Local Government TV

Friday, October 07, 2022

Scheller's China Problem

Both The Morning Call and Game of Politics covered yesterday's Congressional debate between incumbent Susan Wild and contender Lisa Scheller. It waqs taped at Moravian College for Tony Iannelli's Business Matters. I was unable to get there, bot both accounts make clear that it was marred by the audience, who interfered with attempts by the candidates to answer questions. But I am writing because of Scheller's China problem. 

I have noted several times now that Scheller's company, Silberline, has two factories in China with a third one on the way. I find this appalling. If we've learned anything from Russia''s invasion of Ukraine, it's that we endanger our own national security when we do business with an adversary. Voters can legitimately question whether Scheller will be representing the American citizens of her district or an anti-democratic regime that grows more menacing by the day. 

Scheller dismissed these concerns during the debate by stating she'd place her assets in a blind trust during her stay in Congress.  

A blind trust can be very effective when the trustor (person creating the trust) actively trades in a portfolio of shares in numerous companies. In that case, the trustor will be genuinely unaware of individual transactions concerning specific stocks. 

But in Scheller's case, there never cou be a truily "blind" trust. Silberline is the family business and she has a controlling interest in the company. She will be able to follow what is going on at her company by just following publicly accessible databases. She would still have a very real conflict of interest. I'd question every vote she made on China. 

There is only one way that Scheller can avoid this very real conflict of interest. She'd have to sell her interest in Silberline and put the proceeds into a real blind trust. And that's not gonna' happen. 


  1. This is one of the phoniest, manufactured "issues" ever put forth in local politics. You act as if Wild and the democrats are some sort of China hawks, while nothing could be further from the truth.

    It's absurd that we're supposed to worry about what Scheller MIGHT do on China, while ignoring Susan Wild's ACTUAL record on China and everything else. Susan Wild has been a rubberstamp for the soft-on-China policies of current administration, yet Lisa Scheller is the one with the "China problem"? Right.

    Even if Scheller is as bad as Wild has been on China (and Scheller wouldn't be), Scheller would be a huge upgrade in terms of how she'd vote on bills that affect government spending, runaway inflation, out-of-control gas and energy prices, crime in our cities, etc.

    Susan Wild has been a reliable vote for everything Joe Biden and Nancy Pelosi have put in front of her. It's these policies that are causing our nation's problems, and those problems won't get better if Susan Wild stays in office.

    This is not even a close decision - a vote for Wild is a vote for continued failure. I'll take Scheller over Wild any day of the week.

    1. 2:39- More "Pelosi Derangement Syndrome". This party's talking points never change.

  2. Agree with your concerns about Scheller and will not be voting for her. What about Oz? He holds Turkish citizenship and voted in elections there as recently as 2018?? Doubt would be cast on every vote he made related to U.S. dealings with that authoritarian regime.

  3. Just another perfect example that businesspeople do not belong in politics.

  4. They're both awful. But Wild voted for every single bill that left us in this mess and people suffering to pay gas and food bills. Wild did this to Lehigh Valley citizens. We've usually had somewhat independent reps in our area - the kind that drive everyone crazy. She's a rubber stamp hard lefty who's primarily funded from California. She's the worse of two evils.

  5. I gave up trying to find items 100% made in the USA, Even most items sold as made in USA have materials or ingredients made in China. If we refrained from importing Chinese goods, most major retailers would go under overnight.

    It is a two pronged problem. 1. The economic environment in the US is not possible to compete with overseas products and products made in China are far cheaper to produce. If your competition is using products with 505 of the cost as you, you are doomed.

    Some products, I believe Sheller's pigments are made in china, could most likely not be made here, due to regulations. Much like steel, aluminum, iron castings. While many metal products are manufactured in the US, most all use material made in China.

    Just like fossil fuels, we discourage their production, then complain that we are forced to buy foreign products.

    The only way to turn this reality around is to either create an environment that makes it economically possible to be competitive and make products in the U.S. or hope to shift to our neighbors south of the border.

    I have actually had items made in China, because after searching, could not find anyone willing to make the same products here or you find that those selling the products here actually have them made in China.

    In effect, you are saying, if you want to run for political office, you should never be in any business, you much prefer those with no practical experience, and no view of the real world. This is why we are saddled with political leaders who have no understanding of the real issue that effect business in America.

    Maybe those who do some business in China have a better understanding of the environment that has created this situation and possible solutions.

    Do you actually believe that Susan wild has a clue about how to shift manufacturing back to the USA.

  6. Conflict of interest, doing business with an adversary, questioning every vote she made on China? Yeah, sure. But, somehow, too many in our current Legislative and Executive Branch (including their family members) and campaign funding PACS are already engaged and profiting from China. It’s not that uncommon. I don’t see Scheller’s tiny business operations there as a threat and will gladly choose her over Susan Wild.

  7. Wild is worse than Scheller-This country is in trouble because of the politicians that we have that are a result of our political system. For you people out in the world who think we will overcome this you are crazy it will never happen.

  8. Ah,Bernie geopolitical issues are always fun. Scheller family business is pigments, Nobody want a pigment plant around ,just remember what happened at 13 th street in Easton when we were kids ,the whole place was red. Boeing and GM and TESLA for example do business there too. So give back that TESLA and don’t ride on aircrafts or drive a Chevy or Buick with Chinese made engines. Trade and commercial use of other markets is done by NIKE ,throw out those sneakers you paid $128.50 for . The choice is Conservative vs Liberal. Conservative = Conserve adj. having the tendency or power to preserve, opposed to hasty changes- Like (shutdown of energy supply) in political,religious,or civil institutions of the country. from the Pocket Webster for school and office,New York, London,Toronto,Sydney,Tokyo and Singapore

  9. Pretty sure PA gave workforce development dollars to assist layer off workers. Offshoring workers and profits is a valid point. US workers were indeed displaced.

    Let's not forget her "playing to the base" position on green energy and how she claims it is a disater. It was a good business decision for her firm to install solar panels using tax credits. Good business strategy for her firm but not for the rest of PA. Shine some sunlight on that doublespeak.

  10. I don’t think that your argument against the China ties can be ignored, but I think that you may be giving them too much weight. I think that conflict exists for many elected officials who have investments in US companies having major holdings in the billions in Chinese investments. I think that you have to accept the candidates at their words to separate their personal investments from their personal control. Even an investment in an innocent General Motors stock is clouded with G M’s Chinese holdings currently at 1.6 Billion with intentions to double that amount. Of course, “What’s good for General Motors is good for America” But, let’s take a look at the votes and intentions. Scheller states a desire to separate herself from those decisions. I would accept that promise. Violate it; throw the bum out! Susan Wild’s financial statements show an investment in a company Casa Stimus. A Washington DC publication, The Washington Beacon, noted that tens of thousands of dollars of rental income were collected through this improperly licensed LLC. I personally don’t think that the lack of a license is such a big deal. But, the real problem stated by the article is Wild’s voting on legislation that benefitted landlords without full disclosure. Exactly what you are accusing Scheller of doing even though Scheller has not done it.

  11. "Agree with your concerns about Scheller and will not be voting for her. What about Oz? He holds Turkish citizenship and voted in elections there as recently as 2018?? Doubt would be cast on every vote he made related to U.S. dealings with that authoritarian regime."

    Oz will be giving up his Turkish citizenship if elected. If Scheller agreed to sell her Silberline holdings like Oz will give up his citizenship, I would re-evaluate my support. But as things stand, she has a major conflict of interest that can't be fixed with a blind trust bc nothing about that trust could be blind. She would be beholden to China.

  12. This is a simple choice. Wild aligns with Biden and Pelosi on every vote. If you think the current administration isn’t cutting it, Scheller is the clear choice.

  13. Lisa has a China problem? It's the Biden's and his party that have a China problem! Unlike Scheller who is running a legit business there the Biden's were using Joe's political offices to sell influence and enrich themselves. China has become a big problem but a bigger problem are politicians like Joe Biden who use their power to enrich themselves and empower China. I want nothing to do with anyone connected with Biden

  14. Bernie,
    This China issue is so important. Why does Scheller keep denying any business dealings in China? If she's not telling the truth now, if elected can't imagine it will better.

    1. Scheller has never once denied having business dealings in China.

  15. This pains me to say because I am not a Trump guy, but he's the one who sounded the alarm on China way back in the early 2000's.

    We have steadily moved from a manufacturing economy that had good paying jobs to a Wal Mart economy with crappy paying jobs. This was done with the blessing of politicians from both sides of the aisle and americas insatiable demand for cheap goods. Started under the first Bush and accelerated under Clinton. We built China's middle class. Now all of a sudden China is the enemy, Ha! They have been the enemy all along. American businesses had no choice in many instances but to move production to China to stay competitive. How many people on here own Apple products? All produced in China! Tesla, Samsung, even General Electric have factories in China! Nancy Pelosi made 150 million dollars since she got into the congress, and we're worried about some chick from a little congressional district who inherited a business with factories in China LOL. I really don't care for Lisa Scheller but this is nothing more than political bullshit.

  16. I think a more immediate and pressing concern is Wild's support of $1.2B per month to fund WWIII in Ukraine. That could go a long way toward helping Lehigh Valley citizens, including homeless AMERICAN veterans. Wild steps over homeless vets while carrying bags of cash to fund the next war. She is evil and it sucks that she breathes the same air as those she ignores in favor of the foreign neo-nazis she supports first.

  17. Scheller employs Americans. Wild has never employed anyone.

    One woman is a business owner. The other a mediocre attorney linked to a corrupt political administration.

  18. I am rejecting all comments attempting to make the "what about" defense. This is about Scheller, no one else.

  19. "I think a more immediate and pressing concern is Wild's support of $1.2B per month to fund in Ukraine."

    First of all it's not per month. It is a one time amount. The $1.2 billion is approximately 0.02% of expected US federal spending for the 2022 fiscal. Much of it is military aid in the form of weapons from American military stockpiles, some of it already withdrawn from use by the US military and already paid for decades ago.

    You may not approve but let's be accurate.

  20. Scheller needs to learn two words: "Made in America"

  21. Scheller was endorsed by Trump in past, and that’s enough for me!
    Fact checkers have authenticated Wilds claims, except that Scheller changed her view in Abortion and would recognize some exceptions! She is another big business person, like Bloombetg, and just interested in power in politics!
    Wild is a moderate, and has fought for better healthcare coverage for people with diabetes and other health care issues!
    Voting for Wild!

    1. Wild is anything but a moderate. She is a blatant leftist.

  22. Easy choice for me. Wild is one of the hardest working reps in DC. I've seen her in action and she really listens to ALL of her constituents. Additionally, Scheller will vote with Repubs every time and the current iteration of the Republican party has no ideas of their own to deal with the complexities of the economy right now except maybe tax cuts for corporations and the wealthy so they can ply their "trickle down" failed policies that have never worked for the middle class. Wild all the way!

  23. "First of all it's not per month."

    There's a lot to unpack with this firm and unqualified response:

    1) First, it's a lie

    If you want to support WWIII instead of feeding homeless United States veterans who wore the uniform you're ashamed of, just say so. Woke is acceptable now. Be proud. Be pro-Ukrainian and anti-American! Be Susan Wild or one of her acolytes. Be you.

  24. Support Ukraine. I like Presidents who are NOT Putin apologist. Supporting Ukraine is defending democracy.

  25. Did you proof read this article before posting it. You have several typos and did not even provide the correct higher education institution. The debate was at Muhlenberg College and not Moravian University (which you incorrectly identified as "College").

  26. October 8, 2022 at 4:29 AM Anonymous said... 1) First, it's a lie
    I was not addressing the entire amounts sent to Ukraine. I was specifically speaking of the $1.2 billion not being monthly payments. That was misleading.

    As for your Be proud. Be pro-Ukrainian and anti-American! snark.. It's not a one or other thing. I stand with democracy both in this country and any other place people wish it to flourish. We can support veterans who fought for democracy at the same time. Lord knows we waste billions on corporate handouts and tax breaks that would be better used towards veterans and other individual American needs.

  27. It boggles my mind that women would vote for a Republican candidate that is hell-bent on taking away the very freedoms they’re fighting for. Conservative propaganda has convinced women that basic healthcare is a sin.

  28. Wild must go--votes 100% of time with Pelosi.

  29. Schieler will be a much better representative she knows how to think she did a lot more in life than Wild and she will not be intimidated by the left wing radicals.

  30. Abortion is physically traumatic for the woman and deadly for the baby, which is a female 51% of the time. It never works out for the baby. The baby loses limbs and organs before finally losing its life. That's not healthcare. That's a vicious murder.

  31. We need to stop defending our tribe while shitting tacks about the other side. Scheller has business interests in China. That is a problem as it should for any lawmaker. She will certainly be lobbied hard courtesy of the CCP. To think otherwise is naive.

    1. I wonder how many women who complain about domestic violence have aborted their own children?

  32. Why are you linking to Game of Politics? Literally a throwaway sentence with a link to a conservative blog. Why?

  33. Because I like different POVs and do not live in an echo chamber.

  34. Scheller Is toast!

  35. You Republican Bots continue to try to take down this GREAT Country!!!
    Anonymous my Rearend!!!!
    Does the name Benectict Arnold ring your bell!
    You know we can not all take he time to check Wilds voting record, but to keep letting Millionaires ruin our Country further is an abomination!!!
    A Real Patriot


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