Local Government TV

Friday, October 28, 2022

Lehigh Valley Voter Stats Show Dems Losing Voters While Rs and Indies Make Gains

Here are the voting numbers as of October 4, 2022, for both NorCo and Lehigh, compared to what they were in 2016, when Trump was elected President. 

Northampton County

Total: 222,993, compared to 211,402 in 2016.

Democrats: 98,504, compared to 99,075 in 2016.  Democrats account for 44.2% of the total registration, compared to 47% in 2016. 

Republicans: 81,144, compared to 73,473 in 2016. Republican registration increased from 34.8% to 36.4% of the total registration.  

Other: 43,345, compared to 38,854 in 2016. Independents increased from 18.4% to 19.4% of the total number of registered voters. 

Lehigh County

Total: 237,058, compared to 236.081 in 2016.

Democrats: 111,309, compared to 115,745 in 2016. Democrats account for 47% of the total registration, compared to 49% in 2016.

Republicans: 82,363, compared to 80,623 in 2016. Republicans account for 35% of the total registration, compared to 34.2% in 2016.

Other: 43,386, compared to 39,713 in 2016. Independents account for 18.3% of the total registration, compared to 16.8% in 2016.

Key Takeaways: Democrats are losing registered voters. Republicans and Independents are making gains. 


  1. You're comparing apples and kiwis, my friend.

  2. How can anyone vote for a democratic-They are destroying America.

  3. The red wave is coming Bernie Even the fake media can't stop it.

  4. Yeah, Us Democrats have switched parties to Republicans so that we can vote to put the most liberal conservative on the ticket.

  5. Dems will lose alot more in the next 2 weeks--for the good of the country

  6. Golly, Dja think the lockdown hoax might have anything to do with that?

    Believe it or not, a lot of people are angry, for example, at "Snitchline Mike" Schlossberg for telling traitors to anonymously inform on their neighbors in the Nazi Gestapo style.

    The lockdown hoax might have been the best thing to ever happen to the GOP...

  7. Bernie Trump will be on your mind on your Death.

  8. Too bad Pelosi wasn't home.

    1. Bernie, this is the essence of the maga Republican. They’re white, stupid, Christo-fascist who promote violence against anyone that disagrees with them. But yet you approved this comment on your blog? Quite telling that you’re complicit in white supremacy if you leave comments like these unchecked…

    2. 5:38- Oh, this guy was a real Q beauty. This is what he was posting online:

      “Either Q is Trump himself or Q is the deepstate moles within Trumps inner circle. So Q/Trump sabotaged their child trafficking operations. #2 self inflicted wound. Trumps covert id or a Deep state mole? Was Q refering to this? Did Q do this? another video,” he wrote, referring to QAnon. Some videos on his website show Pelosi.

      In another post, he wrote, “The more Ukrainians die NEEDLESSLY the cheaper the land will be for Jews to buy up.” His website has posts on pedophiles, aliens, COVID, Communism, Kanye West, Derek Chauvin, what he called “climate hysteria” and more. It is filled with conspiracy theories and other ramblings. He also had a Facebook page, but it was taken down.

    3. 7:39- Strangely enough, despite all of Depape's conspiracy theories, he was intimately involved with with wacko and her three children for about 15 years. They illegally sold hallucinogen miracle drugs.

      After his arrest , the oldest child said that he physically and sexually abused her and her siblings. Her mother was arrested in 2019 and currently incarcerated for the stalking, attempted kidnapping and sexual abuse of her son's 14yo son.


    4. 7:39- sounds like the daily Facebook page of Steve Lynch.

  9. Hey Bernie,
    Just so that you know, if you vote Republican then you are voting to throw away Democracy. I’m a lifelong Republican, I voted for Regan, Bush and Bush but not Trump. I am disappointed in my party but they have changed and not for the betterment of our country. I am White, and a Catholic who believes in women rights and am not racist in any way. I work for a living and do not have a pension plan. So when I tell this community that we are getting screwed by Republicans it is true in my eyes. I am voting a straight Democratic ticket since these people are real people they are looking for the betterment of our society not looking to fill their pockets by passing law to avoid paying their fair share. Good Luck I wish us all the best.

  10. The media is so corrupt. The one young reporter who actually reported the truth about her interactions with Fetterman was attacked and villified. She was threatened by Fetterman’s wife! Her name is Dasha Burns and she has been totally vindicated.

  11. "Too bad Pelosi wasn't home."

    When I published this, I was unaware that House Speaker Nancy Pelosi's husband had been assaulted in a home invasion. Regardless of what you think of anyone's politics, your comment expressing a desire that someone be harmed is the worst thing you as a human being can do to another. You have a dark soul. You are also a coward for making thuis wish and not saying who you are.

  12. Plenty of wisdom floating around today!
    It's hard to draw any solid conclusions from this data other than some number went up, some went down. Knowing if these were new registrations or party switch registrations would put some meat on the bones.

  13. "The media is so corrupt. The one young reporter who actually reported the truth about her interactions with Fetterman was attacked and villified. She was threatened by Fetterman’s wife! Her name is Dasha Burns and she has been totally vindicated."

    I watched the Dasha Burns interview in its entirety and was bothered, not by his need to use a computer or occasional word-mushing, but by his defensiveness and evasiveness with a reporter who had tough questions but was totally professional. I wrote about this at the time, and blogger LVCI commented that Fetterman seemed OK with an hour-long PennLive interview. I then watched that and agree he was much better there. In the debate, he was back to the way he was when interviewed by Dasha Burns.

    To me, this all boils down to transparency. Fetterman hid his stroke for several days. Then he stayed out of the public eye for months. I wish him the best but it is obvious he is still in recovery. And his transparency is not going to improve. He has already established himself as evasive and secretive.

    I fault him, his family and the Pa. Democratic party for failing to realize how bad he was going to look and refusing to withdraw from the race. He could have done so, and party bosses could have picked someone better suited to lead Dems into this election, preferably someone with more moderate credentials like Conor Lamb.

    Lamb would have beaten Oz. I would have voted for him instead of Oz.

    This is why we need open primaries.

    Fetterman's wife did not "threaten" Dasha Burns. She called on Burns to apologize. There's a difference. Yiou have not had a stroke and should be more careful about what words you use.

    1. I agree with everything you said with the exception of Fetterman’s wife. The wife said there should be “Consequences” for the reporter. That’s like a dog whistle to attack her and get her fired. Also, anyone that has been embedded with that campaign as a reporter must have known he was worse off than they led on. If they didn’t they weren’t doing their job. And how about Bob Casey saying he did well in the debate? How do you keep a straight face and say that?

      Yes, Lamb would have been much better and I probably would have voted for him.

  14. Lot's of reasons out there for switching. This Northampton County resident was a D for years simply to have a meaningful vote in City of Bethlehem primaries. Moved to suburbs and switched to vote for someone other than Trump in the 2024 R primary. Just hope there's a viable race when PA primary rolls around.

  15. Start of the red wave all you democrats are going lose big and you deserve because your policies suck look what they are doing to our country.

  16. Boy is the deep state and the left afraid of Trump, Trump is needed more than ever to straighten out the mess caused by democrats, and he must take apart the deep state people--FBI, the so-called justice department, and the state department. Then the blue state must be cleaned out they are run by scum.

  17. While many of the observations above use your blog to make irrelevent political remarks, I find the subject of the article interesting and I'm really interested in what might be behind these registration changes. I'm wondering if its related to demographic changes more than a locals switching parties. With the thousands of new housing units being built in the suburbs over the past few years and with both counties gaining population, I wonder if Lehigh Valley is increasingly attracting older, affluent white voters as opposed to younger, less affluent minorities who have typically migrated to Allentown, Bethlehem and Easton.

  18. Trump made voting great again. He also made not voting Democrat great again. He's the most consequential politician of our lifetimes. Shifts happen. California used to be reliably Democrat. Despite the media narrative since the primaries, there's still a wave coming. Could be a big one. The only incumbent R in any major office who looks to be in jeopardy is the governor of Oklahoma. All others win. RCP Avg give Rs the Senate by 53-47.

  19. Hey Bernie 10:37

    That’ll you have here on your blog, a bunch of haters.

    They cannot see the trees from the woods.

    God bless America, I will vote for Democrats which is a vote fit America.

  20. "When I published this, I was unaware that House Speaker Nancy Pelosi's husband had been assaulted in a home invasion. Regardless of what you think of anyone's politics, your comment expressing a desire that someone be harmed is the worst thing you as a human being can do to another. You have a dark soul. You are also a coward for making thuis wish and not saying who you are."

    Agree. Wishing him a speedy recovery. The rhetoric is poisonous. Just look at Nancy and Paul Pelosi's daughter re: Rand Paul and his assault:


  21. Democrats are not the democrats of Kennedy they even cheat better than the dems did in 1960

  22. 9:17. The epitome of a hater. You must be so proud of yourself.b

  23. As politicians lie and become rich on the taxpayer, I am afraid more and more attacks will come 0n them. I do not say this because I want it to happen, but they have taken advantage of the citizen of this country for a long time and doing what they do will eventually have consequences and looking at human nature some of it may be violent in nature.

  24. You reap what you sow--politicians have sowed a lot of bad things to the American people and eventually they will reap it.

  25. 1:23 I am the politicians having been giving it to the taxpayer and the American citizen for too many years you get what you sow.

  26. Betting site PredictIt has the over/under at 52R (mean). They're predicting 53R. The over looks solid.

  27. Violence is never the answer. That's what's wrong today. It's become an acceptable part of human nature and that's truly unacceptable to let people off of responsibility as an American. I liked up until the last post that people are finally calling people on their outrageous behavior. Because you can't see a persona face in a post it gives some in social media the ability to be cruel. We expect our politicians to be human. More of the people have to show what being human is all about. Listening. Compromising. Being polite. For heavens sake we feel like we can't speak our opinions anymore because of fear of violence. Even posting a political sign has become scary. Seems like we are all a little out of control and only we can change this narrative.

  28. 12.47
    "Rand Paul and his assault:"
    Rand got a beat down but the issue was not about politics.
    "a neighbor of both men. "I do not know the details of what transpired between he and Rene Boucher, but I do know he did not deserve to be assaulted in his own yard."

    But across Bowling Green, sympathy for either man appears to be in short supply. Goodwin described them as "two little shits" who have brought embarrassment upon the town. "You're talking about two of them that I'd like to turn over my knee," he said. "That's what the folks would like to do. Give them both a paddling and send them on their way."
    I suspect the attack on paul pelosi was not over yard waste.

  29. It’s terrible what happened to Paul Pelosi. We have had these attacks from both sides, heck some nut even shot up Republican Congressional baseball practice. This has to stop.

  30. "https://www.businessinsider.com/rand-paul-calls-out-nancy-pelosi-daughter-wishes-husband-well-2022-10"

    I was unaware of that disgusting tweet from Pelosi's daughter about Rand Paul's assault, and question why news outlets use her as a talking head.

  31. "Rand got a beat down but the issue was not about politics."

    No, it was not, all the more reason why the tweet by Christine Pelosi was disgusting. Never apologized, either. Why on earth do some news outlets use her as a talking head?

  32. Well a maga favorite network guy had this as a tweet
    yep stay classy newsmax.

  33. Donald Trump is directly responsible for the level of political violence in this country. His words and actions created a clear line to the attack on a family member of the Speaker. Trump is a cancer on the American system of democratic principles. It is time for all government officials to condemn any and all forms of violence against government officials and their families.

    1. Great division in this country started long ago and was worsened by Obama who chose to further divide this country. The mental health issues further complicate our country. And hatred and blaming continues to fuel the potential future violence.

    2. Obama didn’t divide this country, it’s just you white people being called out on your current and past racism and you guys not wanting to accept accountability. I don’t want to be associated with people who vote for candidates that take away rights and hurt people. Fuck off with your kumbaya

    3. 10:10pm

      The other night, the movie, "Mississippi Burning" staring William DeFoe and Gene Hackman was on TV. It's about the true story of three Civil Rights workers who were killed by the local chapter of the KKK and the behest of Town's Sheriff's department. This occurred in 1962. I haven't watched it since the 80's.

      I invited my teenage daughter to watch it with me. Throughout the film, we couldn't get over all the similarities between 1962 Mississippi and current 2022.

      Mississippians thought the FBI were fake news villains, the civil rights workers got what they deserve for interfering with their lifestyle, voter suppression against minorities was rampant, cross burnings we're nightly (MAGA and BRADON SIGNS), etc...

      The similarities were endless, yet Republican yahoo's claim it was Obama who divided this Country and have the audacity to cloak their Racism and Hatred under the guise of "Patriotism".

  34. Hey Bernie,
    The false narrative of a stolen 2020 election clearly increased support for political violence. Those who believed the election was fraudulent were far more likely to endorse coups and armed citizen rebellion; by February 2021, a quarter of Republicans felt that it was at least “a little” justified to take over state government buildings with violence to advance their political goals. This politically driven false narrative points to the role of politicians since 2016 in fueling the difference in violence between right and left. As has been found in Israel and Germany, domestic terrorists are emboldened by the belief that politicians encourage violence or that authorities will tolerate it.

    Start publishing the facts and stop the nonsense! Early voting is good and our voting process and procedures are legitimate, legal and world renowned.

  35. If you don't say nothing about my tinfoil cap I won't say nothing about your blindfold? Seeing some in both party's have become unhinged and the lfet right advertisements should go away too.

  36. @8:56
    Hell no!
    A free Republic can only be as good as it's voters and 99.7% of the of the unhinged Political violence comes from the Republicans.

    1. Really? A billion dollars of property damage. A police precinct burned to the ground. A congressional baseball practice shot up with a rifle. A sitting president rushed to the White House underground bunker by SS because the grounds were almost breached. Just the other day an innocent kid at University of Wisconsin/Madison attacked and the Bible he was reading taken a ripped up with one sick leftist eating the pages. Express a different view than the social communist point of view on an American college campus and you risk being attacked so please stop with oh it’s your side not mine bullshit. It’s both sides and it needs to stop.

  37. 10:10
    How the hell did Obama divide this country? Please let me know? Because he was the first Black President?

  38. Good Morning Everyone,
    Check out the Saturday Night Live cold open, it’s worth a good laugh. That’s all we have with these jokers.

  39. I was unaware of the disgusting lies that OZ told to make Million of dollars and if he wins will find ways for poor people like me to pay for his share of taxes.

    Dr. Oz is a dangerous rogue unfit for the office of America’s doctor. He has told mothers that there were dangerous levels of arsenic in their child’s apple juice (there weren’t) and suggested that green coffee is a “miracle” cure for obesity. Federal regulators discovered altered data in hyped coffee bean evidence . . . Dr. Oz also featured two guests on his show who claimed that genetically modified foods were cancer-causing (despite repeated safety reports that found no adverse effects. . . . Ten physicians wrote to the medical school dean at Columbia claiming that he was endangering public health, had demonstrated contempt for medical and scientific evidence, and was ineligible to sit on the faculty of a prestigious medical institution. Medical and scientific professionals applauded, claiming Dr. Oz ‘undermines the trust that is essential to physician-patient relationships.'”

    He is not fit for PA, send him back to Turkey.

  40. Well elon is adding class to twitter
    Sure to be the repub standard line as they need to try to muddy the water about how right wing rhetoric has led to violence.
    Fox (Sunday morning) could not resist mentioning Paul Pelosi and his DUI--while the guy is still in the hospital.
    Guess Hillary had a point about some deplorable people.

  41. This midterm will be a blow out for republicans. Like Bernie, ateast 3 other family members, registered democrats, will be voting for OZ and Scheller. These are hard-core democrats, Biden voters. They are fed up with $200/wk grocery bills for a family of 4 and gas at $4/gal.


You own views are appreciated, especially if they differ from mine. But remember, commenting is a privilege, not a right. I will delete personal attacks or off-topic remarks at my discretion. Comments that play into the tribalism that has consumed this nation will be declined. So will comments alleging voter fraud unless backed up by concrete evidence. If you attack someone personally, I expect you to identify yourself. I will delete criticisms of my comment policy, vulgarities, cut-and-paste jobs from other sources and any suggestion of violence towards anyone. I will also delete sweeping generalizations about mainstream parties or ideologies, i.e. identity politics. My decisions on these matters are made on a case by case basis, and may be affected by my mood that day, my access to the blog at the time the comment was made or other information that isn’t readily apparent.