Local Government TV

Monday, November 21, 2022

Left and Right Criticized For Expressing Sympathy After Colorado Springs Shooting

Over the weekend, we were all victimized by the latest mass shooting.  A lone gunman entered a gay bar in Colorado Springs and started shooting. Five people are dead and another 25 are wounded. A suspect is in custody. It's unclear to me whether this is a hate crime, mental illness or both. There is no dispute this is a mass shooting. Sadly, liberals who have offered condolences are being slammed by phony patriots, and conservatives who have sympathized are getting slammed from the left. We are as divided as ever, thanks to the extremes.

I did not vote for Senator-elect John Fetterman. But after the shooting, he tweeted he is "angry" and "devastated" "Our hearts are with Colorado Springs." 

Failed NorCo Exec candidate and drama queen Steve Lynch reacted to this sympathy tweet by accusing "Fetterwoman" of "hypocrisy." "You're going to wish you stayed in the shadows as you did as lieutenant governor. Better to be thought a fool than to open your mouth and prove everybody right."

I believe that's what Lynch himself did. 

On a completely different planet than Fetterman, pistol-packin' Lauren Boebert tweeted, "This morning the victims & their families are in my prayers. This lawless violence needs to end and end quickly.”

Just as Fetterman was slammed by Lynch. Boebert was attacked by squad member AOC with this: "You don’t get to “thoughts and prayers” your way out of this. Look inward and change."

Fetterman and Boebert are both vilified for acting like decent human beings by extremists on the other side who clearly lack any empathy.  


  1. Bernie, c’mon. The reason democrats reacted to Boebert’s tweet in that way is because we all know she’s full of shit. Like all the way to the top FULL OF SHIT. She’s never cared about the LGBTQ community in Colorado Springs and has aligned with policies and organizations that actively attack the queer community.

    The brilliant AOC is consistently calling out hypocrites like Boebert and her MAGGOT followers who call themselves devout Christians, but are unable to accept anyone in their lives that doesn’t look like them.

    Do I believe Fetterman’s tweet was sincere? I wouldn’t know.

    But we ALL know Boebert’s wasn’t based on her prior actions.

    1. The brilliant AOC LOL. Listen to her talk she’s a moron.

  2. Lynch also opened his mouth and proved himself a fool with this tweet:

    "Last night when Trump got reactivated on Twitter and I found his profile he was at 2 million followers... Just now when I checked his account he's over 80 million followers! Never forget though Joe Biden got 81 million votes but go ahead and check his following out... Stolen!"

    For someone who thinks he's so smart, he clearly doesn't understand that not every follower = a registered US voter.

    This one from Facebook on Saturday was my favorite though. You'd think after how much he looks at himself in the mirror for his alpha clown selfies he'd realize how much of a hypocrite he actually is!

    "I see a lot of "holier than though" posts as of late on my feed. People telling other people how they should respond to things, how they should behave, how they need to process things differently... This one's for you.."

  3. This is not a time for both-sidesism. This is the killing of people, including a transgender person, in a gay club on Trans Day of Remembrance. Only the extreme right, including Lauren Boebert herself, is whipping up hate and fomenting violence against trans folks.

  4. Wait, did you just call AOC an extremist? I'm glad we agree on something. Whether talking Extremist looney Lynch, or extremist policy ideas of AOC, we are stuck with extremists getting the headlines.

    1. Stop buying into Fox propaganda, AOC is NOT an extremist by any stretch of the imagination. AOC questions and holds bigots accountable for their actions and you call that extreme? You obviously don’t know what the definition of the word is. AOC doesn’t condone violence, but Steve Lynchtard does, and he’s one anabolic steroid jab away from acting out this violence. Y’all just believe everything in your echo chamber.

    2. AOC is a socialist. She believes that a sovereign government can print as CB much money as it wants with no consequences. She hates Law Enforcement and still believes that police budget should be reallocated. Yes she’s an extremist!

  5. This is not a time for both-sidesism. This is the killing of people, including a transgender person, in a gay club on Trans Day of Remembrance. Only the extreme right, including Lauren Boebert herself, is whipping up hate and fomenting violence against trans folks.

  6. The post ignores that context is everything. Boebert has been quite vocal in accusing LGBT supporters of “grooming” children and in August criticized drag shows (which this bar regularly hosted) as a “depravity.” Her rhetoric is fuel for these types of hate crimes and indeed wholly hypocritical.

  7. @9:55, Context? So if calling out the drag shows in elementary schools and allowing men to enter bathrooms with young girls, is hate, how then should one go about challenging these practices? If you think its wrong, what you are saying is that by speaking out against it is fueling a mass shooting?
    So I guess we should all just sit back and accept that our daughters now have to share restrooms with men and our children must be exposed to drag queens in elementary school, or else we risk a mass shooting. Sacrifice the youth for the acceptance of these events. Great idea.

  8. 7:49 just nailed it. No merit to Boebert's tweet, considering her past actions. And String Top Steven... well, he's just a Neanderthal mouth breather. Most people wouldn't expect anything other than stupidity from him.

  9. "AOC is NOT an extremist by any stretch of the imagination. "

    She's an extremist. She pressured Dems to remove $1 billion from funding for Israel's Iron Dome defense, which protects its civilians from 5,000 Hamas missiles launched in the month of May alone. She falsely suggested Israel cages Palestinian children. She has participated in calls to defund the police. So yeah, she's extreme. She is not a Democrat, by the way.

    1. Am I living in a multi-verse here? You call voting on the congressional floor extreme? Am I losing my mind here? Because I can’t believe you just said that.

      Firstly, you failed to add in your commentary that AOC eventually changed her vote in support of the Iron Dome funding after backlash, but to be honest with you, her explanation for voting against it was not outlandish. She cited her initial decision was made entirely based on the persistent human rights abuses against the Palestinian people by Israel. And she has a point. Elevating Palestinian concerns about the region is not being anti-Semitic, but instead making people aware that this is far more complicated than meets the eye.

      She made a mistake in her eyes, she owned up to it, and apologized. Isn’t that what you preach on this blog - mistakes happen, but good people say sorry and learn from it.

      But you consider AOC an extremist. I don’t get you sometimes Berns…

    2. Cut police budgets. Modern Monetary Theory. Admitted Socialist. Insinuated anti semitism. If you don’t think those are extreme political positions in America then you need to seek help you’re not well.

    3. @6:27

      And she’s absolutely right about all of it.

      We are now entering “late stage capitalism” in this country, and just like economists have predicted, the current system is beginning to crumble, because it’s unsustainable. The exploitative nature of capitalism ruined this country, Reagan ruined this country when he gave the wealthy in this country more power than they should ever have. And covid just accelerated this outcome.

      The police have become wardens of the state are are only here to protect the interest of billionaires and corporations - they don’t even solve crimes anymore, and as Uvalde has shown, they’re not even hiding the fact that they’re not here to protect you or your family.

      You need to start changing your opinions about this “great” country of yours because it’s eating you alive. And people like AOC are trying to change that. Quit your herd mentality and listen to other people for a change.

    4. Like I said. Seek help immediately lol.

    5. @11:21

      Sure that’s all you have, nothing to say but always wanting to center yourself in a conversation you’re to stupid to have.

      Everything’s a joke to you until the hatred and the violence that you promote in your rhetoric lands on your doorstep.

  10. Why can't we just wait for all the facts to come out before we accuse each other of being responsible for something that nobody but the shooter was responsible for?

  11. "Why can't we just wait for all the facts to come out before we accuse each other of being responsible for something that nobody but the shooter was responsible for?"

    I'm not talking about the usual pro gun and anti-gun rhetoric that accompanies these tragedies. I am talking about condemnations of people for simply expressing their sympathy for the victims and their families. No facts need to come out for that.

  12. Regarding Lynch, I realize he's living rent-free in Bernie's head but why do his comments even appear in this post?

    AOC, Fetterman and Boebert are all elected officials, Lynch isn't.

    To most of us, his comments matter no more than any other private citizen's comments.

    As to the comments attributed to elected officials in Bernie's post, I'm fine with the comments of both Fetterman and Boebert. I don't understand why other elected officials have to use the situation to attack others (like AOC).

  13. Lynch is an elected member of the GOP State Committee, so he is an elected official, not a private citizen. He considers himself a public figure and has a separate Facebook page as such. I will continue to call his nonsense what it is.

  14. "You call voting on the congressional floor extreme? Am I losing my mind here? Because I can’t believe you just said that."

    It certainly can be. Voting against an iron dome to protect innocent human beings is extreme. She voted NO to a much needed infrastructure bill bc it failed to contain everything she wanted. That's extreme. She has privately threatened 26 House centrists with primaries if they dare work with Rs on gun violence. She's extreme.

  15. Bernie O'Hare said:

    "Lynch is an elected member of the GOP State Committee, so he is an elected official, not a private citizen. He considers himself a public figure and has a separate Facebook page as such. I will continue to call his nonsense what it is."

    I think it's ridiculous to elevate a low-level party official to the level of a US Senator (elect) or member of the House.

    But hey, your blog, your rules. I'm sure it makes Lynch feel much more important than he actually is.

  16. Lol - that’s ridiculous. So I guess every single Republican that voted against bills that helped the average American citizen is extreme.

    Mitch McConnell voted against a bill that codified interracial marriages, and he’s married to an Asian woman.

    What a rebellious extremist he is…

    1. 12:01- Exactly. Sometimes I think Bernie is off the rails or back on the sauce. Perhaps both.

  17. It appears Bobert made her statement with crossed rifles above her in a picture I saw. Don't know if it was true.

  18. I understand why AOC said what she did regarding Boebert's reaction to another mass murder with an assault weapon. Ms Boebert is an assault weapon ownership supporter. After killing after killing with these weapons there is no end in sight. Boebert is in a position to help curb the use of these weapons and reducing these killings so how sincere can her thoughts and prayers be? AOC is saying she is part of the problem. Read Boebert's thoughts on assault weapons.

  19. After seeing Boebart's Christmas card with guns ....who can blame AOC?

  20. AOC and NRA Barbie are members of the "pro wrestling wing" of politics. I see that the fan base is out defending their sides and talking past each other as usual.

    It's unfortunate that these turds are making hay off this tragic event.

  21. Let me get this straight. People who pray are heartless. Gaslighting is the new black.

  22. You have engaged in deceptive quotation. What AOC said, in full, was this:

    “You have played a major role in elevating anti-LGBT+ hate rhetoric and anti-trans lies while spending your time in Congress blocking even the most common sense gun safety laws.

    “You don’t get to ‘thoughts and prayers’ your way out of this.

    “Look inward and change.”

    1. How typical of her to lecture and order someone to do something. The woman is a dolt.

  23. When every other post is used to throw shade at Brother Steve one has to presume the author’s mind is fixated on the mans burly shredded being.

    Challenging him to a bicycle race might have just been your way of trying to see him in Lycra, let me tell you from spending years in the locker room with him there is no shrinkage from any supplements quite the opposite he would put the man slab to shame

  24. I think you're just trying to show how "balanced" your opinions are.

    It's not working.

  25. Just because you disagree with her policy making does not make AOC and extremist, Bernie.

    The Colorado domestic terrorist that shot and killed members of the LGBTQ for simply existing…

    That’s an extremist.

  26. AOC is an asshole, and some people listen to her- how sad.

    1. I’m sure she’s losing a lot of sleep over your feeble-brained opinion of her. Get fucked.

    2. Sounds like somebody else is losing sleep when their favorite cop hating socialist gets picked on lol.

    3. She doesn’t hate cops, she hates racist cops that abuse their powers and are complicit in hiding each others corruption.

  27. Bernie, this assault on innocent people is an atrocity. I evaluate these issues by equipment they carry. Vest means he thought he could get away with it. The long gun - a “ military style rifle “ shot at close range with less than 1/3 kills was a .22 rimfire or possibly a 9mm that’s diameter is .355 of an inch. Not a 5.56 mm nato . I see nothing in print what the caliber was. Point is , when any of us are in groups that are not controlled ,we are at risks for these crimes . No body in that place could immediately stop this . These are soft targets. The purp is cowardice.

  28. @2:45
    I find it brave of you to be open and honest about having spent locker room time with Lynch inspecting him for shrinkage.
    You should let him know how you feel. He's probably hiding his feelings of love for you, as you have for him. Bears of a feather...

    1. The shrinkage actually occured in his cranium . This would be better examined on a couch in a mental health professionals office.

  29. Drag queens took down the dickless perpetrator.

    So basically, they did more to protect the innocent than the Uvalde Police ever did

    1. Richard Fierro is one of the guys that took down the dickless perpetrator. Straight Latino Bronze Star Distinguished Military Service Veteran. At the club with his wife and family. Not a drag queen, you dickless troll. Get your story straight.

  30. Actually pure hate is spoken daily on the Right wing channels Fox, OAN, Newsmax. All day, every day. Their latest target can be seen here

  31. 11.22

    "When the man helping him grew tired, Fierro said he flagged down a drag queen in high heels to help, shouting, “Kick him!”

    “She kicked him because the other guy was tired,” Fierro said.
    credit where credit is due

  32. Nobody is losing sleep over AOC She is asshole that attracts a lot of assholes If you lose sleep over her, you are also an asshole. We have many assholes because they listen to the politicians and our politicians are trash.

  33. AOC wants to sequester bovine flatulence in underground tanks all out of some deranged allegiance to the angry Swedish girl , mans dominion over nature was codified in the book of Genesis and these tree huggers need to be sent to live with the Amish in a reverse rumspringa

  34. 4:12
    When is enough, enough?


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