Local Government TV

Monday, September 12, 2022

Mastriano Prayed For GOP Fascists to "Rise Up," "Seize the Power" Before January 6

Doug Mastriano, Pennsylvania's Republican nominee for Governor, has proved he belongs in a jail cell, not the Governor's Mansion. A week prior to the attempted coup at the US Capitol, Mastriano participated in a Zoom call with "Christian" nationalists."I pray that… we’ll seize the power that we had given to us by the Constitution, and as well by You, providentially. I pray for the leaders also in the federal government, God, on the Sixth of January that they will rise up with boldness.”

This is precisely the kind of anti-democratic person who should be more comfortable in the Kremlin than our government. Up until Donald Trump, people like Mastriano were fringe characters. Now he represents the GOP in the race for the Commonwealth's highest office.

His anti-democratic "prayer" proves that Mastriano is also a liar. He has previously insisted he has no affiliation with "Christian" nationalists.


  1. You are a liar you make stuff up and spread false information--you are exactly a liberal lying sack of shit. By the way Shapiro will be Wolf on steroids.

    1. 4:22- Shapiro on steroids? Let's hope.

  2. Uncle Fester was more sane than this look-alike.

  3. This guy is batsdhit crazzzy. Yet, you will have a bunch of Trumpy nationalists defending him.

  4. wow, just more election year bull shit. You should be ashamed that you have stooped this low. no discussion of policy, just more and hate.

  5. LancasterOnline reported on his cosplay security detail in an article entitled "Flow from the pulpit:' The LifeGate church members providing security to Doug Mastriano".

  6. Bernie, is it wrong for someone in political office to pray? Should an individual be disqualified from office for being a Christian?
    Is the label “Christian Nationalist” being used to make it seem acceptable to dislike someone for simply being Christian?

    1. 6:24- If you believe that Doug Mastriano is a "Christian", I have a bridge in Brooklyn to sell you.

      I'm Atheist and am more Christian than most of hypocritical buffoons who cloak themselves in Christianity, while carrying a rosary and a autographed copy of the Bible.

    2. 9:42- Who's autograph? Which Bible?

      I just sent Joel Osteen my retirement check. My widow's relief fund goes directly to the Ivana Trump headstone account.

    3. 6:47pm. Oh thank the Lord Jesus Almighty that I'm not alone. I equally distribute my disability check between Steve Bannon's Border Wall, Donald Trump's Nuclear Defense Fund (you know that he stole those documents because it provides information on Hillary Clinton's Uranium Deal and her Child Trafficking Pizzeria) and the rest goes to Alex Jones' personalized installed End-of-the-world bomb shelter.

  7. The key there is "seize power".
    religion is just a cover.
    Mastriano has more in common with the mullah's of Iran.
    political power using religion.
    The Christian right has always been about power not religious dogma.
    They were the moral majority and family values crowd that embraced trump without a blink of an eye.
    The sad part is that Mastriano is the best the republicans could find.

  8. This topic is an overreaction of the highest order. I see nothing in Doug Mastriano’s words that cause such outrage and fear. He has served of long lifetime of service to his God, his family, his community, and to the military of this nation. Doug Mastriano was not a participant in law breaking that took place outside the Capital Building. Doug Mastriano was but one of hundreds of thousands in the audience.

    As far as I’m concerned, Doug Mastriano is an outstanding citizen, an accomplished leader and educator, and is one of the best qualified candidates Pennsylvania has seen in many years. He deserves our appreciation.

    This man is clearly the better choice to become Pennsylvania’s next leader. I surely will NOT be voting for someone from the failed Tom Wolf administration!

    1. 6:39-. You fcking nailed it! And, you nailed it with one simple word .."his". "A lifetime of service to "his" God, ""his" family, "his" community and *thee military of "this" nation.
      Never once did you mention "Our".

      You're a taker in disguise, cloaked in "patriotism". Wish we could send you to a civics class, but you'd probably think that's manufactured by Honda.

    2. What kind of delusional drugs are you on?

  9. I wonder how many local elected officials and well-known political activists were also at the capitol on January 6. I know a few just off the top of my head...

  10. Whoa. Prayer is now a crime? I prayed that day - and every day. Looks like I'm in your godless sights, now. Have you Democrat/Communist/Election-Deniers no shame? I love these posts as you descend into more and more of a caricature each day. Trump really hurt you. I also love that. And I never voted for the looney scoundrel!

  11. As a Democrat, I thought his pray was awesome..

  12. Mastrianut is a loon. Remember when Sarah Palin was laughed at for her idiotic statements years ago and was such an anomaly in the Republican party? Well my friends, this guy is now the bar by which true loyalty to their dear leader is measured. We are in big trouble folks and that's no hyperbole. We will not recognize PA if he or candidates of his ilk get elected. And we should prepare for a wild ride no matter what in November bc they are already gearing up to deny the will of the voters if they don't win.

  13. A wolf in sheep's clothing. New Testament warns about these false prophet, totally fake Christians who wouldn't recognize Jesus Christ if they tripped over him. They'd be more likely to bash him as a dirty homeless Jew than sing his praises as their lord and saviour. Mastriano even invokes the holy name of William Penn! Fucking laughable. Closest Mastriano gets to Christianity is being a piece of holy shit.

    1. Hey, please watch your language. There could be young eyes reading this.

  14. I’m surprised Mostriano has gotten this far. I’m also surprised he has lasted so long at the War College. I’m even more surprised to learn that he is a member of a Mennonite based church. I’m not surprised that he’s based in centralPA which seems to be white supremacy training grounds.

  15. I am offended you called him "he". Maybe Mastriano wants to be identified as she,her,they,them.

  16. Please define what a "Christian nationalist" is. This seems to be the latest bogeyman made up by the Left, so we might as well agree on what that means.

    And thank goodness for Josh Shapiro!

    Remember when Attorney General Shapiro stood up to Governor Wolf when Wolf was closing some PA businesses down and allowing others to remain open? Or when Shapiro stood up to the teacher's unions to open our public schools just like the private schools were doing?

    Oh yeah, me neither. And our business, employers, and kids suffered greatly (and many have not recovered) and paid the price for Shapiro's lack of action.

    So spare me the speeches about who is anti-democratic and authoritarian.

  17. The apologists for Uncle Fester are at work. Yes, there's something wrong with supporting the overthrow of the government, whether it's in a prayer or elsewhere.

  18. "wow, just more election year bull shit. You should be ashamed that you have stooped this low. no discussion of policy, just more and hate."

    Um, when a candidate for Pa Governor is praying for the overthrow of our government, that's pretty basic stuff. Before you discuss things like fracking, it's important to know you believe in democracy. Mastriano does not.

  19. "Please define what a "Christian nationalist" is. " According to Christianity Today, "Christian nationalism is the belief that the American nation is defined by Christianity, and that the government should take active steps to keep it that way. ... It is a serious problem. When nationalists go about constructing their nation, they have to define who is, and who is not, part of the nation. But there are always dissidents and minorities who do not or cannot conform to the nationalists’ preferred cultural template. In the absence of moral authority, nationalists can only establish themselves by force. Scholars are almost unanimous that nationalist governments tend to become authoritarian and oppressive in practice. " https://www.christianitytoday.com/ct/2021/february-web-only/what-is-christian-nationalism.html

    Unfortunately, a Pa Commonwealth Court judge also happens to be a Christian nationalist. https://www.witf.org/2022/08/19/doug-mastriano-and-some-pa-gop-leaders-think-christianity-and-government-should-be-linked/

    TYhese people have a basic misunderstanding of our constitution and democracy.

  20. For those commenters who apparently missed it: "I pray for the leaders also in the federal government, God, on the Sixth of January that they will rise up with boldness.” That is a direct call to overturn the results of a democratically elected president. That was the whole point of his attendance there. For those who need further proof of how warped this is, even your proclaimed godless Hillary didn't do this kind if shit. She lost and accepted it. That's what democracies do. Get over yourselves darling!

  21. A Christian nationalist believes that Christinaity should be the state religion.

  22. Mastriano shouldn't be allowed anywhere where laws are made or approved. He is anti-democracy. When he loses he will lose his shit and not accept it just like his idol.

  23. Wow, Mastriano is a Christian and believes America was founded on Christian principles. Shocking. But to the Left that means he must be labeled as a "Christian nationalist".

    Where was Attorney General Shapiro when our kids were being locked out of schools, and forced to wear useless masks?

    Where was Josh Shapiro when people who had natural immunity were being forced to take useless shots?

    Where was Shapiro speaking out against the open borders that have allowed fentanyl to stream across our borders and kill our young?

    Shapiro could have taken action to stop Wolf's authoritarian actions. He could have taken action to remove the lawless DA in Philadelphia. He could have spoken out against what's going on at our borders.

    But Shapiro was fine with all that authoritarianism and oppression.

    But it's Mastriano we should be afraid of. Right.

    1. 9:45- Turn off Fox News, your stupidity is showing.

  24. 6:39 - You do realize the AG is elected, right? You sound like you know the man with your gushing defense. People that do know him don't seem to share your enthusiasm.

  25. There's got to be video of this guy speaking in tongues and handling snakes. Bernie, can you please dig that up!

  26. Doug Mastriano is a retired ARMY Col who has a PhD in History and four masters degrees (Strategy, Strategic Intelligence, Military Operations, and Airpower). But, Doug supports the Dorito Dictator and didn't agree with the 2020 election so ooga booga he is bad.

    If people like Doug Mastriano wanted to "overthrow" anything shit would still be on fire. Words like "attempted coup" and "attempted overthrow" are hyperbole. And now we have CHRISTIAN NATIONALIST!

    This is all a distraction to keep our minds off of Josh Shapiro's lame resume. Doug served in the US ARMY, Josh panders to the Free Shit Army. We are well into the arena of thought crimes, and we don't have a democracy. We have a Republic.

    Say it a thousand times (democracy democracy democracy) still doesn't make it true.

    Orange man supporters bad. Ooga booga.

    1. HA HA HA HA!!! I'm curious. How many of these "legitimate degrees" did he pay for? ZERO. He sucked off the taxpayer test and got bogus degrees paid for by yours truly, where the ARMY hands them out like antibiotics for syphilis. But yeah, he's an intellectual.

      Mastriano in nothing more than an inbred hillbilly, who pads his pockets (apparently with 5 advanced degrees) at the expense of you and me.

  27. At least he doesn’t point loaded shotguns at unarmed black men.

    Like Fetterman.

  28. 6:39. If AM is an outstanding citizen then I am King Tut. Get your head out of your right wing posterior and embrace rationa. Thought.

  29. @4:22 so you need to check yourself into a clinic and out of society as you do not believe the words coming out of the mans mouth? I bet you hear voices.

  30. 5:09 SIEZE THE POWER seems to be a policy statement to me. IT sure sounds like a policy to overthrow the US Democracy for someone's dictatorship.

  31. @6:39. Do a little digging Mastriano has not been of service to God. He uses God as his idolize embellishment to sway the feebler of minds. His own church said that they have not seen him in years nor has he ever done anything to assist it until it is convenient for him to use it as a marketing scam.

  32. People like him who push their religion on others can go straight to the graveyard. I don't believe in the bible and all of its fairy tales.

  33. Crazy thing is, Mastriano is going to win. Despite his money and big head start, Shapiro is a weak candidate with one issue that nobody cares about. He's toast. Shocking.

  34. Mastriano should not be in public office. He does not appear to be interested is serving the interests of the public in general, but only in his own followers and following orders of his superior(s) like TR**P regardless of logic, outcome or their ultimate affect on others. He should enjoy his military retirement and relive his "glory" days and keep to himself,
    I have to wonder why he is running for office but I am sure it is not to improve the lives of the ordinary AMerican.

  35. Mastriano should not be in public office. He does not appear to be interested is serving the interests of the public in general, but only in his own followers and following orders of his superior(s) like TR**P regardless of logic, outcome or their ultimate affect on others. He should enjoy his military retirement and relive his "glory" days and keep to himself,
    I have to wonder why he is running for office but I am sure it is not to improve the lives of the ordinary AMerican.

  36. This "threat to democracy" crap is nothing more than a political talking point. If this clown and the other Trump backed candidates were such a "threat to democracy" the Democrat National Committee would not have financially supported these people. Yes, they did it because they feel they can beat these candidates in a general election, but if they really felt they were that much of a threat, why risk it?

    There are only two conclusions you can come to, either they think there is no real threat and it's just a political slogan, or they do and but they care more about winning elections. You can't have it both ways.

    For the record I am not a Trump supporter, just an ex-democrat who doesn't have a political home anymore..........

  37. 9:45 - You should have paid more attention in school. I'm always happy when educated people like yourself speak up for our party.

    10:19 - His Doctorate is a complete fabrication. He claims to have actually found the shell casings from Sgt. York, because you know, bad asses in the military use special ammo that can be identified a hundred years later. Give me a break. This guy believes his own bullshit.

  38. Mastriano, has served his country and has been properly educated and done some commendable research and work in military history. I thank and applaud him for all of it.

    His ideas about the 2020 election and his actions before and since though sort of cancel out all the good he did prior. He, like many other Americans, has been brainwashed and consumed by unsubstantiated internet conspiracy theories.

    As a Republican running for office - he MUST outwardly show and speak that he is a devout Christian in order to please the base. His deeds, actions and other spoken thoughts though seem to suggest that his Christian values only extend to those who might vote for him and/or believe the same things he does, so not truly Christian...

    It doesn't really matter - he and Dr Oz will get 4 out of 10 Pennsylvanians to vote for them, while the other 5 or 6 say "No Thank You" in November.

  39. When I went to Sunday School being young they tried to explain what should be included in our prayers. They said we shouldn't use that time to pray for a new bicycle or other toys. We should pray to be better people and such. To be fair they didnt say we weren't allowed to pray for a violent insurrection of our government. So I guess the christianly Mastriano should be excused. Rolls eyes.

  40. Please, voters, spare us from the Bible-thumpers. They embrace religion and then expect to be rewarded for it.

  41. We praying subversives are all around you. Where two or three of us are gathered in Jesus' name, he is there with us. Boo! We have secret handshakes and perform secret activities like feeding and clothing the poor - and (gasp) educating the developmentally disabled who managed to do an end run around the abortion trade. I even prayed for an end to Roe v Wade for 40 years. Chinese and Soviet bloc Christians have taught valuable lessons on tactics to survive as a praying subversives. We've been expecting you and your ilk, Bernie. We've been expecting you for a long time. Again, boo! Lol.

  42. "People like him who push their religion on others can go straight to the graveyard. I don't believe in the bible and all of its fairy tales."

    Yeah, no shit. You just wished religious people dead because you don't believe what they believe. Religion and politics aside, wishing anyone dead, while acceptable on this blog when aimed at certain individuals, isn't really cool in civilized society. Calm down, Francis. And take it back with an apology for acting like a nasty fool.

  43. As a life long republican I will be voting for the Democrat as I won't vote for Looks like this guy or that other nut job Steve Lynch

  44. From his own Wikipedia page. What a career of nothingness.

    Anybody in the military would look at a career like this and consider him to be a wanna be. A silver spoon rear echelon MF. Roles like this are for the pukes of the military who were not good enough to be in a leadership role of any kind. The reason he stayed in was because people kept giving him hand outs. IT is extremely rare and very suspect of an officer who does not every hold a leadership position especially when they make it to the level of colonel. A lack luster career desk an power point ranger.

    After college, Mastriano was commissioned as a second lieutenant in the United States Army and assigned to the Military Intelligence Corps.[22][23] After initial training, he started his career in Nuremberg, Germany, with the 2nd Armored Cavalry Regiment in the area of the West German borders with East Germany and Czechoslovakia.[24] Mastriano also spent four years at the NATO Land Headquarters in Heidelberg, Germany.[25] Mastriano was deployed to Iraq for Operation Desert Storm in 1991.[26] Mastriano then was in Washington, DC, in the 3rd Infantry Division and US Army Europe.[26] He ended his military career as a faculty instructor in the Department of Military Strategy at the U.S. Army War College in Carlisle, Pennsylvania, during 2012–2017,[21] and retired in 2017 at the rank of colonel.[27][28]

  45. It's going to be very, very easy to vote for Shapiro in Nov.

  46. Doug Mastriano - retired army colonel with a doctorate and four masters degrees - and a man who prays. This is the man you choose to bash and depict as bad for Pennsylvania? Josh Shapiro, lawyer, who never litigated a case in his life and, who as attorney general, chose not to investigate Wolf and the nursing home scandal during COVID. My mother was one of those deaths he chose to ignore.

  47. @ 4:22

    That’s exactly what we need, a Mr. Shapiro to be a Wolf on steroids!

  48. Pa as a whole is the most corrupt state in the union! This has been common knowledge for many years. Those that hold the money make the LAWS for the common man too follow only.

  49. 11:27 you liberal the truth hurts you people-you are the biggest shit balls put on this earth.

  50. @6:31. I just read your comment. Before I scroll up, I'm hoping that I'm the 11:27 poster.

    Fuck! I'm not. Some other snowflake libtard.

  51. I am not a big Trump guy, and this is his guy. Having said that, after watching elected democrats paint the entire republican party as a worse threat than the terrorists who attacked us on 09/11 this weekend, Using 09/11 to advance their sick politics, it's despicable! I mean, who really is a threat to our nations institutions?

    There is only one party who wants to pack the supreme court, do away with the electoral college, defund the police, (although all of sudden there seems to have been an enlightening there, perhaps the 562 murders in Democrat run Philly last year.) There is only one party who has a wide open border, yet their Vice President tells Chuck Todd the border is secure. There's only one party that supported the people who ripped down statues around the nation, burned a police precinct to the ground, and injured 100's and 100's of police offices while rioting and looting their way across America. In fact, the sitting Vice President raised money to bail out these hoodlums! So who is the real threat to this country I ask? The Trumpers? The Trumpers are too dumb to do serious damage to any one, they can't even run a political campaign. It's the far left of the democrat party, that is the real threat to our nation!

  52. 3:42 I guess you have the highest opinion of people just because they have pieces of paper from places where they taught. Hmm that is kind of like saying you got a lot of ice cream but you worked at DQ. Clown show of a failed system rewarding chair/desk jockeys who could not do anything in the military other then go to school. And the only school that he got a degree from not related to and paying him to get his degree was found to have submitted crap for his PHD. I bet if you really dig he had a degree from Trump U too but removed it because it was too much.

    Mastriano received a master's degree in strategic intelligence from the Joint Intelligence College in 1992.[21] His education also includes a master's degree in airpower theory from the Air University in 2001.[21] In 2002, he received a master's degree in military operational art and science from the Air University's School of Advanced Air and Space Studies.[21] He received a master's degree in strategic studies from the United States Army War College in 2010.[21] In 2013, Mastriano completed a Ph.D. in history from the University of New Brunswick.[21]

    1. Don't overlook his Rocket Science Degree in Underwater Basket Weaving!

  53. 10:19 Mastriano is a wanna be military person. He would be hard pressed to stand up to the lwest of private. He spent his life in the military in the classroom and ari conditioning sucking off the tax payer. He is not a military perosn but is a scab on its ass.

  54. 3:23 US Army War College
    Is that where Dougie paraded around in a Confederate uniform.

  55. I am still amazed at how many comment can be twisted to fit a narrative. And you all buy it.

  56. I love my Church, Country and Commonwealth too much to vote for Mastriano.

  57. I’m going with the soldier over the nerdy frat boy.

  58. We have got to take back America from the godless commies. This nation is rapidly going to hell in a handbasket.

  59. This post is not an endorsement of or a show of support for Mastriano as a political candidate, it is a response to those degrading the assignments he served in the U.S. Army. All who serve know that the role of every single uniformed and civilian member of the U.S. Army is ultimately in support of the forward leaning soldier in the foxhole defending this country. No branch, no military occupational specialty, no assignment, no physical location serves any lesser purpose.

  60. I will vote for the good colonel over the fat Harvard guy.

  61. I will vote for an Ivy League education over dimwitted/gullible conspiracy theory embracing clowns.

  62. @9:14 spoken like a true REMF justifying how and why they have any importance. Have sporadic tours of duty in support level is good however spending your carrier there is feeding from the trough. He is only slightly better then bone spurs in that he actually showed up. But is highly doubted he made any vested contribution or I am certain he would be spewing it like a volcano.

  63. @6:31 Wow I guess you finished 6th grade and probably got your doctorate with Mastriano. I am an American and the truth of sleaze bags like Mastriano Trump and especially people like you hurt my country. If this country were not the greatest country allowing people to express viewpoints and opinions no matter how f'd up, pathetic individuals would have been physically purged years ago. I bet you are one of the biggest whiners when you feelings are hurt or stomp your feet when you do not get your way. So typical of those who thing they have relevance but are nothing more then a smear on societies shoes.

  64. When I think the comments can't get any worse they do. What makes one of us better than the rest when you say horrible things about each other. The problem I am starting to see are not the politicians it's the people who are gullible, rude,mean,cruel, self centered, know it all's with closed minds and no heart. The politicians can play you all because you are as noted above. God help this country.

  65. 12:46 keep voting for your ivy league people they really put this country in a good place.

  66. This cat is dangerous, and anyone who supports him is too.


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