Local Government TV

Monday, December 26, 2022

Ken Kraft To Run For Office He Abandoned For Himself

As I feared, former Northampton County Council member Ken Kraft, who resigned to take an exempt (political) appointment with the county under Executive Lamont McClure, has announced that he's running to represent District One again.  His candidacy is insulting. He already quit Council in the middle of his term to take a political appointment at the jail. Now that he has five years in, he can collect a pension and go back to being a rubber stamp for McClure. 

Kraft told WFMZ-TV69 that he wants "to do what is best for NorCo (Northampton County) and not a party," but that's complete horseshit. Ken Kraft is interested in Ken Kraft. He's already abandoned office once midstream just to pad his pension. Why on earth would we want someone who put his own financial interest over his duty to his district? Moreover, as a former trade union agent and Dem appointee to the Elections Commission, he's as partisan as it gets. If you get past that, how can someone who worked as a McClure political hire be considered a true check and balance on the Executive? I think McClure is a good Exec, but ham-handed power plays like this actually hurt him more than they help. Finally, Kraft has no filter. He has a tendency to be abrasive and put his foot in his mouth. 

Over two thousand years ago, Marcus Cato spoke against the revolving door of the same tired faces constantly stepping in and out of public office. "You appear to think either the office is not worth much or else that there are not many worthy people to fill it," he admonished Romans.

District One is not Rome, but consists of Bethlehem, Hellertown, Williams and Lower Saucon Tp. It certainly includes people who are far more worthy than Kraft, but he's banking that no one takes him on.  The biggest issue in that district right now is the expansion of the Bethlehem landfill. Where has Kraft been? Nowhere. 


  1. Com'on now... he's just being a regular 'ol democrat...kinda like a boy scout, but without the trustworthy part.

  2. Yeah I don't now what's in the water over there in Lower Saucon Township as the council have fucked up the library community and now the landfill debacle, I'd agree that the county needs to stick their nose into this!

  3. I understand we need to be able to dispose of our garbage. Nobody likes landfills, but they are necessary evils. What bothers me about this proposed expansion is that, according to opponents, some of it might be on land that is preserved or restricted. If so, the county would definitely have standing to complain. If not, I doubt there's much a county government can do. Given the importance of this issue and the impact it has on the quality of life for residents of District One, a candidate for County Council should be someone who takes an interest in that district issue. Ken Kraft has no done so. I think the county would be better served by someone who actually cares more about the district than himself.

  4. "Com'on now... he's just being a regular 'ol democrat...kinda like a boy scout, but without the trustworthy part."

    Here's a fun fact. Proponents of the expansion happen to all be mostly Republican. They are the party who wanted to give a tax break for another warehouse in Wilson Borough, too. So if you're expecting a GOP candidate who would speak out against a landfill expansion, dream on. Moreover, this is a blue district. The only way Kraft loses is if he is primaried by someone who has grass roots support and some money to counter the trade union money Kraft will grab. There are people in Lower Saucon who could run, but whether they do is questionable.

    I wish Kraft were an old school Dem who actually took an interest in the concerns of his district. But instead, he'll just be padding a pension and providing a rubber stamp to an executive instead of providing oversight.

    I support Lamont McClure, but he needs oversight just as any Exec needs oversight. That will not happen with Kraft.

  5. County Council could vote to appeal any DEP permit. Moreover, the county is specifically permitted to comment on any application.

  6. McClure is getting an early start on his man to help control council. You are right of course. By announcing this early they hope to scare others off. Kraft will get lots of old union money as does McClure. The only hang-up could be in the new expanded district if a younger female dem runs, she could end up getting the nomination. Your assessment of the candidacy is dead on.

  7. Ken Krap is repulsive and perfectly represents why so many people despise government. Bernie only criticizes the tip of the iceberg on this blog. There are so many grifters, just like dishonest Ken Krap. He looks at his family after doing lowdown shit like this. Nice example.

    Kids, be honorable when you grow up. Be the opposite of Ken Krap.

  8. Ken Kraft is what he is (a political opportunist) but he doesn't make the laws. He is only doing what all the money grabbers before him have done and that is called "greed". How many other "councilmen/councilwoman" are receiving pensions based on their part time years? Are Public defenders, solicitors, Asst DA's all part time and in the pension plan? Blame the liberal pension laws for this abuse. Does he also get Medical benefits from the County? Let's be fair and list all the people who have done what Kraft is doing. There has got to be another forty to fifty on that list. Too many part timers getting pensions with medical benefits.

  9. Two blogs on your Blog List have had good info about the landfill, library, and township meeting issues. Republicans getting donations from the landfill, short meeting notices to avoid public comment, Zarinski, etc.

  10. "Ken Kraft is what he is (a political opportunist) but he doesn't make the laws. He is only doing what all the money grabbers before him have done and that is called "greed". "

    Agree and disagree. I have nothing against public pensions, which are earned and deserved. But Krap actually abandoned an elected office in the middle of a term so he could pad his pension as a political appointee and now wants to return to the same position he abandoned before. The reason McClure said he appointed him (aside from the politics) is that he needed someone to scrutinize jail contracts. If that is so, then that need is still there. No this is all about Kraft taking care of himself and McClure's need to fill Council with another Yes man. It's selfish on Kraft's part. He certainly has no interest in any issues. I support McClure, but he needs oversight and is actually better when it is there. He won't get it from Krap.

    1. Sure Bernie, Someone to say yes to good ideas, how dare they agree with sound policy

  11. Please indulge me a bit here and allow some latitude. A week ago, you lauded a neophyte who is running for judge not on his experience, but rather his name. Your praise of this man, who has a huge lack of experience, was effusive. You also failed to mention that he was, more than likely, being bankrolled by Dad.

    Today, you slam Ken Kraft for “abandoning” elected office to “pad his pension.” I think there is a lot about Mr. Kraft that is sketchy, but why is his money grab any different from Brian Panella’s? Kraft seems qualified, has years of experience and I imagine his pad-the-pension job was more than pencil-pushing. Mr. Panella, on the other hand, has very little experience and is showing himself as an opportunist.

    Funny how one garners praise and the other derision.

  12. Brother Steve aimed his scope a little too high going for the big Kahuna off the bat, I’d love to see him metaphorically slay some of these tax and spend neo liberal cucks like Kenny Kraft a known union associate of one Mediterranean man slab and Jimmy Schlener birds of a feather…


  13. whether you folks like it or not we are here to stay it wont be long befire we own all the property on applebutter road we need somewhere to put the trash and here we are to stay..as for ken kraft he was never any good for the county and now that he part owner of dutch springs he needs to get back in county gov. so he can push thru what ever he wants once agin...live and learn!!!

  14. Kraft is one of the Council Clowns that gave ridiculous salaries to the Council office employees. I would have gotten my boss coffee each morning if he gave me such a huge salary when he left.

  15. You are an interesting guy. You will attack many people but even when you sort of chide one of your guys you must praise them as well. Over the years you have attacked Trump and all his apologists and followers for being blind enablers. Yet you are the same thing with McClure. You attack Kraft who like Lott was put up to run by McClure, but you cannot help but quickly add how you like McClure. You have a similar Trump problem with McClure.

    McClure is an autocratic belly who cannot work well with others unless he gets his way. His minions are there to run interference and destroy opposition for him. Why do you even bother to write about anything regarding the executive. Why not write about the iron pigs jersey McClure got with his name on it. It only cost taxpayers 200 million. What a deal.

    1. McClure did not put Kraft up yo run, they served on council at the same time. Lott also was not put up by McClure for office

  16. Why do you allow trumpy juvenile responses like that Krap comment . I dont vote there so I have no say as to who gets in. However didn't we have enough of these bullshit trump monikers these last 6 years.

  17. "Please indulge me a bit here and allow some latitude. A week ago, you lauded a neophyte who is running for judge not on his experience, but rather his name."

    This is a rather clumsy attempt to work in an attack in the upcoming judicial race. It's also inaccurate. I support Brian because, despite his chronological age, he displays more maturity than some of the current occupants of the bench. I know many young lawyers who would be excellent on the bench. There was a time when we elected young lawyers like Freedberg to the bench.

  18. "Why do you allow trumpy juvenile responses like that Krap comment "

    Because it's entirely warranted and is precisely the way he talks himself. Let him taste some of his own medicine.

  19. "You are an interesting guy. You will attack many people but even when you sort of chide one of your guys you must praise them as well. Over the years you have attacked Trump and all his apologists and followers for being blind enablers. Yet you are the same thing with McClure. You attack Kraft who like Lott was put up to run by McClure, but you cannot help but quickly add how you like McClure. You have a similar Trump problem with McClure."

    This is pretty much 100% inaccurate. First, I have not attacked ALL of Trump's followers and apologists. I only attack MAGAs who have become fascists like Trump. Second, I dislike Trump and do like McClure. He has been very effective as Exec, but I have criticized him over low salaries and a sometimes autocratic approach. McClure is looking for a reliable vote, but that's not in the best interests of the county. He, like anyone, needs oversight, not a rubber stamp.

  20. I heard tell that if Krafty wins, they're gonna name the landfill after him. Krafty's landfill. Has a nice ring to it don't it.
    By the way, I read Brian Panella's announcement, and although I think I could have done a better job than the six grader who authored the press release, I was impressed with such a young guy having an older lawyers credentials. He gives back to the community. My kind of man.

    1. Kraft is on the stop landfill site on Facebook and active on it, wonder what MAGA scumbag is posting this nonsense

  21. Annon 6:02, thanks for that update. McClure ensured the pigs millionaire owners got thousands of tax dollars and was gifted a custom baseball jersey. Bernie O'Hare would not report that one on his mancrush,.

  22. Kraft is only out for himself. He will stab "friends" in the back if he thinks it will help him and his ambitions. He has a history of screwing over friends--which is how he got in good with the Painters Union.

    And Bernie, Freedberg had 10 years of experience when elected, and he still pissed off some of the older attorneys.

  23. I have no idea whether McClure recruited Kraft to run for Council or not. But he certainly recruited him to be his employee. He appointed him to GPA. So I think it's more likely than not that there's a connection between McClure and Kraft, as well as McClure and Lott. They both were reliable rubber stamps for him.

  24. "Kraft is on the stop landfill site on Facebook and active on it, wonder what MAGA scumbag is posting this nonsense"

    Kraft does not care one bit about anything other than himself. As soon as McClure got elected, he abandoned his elective office midstream to take a high-paying job with the county so he could pad his pension. Now he can buy his military time as well as his years on Council at his lowest salary and get a nice monthly check so he can continue to play. I know hi9s game.

    He now wants the very people he abandoned to return him to office. He thinks they're stupid. He will be there simply to say Yes to whatever McClure wants and will provide no oversight. I support McClure, but every Exec needs meaningful oversight.

    He has played no role whatsoever in attempting to stop the expansion or be involved in any of the issues impacting his district. I make this assertion as someone who is very anti-Trump and anti-MAGA. His sop-called no profit, which really is a diving club for people who have lots of extra $, is not even in his district.

  25. I find it truly disgusting what ppl are seeing here. A guy gets elected and takes care of his buddy that helped him get elected. Gives him a job that does nothing. Then gives him a raise on top of that so he can get a bigger pension off the tax payers dollar. And now ppl are talking about reelecting this guy. And anyone who says Kraft is pro union is crazy. He did everything he could to screw the COs . Kraft learned that part of the position very fast when he took the COs side one time. Then was educated on how his position works. It's even more sad to have a director who is supposed to be this honorable military man get in front of council and praise Kraft. But hell county politics as usual. And now they are business partners. It all works out.

  26. Kraft is pro-union if it is a trade union. Are you suggesting that Kraft and the jail director are business partners in this "nonprofit"? If so, how can he provide oversight for any requests made at the jail? I was unaware of this connection. This candidacy is really a bad idea.

    1. Lol. Who is kraft partner at Dutch springs??? Do a little investigation if you consider yourself a little more then Lamonts mouth piece

  27. "I have no idea whether McClure recruited Kraft to run for Council or not."

    You are joking, right? You know full well this was worked out between Lott, Kraft and McClure. Krafty won't take a carap without getting McClure's permission.

  28. I have no idea whether Kraft was recruited, and neither do you. Kraft was itching to do this, so I tend to doubt he was recruited. Anyone who runs for public office has to spend $, and I doubt McClure will give him much if any until the general. Of course Kraft, can count on the trade unions. I have reason to think he was not recruited. First, it's terrible optics for McClure to have someone who was a part of his administration run to provide oversight. Second, I suspect Kraft will have his hand out to get every grant he can lay his hands on for his so-called non profit. Third, Kraft insults most of the Council members, even those in his own party. He's actually worse than me. Fourth, having him on Council will provide lots of ammo against McClure should he seek a third term.

    Bethlehem, Lower Saucon, Hellertown and Williams have plenty of fine people who could do a good job without all the baggage Kraft brings. He should focus on finding the right person and drop out.

  29. Bernie: You're a title searcher, you should check out the inside deal that Kraft and his company DIVING IMMERSION & VOCATIONAL, EDUCATION LLC got on the quarry. I've heard they got the land/lake for free, and they even got out of paying realty transfer tax on the quarry. They said it had no value---but yet Kraft and his partner want to run a business there. Its amazing how McClure fought against that deal and then his buddy Kraft ends up with the lake and some land for free.

  30. "Lol. Who is kraft partner at Dutch springs??? Do a little investigation if you consider yourself a little more then Lamonts mouth piece"

    A corporate filing does not reveal the partners. Since you think you know, tell us. I believe it is the owner of a diving shop.

    "you should check out the inside deal that Kraft and his company DIVING IMMERSION & VOCATIONAL, EDUCATION LLC got on the quarry. I've heard they got the land/lake for free, and they even got out of paying realty transfer tax on the quarry. They said it had no value---but yet Kraft and his partner want to run a business there. Its amazing how McClure fought against that deal and then his buddy Kraft ends up with the lake and some land for free."

    They did get the lake for nothing. An affidavit indicates no transfer tax is due bc a quarry lake is valueless. The state, municipality and school districts are the beneficiaries of transfer tax, not the county. If this statement is wrong, it will be challenged. I think it's wrong.

    The deed comes with multiple restrictions as well as a right of reversion. One of them indicates the quarry lake may not be used by the general public for recreation. No boat launches are permitted. This will be used to train divers who are first responders.

    The grantee is a LLC, not a nonprofit.

    1. I believe the person already did in that comment before....

  31. The property was sold for 16 million dollars. All taxes paid then sub divided into 3 parcels as approved by all involved.

  32. It's Dutch Springs with a new owner. This is not an exclusive site for training first responders. Check out the Lake Hydra website and the article in Lehigh Valley Live.


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