Local Government TV

Thursday, April 27, 2023

NorCo Council Prez Kerry Myers Switches Sides and Seeks GOP Write-In Nomination

Northampton County Council President Kerry Myers was a Democrat until 3 pm yesterday afternoon. That's when he switched sides to become a Republican. About 15 minutes later, at a news conference conducted inside the courthouse rotunda, GOP Chair Glenn Geissinger welcomed Myers into the fold and asked fellow Republicans to write Myers in as the Republican candidate for Easton District (Easton, West Easton, Glendon, Stockertown, Tatamy, Forks and Palmer). Also present at this news conference were Republican Council members John Brown, Tom Giovanni and John Goffredo as well as judicial candidate Nancy Aaroe, who seems to have forgotten that she is seeking the nomination of both Republicans and Democrats. You can see a Facebook Live of this presser, thanks to Margie Mandell. 

Unfortunately, the acoustics inside the courthouse rotunda are terrible. It is hard to decipher exactly what people are saying. 

Standing in front of Northampton County's Liberty Bell, Geissinger kicked things off  by stating that when the Republican party was founded 170 years ago, its party platform complained "[t]hat the present Democratic Administration has far exceeded our worst apprehensions." He then went on to say this is true of the current Democratic administration in Northampton County. He complained about Executive Lamont McClure's refusal to order a performance audit at Gracedale or a pay study for the workforce, and argued that the only way to get these things done is with a "strong governing body."

Myers' Fatally Defective Nomination Petition

Geissinger glossed over Myers' fatally defective nomination petition, "The voters need to have a choice and Mr. McClure needs to know that his political maneuvering will stop and are stopped by the people of this county."

I'd have sympathy for Myers if he actually had the support of 250 registered Democrats who live in his district.  But Myers was too lazy to go out and get the support he needed. That's nobody's fault but his. 

Myers, a lifelong Democrat, had filed a nomination petition seeking ballot access in the primary election. It was challenged by Forks Tp Democrats Ed Keegan, husband of Myers' primary opponent Kelly Keegan, as well as Laurie Jackson. They were represented by Bucks County election lawyer Larry Otter. At a hearing before Senior Judge Ed Reibman, Otter established that many of those who had signed Myers's petition lived outside the district, were registered to other parties or weren't registered at all. 

Myers was simply forced to concede his signatures were invalid. He explained at one point that he was circulating in [Shiloh Baptist] church on a Sunday morning and "had five petitions going at one time." By his own admission, Myers was using a church for political purposes. God probably took a dim view of this tactic. 

Myers admitted his nomination petition was fatally defective, but apparently thinks we all should have looked the other way. "If this is the game they want to play, I'm all in," he groused. 

Myers Blames McClure For His Failure

Myers had the same opportunity as all other Council candidates to get the requisite 250 signatures at numerous events aside from dropping off six nomination petitions at Shiloh Church and hoping for the best. There were numerous signing parties being hosted by Democrats at which he failed to appear. But  Myers chose to blame McClure for his troubles. "It seems like I was not playing well in the sandbox," he said. He was pushed out for refusing to be a rubber stamp. 

What Makes Myers Think 250 Republicans Will Support Him? 

Republican Council members John Brown, Tom Giovanni and John Goffredo voted No to Kerry Myers in January, when he ran for County Council President.  They preferred Council member John Cusick, who abstained from voting at all after he was nominated.  It took the votes of all five Democratic Council members, including Myers, for him to get the presidency. Republican Council members know what Myers is like. 

On Council, he has been a bully with a penchant for foul language. He slammed fellow Council members who tabled  the nomination of an elections commissioner when it was discovered that she works for a candidate seeking re-election. That's an obvious conflict, but Myers was incensed and wanted her appointed anyway because she is black. "If you want to go down that road, be my guest," he barked at Council members.  "But be prepared to take the heat for it."  

Council later appointed a black elections commissioner who had no conflict. 

During a meeting last year, Myers betrayed his overbearing style when he went into full bully mode on Sheriff Rich Johnston. Myers actually stated that, if he were a Deputy Sheriff, he'd refuse to take orders from Johnston.  

Myers: "I may be the only one here, but - Whooo! - I have a hard time saying I wanna take orders from this guy because I think my life would be in danger. But you hired him. 

McClure: "That's an outrageous statement. No one's life is in danger. None of the management decisions that were questioned tonight put anyone's life in danger. That's an outrageous statement. 

Myers: "Stop. This is my meeting. You can walk away frustrated and mad as hell. I'm running this meeting."

Myers never apologized for his disgusting remarks about the Sheriff, who has more personal integrity than most people I know. He is precisely where he needs to be. 

Myers likes to brag that he was elected with 72% of the vote. He fails to realize that he was elected in a statewide blue wave, He seems to have forgotten that he failed to make it out of the primary in a previous try for County Council ... and in a previous school board race. He forgets that when he left Easton's School Board, it was running at a deficit and he was threatening layoffs unless unions made concessions. He is a polarizing figure who makes McClure look like Mr. Rogers. 

Late last year, he brought his braggadocio to a meeting at Easton Area School District

"I don't need a microphone. You can turn that damn thing off. I am Kerry Myers. Most of you know me, some of you don't. I am the current President of the Varsity E. I'm also the Vice President of Northampton County Council. I'm a former school board member, past President and VP of this organization. I vowed I never come back in this building when I left in 2011. That didn't work." He later added, "I am a 1972 alum. I was the Captain of the basketball team that only finished third in the state. I have my connections. ... ."

He's rather full of himself. 

As if all this were  not enough, we learned in February that he was using his Twitter account to engage in racy dialogue with bots he thought were MILFS. This demonstrates both creepiness and stupidity.  He claimed he was hacked, using the Sal Panto defense, even though there were numerous tweets on that account that only could have come from him. 

Republicans know all this about Myers. He is a self-serving politician who is using them to get what he wants. If he was unable to get 250 signatures from Democrats, what makes him think Republicans will want to write him in? 

Other Sources:

Morning Call

Lehigh Valley News


  1. "He is a polarizing figure who makes McClure look like Mr. Rogers."

    Even Vladimir Putin can't make McClure look like Mr. Rogers.lol So whick of the gang wrote this for you? You can't blame Myers; McClure has recruited an antre team of yes people. The guy will get his way or sink the democrats trying.

  2. Bernie,

    I admit I am naïve, but what do the Republicans gain by promoting this Benedict Arnold?

    Confused in NorCo

    1. A Majority, control of county council.

  3. Myers has his faults, yes, and he can be quite cantankerous. But, he does have positive traits that have been mentioned on this blog. Keegan, however, is one whom I've yet to hear any positive words about. She's active on social media (some Forks Twp pages) and contributes little other than insulting and shouting down anyone who disagrees with her. She doesn't come off as a pleasant person at all. She's clearly far-left and will likely just rubber stamp everything McClure proposes. I doubt Myers will win but he is the better choice of the two.

  4. Wow, is that the brady list cop(dishonesty)/school board candidate AJ Maniscalco by Nancy Aaroe?
    I can't believe they hailed Kerry as a hero at the ncrc.....gross🤮

  5. As a Republican I would NEVER vote for Myers, he is a bully and is disgusting. I’m really surprised he hasn’t turned this into a race issue.

  6. Wow, bad move Glenn

  7. Word on the street is Lori Vargo is next to switch.

  8. This is the problem with the GOP in Northampton County. What are they thinking. They should have had the knucklehead Lynch standing next to him. And I am a registered republican in northampton County.

  9. Looks like Glenn and his minions are the only R's welcoming Kerry with open arms. MAGA Myers is already wearing thin.

  10. Did anyone ask Glenn about Kerry's Twittergate? Heard he responded to a ton of hot white MILF Bots... giving me Trump "grab them by the pu**y" vibes. Way to go GOP.

  11. "Did anyone ask Glenn about Kerry's Twittergate? Heard he responded to a ton of hot white MILF Bots... giving me Trump "grab them by the pu**y" vibes. Way to go GOP."

    I did not speak to Glenn. I did speak to one of the three GOP Council members who were there. I will not mention him by name bc I did not seek permission to use his name. I pointed to all of Myers' specific shortcomings, which he has seen himself, and asked how he could support a person like that. He said he could be Myers will be a check on Exec overreach and that trumps his shortcomings. I view it the other way around.

    1. Ahh Bernie you understand the logic: "Better in my camp then burning it down." Besides we Republicans are not the party of hate; you know the slave issue, the Civil War, Jim Crow, the KKK and the list of racist history is jammed pack with the Democratic Parties history. We Republicans even love you, so come on board the love train, choo choo. : )

  12. Wait, there’s still a Republican Party?

    Guise, that party will never win any significant election again. That shipped sailed when y’all decided to become ole fascist on us.

    But yeah, keep voting Republican. It’s just ensure that democrats will always win.

  13. Kerry Myers got my write-in. Lets go ROVERS!!

  14. Myers is their pink elephant in the room now. Imagine that Myers was so lazy that he couldn't get 250 of his own party's signatures, he was removed from the ballot, and then claims it wasn't his fault and takes no responsibility for it. He claims it's Lamont's fault and that he didn't play nice in the sandbox, however the real reason is he has no supporters. No one likes him. And not just Lamont, you'd be hard pressed to get anyone in the Democratic Party who supports him.
    Well anyway....he's all yours Republicans. And he is lazy, obnoxious, a know it all, and, oh yeah, lazy. The Republicans are going to have to work very hard to get that life long Democrat to win, I hope they have the energy for it. Because Myers will be sitting back and watching.

  15. I love it when a plan comes together. Onward and upward Kerry :) . They’re more reasonable than the Dems when talking about reparations go on with your bad self.

  16. With all the posting by Barron plus his wandering the Halls. When does he and the other members of the gang get any real work done.

  17. Elected officials should not be able to switch parties until their current office has been served. Myers is not a good person for Northampton County! He's a fraud! Always has been.

  18. Why are there so many ads on your blog?

    1. Good question! What's up with that, Bernie? Literally just started today or maybe yesterday. Never saw any ads before

  19. Don't fret Glenn, O'Hare is on the McClure bandwagon, in fact he drives the bus. McClure is an O'Hare mancrusdh. His assignment is to smear Myers and help McClure's picks.

  20. There must be something to this, Bernie, if Mr. McClure and you are protesting this much. Let’s see what the voters decide in May.

  21. I wonder if the new Republican Majority will fire the Solicitor and Council Staff ?

  22. What's up is I decided to try to monetize it again. I did it years ago, but was fired by google for invalid traffic. I chose not to advertize bc I did not want to solicit and compromise my independence. Adsense has lifted my suspension and I am seeing if I can make some $. What I like is that I have nothing to do with the ads other than saying I don't want certain kinds of ads like porn or diet pills. If the ads start to clutter this blog, I will stop them.

    1. Thank you for providing clarification on the ads. Good to see you getting some compensation for what you do. I don't always agree with what you say but your providing valuable insights. It's good to know you are getting some type of compensation.

    2. Stated as a true anti-capitalist

  23. If past experience is any guide, I'll be suspended in a month or two.

    1. I appreciate you covering these stories, Bernie. I have two subscriptions to local newspapers and rarely see these topics covered. Thank you for keeping us informed on current events

  24. The only compensation you deserve for this ,yellow journalism blahg is being designated a son of perdition

  25. This is america, who gives a damn if he wants to make a few dollars to find King Allentown, and return him from the Azov battalion!

  26. Council must reorganize after this turn of events. Myer's credibility is now shot. He is a mere opportunist and stands for nothing but his own political goals. Screw the system he has sworn to uphold. A turncoat/carpet bagger.


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