Local Government TV

Monday, October 03, 2022

Voters Have Two Poor Choices to Succeed Browne in Pa. Senate 16


Above you can see the map for the newly configured Pa. Senate District 16, which is currently represented by Senator Pat Browne. He won't be in office much longer. He was ousted by fellow Republicans in the primary. I suspect his alcohol abuse played a huge role in his defeat. His role in the Allentown State Hospital fiasco (in which the state spent $15.5 million to sell for $5.5 million) probably had some people scratching their heads. But I think the main reason he lost is because voters were simply tired of him. He's held public office since 2005. He clearly in out of touch with his district, and perhaps reality itself. It's time to give someone else a chance. But of all the people in that district, you'd think there'd be better alternatives than Republican Jarrett Coleman and Democrat Marc Pinsley. They both represent the extremes of their party. No matter who wins this race, the constituents are going to suffer. 

In the Democratic corner, Mark Pinsley is perhaps the most blatant opportunist I've seen since I began blogging. No sooner was he elected South Whitehall Tp Commissioner than he announced he was running against Pat Browne. Undaunted after losing that race, he took on Lehigh County Controller Glenn Eckhart in the next election cycle and knocked him off.  As Controller, he proposed both an increase in sales tax in Lehigh County as well as an income tax that would hurt low-income families that work multiple jobs just to put food on the table.  He called for UN observers in the 2020 presidential election, He also revealed his true feelings about Allentown and Bethlehem when he objected to them being combined as part of redistricting. "We don't need another ghetto," he said. Well, we don't need Pinsley. 

In the Republican corner sits airline pilot Jarrett Coleman. I saw him at Dr. Oz's fundraiser, He made no effort to socialize with anyone. He has no fear of COVID, but must be worried that he could be infected with a liberal or centrist idea. He was recently elected to the Parkland School Board on an anti-mask and anti-CRT platform. But just like Pinsley, he has used that position to springboard himself into the state senate race. He is backed heavily by the LV Tea Party, which is trying to rid the party of what it calls RINOs to replace them with "true conservatives."

Both of these are lousy choices. 


  1. Bernie,
    You couldn’t go wrong voting for Pinsley, he will help Pennsylvanians. Through reliving the crushing burden of an unfair tax system, lower healthcare costs, reduce prescription drug prices, and bring down energy rates are good for our communities. In addition, he cares for women’s rights. No woman in Pennsylvania should be denied the right to choose reproductive healthcare. Abortion rights are women’s rights, and Pinsley will always fight to defend a woman’s right to choose what is best for her health. He has my vote.

  2. 1) Voters have already won because Browne is gone.
    2) Both candidate represent their parties' mainstreams quite well because those mainstreams ARE extreme.

    You keep searching for some breed of moderate that doesn't exist, and hasn't in a long time. Your own views on many issues are quite extreme and rigid, although certainly in step with the larger party to which you claim fleeting affiliation. You champion the increasingly rare R moderates because D moderates were purged a long time ago. Ds are very pure. Rs are attempting purification while growing ranks and that's not easy.

  3. When are they debating? It's almost election day! Haven't seen either of them ever walking in neighborhood.

  4. "
    In the Republican corner sits airline pilot Jarrett Coleman. I saw him at Dr. Oz's fundraiser, He made no effort to socialize with anyone."

    Funny you should say this. No one's seen him around. If he's such a snob, maybe he needs to run in another district.

  5. Fact-most politicians are poor choices Look what they to the country and the state Most get rich, most do not care about us citizens and their policies reflect this.

  6. Did either of these men pledge to work fulltime as a legislator?

  7. I’ll drink to that

  8. That is not the correct, finalized map.

  9. Coleman has also openly admitted he has no intention to stop flying jets full-time even if he were to be elected. When asked who would speak with and serve his constituents, he stated "I'll have staff to handle that."

  10. "That is not the correct, finalized map."

    Then do me a favor and send me a link to the correct, finalized map. This is what I found and I spent considerable time looking. I believe the new district includes a fairly good slice of Bucks and is fairly Republican overall.

  11. Bernie - correct the record. Pat has been in office since 1994, when he first got elected to state house.

  12. Hope you're kidding! Is it even legal for a state legislator to have two fulltime jobs? This guy sounds like a joke.

    Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Coleman has also openly admitted he has no intention to stop flying jets full-time even if he were to be elected. When asked who would speak with and serve his constituents, he stated "I'll have staff to handle that."

    October 3, 2022 at 9:39 AM

  13. If Coleman thinks state jobs are only part-time, guess he'll only take 50% salary?

  14. The Democrats been in power for 2 years in both houses and the president why don't they run on their accomplishments instead of their hatred of Trump and abortion.

  15. If Coleman thinks being a state senator is such an insignificant job that his staff can handle all constituent responsibilities, he's unworthy of office.

  16. Bernie - this link has the correct map: https://davesredistricting.org/maps#viewmap::701d502b-2450-4bd0-9b5b-53e69ee8c82e

  17. Thanks. I appreciate it. I thought I had the right one and spent considerable time looking.

  18. DavesRedistricting is =highly reliable!=

  19. DavesRedistricting is =highly reliable= !

  20. @2:16

    Ask Bernie to explain the filibuster and how President Biden pass so many bills that will help middle Americans in years to v
    Come. The President has many accomplishments. Look them up!

  21. Pinsley sounds like the Tara Zirinski of Lehigh County, except he is more successful.

  22. Both Coleman and Pinsley are political opportunists. The only difference between them is that Pinsley actually knows what he's talking about, Coleman can barely keep up on the school board.


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