Local Government TV

Wednesday, September 21, 2022

Seeing Eye Dog Helping Me Stay Fit

As most of you know, I am a highly-conditioned, well-trained athlete. Even loudmouth Steve Lynch backed off when I countered his attempt to bully me into silence with a boxing challenge with a 100-mile bike race. I've become so fast on the Ironton and Tatamy Trails that I've been ticketed a few times. Now I'm getting a little help in the fitness department from a very mellow seeing-eye dog named Mason.   

Yes, he really is a seeing-eye dog. No, this seeing-eye dog is not owned by my girlfriend, as one wiseass has suggested. His owner is actually a neighbor whose knees are bothering him.  He's been unable to exercise this magnificent English black lab. The dog gained weight quickly. I know what that's like. I volunteered to take him on daily walks. I like to mix up low and high intensity. We've been at it since early August. 

By the way, seeing-eye dogs are amazing. They are trained for two years before an owner is located.  This fellow even knows the difference between left and right, which confuses most humans. The only time I confuse him is when I walk backwards. That drives him nuts. 

If he's in his harness and working, leave him alone. But when he's with me, it's play time.  He loves other dogs and people, especially kids. 

When we first started, Mason struggled to get a mile in. The heat bothered him, too. But whenever he saw me, he wanted to go. Over the past six weeks, we kept it up, usually two walks a day. He now averages between four and five miles a day. He's also doing something new - running. If he hops on a mountain bike, I'm in trouble. 

He is something of a celebrity. Wherever I go, people know him. He signs autographs, but is very modest. 

Over the weekend, we visited Jacobsburg Park. In addition to walking five miles, he swam in the Bushkill Creek. It was his first real swim since he was two. He loved it so much he'd still be there if it were up to him. At one point, he stuck his head under water, came up with a stick, and dropped it at my feet. He had a blast diving into the creek to retrieve the stick.   

Mason was at the vet just before we started and weighed in at 140 lbs. Yesterday, Nazareth Veterinary Center weighed him at no charge, and he's trimming down. He's dropped to 128.6 lbs. 

More importantly, he's happier dog and full of energy again.  

So am I. 


  1. You should loan the dog to McClure.

  2. Speaking of Lynch, did you see all the infighting between his weird little cult of personality and the NCRC?

    It is fucking hilarious.

  3. Bernie this is a very cool story, glad you're enjoying and happy for the dog, sounds like he's having a heck of a time!

    The Banker

  4. " did you see all the infighting between his weird little cult of personality and the NCRC?

    It is fucking hilarious."

    I intend to write about it once I get the police report. His circle keeps getting smaller and smaller.

    1. BOH: Police Report??? You can't be serious. I can hardly wait for your write up.

  5. Why don't you write about how fucked you are?

  6. you left wing media types are trying to twist the polls not this time Bernie the landslide of all landslides is coming

  7. So happy Mason is getting his walks in. It is funny to see his reaction when he sees you coming. One day he is gonna stand up,put his paws on your shoulders and give you a big kiss on the lips. It is easy to see how.much he loves you. It has been great watching his weight loss over the.last few weeks.Keep m up the good work

  8. Bernie, this is one of your occasional personal stories, and a good one at that!

  9. "BOH: Police Report??? You can't be serious. I can hardly wait for your write up."

    Police were called when he refused to leave a Naz restaurant hosting a meeting on Labor Day after he got obnoxious. The owner asked him to leave and he refused.

    1. The Naz dinner. Ain't that the place that starts selling alcohol at 7 am and claim it's for overnight truck drivers getting off work, or an I mistaken?

      Or, is it the place that starts selling alcohol at 7 am to GOP roid freaks?

    2. How about this. Let's have you both do the bike race. But since he challenged you first to a boxing match. Let's do that first. Then after we have the bike race.

  10. BernieOHare to 2:21 the meeting was NOT hosted at Naz Diner. The restaurant where it was hosted has no liquor license.

    1. 2:47:. Please keep posting with all the information that you have. I'm begging you, on bended knee.

  11. @ 5:55 I thought I was the only one watching the Lynch/NCRC drama. It's beyond hilarious. That dumpster fire never seems to stop burning. He seems to be more of a failed cult-leader at this point, and less of a wannabe politician. He traded his sport coat for a wife beater and makes no mention of his "podcast" anymore.

    1. Steve’s POD rocked easy for an anonymous hater to throw shade at premier content creators what are you making besides stains on moms basement lazy boy while you jerk the gherkin to Brother Stev

  12. As for the dog story it is a great story! One of humanity and caring for others. Nice to see that you have that side every once in a while. Animals are just the best and you are helping! A noble cause

  13. Word at the courthouse is your boy McClure vetoed the pay study. Read his BS press release. I guess the study would interfere with his re-election tax cut. I guess he could use that seeing eye dog!

  14. More than just Lynch supposedly were asked to leave. There are many witnesses to what went down there including the police report. Anxious for your story.

  15. Brother Steve did nothing wrong, the RINO’s who have hijacked his party need to be cast off into obscurity because they are weak physically, morally, and spiritually.

    Big boycott being organized the restaurant in question will fold faster than an over caffeinated oragami artist. It’s so sad the Margie Mandell wing of the party is being propped up by feckless cucks we need a physical fitness litmus test for anyone in leadership warriors lead better than wonks and needs…

    1. Spoken like either someone who is part of Steve’s circle or someone who wasn’t there. Remember, this was a closed meeting that Steve put on Facebook with his perspective. There are witnesses and a police report.

    2. I was debriefed fully by the God Bod himself before the pre workout prayer following day not much to be gained by dealing with BETA male RINO types ala Elder Mittens I’ve said for a long time it’s best to break free of the country club type R’s holding us back take things to the next level with tier one operators like Brother Steve at the helm with a third party MAGA focused with emphasis on God Guns Trump and traditional family values n

  16. Love this story! You're being super nice here. Don't think I'll let it get to my head though. Post more Mason photos.

  17. So sad that even a great story. Has to be hijacked by politics. Why is the Republican s have to turn everything into a political statement, even when that wasn't the internet. Come on people

  18. Hey! I’m a Republican and I think it’s a great story lol! The lynch crowd aside don’t lump us all together. The dude bitching about the pay study is a dem. Bernie admits he’s fucked up lol. I wish everyone could lighten up a little like that. Good job helping out that dog Bernie!

  19. This is an article about a seeing eye dog and you still managed to bring Steve Lynch up again. Why don't you cut to the chase and just ask him out already.. You're clearly obsessed 🤣

  20. First, who the hell are you? Second, when someone challenges another to a duel, the person challenged has the right to choose weapons. That's the way dueling works, asshole, and I choose the bicycle. I would agree to a boxing match but with the proviso that I throw the first punch and that all $ raised go to my favorite charity - the Democratic party.


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