Local Government TV

Thursday, October 13, 2022

Anti-Boscola Ad Brutally Effective


In yesterday's mail, I received the most effective political attack ad I've seen in years. It's so good you could frame it and send it to a museum. It is aimed at State Senator Lisa Boscola, who is seeking re-election to yet another term. Her opponent is is Bethlehem Tp Comm'r and combat veteran John Merhottein. I don't know who came up with it, but the state Republican party has paid for it. 

Why do I consider this ad so effective? 

1) It is aimed at everyone. 
2) It has a union bug, which is something old school Dems like myself like to see on political mailers.
3) The picture on the front is a blue collar worker, and starts by emphasizing that "working families struggle from inflation ... " 
4) It refers to Boscola as a "career politician," and on the reverse side of the mailer goes on to note that "after 24 years in Harrisburg, it's time for a change." 
5) It includes an unflattering grainy B&W image of Boscola, in which I first thought she was wearing a fur coat. 
6) It hammers her for voting "to spike our electricity rates by 400%," on both sides of the mailer.
7) It hits her for $58,000 in unaccountable per diems, which includes $650 a month for a state car and gas.
8) It slams her for taking two taxpayer-paid pensions as well as free healthcare for life.
9) It has footnotes linking to the source of each accusation.

The ad is devastating. My sole criticism is that it should have come out a week ago, before mail-in ballots were sent. 

In addition to the anti-Boscola ad, I received one from Boscola herself. In that one she claims to be working on property tax reform. She's been working on that since she arrived in Harrisburg and has nothing to show for it. The only time she mentions it is when she's up for re-election. Her ad just reinforces my belief she's been in office too long and is out of touch with actual working families. 

So do her campaign finance reports. One of her biggest payees, at over $20,000, is the Northampton Country Club. It's where she hosts the Senate Open every year. 

I voted for Merhottein. 


  1. Isn't Bob Freeman guilty of everything in that ad, except he's been guilty of it longer? Why do you give him a pass?

    1. Bingo. Bernie seems confused lately.

  2. Not so devastating to informed voters.
    Merhottein plays well to conservatives and DINOs.
    He doesn't support women on the abortion issue, and thinks parents should be able to enroll their kids in any school district they want. As he put it, “The education you receive should not be determined by the ZIP code that you live in.”
    He doesn't support mail-in voting. As a "newbie," he'll sheepishly vote whatever way his GOP leaders tell him, if elected.
    It's easy to attack an incumbent, but I'll cancel your vote with my mail-in vote for Boscola.

  3. With the exception of Mastriano, I think this is going to be a Republican cakewalk in this state. I think enough people will refrain from voting Mastriano and Shapiro will win albeit closer than expected. The rest of the races, it's all momentum on the Republican side... Oz over Fetterman; Scheller over Wild; I think Cartwright up in NE PA is toast, etc. Locally, the GOP is going to sweep state reps and state senate seats. The votes won't be strong enough in the cities this time. In fact, don't be shocked if the cities have a noticeably higher Republican vote total.

  4. Democrats used to be for workers, now they are for government workers and government contractors. As for property tax reform, remember that money from your real estate belongs to the teachers union and any politician that wants to cut it will be the target of their wrath.

    Boscola has actually been better than most democrats, but sadly most all politicians are beholden to those who wield the power, sadly it is least likely to be the workers.

  5. I by no means give Freeman or Samuelson a pass. They both have been in office far too long and have done nothing for the people they ostensibly serve. But they have no opponents.Whose fault is that?

  6. Freeman doesn't abuse per diems. But that's the only check mark he gets in the good column. He's a do-nothing hall walker who's been around much longer than Lisa. And he's accomplished far less over the decades.

  7. Whose fault is that?, running for office is expensive and you need to expect to be harassed, insulted and possibly be destroyed. To run against entrenched democrats in far majority democrat district amount to so much self mutilation for little hope of success. Democrats need to make the changes in their majority districts, if any have the courage is up for debate?

  8. I got that mailer , I will vote for Lisa. You said in the past relating to yard signs that they are effective. Yeah, like Burma Shave (who?). I see signs as identifying people I would or wouldn't want to associate with, certainly not to change my vote.

  9. Is that 20k her monthly bar tab?

  10. First off, nobody should be voting 4 weeks out from an election. Too much can happen between now and election day to change someone's vote. We saw this in Virginia when Terry McCauliffe made that terrible gaffe in the debate. Some people who voted for him wanted their vote back. The weekend prior to election is fine, mail in is fine if regulated appropriately, but 4 weeks out is too far out.

    As far as Boscola, I think her time is up. She's been better than most democrats and an independent voice, but she's become out of touch with the folks.

  11. I'm registered republican and I have voted for Lisa in the past. Not this time. I'm moderate and vote the person, and it's time for her to move on.

  12. I met John at a festival during the summer. He was out there walking around meeting people and listening to their concerns. Lisa had one lone person at her stand who stared blankly at my husband when he said, “She’s running again?”. Lisa was no where in sight. John has my vote.

  13. Merhottein is a Republican who voted to raise taxes in Bethlehem Township and supported the rain tax they imposed. Not very financially responsible.

    I will vote for Boscola--she has never supported a tax increase and supported tax relief.

    Lisa is a strong independent voice in Harrisburg. She stands up for what is right without regard for party affiliation. We need more like Lisa.

  14. Merhottein sounds fine as an individual candidate but I do not trust the current PA Republican Party. Overall the party is now controlled by right wing ideological zealots who want to ram their beliefs down my throat and pressure their own elected officials to tow the current party line. Until the party as a whole again shows tolerance for moderate practical people as candidates, I will vote against all of their people currently running. I highly doubt that Merhottein if elected would be able to continually take positions independent of the current Republican leadership and vote for more reasonable legislation. I am unwilling to take the chance that he will be coerced by his own party into supporting the nonsense currently being proposed by Mastriano and others or marginalized by his own people. Lisa will get my vote as the best alternative I actually have to oppose the Christian nationalism and other MAGA like ideology that currently dominates the PA Republican Party.

  15. Most people who run for office really want a secure pension, benefits and not raise the ire of anyone. they are most all back benchers who dont want to improve anything, just stay in office and enjoy the perks. It is just a job.

  16. But they have no opponents.Whose fault is that?

    A young progressive Democrat like the one who knocked of Sandy Vulcano would have to take them on. A Republican has no shot in either of those districts.

  17. We can’t forget during the worst of the Covid pandemic how she tried to play both sides by voting with Wolf in lockstep on lockdowns but would write letters saying she opposed it to try and cover her rear end as a “moderate.” Lisa represents everything that is wrong with government and it’s time for her to go. Most legislators don’t take the state car anymore. She’s completely out of touch. Btw, doesn’t she have a babysitter (that taxpayers pay for) drive her state car? We all know Lisa shouldn’t be driving it :-)

  18. @9:49 " I see signs as identifying people I would or wouldn't want to associate with, certainly not to change my vote."

    And there, in one short sentence, highlights what is happening in this country. Some of my neighbors vote for people I do not support but that doesn't change my neighborly feelings or push me not to associate with them.

  19. Democrat from Hellertown here. I've voted for Boscola almost every time she's run and I'm all for helping our environment. But voting for the RGGI carbon tax while we're all already paying way too much as it is was irresponsible and shows she isn't feeling the pinch like the rest of us. I'll be voting for Merhottein, she'll probably win but at least my displeasure will be noted.

  20. She's one of the few Ds I've consistently voted for. I like girls who booze and dirty talk.
    Never bothered me a bit, and I always though we should hang out and maybe get down. But I'm out this time. She's waaaay past her expiration date and has already stayed too long. Few pros know when to hang up their spikes. Even Babe Ruth had to be released, in the end. Lisa's about to get her walking papers. She could have gone out on top. But we know she wasn't big on that position. And so it goes ....

  21. Prediction Boscolla wins by 10 points

  22. I perfer my politicians to be well educated and experienced in a field of social science or law. These people have been trained to see both sides of an argument and empathy. I think candidates with an entrepreneurial background less suitable because they have been experienced and trained in self enrichment.
    Surely there are many exceptions but when all I have to go on when making a choice is prior qualification this how I go.

  23. Love you Lisa, but time to go. I could overlook the car, the gas, all your benefits. Even all the time you spend at the country club. But the vote to raise our utility bills just shows you are out of touch. You ran to the democrats with that vote. You had a good run! We just get to spend more time at the country club!

  24. Lisa's time is up as is others mentioned but Merhoten is simply not the one to replace her! Also, his military service doesn't mean shit either!

    1. I'm sure all our veterans will be happy to read this.

  25. She and the rest of th incumbent's, republicans and democrats alike have been running on property tax reform for decades. This is why I now support across the board term limits at every level of government.

  26. Boscola and Fetterman both are world class politicians.

  27. I am fairly new to town, but cannot, in all good conscience, vote for either of them. Boscola is a "do what is good for me gal," voting against her party at times, and, well ANY connection to the right wingnutness of the GOP is suspect, so no way to that John guy. I will be writing in myself. Vote Reg Kress!

  28. I’m a moderate,I do agree with 1:21 poster. She’s been working on it , property taxes . I don’t mind city and county taxes too much ,but the control of funds and how they are spent by Easton School District is out of line . They should live within a budget and not have control with property taxes. RETIRE ,it’s over,I’m not voting for you again this time.

  29. They make a lovely VO Perfect Manhattan at the country club. She can hardly be blamed. Just because the poors are drinking Schmidt's and boxed wine doesn't mean she has to slum it. When you expect better, don't surprised when you get better.

  30. @3:12 "Also, his military service doesn't mean shit either!"

    One more example of what is wrong with this country. You may disagree with him politically but disparaging his service is low and slimy. You should be ashamed.

  31. She just sent out a bunch of official mail too - Franking laws do not allow any legislator who is appearing on a ballot to send official franked mail out within 60 days of an election. She's using tax payer dollars to campaign!


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