Local Government TV

Monday, October 10, 2022

NorCo Council Overrides McClure Vetoes of Pay Study, Gracedale Audit, and Increase of His Own Salary

At their biweekly meeting on Thursday night, Northampton County Council voted to override a trio of vetoes from Executive Lamont McClure concerning a long-awaited pay study, a performance audit at county nursing home Gracedale and an increase of the Executive's salary from $85,000 to $105,000.

Executive Salary Increase. - Northampton County Council adopted an ordinance increasing the Executive's salary, but this wage hike will only take effect at the beginning of the term of the next Executive, which could be McClure or someone else. 

Council member Kevin Lott, a reliable McClure vote, voted to support the veto. He argued that the "optics are horrible" to increase the Executive's salary before a wage study has been conducted. He also asserted that, since McClure has said a raise is unnecessary for his own position, "that holds a lot of water for me." 

Another reliable McClure backer, Council member Tara Zrinski argued that the raise was arbitrary. "It started at $100,000, then it was $120,000, now we're voting on $105,000, and I feel like it does need some kind of formal study." 

But other Council members rejected McClure's backers.

Council member John Goffredo noted that the salary was already studied by looking at the compensation paid to Executives of other counties. Council member John Cusick added that wanted to ensure that "the salary does not deter people who may be interested from running." He also noted that the current $85,000 salary is paid to someone who manages a half billion dollar budget with over 2,000 employees. 

Council President Lori Vargo Heffner said this salary increase has been in consideration for 10 months, and that during that time, she herself did examine the salaries paid elsewhere and that information was available. 

The override passed 6-2. Lott and Zrinski were the sole No votes, and Council member Ron Heckman was absent. 

Northampton County Pay Study. - Kevin Lott, who opposed the pay study, had previously argued that there was no need for an Exec salary increase bc Council would be doing a pay study. He argued that a pay study would be too difficult and that unions get pay studies every time they seek a new contract. "I'm not a big fan of studies," he argued. He nevertheless said he would support a pay study because it would be good for unions.

At this point, President Heffner interjected that the purpose of this proposal is to get bids, not spend any money.  "We can't even get there yet," she observed. 

Cusick noted that the whole point of a pay study is to make sure that the county can be competitive. It will also freeze the salaries of some employees who might be overpaid. "Are we offering enough in wages?" he asked. He noted younger workers really are concerned more about wages than benefits. 

Zrinski, who like Lott is usually a reliable McClure vote, said that she would support a pay study. "I'm an independent woman." 

The override passed 8-0, with Council member Ron Heckman unable to cast a vote because he was absent. 

Gracedale Performance Audit. - The final veto considered was of an ordinance seeking proposals for a performance audit at Gracedale. Executive McClure had argued that this was no longer necessary because Gracedale has markedly improved as a result of changes he proposed and Council adopted. 

McClure allies Lott and Zrinski supported the veto. "We are making moves," noted Lott.  He also suggested that a performance audit was a "voter of no confidence" in the administration of both the Gracedale and McClure administrations. "We made a lot of changes. Let them play out." Zrincki echoed Lott. 

John Groffedo likened Gracedale to a car that's blowin' oil. "We just keep pouring more oil into it." He noted that he would be the first one to say he knows nothing about running a nursing home, and that's why he'd appreciate a fresh and independent perspective. He then voiced his confidence in Administrator Jennifer Stewart King. "She's doing a great job," he acknowledged, but added that the nursing home is in a "challenging position." 

Like Goffredo, Vargo-Heffner said it would help everyone to get an "outside lens" on the home.

The vote to override was 6-2, with Lott and Zrinski siding with the veto and Heckman being absent.  


  1. Looks like an error in the first sentence below:

    "Council member Kevin Lott, a reliable McClure vote, voted to support the override . He argued that the "optics are horrible" to increase the Executive's salary before a wage study has been conducted. He also asserted that, since McClure has said a raise is unnecessary for his own position, "that holds a lot of water for me."

    The override passed 6-2. Lott and Zrinski were the sole No votes"

  2. Allies? You must be joking. Lott and Zirinski are rubber stamps. Lott is a disgrace as a county council person. He may as well be on the Mcclure payroll. The sad thing is even MR. Lott doesn't know how silly he sounds when he runs out of McClure talking points. As for Zirinski, no one other than her rabid feminist posse takes her seriously anymore.

  3. "Lott and Zrinski were the sole No votes"

    Lol. Did they vote as one?

  4. The pay for County Executive in Lehigh or Northampton County should not be less than the Mayors or top borough managers position. Suggesting that pay is what the pay is and if someone does not like the salary, don't take the job, sets the bar pretty low and limits the field of well qualified people. $75k may be a boost for a mid level manager, but not a salary one would leave private sector managerial position unless for a second pension or retirement. Some chairs of non profits make more.

    1. These are figureheads anyway. Each one of them has a Director of Administration who does the heavy lifting (and may very well command a higher salary- at least I seem to remember that being the case in Lehigh years ago.

  5. BOH: “Council member Kevin Lott, a reliable McClure vote, voted to support the override .” Didn’t he vote to support the veto?

  6. This is what a lazy council does spend taxpayers money on a pay study to make themselves look like they are actually doing something . I’m sure Lori will run for executive now that she voted for a raise! No pay study for council or executive just ask our neighboring counties that works for them . Pay studies only tell you what you want too hear ! Maybe Groffedo should get off his ass and visit Gracedale or take Mr brown with him , he really screwed the workers over and wasted taxpayers money on Las Vegas trips and popcorn machines . And if this pay study says county workers all need more money will council vote for a increase ? I doubt it

  7. 12:06, 8:13, - I did make an error and have corrected it. I indicated Lott supported the override but he and Zrinski supported the veto.

  8. Interesting that John Goffredo states he knows nothing about running a nursing home but then states that Jennifer Stewart King is doing a fantastic job. How did he come to that conclusion? Hmm.

  9. "This is what a lazy council does spend taxpayers money on a pay study to make themselves look like they are actually doing something . I’m sure Lori will run for executive now that she voted for a raise! "

    County Council has spent no money. They are only seeking bids, which costs nothing.

    Also, if you believe that Vargo-Heffner is going to run now that the position pays more, then you are conceding that the salary was purposely being kept low to discourage others from running against McClure. The salary is too low. Even $105k is too low. An Exec should make exactly what a judge gets.

    Also, you should drop the paranoia. I doubt very much that Vargo-Heffner would primary an incumbent Dem unless there were evidence that he's doing a terrible job. Except for his inability to play nice with others, McClure has been an excellent Exec.

  10. Brown voted for the Exec pay rise because he's gonna run again for the higher retirement payout!

  11. LVH, as she refers to herself is working with Brown to try and weaken Lamont for '25. Good luck with that!

  12. I know nothing about running a nursing home and think Stewart-King is doing an excellent job, too. I do so for the same reason that Goffredo does - we listen to her monthly appearances before County Council and her explanations of everything that is going on there. If you are suggesting that nursing home admin should be a requirement for county council, then change the Home Rule Charter. As things stand, none of them has any training in nursing home admin. Nor does McClure. But unlike McClure, Goffredo is willing to take advice about running a home.

    1. Not suggesting that at all, Bernie. I think it’s best that the study be done immediately at Gracedale. It’s long overdue.

  13. "taxpayers money on Las Vegas trips and popcorn machines"

    Mr. Barron, maybe your boss McClure and the big union boss should stop making plans and playing golf with each other while ignoring staff. Does he realize some union people are ready to decertify since they are tired of the insider deal. This execu9vr has been happy "wasting" tax money on his ideas but a real objective county pay study is a waste. Do you even hear yourself. Almost feel sad for Lott since he is on over his head and being used.

  14. Some of you are worried about who is going to run against Lamont. Here's an idea. Worry about running the county well and those other worries go away. Lamont is a good exec and I support him, but he needs to stop picking fights with everyone, from courts to workers to council.

    1. People who work for the county are always worried about the next executive it’s their boss , especially since it could have been Lynch.

  15. " Does he realize some union people are ready to decertify since they are tired of the insider deal."

    Court-appointed and residual bargaining units should absolutely decertify bc the unions have done NOTHING for them. Not only has pay remained very low, but I know the unions failed to defend two employees in residual several years ago who were exchanging naughty emails. They had to hire their own lawyer to threaten the union. This was under John Stoffa. Also, court-appointed unions can do nothing for employees who serve at the pleasure of a judge.

    If these employees go back to career service, they can go back to demanding annual evaluations and annual step increases if they worked hard. That determination is made by the department head and applies to workers with merit.

    1. What are you smoking? Court appointed professionals decertified their union and the county exec basically punished them and did not return them to the career service scale. Court administration hid in the corner and does nothing for their people. This county is a joke to say they support their employees. They are just bodies and if one of them leaves they have someone already to fill it before they even are out the door. Do a real independent job study and see how algae behind the county is paying compared to others.

    2. Career service fairs worse than unions and steps are unheard of even for those with stellar work records. No one but those with some in to the executive get a step increase.

  16. Vargo-Heffner is a disgrace. She's attacking Gracedale every chance she gets. She tried to kill funding for the daycare there and only voted for it after she saw her MAGA friends abandon her.

  17. Elected, paid public officials do not need pay raises. Salaries should be frozen, on all levels of government, for the next three to five years.

    There is no need for a pay study, either.

  18. Elected, paid public officials do not need pay raises. Salaries should be frozen, on all levels of government, for the next three to five years.

    They have already been frozen for 12 years you moron

  19. " Lamont is a good exec and I support him, but he needs to stop picking fights with everyone, from courts to workers to council."

    That is a very important part of his job. He is in a constant state of war with anyone he doesn't completely control. Not a very good personality trait for an executive. His way or the highway.

  20. Bernie
    you are right. Lamont has a chip on his shoulder. If you disagree with him, you are on his shit list. There is no discussing issues of any kind with him. He is always right.

  21. I'll say this again. Much of this is optics. Strategic planning goes into this just like any business deal. And if you think McClure and council don't talk you are sorely mistaken. This is all put on for you the viewer. The executive has met with each council member and they put on a show for us. Having said that I agree the unions have to go. They don't help the employees. The executive position needs a higher salary to recruit competent executives. The employees need a pay study but it could have been conducted in house and saved money. Gracedale needs big changes and although I support county homes Northampton county has waited too long to do what they needed to do to make this succeed. Unfortunately no one knows how bad it is there because you only here what McClure will allow to be said. The biggest problem it's too old and a new building is needed and the cost is now prohibitive because they waited too long.

  22. Having a union makes no sense$$ when the union and the management are the same people.

  23. I'll make a few points.

    First, McClure certainly does and should have a good relationship with some Council members. But not all. You are mistaken to think that the veto and subsequent override was a show. It was government.

    Second, the notion that McClure controls the unions is horseshit. There are 11-12 of them at this point. He's certainly no pal of the CO union, deputy sheriff union, the RN union or the union for HS workers. It's true he's friendly with Jim Irwin, a business agent for AFSCME. It's also true they golfed together at some tournament. But I think they were paired that way. AFSCME represents most of the workforce at Gracedale, as well as the residual workers at the courthouse. I am unsure who represents court-appointed. I'd say the unions representing the court-appointed and residual are terrible and need to be replaced with better bargaining units or decertified completely. Lamont is close to the trade unions, and that's where his friends are. They play no role in the county workforce.

    Third, I reject the notion that employees are bullied into silence. I have heard that with McClure, Brown, Stoffa and Reibman. It's simply false and is an excuse made by cowards who are afraid to stand up and take responsibility for words that may very well be false. I have heard people at Council meetings express themselves and suffer no adverse consequences. Even at Gracedale rallies opposing him. It is true that Lamont comes on strong, and this intimidates some people. But if you stick to your guns he will respect you and listen to you. Remember, the people elected him, not you, to govern. In the end, he owes the people of NorCo his best judgment. Believe me, I have tangled with him any times. I think he listened to me once, lol.

  24. If you have any desire to move up in county government you may not share an honest appraisal. If you do you may not loose your job although some have but you will surely not have any chance of advancement. The sad part is those pieces of information are important to improving systems and need to be acknowledged in order to move forward and make great services and great places to work.

  25. Court-appointed professionals decertified and the council, not the exec, tried to screw them. They did an about face, too, and fixed their error. Court-appointed non-professionals are still union and are getting screwed all the time. We saw that at juvenile justice and with court reporters.

    The court admin is well aware of the lousy pay and has spoken about it numerous times. I believe the tide is turning. You are better off without a union that does nothing for you, but you would still be better if you could find a union that actually represents you. The COs and deputies have such unions. They may not win every contract but are at least representing their people.

  26. You are so in th bag for this guy. He is worse than he was as a council person and that was bad.

  27. My question is, why are there a dozen different bargaining units? The workers would have more leverage if they were united.

  28. Pay studies mean nothing unless they enforce what they provide in regards to correcting the salaries!

  29. "It's true he's friendly with Jim Irwin,"

    Friendly?? Boy are you naive!


  31. Some people on council are attention grabers. Look at the pictures of Saturday's McClures campaign rally. It sold as a recognition for County residents and County Council all line up for photo ops.


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