Local Government TV

Monday, November 21, 2022

Kerry Myers, NorCo Council President?

Those who know him tell me Kerry Myers is a great guy, so long as he holds no office. I'm no pal, but have spoken to him a few times before his election to Northampton County Council.  He was likable and down-to-earth. Something happened after his election.  He morphed from nice guy to pretentious asshole in a matter of months. He's his own biggest fan. He did a very good job of patting himself on the back at a meeting of Easton's School Board last week. He was speaking during courtesy of the floor about a concession stand, but wanted everyone to know how important he is. He finished off his remarks by hinting that he'll soon be County Council President. 

Here are some excerpts of his remarks, which came close to the end of the meeting. (1:24:00) 

"I don't need a microphone. You can turn that damn thing off. I am Kerry Myers. Most of you know me, some of you don't. I am the current President of the Varsity E. I'm also the Vice President of Northampton County Council. I'm a former school board member, past President and VP of this organization. I vowed I never come back in this building when I left in 2011. That didn't work." 

When he learned that the cost of a concession stand at the new Cottingham stadium might be $600,000, he "immediately went into 'What the Hell is going on' mode." He wants the school district to hand over the project to his club. He claimed, incidentally, that the Varsity Club owns the concession stand. 

"I am a 1972 alum. I was the Captain of the basketball team that only finished third in the state. I have my connections. ... ." 

After bragging about his prowess on the basketball court about 100 years ago, Myers takes a shot at Easton's current football program. "We ain't seen a playoff at Cottingham stadium in 10 years, so we ain't gotta' worry about that happening to the football team."

He also accuses school directors of Sunshine Act violations. "When you do things behind closed doors and don't actually talk to the people doing it, this is what happens. This money bites you in the ass."

During this meeting, a duo of educators spoke about homelessness among some students. That means a bit more to me than Myers' quest for control over a concessions stand. 

Myers did address them at the end of his peroration: "Please get ahold of me. I'm at the county level. I'll see what I can do for you. As the Vice President I'll do the best I can. Hopefully in the next few weeks, I might be the President, the first from Easton High School." 

If Myers does become the next Council President, the county should open its own concession stand for  future meetings. It will sell a lot of popcorn. I can form my own Varsity club and run it. 

During a meeting last year, Myers first betrayed his overbearing style when he went into full bully mode on Sheriff Rich Johnston. Myers actually stated that, if he were a Deputy Sheriff, he'd refuse to take orders from Johnston.  

Myers: "I may be the only one here, but - Whooo! - I have a hard time saying I wanna take orders from this guy because I think my life would be in danger. But you hired him. 

McClure: "That's an outrageous statement. No one's life is in danger. None of the management decisions that were questioned tonight put anyone's life in danger. That's an outrageous statement. 

Myers: "Stop. This is my meeting. You can walk away frustrated and mad as hell. I'm running this meeting."

Myers never apologized for his disgusting remarks about the Sheriff, who has more personal integrity than most people I know. He is precisely where he needs to be. 

Myers likes to brag that he was elected with 72% of the vote. He fails to realize that he was elected in a statewide blue wave, He seems to have forgotten that he failed to make it out of the primary in a previous try for County Council ... and in a previous school board race. He forgets that when he left Easton's School Board, it was running at a deficit and he was threatening layoffs unless unions made concessions. He is a polarizing figure who makes Lamont McClure look like Mr. Rogers. 


  1. He is no Steve Lynch and he is much bigger. Why do you pick on the big guys? You really want your ass kicked don't you. He doesn't like McClure and that is exactly what this County needs. The four R's will vote for him and he will vote for himself so he is the next president. You may as well face it Bern, you are going to be banned from the Courthouse. Long live Kerry. You forgot to mention, he is also a Mason.

  2. Actually, he is very much like Lynch. They are both narcissists and bullies. If you have to resort to threats of physical violence, you've already lost this debate. I doubt a responsible R will vote for this guy. They've seen him.

  3. Myers should resign immediately.

  4. Don’t worry about Kerry. Dave Culver is going to run. That seat is as purple as it gets and in a good R year Dave will win.

  5. What a turn off to have someone like that on any committee let alone the next president. Thank goodness he is not a relative that I would have to suffer through at a family gathering. Must be interesting. The type of behavior he displayed must show up everywhere.

  6. Wow is all I can say after listening to him cursing and acting like Steve Lynch

    He will be lucky if he retains his seat next year

    Please get someone who is qualified to run against this guy

  7. McClueless is no different-- narcissist and even bigger BULLY!. Just watch his face get red. He toots his own horn.

  8. In the words or Gibeon what crowns you shall crucify you. This idiot will fall down the set of ego steps his hero Steve Lynch did. Is there something in the water 💦?

  9. "alum (sic)"

    Translation: "I haven't mastered the proper use of alumnus, alumnae, and alumni."

    Don't help Kerry with the correct usage. He'll never learn it if he doesn't look it up himself.

  10. You are on to something with the Rs, but they are enjoying the Pact too much with Vargo right now.

  11. Myers isn’t going to be President. John Brown would never let that happen to Lori.

  12. Big guy? sounds like that just might be his ego he's toting around.

  13. Kerry Myers is probably one of the biggest loud-mouthed jerks next to Donald Trump. What people forget is that Kerry Myers day job is an over glorified Garbage man who is chief of the idiots. The problem is people will still vote for him, because to them he exemplifies success. To someone with nothing, even the garbage man is successful. People wonder why our politics is screwed up, look no further than the election of progressively stupid people each cycle. When kerry was on easton school board he prioritized athletics over everything else. Easton high school is not an athletic powerhouse. It doesnt produce any academians either. People like kerry myers will kick and scream to get new football uniforms at the expense of new textbooks.

  14. A big mouth with no brains like most bullies.

  15. Culver is a decent choice compared to Myers. I am a D but Culver votes for all the people. Did many fine things on Palmer board.

  16. Bernie you are blinded by your white privileged upbringing on this one, while you were sucking down beers and DWI Kerry and his fellow BIPOCS were doing hand to hand combat against a vastly larger force of Caucasian haters in and around EAHS this seminal even traumatized Kerry to the point where he is always on defense towards possible enemies. Cut him some slack he does great work with St Anthony’s youth club and was posterizing fools with a beach ball sized Afro before it was fashionable Mr Myers is ahead of the curve, show some respect

    1. When has kerry myers been ahead of the curve. This guy is another fraud like fetterman!

  17. Myers needs a salad and a bicycle !

  18. Kerry does not understand how politics works..it is a matter of cooperation and give and take..not pomposity! Compromise and learning to listen to other voices who are elected people also is something he needs to learn. If all is true here..I would not want him holding the gavel at county meetings. Words are recorded and hard to take back once spoken in public forums with the press present. He is not fit to serve as president of county council. His own words betray him..not the words of others.

  19. Anonymous said...
    You are on to something with the Rs, but they are enjoying the Pact too much with Vargo right now.

    Wow isn't this the truth these days

  20. If Kerry Myers is running his mouth it’s because he’s trying to get a relative a job. He’ll shut up as soon as a nephew or niece is hired by the county.

    Or……a black sheriff is hired.

    Trust me. There’s a nepotism or racial angle here.

    Ask Steve Shiffert.

    1. 100% correct, he always throws the race card

  21. Sweet Kerry's Baaaaddasssssss sssoonngg

  22. Nobody can deny that Kerry is a solid athletic supporter who knows his way around balls. But until there are no homeless EASD students, he and any other elected leader should pipe down about anything else - least of all a hot dog stand. That part of this post is incredibly sad and troubling. We should all be mindful of this as we gather so thankfully for our blessings on Thursday.

  23. Anon 9:44 I alway felt.. that a certain talent pool would avoid application because of the known or perceived hiring policies.

  24. Bernie,

    Did you happen to see this article? Maybe by posting it, the Honorable Myers will see it and read it. And hopefully, act on it. Let us see if he can redeem himself.



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