Local Government TV

Friday, July 28, 2023

Is Zrinski Running For Controller or County Council?

Tara Zrinski was first elected to Northampton County Council in 2017.  In the middle of her first term, she decided to run for state representative and lost. She was re-elected to her Council seat in 2021. In 2022, she ran for state senate and lost. Now she's running again. This time, it's for Northampton County Controller.  This will be her fifth race for public office since 2017. 

It must be very confusing for her to keep all these races straight. In fact, she runs for so many offices that her Facebook page simply states. "Tara Zrinski - Political Candidate."

According to the county website, the Controller provides the county's internal audit function. Here's one little problem. Zrinski wouldn't know how to do an audit if it hit her in the face. She has no accounting background. Her educational background is in philosophy and theology. She sells solar panels. 

The county website provides that the Controller is "independent of the executive, legislative and judicial branches of government." She has instead been a reliable rubber stamp for whatever Executive Lamont McClure wants to do. She failed to provide a check and balance on executive power as a Council member, and is woefully unprepared to do so in an office that should be looking for waste and fraud. 

What she's really looking for is a springboard from which she can collect a paycheck and get benefits while selling solar panels, teaching, getting paid as the Exec Director of a marijuana group and, of course, running for the next office that comes along. 

She sure has a lot of fundraisers, including a birthday bash every year. For $48, you can go to her party  on Saturday. She's been hyping it on her Facebook page. But she runs for so many offices she gets confused. In her original announcement, she announces, "We are kicking off this campaign with a rocking birthday bash fundraiser. I'm running for County Commissioner ... ." 

No, Tara, you're running for County Controller.  But I'm sure you'll be running for Council again in two years. 


  1. How does she do it? She has only been around a few years. She has won two local races and lost her runs for state offices, all within five years. Somehow, she gets loads of money from people and unions. She has a team that works for her like a cult. She has a yearly fundraising function with a band, catering and all the help. Many state office holders don't hold a yearly fundraiser.

    I am told she has accomplished nothing in the county, yet she is idolized by many. She doesn't even know what county council does. The word is she is way ahead of Cusick in the polls.

    Even seasoned politicians are amazed by her ability to conjure up an image that reaps money and followers yet doesn't win. Good for her I guess.

    1. Polls. On a county controller race? Let’s see them lol.

  2. Bernie I'll pay for your ticket to Comrmade Terra's birthday shindig provided to ride your bicycle to it with a case of O'Douls fastened to your rear rack as an offering to your fellow teetotalers.

  3. Good job Bernie. I thought this was my first laugh of the day. Then the sadness of the reality that this thing is wasting good air kicked in. Then the bummer thought that norco voters are that weak-minded to elect the local female version of Don the Con. Please tell me that lobotomies are covered under the county health plan.

  4. Pretender not contender. Send her packing. Enough said.

  5. She's a wokie from Central Casting who only needs to wear the team colors to get votes. She's plastic straws and abortion and reversebeacism and gender mutilation and all the things that make a solid Democrat.

  6. How can she possibly keep the campaign literature straight! Can't she take a hint?

  7. During the primary, she made sure other Democratic candidates knew that she'll be running for Boscola's seat when Boscola finally steps down. Ans she's moved into Bethlehem so she can go after Samuelson's seat if diaper man retires after 10,000 years in office.

    1. Amen Bernie. Vote career politicians out with Tara right behind them. Sad.

  8. She’s not the problem. That she has people who support and vote for her is the problem.

    She seems stuck on collecting a paycheck via governmental employment.

    I suggest she take a job at Northampton County Prison as a correctional officer and actuallY earn a meaningful paycheck.

  9. Let us not forget when she announced she was running against Joe Emerick, only to find out she didn't live in his district !!!!


  10. Hey Bernie,
    Are you to blame for making Zrinski a common name in norco politics? I never heard of her until I started reading your blog. How bad can she be? If you look at the numbers of norco voters who voted for trump then you can see why they would vote for Terra.

  11. I'm thinking of going to this event. Angry, upper middle class women in their 40s and 50s who hate men are my type.

  12. Many astute points made here, including Terra’s cult of undying love and her need to run for whatever position is open. I’m hoping county voters choose the candidate with the skills for controller, John Cusick.

  13. Team tara is a microcosm of everything that's wrong with the liberals and this country right now. Stop being so thirsty, you're embarrassing yourself

  14. I hope you will host a debate for this race.

  15. Terror zarinsky is taking you all for a ride. She has been hosting fund raisers and building up
    her pot to use for her personal needs and paying bills

  16. How soon can we initiate impeachment proceedings? #recallzrinski


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