Local Government TV

Monday, October 31, 2022

Paul Pelosi Pounding Results in Conspiracy Theories

Last week, in a recap of the Pa.-7 Congressional debate between incumbent Susan Wild and challgener Lisa Scheller, I told you they both are good people. Scheller maintains two factories in China, so she's conflicted. I question whether she'd be representing the people of this district or her business interest. In that story, I also pointed to her ties to extremists like Steve Lynch. So did Wild during the debate. 

Scheller refused to distance herself from the failed NorCo Exec candidate, who threatened last year to bring "20 strong men" to remove Northampton Area School Directors over, of all things, a mask mandate. She pointed out that he has never been charged with a crime. Nit yet. By his own admission, he was visited by the FBI concerning the extent of his participation in the attempted coup on January 6. Most recently, Nazareth police were called to a restaurant hosting a local Republican  meeting when he refused the owner's demand that he leave. So give him time. 

Instead of condemning the brutal hammer assault of the husband of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, Lynch has used the occasion to spin ridiculous conspiracy theories based on a source that has been discredited for posting disinformation. 

In the Facebook rant you can read yourself, Lynch calls the incident "[l]ies told by the speaker of the house to cover up the fact that her husband was messing around with a  male prostitute."  Mr. Toxic Masculinity  then brays that Pelosi's husband "is a drunken scumbag that prefers male prostitutes over your decrepit bag of bones."

Now I'll admit that Lynch, who makes constant references to men and likes to post half naked pictures of himself, is far more knowledgeable about male prostitutes than I. Nevertheless, his rant is just a continuation of the divisive rhetoric that led an unhinged man to physically hurt someone. 

Lisa Scheller has continued to embrace this divisive narcissist instead of standing up for decency and inclusion. 

Just like she did with Trump. 


  1. Steve Lynch and Mark Wagner both need to put some clothes on.

  2. We all know that Trump did it in preperation like the insurrection of the capitol. He also called for polosi's daughter to have her documentary filming crew at the capitol that day.

  3. Within a few hours of Mr. Pelosi being assaulted, I texted my Trump-loving, Steve Lynch supporting friend and wrote...

    "Can you believe this publicity stunt by Nancy Pelosi and Killary! The news is saying that the San Francisco Police department is continuing its investigation. What kind of liberal law enforcement gets to cover up Pelosi's lies. She has them on her payroll. The guy was probably trying to expose Pelosi and Killary's child trafficking scheme which was moved to Pelosi's basement.

    His reply? "That makes sense, I'll have to look into that".

    He, like Steve, is now on full [hard] on conspiracy theory mode.

    I am unfortunately realizing how steeped in conspiracy theories family and friends have become. I don't even recognize many of them anymore.

    1. Remember the conspiracy theory about the vaccine not working?

  4. Still bashing Lynch as if he is some kind of personal threat to you? Only in your mind, dummy.

  5. Homophobic Lynch has the audacity to call Democrats snowflakes, but yet it is conservatives like him who can't handle gays or trans people, or those tolerant of gays and trans. And yet they are the ones doing spiritual men's only outings and retreats and are posing with each other. Yeah, liberals are the snowflakes.

  6. I was trolled this morning with hundreds of hate comments. In the process of deleting them, I accidentally deleted a comment suggesting the Lynch-Scheller connection has not been established. Actually, Scheller admitted it during the debate. I also have a story on this topic that includes a pic of Scheller with the Lynch mob. https://lehighvalleyramblings.blogspot.com/2022/05/lisa-scheller-has-three-problems.html

    1. You wish you got "hundreds" of comments

  7. Pelosi's husband isn't a public official. I wonder if Lynch could be held liable for defamation. He just didn't retweet a lie. He added his own commentary, as a fact.
    Lynch is a true scumbag.

  8. "He just didn't retweet a lie. He added his own commentary, as a fact."

    His own commentary is full of hate and vitriol.

    The link below refutes five of the lies being posted online.


  9. Flush with new ownership of Twitter, Musk tweeted to imply the same conspiracy theory but then quickly deleted it. A guy with a "God" complex owning a huge social media company...what could possibly go wrong?

  10. At least Musk had the intelligence to delete the tweet once he realized he was wrong. Not Lynch.

    1. Wrong Bernie, intelligence is not posting it at all, or after removing the post, publish a meaningful apology condemning his momentary lapse in judgement.

  11. The details about what went down there are still murky. In time, MAYBE we’ll know the truth. Until then, it’s all a conspiracy theory to someone. There should be videos someplace. I don’t think this was politically motivated.

  12. Actually, it's unclear to me whether Musk tweeted this false account at all. He's denied doing so.

    1. A quick google search will show you that he did indeed post it, and deleted it afterwards. If this is a window to what Elon Musk’s Twitter looks like, I’ll delete my account soon

  13. Wanna know how bat-shit crazy MAGA conservatives are?

    Recently, Cracker Barrel added a meatless sausage option to their menu, and the MAGA dolts are calling for a boycott.

    Here’s Cracker Barrel not taking anything away, but just ADDING a meatless sausage option and the people who lost NOTHING are so offended at the prospect of other people being convenienced.

    Because they feel NOBODY should have the option to eat a meatless sausage. That is the current Conservative Party in a nutshell.

    Nobody hates freedom more than an America-first patriot.

    1. Actually you should educate yourself on the consequences of a soy heavy diet namely the production of estrogen in males, the nation is being wussyfied by a vegan agenda engineered by China which knows a non binary gender fluid formerly “male” gen z will be unable to defend against an invading force. You probably listen to Harry styles and drive a Prius, The gipper is rolling in his grave….

    2. Little surprise a hyper masculine warrior for Christ draws the ire of a godless noodle armed blogger whose idea of fitness involves operating a child’s toy around the forests and cruising grounds frequented by sodomites and fairies

    3. @10:14

      For people who talk ad nauseum about freedom in their rhetoric, you sure love to take choices away from people. Unless they’re your type of toxic masculine freedoms.

      But you should know that, not you or your cuckold idol Steve Lynch have a right to tell me what the fuck I should be doing and you can take your superficial definition of a masculine and shove it up Steve Lynch’s ass, alongside everything else you shove up there.

    4. Are you the woke soy boy brother Ruffio Panman 1 punch KOed? BETA’s opinions are only useful for the LULz go eat a soy sausage and fuel up for the next woman’s March!

    5. 10:51- My thoughts exactly. You're funny.

  14. "The details about what went down there are still murky. In time, MAYBE we’ll know the truth. Until then, it’s all a conspiracy theory to someone. There should be videos someplace. I don’t think this was politically motivated."

    What you believe or don't believe is irrelevant. The facts are what matter, not lies that only confirm your bias.

  15. I agree the facts are what matters. Lies? Too early for that label. Bye!

  16. That John Cardillo is a scumbag Mets fan and has the brain the size of a flea!

  17. Here's where we are, sadly, as the rush for hot takes never rests. Scalise is shot. That guy is crazy. Rand Paul is brutally beaten. That guy is crazy. Alito is an assassination target. That guy is crazy. Pelosi is beaten. That guy is a MAGA bigot.

  18. First, thank you for acknowledging my post that erroneously was deleted.
    But, this is the entirety of your established connection? The Lynch perspective of their relationship?
    "Lisa's Lynch Problem - According to Lynch, they met several years ago when he was her personal trainer. He became her field director two years ago and he's supporting her again. That's understandable. But instead of just promoting Scheller, Lynch is bashing anyone and everyone who supports Dellicker. He has called Dellicker a liar and has mocked him for his size. His cult followers - the Lynch mob - have belittled his service to the nation in the military."

    All the above says is that Lynch supports Scheller. I'm sure he supports all Republicans over Dems. Does that make all Republicans subject to the Lynch tie? Should we fear anyone that Lynch supports? This is a weak argument, at best.
    Vote for what people stand for, not against them because a whack-job supports them.

  19. So let me get this straight, in order to fix the economy, we need to vote Republican.

    You mean the republicans that voted against bills that:

    -Stopping gas companies from gouging
    -To protect access to birth control
    -To boost supply of baby formula
    -Increasing access to mental health services
    -Inflation Reduction

    You mean these republicans? At this point Bernie, conservatives are cannot be convinced otherwise. They don’t care about facts or reality, they care about ideology. And they’re just like Al-Queda and the Taliban.

  20. Lynch is brimming wit s, so much so that a bucketful of stool softener would not Elgin to empty him of his rock hard venomous crap.

  21. I find it laughable that Steve Lynch has recharged his Twitter account under the guise of free speech, which we all know that what he wants to is just say racist, homophobic and misogynist without any consequences. The irony is that Twitter has been garbage for a long time and if the maga trash continue to ruin that place, people will just leave, and it will become an echo-chamber just like truth social and Parler. Frickin idiots lol

  22. Regardless the wave is coming Dems will be hit like no other time in history Pelosi is still ripping up Trump's speech. The Great Lynch will prevail when this is all over. Pelosi one of the great frauds of all time. Pelosi time is limited thank the Lord- she has done enough damage.

  23. Funny that when a guy showed up on Justice Kavanugh’s street looking to kill him it barely gets a blip on the media screen. Queen Pelosi and it’s a 5 alarm fire lol. Remember Schumer threatened both Kavanugh and Gorsich. Nobody said boo.

    1. The difference is that democrats hold people accountable. We condemn any violence and want these perpetrators prosecuted to the full extent of the law. Republicans on the other hand, never condemn these violent acts and want to make excuses for these people. They make “what-aboutism” post like the one above instead of holding people accountable.

    2. Democrats hold people accountable. Hilarious!

  24. Some mentally ill homeless guy influenced by all the nuttiness on social media. That’s what this is. Nothing more. So as the libs like to say there’s nothing to see here folks move along now lol.

  25. There is an audio recording of much of the confrontation as Paul Pelosi was smart enough to tell the guy he had to go to the bathroom (and the guy let him) and turn on his phone to record. It gave the police a head's up as to location of the break in and what was going down. Tin foilers, put it back on the roll until your next BS conspiracy.

  26. "Funny that when a guy showed up on Justice Kavanugh’s street looking to kill him it barely gets a blip on the media screen. Queen Pelosi and it’s a 5 alarm fire lol. Remember Schumer threatened both Kavanugh and Gorsich. Nobody said boo."

    I recall numerous news outlets, including left-leaning news outlets, reporting on it at the time. I also recall the same kind of coverage when a GOP Congressman was assaulted on a baseball field and when a GOP Senator was assaulted in a neighbor dispute. Violence is wrong and is condemned when it occurs, no matter who the victim might be. Those who make light of it are despicable people. Those who lie about it, like Lynch, should be called out.

  27. The woke mob attacking David DePape are the same Soros backed sadists who poisoned his mind with fluoride laced water and ghastly psychotropic laden chemtrails hell bent on a globalist gulag where billionaire and tech elites live out the big one safely in some remote New Zealand bunker

  28. This blog is sometimes flypaper for freaks. This is one of those occasions .


  29. @10:34

    Thanks for being the voice of reason.


  30. You just don't see enough people being led away in straight jackets anymore....

  31. At first I thought the post reminded me of the little rascals "he-man woman haters club" until I realized how unhinged Mr. Lynch's post really is. I am not fool enough to believe all Republicans think this way and I believe it is time for Republicans police their own ranks. Ms Scheller should disavow Mr Lynch for this deplorable hate speech but she might be afraid of him.

  32. I agree the facts are what matters. Lies? Too early for that label. Bye!

    Numerous lies have already been established.
    1) The assailant was not in his underwear.
    2) The attacker was unknown to Pelosi.
    3) There was only one hammer.
    4) The assailant is white, not black.
    5) The window was not smashed from the inside.

  33. Ah. Good ole Stevie boy. Is he even relevant now a days?

  34. "Remember the conspiracy theory about the vaccine not working?"

    Yes, I do. The vaccine is quite effective if you get boosted as advised.

  35. Well too bad Mr.Pelosi didn’t appear in the kitchen with a shotgun. Going after political people that aren’t directly trying to physically hurt you Is completely off base . That’s to include judges and police figures. We’re not to tolerate this type of activity in this country. That happens in South America,Mexico and other Socialists venues. Even a below average handler with a 12 gauge on a diet of No 2 high brass , would usually not be revocable .

  36. What happened to common decency!
    When someone breaks into the home of a neighbor, a friend or someone we don’t like, should be the same Christian or decent response! Especially when the elderly person or any person is hurt!
    Some people like to dissect the incident to their scenario??? Criticizing the victim, why didn’t they do this do that! WHAT IS HAPPENIING here!
    Hoping the criminal is caught, hope the victims recover!
    Spinning stories is such a disservice and not the American response we are used to!
    Please bring back common compassion back!


You own views are appreciated, especially if they differ from mine. But remember, commenting is a privilege, not a right. I will delete personal attacks or off-topic remarks at my discretion. Comments that play into the tribalism that has consumed this nation will be declined. So will comments alleging voter fraud unless backed up by concrete evidence. If you attack someone personally, I expect you to identify yourself. I will delete criticisms of my comment policy, vulgarities, cut-and-paste jobs from other sources and any suggestion of violence towards anyone. I will also delete sweeping generalizations about mainstream parties or ideologies, i.e. identity politics. My decisions on these matters are made on a case by case basis, and may be affected by my mood that day, my access to the blog at the time the comment was made or other information that isn’t readily apparent.