Local Government TV

Wednesday, May 03, 2023

Bethlehem's Curmudgeon: Callahan MUST Be Elected

I'm often called a curmudgeon, although I honestly prefer the term "miserable bastard." I look like a comely cheerleader in comparison to Steve Antalics, who apparently has lived in Bethlehem since the 1700s. A skinny Santa Claus, you can usually see him at City Council meetings, wagging his finger at one or all of them. His view is that, if only for the sake of government transparency,  Bryan Callahan MUST be elected to Bethlehem City Council.

Mr. O’Hare, apparently Mr. Callahan has been watching council meetings since I have been harping over time about the passivity of council and not holding wee Willie [Mayor Reynolds] to task. The appearance of pro-Willie candidates on the agenda for historic preservation but never being brought up for a vote clearly exposes “behind the scenes” negotiations. Also, some appearing to forming a mutual admiration society with the wee one. Callahan and I bumped heads but he MUST be elected since he has the penchant for “open air” quibbling which is needed simply for transparency reasons. The council desperately needs a Republican simply to act as a check and balance since sadly the present council fails in that role. Let’s all be a loving Democratic Club rather than a representative form of government. I have been a registered Democrat for 76 years. Back when if the Republicans in Bethlehem ran JC for mayor and the Democrats ran MM, Mickey would get elected. No kidding! The days of Yosko and Rooney. The Vinyards restaurant, then Pellagati’s was the old hangout or the Beethoven Mannerchor under the bridge. Dem were the days!!! And Lehigh ran panty raids at Moravian and the city went crazy over Lehigh-Lafayette and Bethlehem-Allentown Turkey Day football games. You youngsters really missed out on the “good ole days”. as a kid I loved the Roosevelt fire side chats, glued to the old oval Philco radio. This kid has been around the block a few times and some things do stick! Be well, my good man.--


  1. Steve is like a permanent fixture in council chambers. He does call a spade a spade. Callahan for council.

  2. Antalics is right on target & Callahan for all his blustering is generally on target with common sense input to offset a left wing agenda for Bethlehem starting with Reynolds.

    Antalics is a breath of fresh air with eloquent comments at council but needs help from a few council members to speak up. Ricky Butler appears to be another common sense democrat warranting our vote in 2 weeks.

  3. Bryan Callahan is the right person for city council this time around. As the old saying goes, "The enemy of my enemy is my Friend" really applies here.

  4. When Stee Antallics speaks, pay attention. He has been around longer than I have, and I am a very old lady. Steve used to babysit my older brother back in the days on Carlton Avenue, I believe when my dad was away in WWII, in defiance of the steel company, who wanted to keep him here on the job. Steve is a kind and a good and very wise man.

  5. Antalics is spot on! Callahan irritated those who wanted to have all the issues debated and resolved behind the scenes before Council walked out in front of the public. Right now, most of the current Council members are in Reynolds pockets. I don't always agree with him but the one thing I give him credit for is that Callahan has always wanted the debating done in public for the residents to hear!

    1. He only talked transparency after he was kicked out of the good Ole boys club.

  6. Kicked out because he didn’t fall in line with Wee Willie so he is not a yes man which is what we need. Jim Folweiler going to do republican write in & is most Qualified quality guy to also serve as check & balance candidate along with Callahan & hopefully Butler.


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