Local Government TV

Monday, October 03, 2022

My Thanks to Fellow Democratic Operative Steve Lynch

On Friday, I received a very nice letter from my local Democratic committee persons, urging me to vote for the Democratic candidates on the ballot and explaining why. They put some time and effort into researching the candidates on both sides. I really appreciated their arguments, although I intend to vote for two (Oz and Merhottein) Republicans in the five races in which I can vote. I actually sent a letter thanking these people for reaching out like they did. That is what a committeeperson should be doing, especially at this time of the year. Unfortunately for Republicans in Northampton County, their committee people are at each others' throats. Instead of promoting their candidates, they are tearing each other apart. The person behind all this acrimony, of course, is none other than drama queen Steve Lynch. 

In a Facebook Live last night, he referred to me as a "complete loser," absolute lowlife,' and "scum bag." Hey' that's a step up from "subhuman," which he called me when he wanted to duel me. But that was just the set up. He really wanted to rip into another Republican (a female, of course), and used me as a basis to vilify. There was no logic to his argument, just hate. His cult followers blindly followed suit and ripped into her with extremely vulgar and personal attacks. Just a few months before, they were hinting at gunning her down when she dared ask Steve why he had blocked her on Facebook. 

I'll have more details tomorrow, but have a confession. Steve is actually one of my assets. He is a secret Democratic operative and has been doing an outstanding job of making sure Northampton County Republicans are distracted by each other as opposed to our team.  This is after he managed to assure Lamont McClure a second term as Exec. 

Thanks, Steve. Your work is probably going to help us in races we might otherwise lose. I'll put you in for a medal at our next secret meeting at Columcille Megalith Park. Sorry, we won't be drinking any  blood or adrenochrome. We're vegans, you know. 


  1. Poor Steve, continuing down the path to complete irrelevance as he strives to wreak havoc within his own party leaders. He should probably just stick with what he knows best, training body builders for competition.

  2. Except for your obsession (which has been fun to read here), I wouldn't know this guy from Adam. I don't know another person who knows him, either. But OK. He's going to swing the election or something. Lol.

  3. Brother Steve has transformed Lisa Schellers body into a lithe muscular taught spring, Instagram filters not needed she is doing workouts that would make BUDS recruits nuts shrivel up twice a week and asking for more afterwards. You may disagree with his spiritual path Bernie but give the guy credit for being an absolute physical stud , too bad we got saddled with the derigible shaped Lamont when we could have a Greek god issuing edicts from Mt Olympus while holding court at daddy’s place gorging on stuffed grape leaves dunked in Baba Ganoush

    1. LMAO - Bernie, you have to admit, this guys posts are pure GOLD - and should be nominated for any blog award category.

  4. I mean here YOU are, acknowledging you will vote for 2 Republicans. When we can get Bernie O'Hare to vote for Oz and Merhottein, we've already won.

  5. Steve Lynch has an incurable case of ELS (Election Loss Syndrome). January 6th was a super-spreader event. There is no known cure, but doctors recommend bicep curls and string-top wife beaters as a potential treatment. In the meantime - expected symptoms include crying, yelling, more crying, and...more yelling.

  6. I'll never not be amazed at the motley crew of weirdos and losers that seem to orbit Lynch. His politics seem to be nothing but personal grievances he is absolutely baffled others don't share and "conspiracies." Because, of course, when you are too dumb to understand how anything works *everything* seems like a conspiracy.

    His personality cult are nothing but methed out loons, weird groupies like that Soldo woman and people who seem to be on the spectrum.

  7. Tonight on "The Real Housewives of Northampton County" - Steve Lynch will reveal yet another earth-shattering news break, via his basement livestream ("Home of the Steve Lynch Trifecta") 😂

    Failed Election runs
    Failed "podcast" (it was never even a podcast)
    Failed Field Director
    Failed Facebook Live Videos, while driving (but... "it's not the cell phone signal!"... NO, it's a global plot to shut him down! Lol)

    This clown can't even manage his Facebook accounts.

    GTFOH with your soap opera nonsense. You're not in a leadership position (for obvious reasons)... GET OVER IT, Steven.

    1. Betchya wouldn’t say this to Brother Steve Mano y Mano

  8. Thank you Steven for being the complete clown that you are.

  9. Be careful of Lynch. I made some comments on his FB that seemed to have peeved him. He decided to take a trip out to my business the next day, and simply idle his vehicle out front for nearly 3 hours. While he didn't do anything beyond that, I know that he's a loose cannon that keeps a weapon on him, and that, by all appearances, was BEGGING for confrontation.

  10. When he called you subhuman was he comparing you with the Neanderthal Marjorie Taylor Greene

  11. Homosexuals for Lynch 2024!

  12. Steve's mother really should have paid more attention to him as a child. Just watch his Facebook videos. He needs attention, badly.

  13. I know that he's a loose cannon that keeps a weapon on him

    All "patriots" are concealed carry nut jobs like Lynch

    #SteveLynchStolenValor Fakest asshole you will ever meet.

    1. I’d love to know about the stolen valor comment? Did Steve ever claim military service?

    2. Fake news Brother Steve only carries twin 30” pythons capable of rendering any aggressor into a drooling puddle of limp flesh with the quickness. You sound like one of the unicorns cucks nipping at the heels of an alpha pack leader.

  14. Steve is nothing more than a Don Jr. wannabe desperately seeking daddy's approval. See, Steve's father, Richard Lynch (also a right wing nut) failed at becoming a politician too, having run for Congress in North Carolina in 2012 and 2014.




    1. 1:44- That family is nutty. I've posted the link before on here, but Richard Lynch has a video of himself in his living room, dressed up in full patriotic regalia, in front of a homemade presidential podium reciting a "new and improved" Declaration of Independence, which he presumably wrote himself.

      Re: the YouTube video that you posted if Richard Lynch, he says that he grew up in the "abusive foster care system" and later fought to get custody of his children. Does anyone have information on these statements? It might help explain his personality and why he indoctrinated his children so obsessively.

      Also, on a side note, I just received an invite for Thanksgiving. I'm not sure if I want to go. My Brother-in-Law is "Steve Lynch on Steroids". I don't know if I want to listen to his Qonspiracy theories for 4-5 hours. #SadActually as Thanksgiving used to be my favorite holiday.

  15. Where can I get one of those little shirts that Steve likes to wear on his live feeds? I love that he subtly shows his support for homosexuals to other Republicans through his attire.

  16. Steve Lynch is a fraud. He rounds up the ignorant fools that gravitate toward him, directs them according to his uses and tosses them aside when he finishes with them.

    Look at Steve’s “core 4”. Where are they now? The fact that his inner circle is constantly changing should be a red flag that this man cannot maintain positive relationship over time with reasonable people and critical thinkers.

  17. As Oz & Lynch are rabid tRump supporters, will you, Bernie, vote for Oz when tRump get indicited?

  18. There are state and federal agencies at work in regard to Mr. Lynch and his antics. Stay tuned in.

    1. Steve is out of control. It is frightening and the party and the appropriate state and federal agencies need to act ASAP.

    2. I was told by someone I trust in the courthouse that a grand jury has been convened to get to the bottom of the Steve Lynch situation.

  19. Here is Steve before he went all blue-collar-duck-dynasty:


  20. As a republican committee person I don't know who is worse, crazy Steve or General Snover. They are single handily ruining the NC GOP. They might actually be Rinos they are so bad.

    1. Steve Lynch is worse by far. While definitely a rabble rouser, Lee Snover tends to behave professionally. She is absolutely manipulative and not to be trusted, but I have never seen her show up to a committee meeting with an armed goon squad either.

      Lynch and Snover may be temporary allies but their true natures are worlds apart.

  21. What’s up with all the “brother Steve” stuff? It just sounds culty and weird.

    1. Western Chauvinism can only be maintained via a band of brotherhood led by Alphas, society meanwhile elevates girly soya gender benders like a Harry Styles who’s smocks and scarves are making John Wayne vomit in his grave

  22. I doubt very much that is so. Lynch and his ilk do have first amendment rights. Moreover, there are civil remedies for his defamation of Mandell and others. They definitely engaged in a bit of cyberbullying. I doubt, however, that there's much more than summary harassment.

  23. Summary harassment is a $271 fine, we can sell some apparel to subsidize. Maybe MAGA wifebeaters.🤪🤣😂

  24. This guy is tops in this arena.

    Steve Lynch among those from Northampton County seeking spot on Republican State Committee.

    Lynch said Tuesday he is running for the committee position “to make some real solid changes” in the GOP and “bring back the Republican Party to constitutional principles.”

    1. Lynch is making changes alright, none of them good.

      The clown show operating under ringleader Lynch has turned the county party into a dysfunctional mess.

      These clowns constantly engage in dramatics and refuse to follow the rules and then have the audacity to attack the leadership for failing to maintain an order.


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