Local Government TV

Wednesday, May 03, 2023

Easton's Campaign Sign Mess Points to Bigger Problem With Code Czar

Let's say you live in Easton and, like most people, had to drive to work or somewhere else on Monday. Some of you saw Easton code employees as they placed Frank Pintabone, Panto and even Qayyum signs at various locations. It would be completely logical to conclude that the City of  Easton is backing these candidates and is engaging in illegal political activity. But that would be incorrect. Code was instead trying to correct a serious mistake made by their boss, Steve Nowroski. It was one that trampled all over the First Amendment rights of individual citizens. 

We are in the middle of silly season. Easton voters are being asked to decide on a Mayor, three City Council seats, one County Council seat, a Judge, District Attorney and County Controller. Along with dandelions and pollen, campaign signs have been blossoming everywhere. Many are in people's yards. They make a difference, especially in close and local races, where no nightly talking heads tell you what you must think.  

Starting about 20 days ago, Easton Code Administrator Stephen Nowroski took it upon himself to interfere with democracy. Instead of addressing multiple blighted properties, he dispatched code officers to inspect the private properties of people who dared to post campaign sign yards inside their windows or on their lawns. Several citizens, including someone who himself is a code enforcement officer, were threatened with $1,000 fines unless those placards were removed.

Upset at the progress he was making, Nowroski actually put his officers on overtime over the weekend to get rid of those signs.  In addition to the threatening letters, he had them remove signs posted on strips of grass between the sidewalk and street or property owners. Pretty much everyone was hit, including the Mayor. 

On Monday, Nowroski learned form Easton's Solicitor that removing campaign signs from someone's property is a violation of their First Amendment rights. As the US Supreme Court has observed, "A special respect for individual liberty in the home has long been part of our culture and our law."

Once again, Nowroski put code officers and at least one secretary on overtime to replant some of the signs his department illegally seized over the weekend.

Some of you have speculated that Nowroski was trying to do a favor for Peter Melan, who is running against Mayor Sal Panto. Others have suggested that Panto, as Mayor, is ultimately responsible for this fiasco, even though he himself is a victim.  

Instead of blaming the Mayoral candidates, which requires speculation, there's no question that Easton's Code Czar is responsible for this mess. 

He's also responsible for some other pretty big messes. 

He's the real reason Easton's new 500-space parking lot on Fourth Street still remains empty, a year after construction began. Without question, much of the delay is a result of problems encountered by the contractor. But at this time, the only problem remaining is the elevator. The City could easily open up the bottom floor for handicapped parking and even open the floors above for those who want to do some hill climbing. 

Nowroski refuses to issue a temporary Certificate of Occupancy, and has told others that he, and only he, has the proper credentials to issue a certificate. 

Less well known is that Nowroski, despite all his credentials, granted permits for several properties in the floodplain. FEMA has learned of this and developers have been stopped until that issue is addressed, if it can be. 

It's little wonder he has created these messes. In addition to his full time job as Easton' Code, Planning and Zoning Guru, he has formed a company called Lumen Strategy which markets itself to other municipalities.  Last June, he appeared before Palmer Tp's Zoning Hearing Board as an expert witness to support a carwash. 

He apparently has little time to read the First Amendment


  1. He’s a fine candidate

  2. The boy sounds like he is eaten up with himself. Time for Panto to knock him down a few pegs.

  3. Sounds as if an investigation from the Ethics Board should be on tap. Any unilateral decision that has creased the First Amendment and cost taxpayers overtime and extra labor and money to correct needs to be examined. Then if further investigation proves conflict of interest and If it’s a repeat performance then it calls for dismissal

  4. There have been attempts top lay this at the feet of Melan (by Panto's people) and at Panto (by Melan's people). The one person who really is responsible is Nowroski.

    Now you could say that Melan inspired this, but that would require some real Machiavellian thinking on his part. It would have negatively affected some people he supports.

    You could say Panto is responsible. He is the Mayor. But if he told code to stop, then he would be blamed for interfering with code enforcement for political reasons.

    The one person we know is responsible is Nowroski.

  5. How on Earth did they know which signs to put back on all the individual properties!!

  6. Well....the story inside city hall starts with everyone trying to understand why, after all these years, is the City enforcing this code? I don't know how many know this but AFSME endorsed Melan but did not take it to a membership vote. Only the two executives approved it and gave him $2,000.00. One of those execs is the zoning administrator who began the conversation of enforcing the sign ordinance. Just looks bad on the City workers. They should stay out of politics which leads me to the next topic. The FOP. The last time the FOP got involved in politics was Phil Mitman. How did that work out? Phil had demote Larry Palmer and promoted Steve Mazeo. How did that work out, Easton? It was the worst years the police department had every seen. Took many years for it to come back. The FOP also endorsed in November. 3 months before knowing who any other candidates were? Why is that, Tim Wagner? Mazeo went from Patrolman to Chief. Maybe someone else is looking for the same thing? November meeting with only 10 present. LOL

    1. I’m taking your knowledge as a retired officer which I respect. Let’s no forget the other good people who Steve demoted ie: his own cousin John Mazzeo and Steve Parkanski. Totally agree worse decisions for EPD.

  7. Bernie/ not to go off topic its really just an observation but in my travels throughout some of the townships and boroughs in Northampton county I would suggest to you that the DA race is a lot closer than one would think. If the race were to be won by political lawn signs alone it would appear to me that the race is closer to 50-50 for the incumbent (Houck) and the challenger (Baratta). I know this because I cut lawns throughout the lower part of the county extending into upper Nazareth and Bushkill townships. Once again it appears wherever a Houck sign(s) is supplanted a Barrata sign(s) is somewhere nearby. It could be a neighbor against neighbor thing but I don't think so. It just appears that if the race were to be determined by signage on homeowners lawns then it is close. Albeit there is no way to determine all the other voters in the county who don't show their support for either candidate by way of political signs.

  8. Interesting. I think I see more Baratta than Houck signs. One politico told me years ago that a campaign sign in someone's lawn is the one that matters. He saiid it usually will attract votes from four homes in the immediate area.

  9. "How on Earth did they know which signs to put back on all the individual properties!!"

    I don't think they did, lol.


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