Local Government TV

Thursday, October 13, 2022

Fetterman's NBC Interview Raises Concerns About Transparency, Not Stroke

If you're still undecided about the US Senate race here in Pa., I'd recommend that you watch the John Fetterman interview broadcast on NBC. It's his first full interview after suffering a stroke in early May. He's unable to process questions fully and used closed captioning to understand questions. He did occasionally flub words, but that's understandable. What bothers me is that he refuses to release his medical records while simultaneously claiming to be transparent. That's hypocritical. Release of his medical records would reveal, once and for all, whether he has necrosis. If he does, that's a problem. If he refuses to tell us, that's a problem. 

I also felt he was both evasive and defensive in an interview conducted in his own home. 

Instead of addressing his evasion and defensiveness, his acolytes have responded by pulling a page out of the Republican playbook and have instead attacked the reporter (Dasha Burns) who interviewed him.  


  1. "He's unable to process questions fully"

    That is not accurate. I watched the interview and he answered every question completely and understandably. He processes questions fully when he reads them, he has auditory issues, which is common with stroke patients. The reporter inaccurately stated she believed he had trouble understanding her when they spoke. She did not state that it was due to an auditory issue, not his mental ability to process or understand. It was an incomplete statement on her part.

  2. Fetterman is not fit to be in the senate He is like another Biden not all there--if you like crime he is your guy if you want all-natural gas shut down, he is your guy.Fetterman if you like a phony, he is your man.

  3. ""He's unable to process questions fully"

    That is not accurate. I watched the interview and he answered every question completely and understandably.

    Perhaps I was unclear. He is unable to process questions fully bc he has auditory issues, not cognitive issues. He did not answer every question completely and understandably. There was one occasion in which the reporter had to restate her question. I do not consider that a big deal. And in his responses, he sometimes used the wrong words to express what he was trying to say, although that's no big deal to me. What is a big deal to me is that he was both evasive and defensive. You can't claim transparency when you refuse to release medical records. Does he have necrosis or not?

    1. No problem with trump not releasing them. Just accept the statement from Ronnie the loyalist.

  4. First off she is being attacked for doing the interview. Where are her media colleagues to stick up for her and tell people to not attack the media? Lastly I keep seeing the name John Fetterman. Is the link below the same John Fetterman? Just want to make sure before I vote. We all know fact checks are 100% true and I see this.


  5. The reporter who did the interview stated that he could not participate in “small talk” prior to the interview. They are trying to destroy her now just because she told the truth.

  6. The guy is a fraud. Braddock PA is no better off now then before he was mayor. The owner of one of the few successful businesses there wrote a column that was published today explaining how he talked a great game but really did nothing for the town. His name CBis Bob Portogallo look it up. His true politics are left of Bernie Sanders lol.

  7. "... but that's understandable."

    Yes, it's understandable. No, it's not acceptable. My dad had a stroke. He ended up a lot like Fetterman. He was a wonderful man, a Marine veteran with two degrees, and is still my hero. He was COMPLETELY unqualified to serve in the US Senate after his stroke, God bless him. This is about electing John Fetterman's loyal wife, and she has yet to be vetted.

    1. Thank you for being so honest and thank your Dad for his service. Fettermans wife was brought to the United States by her mom illegally when she was a kid. Like her husband shes never had a real job other than working for liberal do gooder non profits like “Hijabs For Kids” whatever that is lol.

  8. If the people of Pennsylvania vote in Fetterman they deserve all they are going from his type.

  9. Hey it worked for Biden, the democrat base thought it was all ok., they also hope that if they win the governors seat, they can replace him with some other woke replacement. If Fetterman can be elected to senator in this state, we know that democracy and this country are dead.

    1. 1:28- Democracy died when Trump was elected. There's no one in the current Republican party worth voting for.

  10. Bernie that was not his only interview. He gave one an hour long yesterday

    If the link above doesn't work for you copy and paste this into your browser

  11. The interview I just mentioned was unedited and much more raw then the NBC version. See what you think.

  12. Your post is about transparency. Yet, your cool with his fumbling in the absence of his medical records. This is the very opposite of transparency and you are blogsplaining it to us who don't understand, I guess? Oz's medical records are out there for all to see. Where are Fetterman's?

    1. Fettermans medical records are buried underneath Obama’s SAT and LSAT scores.

  13. Felons and drug addicts love Fetterman. He’s good for our communities and children.

    What’s the big deal?

  14. Let's focus on his policy positions and stop being so ableist.

  15. Women who want to continue to terminate the lives of their own unborn children are going to send Fetterman to DC to represent all of us.

    Maybe Fetterman is a tiny part of the problem.

  16. if we put Fetterman into the senate we are as crazy as he is.

  17. The right wing has gone bonkers with the info they have.
    Fox tried to imply that Fetterman was putting answers on the monitor .they claimed this while talking to OZ and he did not call them on it.
    tucker boy implied Fetterman was a cyborg with Fetterman just being an empty shell.
    If Fetterman releases all his scans and medical reports Fox will find someone to say Fetterman has 100 days to live.
    If the scans are clear the argument will then change to they are fakes and the crap continues.
    So why give enemies any more info?
    As to the reporter she said in a follow up that Fetterman not making small talk in no way meant that Fetterman was not capable.
    That was not how the right wing reported it to their followers.
    They omitted the "small talk" line.
    She said this after some twitter folks claimed various objections to her first tweet.
    They did not attack her for say her looks or her record or her heritage like the Repubs like to do.
    Twitter folks saying "hey maybe he just does not want to do small talk with you is not "tearing a page from the republicans book".

  18. I am not going to bash the man for the lingering impact of his stroke, rather I will bash his arrogance for thinking he should ever be a senator. His little grunge act shows me just how seriously he is taking his run for the senate. Add to that he is arrogant and not terribly accomplished (only champions the controversial issues-of-the-moment) and becomes crotchety when asked tough questions. I am very disappointed that the party didn’t encourage him to step aside and replace him with Connor Lamb.

  19. Uncle Fester will make PA. look like the class of the nation.

  20. Bernie. ? Necrosis? Do you mean he has brain damage from lack of oxygen? I hope he doesn't have necrosis!! I do agree with paying attention to policy position. But if he won't answer questions then we can't do that either.

  21. No matter what you think about Fetterman and his health at this point, he will be four times better than OZ for Pennsylvania. You guys have Jesse Watters bashing Fetterman, What a clown! Let’s all get start singing “ SEND IN THE CLOWNS” 🤡

  22. Thank God - Shapiro is clearly favored to win Pennsylvania's election for governor.

  23. Hey Bernie,
    Maybe you can start passing out those special pills OZ developed to help him win the election. God knows he needs all the help he can buy / sell to cover for his political ineptitude. Fetterman is favored to win Pennsylvania's Senate election 538.

  24. Liz Cheney gave up her whole career for this moment where she put forward a motion to subpoena former President Trump for trying to overturn an election. She deserves our gratitude. And I hope her commitment to the Constitution fills her Republican colleagues with shame.

  25. The same person feeding the teleprompter with questions most likely is feeding the answers as well. That should be a red flag. He's not capable to serve a 6 year term. I don't think anyone needs to release medical records. Let's keep that private. Dr. OZ will capture an audience in the senate because of his high profile celebrity status. He's gonna be great for Pennsylvania. Sorry Fetterman fans but mothers are sick of drugs.

  26. Fetterman is simply the better candidate in this race. Oz is a Turkish citizen and will not represent Pennsylvania!

  27. Marco Rubio, Greg Abbott, Mehmet Oz and Herschel Walker have all backed out of debates this week…
    When you don’t stand for anything, you’ll run away from everything.

  28. LVCI, He does look a lot better in the PennLive interview.

  29. "Marco Rubio, Greg Abbott, Mehmet Oz and Herschel Walker have all backed out of debates this week…
    When you don’t stand for anything, you’ll run away from everything."

    Oz backed out of no debates. Fetterman has agreed to only one debate. You are misrepresenting facts.

  30. "Oz is a Turkish citizen and will not represent Pennsylvania!"

    Oz was born in the US and has dual citizenship with Turkey and even served in their military. I agree it is a conflict but he has agreed to renounce his dual citizenship if elected. I believe Cruz and Bachman had dual citizenships as well with the US and Canada (Cruz) and Switzerland (Bachman). They both renounced.

    1. And trump agreed to divest if elected, how'd that work out?

  31. Yeah, Trump is completely dishonest. But it's unfair to conclude that all politicians are as dishonest as he is. I think you can take Oz at his word on that point.

  32. Oz voted in an election in Turkey as recently as 2018. Sorry but whether he renounces his citizenship there or not, there will always be a question about any vote he takes regarding US policy on Turkey or any Turkish allies.

  33. No Rs have cowered from a debate. The Georgia debate with Walker is tonight and available on line. Shapiro and Fetterman are to sniveling cowards who are counting on their brainless, soulless cowardly constituents not caring because they're all cowards under the same mommy skirt. Shapiro looks like a child at 4' 10". Lol. Maybe his mom won't let him stay up that late.

  34. @7:11

    You got it right! These Republicans are all 🤡 and not worth voting for. OZ is toast and it’s time to send him back to Turkey.

  35. That's right, I forgot that Oz was at a fundraiser in California with one of Hitlers vehicles. We know where he stands, literally,
    not with Pennsylvanians...

  36. Heard about the interview, didn't watch it. The current set of Republican candidates such as Oz are so self serving I would vote for Fetterman even if he died. (and those commercials about the screaming tortured puppies Oz killed...daamm!)

  37. Vote uncle Fester 49 till he worked and then he did not work he hardly showed up --He will do a good job. If you believe that you are an idiot.

  38. Fetterman is an obvious dullard.

  39. I have taken care of post stroke (CVA) patients. Fetterman is not deaf as the main stream is promoting but he apparently cannot understand or process verbal communication. This is a huge deficit and one that truly disqualifies him from the Senate race. The man is ill and needs rehabilitation to regain whatever it is he can of those present deficits. Another dupe of the Democratic Party.

  40. The Clown show of commenters on this should put all their crap in the street like they want everyone else too!. You all throw stones and demean people but are the first to hide away and cower from everything if it suits you. You let deficient individuals like Trump, AOC, Boebert, Greens, and even Biden hide from the realities of health, mental status, financial dealings, covered up lawsuits, criminal activities, taxes, and the like. Many of you posting on this protected the other side and deemed it infringement but yet push the other side to do the opposite.

    Get off your butkis and tell your politicians you want full transparency for political or governmental, and especially appointed or associated to those category individuals. Make them go through health screenings, mental appitude screeings, knowledge tests on our country and region where applicalbe, make their tax records for 10 years before and 10 years after public knowledge, Audit their financial dealings and so on. Tell you political favorite to put or shutup and get the F out. YOu whine on this blog but I bet very very very few of you told your politician you wanted them to put it in writing that all must do it. And if they don't they can play in the game and if they really screw up about it they go to jail not like the look the other way attitude there is for so many historically.

  41. It worked for Biden so maybe uncle fester is trying same strategy

  42. No one cares that this "candidate" lived off of mommy and daddy until almost 50?? And then didn't pay his taxes?? How can people ignore this?

  43. It’s no surprise that the “we the people” maggots would post ableist comments, but the amount of vitriol and discrimination against a stroke victim is mind blowing.

  44. I can't vote for senator who wears shorts in winter. He's going to be the symbol for PA in every political cartoon. The guy thinks this makes him look like a regular guy? Maybe a regular guy on prison visiting day.

  45. Fetterman is clearly a better candidate for the job of Senator!
    Dr Oz is more a NJ resident, doesn’t really understand the commonwealths needs!
    Fetterman is recovering from a stroke, which from all drs has indicate is a slow process but he cognitively is fine! Dr.Oz is trying to capitalize on his recovery! Dr. Oz is hard to read! He is enforced by trump, and first seemed to be an election fraud believer, then changed his mind! He is an elitist and some of his comments clearly indicate that!
    Fetterman did run a City,mand seemed to do a decent job a, what did Dr, Oz do!


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