous and bloodthirsty that they put the Republicans to shame. Look at the way they circle the wagons and stick together no matter what- you'll never find Rs doing that. The party that elects a Fetterman to the Senate, knowing, even preferring that he won't think critically and make independent judgments. He'll vote whatever the party bosses tell him to. What a joke!

    3. @1:37

      Imagine a world where you have to vote in evil people in order to prevent even MORE evil people from ruining this country and turning it into a neo-fascist state. I HATE democrats, and would rather NOT vote for those pro-capitalist warmongers. But I have to because the far-right has become so unhinged, that they’ve chosen to blindly support a white supremacist that is hell-bent on taking this country back a hundred years. Trump and his team has accumulated countless fraud and criminal charges, but you choose to ignore those and focus on Fetterman and his disabilities. The cognitive dissonance is remarkable. What a good Christian you are. Hypocrite.

  51. Are you a hypocrite and a lair. The reason you only attack republicans is because you are a hypocrite. You won't print the sins of the democrats because you are a convenient liar or a part of the health center conspiracy. Barron is belly deep in the scheme with consultants you probably know. So maybe you get some of the rewards or maybe you have trained yourself to look the other way when it is convenient to do so. A republican party spat is no big deal. The safety of people and tax money use is very important.

  52. It’s foolish to compare Republicans to Democrats. They are mostly just the SAME animal. They are two private clubs that work together to fundraise for themselves and their anointed inner circle. That inner circle does NOT include everyday people like you and I. Our personal votes on Election Day have less importance every year.

    Question our SYSTEM of determining who wins and who does not win. Then you might understand HOW such determination can be made to happen according to plan, while we watch it all unfold.

  53. Biden had to be the worst vote of your life--How about Trump-The american people now know he is the right person for the job. Unless the fake media, the FBI and the Justice department and the rest of the deep state cheat AGAIN>

    1. Biden, FBI and Justice Department: If you're reading this blog and specifically 7:39 comment, "Please for the life of America, please cheat your friggin asses off again".


      Btw, the one who tried to cheat is under several indictments currently!

  54. Prediction.....were at 88 comments....this gets to 150 and ohare gets more ad revenue....duh, Steve is clickbait and everyone fell for it on this bs story. Ohare won't be embarrassed when it comes out he was wrong. He will just write another ad revenue generating fiction!😁
    -the dumbass

    1. Dear Dumbass,

      BOH has been writing about Looney Lynch and his MAGA Mob for years, way before ads started appearing a few months ago. And, I've been loving it regardless of the ads.

      I click on LVR and if there's a Sloppy Steve story, I pour myself another cup of coffee, vape somemedical marijuana, buckle up and enjoy the hilarious comments.

      Keep up the good work and keep doing what you do! I'm not sure whether this applies to O'Hare or Lynch. Either way it's a win/win.

      -The Reefer Reader

  55. 8:12 pm: You proved the point of my post. Thin-skinned, juvenile, and unable to look at the party in an objective manner will negate any political gains Republicans hope to make. Nationally, look at the loonies holding the party hostage — Gaetz, Boebert, Green, Santos, etc. Hoody-wearing Fetterman beat Oz not because he was the better candidate, but because Oz was the best the Republicans could do. Distance yourselves from Trump and there may be hope for the party, but as long as you continue to espouse his virtues (ha!) and champion candidates who behave like him, you’re toast in local, Commonwealth, and national elections.

  56. "These disruptions weren’t present when Lee was chair because these disrupters weren’t part of the committee. "

    Actually, there were numerous disruptions when Snover was chair. They came from Tom Carroll and Tony Simao, who then wanted to take over the party. Police had to be called a few times. Tt that time, the Lynch mob was not involved in politics. Now the Lynch mob and Lee's lackeys are the disruptors.

  57. "Prediction.....were at 88 comments....this gets to 150 and ohare gets more ad revenue....duh, Steve is clickbait and everyone fell for it on this bs story."

    Actually, if I were just interested in click bait, I'd go into far more detail. But I am so disgusted by what you did that I am unable to do so. Once those details become clear, and they eventually will, the entire community will be disgusted by you. You did far more than break Pa/s wiretap law, dumb ass.

  58. 3:42, Lol, I doubt very much that Biden or DOJ has much interest in this blog, lol. The FBI is another story. Ask Fed Ed.

  59. BernieOHare to all: I just deleted a comment aimed at a reader that, on second look, might be perceived as a threat. To be clear, I will tolerate no suggestions of physical harm to others. This is not a grade school playground no matter how much the Lynch mob would like it to be.


You own views are appreciated, especially if they differ from mine. But remember, commenting is a privilege, not a right. I will delete personal attacks or off-topic remarks at my discretion. Comments that play into the tribalism that has consumed this nation will be declined. So will comments alleging voter fraud unless backed up by concrete evidence. If you attack someone personally, I expect you to identify yourself. I will delete criticisms of my comment policy, vulgarities, cut-and-paste jobs from other sources and any suggestion of violence towards anyone. I will also delete sweeping generalizations about mainstream parties or ideologies, i.e. identity politics. My decisions on these matters are made on a case by case basis, and may be affected by my mood that day, my access to the blog at the time the comment was made or other information that isn’t readily apparent.