Local Government TV

Wednesday, June 21, 2023

NorCo Courthouse Parking Deck On Its Last Legs

parking deck in 2016
When he was Executive, John Stoffa once proposed a $33.5 million parking deck next to Northampton County's courthouse. It would replace a 290-space garage built in 1975 with an estimated lifespan of 35-40 years. He had to settle for a $1.7 million makeover in 2010. That project ended up $500,000 over budget. It was a textbook example of what can happen when you use the lowest bidder. The finished product was marred by cracking, misaligned joints and defective overhead patches. This led to litigation in 2012 and yet another facelift in 2016, this time for $500,000. At a Northampton County Council' Capital Projects Committee last week, Public Works Director Michael Emili briefed Council on the latest attempt to extend the life of the garage by three to five years, at a cost of about $750,000. 

THA Consulting completed design work. The project is out to bid for minor structural repairs and waterproofing. Emili told Council that the cost of a new parking deck would be about $15 million.  


  1. As a county employee, knowing what I know about that parking deck, I wouldn’t park there…

  2. So Stoffa proposed spending $33.5 million for a parking deck?

    And they can get a new one for $15 million?

    Even with what’s been paid on repairs since Stoffa’s proposal, it’s still less by over $15 million.

    I guess Council got that one right! What the hell was Stoffa thinking?

  3. He did. It would have been much larger than the current deck, enabling the public and people to actually park in the garage instead of in one of the lots being used by people now. It would have included the archives and also would free up space for expansions by different parts of the county in what were once those parking lots. But the price was too high. Stoffa found a spot for archives and went with a makeover of the parking deck.

  4. There has been concrete chunks falling out of the Deck for years now.Some employees had cars repaired. Even lime dripping form cracks on cars. I know some Judges and others have had there cars painted.This Adminstration and John Browns also knew this for years.Also walk around the Court House and look at the old stone wall falling apart.Handicap ramp to Criminal Admin building is also falling apart for years.County has said when bids were gotten it was too much money to repair, So wait till it falls down all together then spend more money! Sounds stupit doesn't it! Gym wall in Juvenile has been leaking water since it was built. But only stupit ideas of how to fix it from some higher ups. Did not listen when I told them that by Engineers only way to repair if dig down to the foundation and water proof it.The longer you wait to do major repairs the more cost. This is not saving money but call it piss poor Mangement!

  5. Roger, I do not know about all the problems you cite, but do not doubt you, and you are definitely right about the parking deck. Stoffa once said, "We don't do buildings well." That's why Hayden Phillips suggested a capital projects committee when he was elected. he served as its chair and was succeeded by Scott Parsons. They both did a good job. But it's tough bc we are spread all over the place. And you're right. We generally are too cheap to fix things until it all comes crashing down.

  6. all window dressing, the spending bros wanna make the parking deck into another building. be prepared for higher taxes


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