Local Government TV

Friday, May 26, 2023

Charlie Dent Will Be Osborne's First Radio Guest

As I've already mentioned, former Lehigh County and South Whitehall Township Comm'r Brad Osborne has been planning a weekly radio show called "Good Morning Lehigh Valley," starting this Tuesday. The live show airs on WGPA Sunny 1100. every Tuesday from 9-10 a.m. Listeners can tune in at AM 1100, 98.5 FM, and Sunny1100.com.

The first edition of Good Morning Lehigh Valley will feature guests former Congressman Charlie Dent and IronPigs President & General Manager Kurt Landes.

Osborne's goal is to “connect listeners with community leaders, elected officials, authors, historians, and other experts in fields such as arts & entertainment, financial planning, non-profits, economics, sports, and wellness.”


  1. A big time Rhino.

  2. Lol. This should be riveting.

  3. You have the perfect face =to host a radio show.

  4. Charlie is the man!!

  5. How does one who srves as a Congressman become a millionaire. Was Charlie Dent really a representative of his district?

  6. As far as I’m concerned, Charlie Dent ended his career in Congress in disgrace. While I wish this new radio program success, I’ll pass on this episode.

  7. 8:01, His money did not come from being a Congressman but from investments his family made. I believe many members of Congress are millionaires. Charlie's net worth in 2018 was about $500,000. He certainly made more $ after leaving Congress. Wild's net worth in 2018 was $1.7 million.

  8. "As far as I’m concerned, Charlie Dent ended his career in Congress in disgrace."

    As far as I'm concerned, he's the greatest local leader I've seen in office. He ended his career with a principled stand against the three-headed monster of isolationism, protectionism, and nativism being promoted by a wannabe tyrant.

    1. Yeah....okay. 😆

    2. I agree wholeheartedly, and I’m a fairly progressively left democrat. Dent gave a clinic on how to stand for your beliefs, but also be respectful to and contemplate those opinions that differed from his.

  9. Charlie, just like Democrats, will warn of the dangers of default, and not paying our bills, just days after we blew another $350 billion on stoking WWIII in Ukraine. We're as broke as we are concerned about rising sea levels when the Obamas buy several acres of ocean front on Martha's. That's progressivism in a nutshell.

  10. I really like Charlie. A good moderate that represented the Lehigh Valley well during his tenure. Also, there is nothing wrong with earning money after one retires from office. It's called capitalism.

  11. Bernie@ 9:02AM, you and Charlie Dent both have a strong dislike for the previous President. However, now that we have new administration to compare with, most Americans would probably agree, America was in a stronger position under Trump’s leadership. Plus, on a better path going forward than the road we are on now under Biden. I assume both of you would not agree.

    Charlie Dent, and you, take too much offense over straight forward, sometimes mean, tweets. This nation is in decline. We miss someone calling out the bad actors and expecting accountability. Now, more than ever.

    1. Trump was a disgrace and brought division and hatred. There’s nothing wrong with the country other than the lunatics who have taken over a party Charlie once proudly represented

  12. Charlie was a moderate, and as such a great protector of the status quo.

    If you want to know how the federal government got into the financial mess it’s in today, it’s because of 50+ years of doing just a little too much of the wrong things.

    That’s the true legacy he and others like him (from the uni-party) left behind.

  13. Charlie Dent is a fucking asshole and a total fraud. He wouldn’t even finish his term because he was about to lose his primary by 25 points. As a grassroots Republican person in the valley, I can tell you by just doing doors that Charlie had lost the Republican base/vote. People thought he was a traitor. Nothing worse than being a traitor.

  14. Charlie Dent allowed himself to be used as a stooge, talking head, Trump basher on liberal media channels. Guess the money and adoration was too good to pass up. Loyalty to the political party and voters who originally put you in Washington pushed to the back of the bus? Not my kind of man.

  15. Charlie is only loyal to Charlie. He literally traded in his Chevrolet for a Mercedes right when he announced his retirement and was still in office. Total fraud.

  16. 7:03, Charlie was a forceful voice against the nativism, isolationism and protectionist policies being pursued by Trump and the extreme right. These are very dangerous trends, as Italy and Germany both discovered. We were on a path to fascism, and that has at least been temporarily halted. Loyalty to country trumps the cult of the leader, which fascists like you exemplify.

  17. Bernie, we can debate what term to use, but we are further down the road to fascism/socialism/communism, etc. NOW under the Biden administration. America is now unmoored from the Constitution, being directed to a Globalism construct in which national sovereignty and borders become meaningless. We are also seeing government-controlled media propaganda and censorship. We are witnessing, through a corrupt FBI and Justice Department, what begins to resemble an authoritarian police state.

    Here’s what’s different, we haven’t yet been able to identify a single person dictator figure, like a Hitler, a Castro, etc. But, we are experiencing a dominate Political Elite Class that is less interested in regular citizen determination of how we live.

    That ‘America First’ mantra made good sense then, and more so now.

  18. Charlie was a reliable never-ending war supporter. I loved how he flashed that million(s) dollar smile while sending others' kids to die in wars based upon lies. THAT'S the Dent legacy: death, war, profit. You must have been observing another moderate's career. Good grief.

  19. 1:05, America First was the same war cry used by Father Coughlin in the 1930s, when he was the number one radio star of his era. It was a harbinger of fascism then, and it is a harbinger of fascism now.

    America is far from unmoored from the Constitution. That is more nonsense. Juts yesterday, the Supreme Court ruled unanimously in favor of qa woman who lost her property to predatory state action.

    The government controlled media argument is sheer lunacy especially when FOX is apparently the most popular news cannel.

    And yes, we have identified the new leader of the movement towards fascism. His name is Trump.

  20. As a life long democrat, only one time did I ever crossover to vote for a Republican. That was Charlie Dent. Good man. We need more like him in Congress.

    1. You ought to go on the comedy circuit. 🤣

  21. I'm voting for Trump (several times - three dead relatives - at the laughably unsecured drop box at Gracedale) just to keep Bernie thinking about Trump every second of his empty days. Harvesting is real and Rs are about to catch Ds. The guys who do it second always do it better.

  22. 7:34 -

    Bottom line, love him or hate him, President Trump had America on a stronger footing financially, militarily, and respectfully in the minds of foreign leaders. Our border security was more under our control, the new border wall was well in progress, we were more energy independent, and inflation was lower, and the U.S. dollar stronger. I will also add, major urban areas were safer from crime, the rate of bankruptcies lower.

    Charlie Dent was somehow unhappy about all that. He found it intolerable to continue on in government so he left.

  23. Charlie Dent was a moderate Republican who represented the Lehigh Valley very well for his time in Congress!
    He is a man of morals and seemed to be pushed out in a time of MAGA Republicans that demanded loyalty to their Leader Trump!
    Many good GOP Congress people left during this unsettling and divisive time incited by the part President!
    I wish him the best!

  24. If Charlie Dent had any morals he would’ve sent his kids to the wars he voted for and so adamantly supported.

  25. The Honorable Charles Dent was and still is the original appropriator and governing caucus of the US Congress.


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