Local Government TV

Thursday, May 18, 2023

Cusick Asks Why County Pays Rent For Vacant Work Release Facility

West Easton wirk release center
At a NorCo Council Committee hearing yesterday, Corrections Director James Kostura was pitching the creation of some new positions at the jail when Council member John Cusick had this exchange with him:  

"How's the West Easton facility? What's going on with that?"

    - "Right now we have West Easton still remained secured at this time. I'm able to handle the numbers up at the main institution and we're looking down the road to possibly opening that up again."

"We're currently paying rent for that facility and it is unoccupied."

    - "That is correct."

"Ok, and there's no immediate timetable to use it?"

    - "Not at this time. I don't have an immediate time. No, sir."

Alright, thank you." 

Later in the meeting, Council member Ron Heckman asked Kostura how much rent is paid by the county. Kostura, understandably, was unable to say off the top of his head. 

Northampton County's work release facility in West Easton was closed during the COVID-19 outbreak. When it started up again last year, there apparently was no need to use the West Easton facility. 

Northampton County Council unanimously approved a five-year lease for the West Easton facility at its March 17, 2022 meeting for an annual rent of $436,000, with the rent increasing every year with the cost of living. The lease provides that if the county ends it, it must pay the full balance of the lease. 

Cusick's question exposed an area of possible waste of county resources. If there's no need for use as a work release facility, it could be used to temporarily house other county departments that need more room. 

His question is typical of the kinds of questions he has asked as a Council member. It's why he should be Controller. 

(Tomorrow I'll bring you the latest in Court Administrator Jermaine Greene's quest to get the juvenile justicve center staffed)


  1. So it only took one year for him to notice it was not being used?
    One year to think about having other departments who need space to use it?
    No one else noticed?
    And what is to be done about the situation except ask a question about it?

  2. Cusick is the one Council member of nine who would notice things like that. That's what he has always done as a Council member. He points out possible areas of waste or county inefficiencies. He does so without making a bigger deal than is needed bc it is not being done to score political points, but to help keep the county on an even keel. He often will have questions of a similar nature for the Exec.

    In thus case, the county is in a five year lease and would have to pay the full amount to end it. It's likely that it will need that facility soon enough. But it might be an area where some crowded departments could temporarily use. Probably not, but who knows? These are the kinds of things a controller notices and points out. You don't need a bullhorn to do it.

  3. ….and yet Cusick was the only Council member to question it. Who’s doin the homework?

  4. Why not let the Elections department take that over, have you seen their office. They are all crammed in that tiny room and when I went in there one time I heard them say the have to go up to the "other" office to store some supplies.

  5. The elections office is one of several that needs more room. There are two offices at the courthouse and a warehouse at Gracedale. By law, the elections office must be located in the county seat. I honestly don't know whether it would be a good idea to allow other departments to use the work release center temporarily. Probably not. From what I hear, the need for expansion is greatest in human services. I'd like to see the Gracedale campus, which is huge, used for any additional expansion. It is in the geographic center of the county. But that's just me thinking our loud. Other options might make more sense.

  6. So where was Zirinski during this meeting on finance? Otherwise, you are right, only McClure and Cusick are great everyone else stinks.

  7. If this guy loses the Controller race we’re screwed.

  8. If only we had a capable and diligent executive working to avoid paying for nothing. We should elect one.

  9. Why wouldn't the county executive look at this as it is a pretty large amount of money going to nothing. Good for Cusick but where is the managers of the county at budget time. Why haven't they done anything. And what a contract deal that was

  10. Cuskick voted to raise the pay of the Controller's office and now he is running. He was constantly bringing it up. He is a pension grabber. He will be paid a kinds ransom as a retired teacher only to double dip and increase that county pension as it is based on the best three years of service at the county. He wins one term he will be rolling in it. Ask around.

  11. He did vote to increase the Controller's salary to $85,000. It is a FT position. So did Zrinski. The vote was unanimous.

  12. They all voted for the increase. Tara has been heard stating she needs the full time benefits and the money. It’s no secret she is lobbying for the job based on her accountability claim rather than her lack of accounting ability.


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