Local Government TV

Friday, September 09, 2022

Anna Thomas: A Breath of Fresh Air in Pa-137

I was surprised when I met with state house candidate Anna Thomas over the weekend to learn that I had covered her, at a school board meeting, many moons ago. 

"You wrote about high school me!" she laughed. 

This told me two things. First, Anna's interest in government was kindled at an early age. Second, damn, I'm getting old.  

Thomas is running in the newly redistricted Pa-137. It now includes a slice of Bethlehem Township, where this Lehigh Valley native attended Bethlehem schools. 

Thomas told me her experience at that school board meeting, where she came to support a furloughed teacher, taught her just important local and state government can be. 

She's a graduate of Wellesley College, where she majored in chemistry. Most people whop go into politics have bullshit majors like political "science" or sociology, which frankly do a disservice to critical thinking. A person who majors in math or one of the hard sciences is far more likely to understand and practice analytical thinking.

In addition to her bachelor's degree, Thomas has just completed her master's degree in Public Administration at the University of Pennsylvania. 

I expected to hear her parrot the talking points used by most Democratic state house candidates. She surprised me,. For one thing, she's a devout Christian and joked that she's "probably the only person under 30 who still believes in God." For another, she prefers to be motivated by the issues that bother the people who live in her district. She detests blanket statements often used by politicians on both the left and right. "How do I best represent the people in my district?" is the question she asks herself. 

She calls her door knocking experience "primary market research." She said the moment s business stops doing that is the moment that business begins to die. She reasoned that the same should be true of politicians. 

Her primary market research has led her to conclude that these are some of the concerns expressed in her district: 1) People are concerned about "warehouse proliferation," to use the phrase first coined by Exec Lamont McClure, along with the associated increase in traffic and road damage; 2) Her constituents would like to see more done to help disabled children and adults; and 3)  Pa-137 residents would like to see government do more to make things easier for small business.

She acknowledged she's the underdog against a well-financed incumbent, "but that's a good thing."
I will be voting for her. 


  1. Our family will also be voting for her

  2. Yep. Government should be doing more for small business after all that has been done up to now. And illegals next, with food, phones, shelter, medical... and all their family from chain migration and on and on and on... What about seniors on fixed incomes and....
    I do relate on other issues with her. Don't tell me its big government that handles a lot of what I mentioned. Starts at the bottom.

  3. Emrick will figure out a way to bully her, like he’s done in the past to women running against him.

  4. Government can do more to help small business, by doing less, less regulation, less taxes, less government intervention.

  5. She seems lovely. But this is a nothing burger re: her views on the issues upon which she'll vote. Where does she stand on fracking, taxes, school choice, property tax relief, school curricula, the PA Turnpike's debt that exceeds the entire state's, etc? Coming from a very purified party, I suspect her views are shockingly radical and in line with those who will tell freshman reps what to do. Nice fluff piece though. It greatly raises suspicions.

  6. Sorry but you can't be a devout Christian and support a party that wants abortion up to the minute of birth. As a usual democrat a wolf is sheeps clothing. They campaign as moderates then when they get into office govern as socialists.

  7. Christian means "Christ-like." Does she think dismembering and sucking the brains from the unborn is Christ-like? Would Jesus wield the vacuum? Or would he stand up to defend the innocent unborn? One may call themselves anything they like. Advocating for the holocaust of abortion - especially targeted at minorities - is not Christian. It's satanic with blinking lights on it.

  8. Ah yes, the commenters who want hands off business but hands on our bodies and in our bedrooms. Freedom lovers my ass! Anna will bring a much needed voice to the legislature from the generation who has much to lose if better decisions aren't made about the future of PA.

  9. Your criticism of "bullshit degrees" is ridiculous. Anything can be taught either well or poorly. It sounds like you're trying to settle a personal; grudge or two here.

  10. Hands off my body! But destroy the body of an innocent child. How about accepting responsibility for your poor judgment in getting pregnant when you don't want to carry a baby?

  11. YES. A young woman with what sounds to be an intelligent, well-rounded mind and a decent level of integrity- I hope to see her continue down this path and succeed.

    Also this was spot on and made me laugh: " Most people who go into politics have bullshit majors like political "science" or sociology, which frankly do a disservice to critical thinking."

    Best of luck to Anna Thomas.

  12. She's a stock liberal from Central Casting, who's trying to soften her radical agenda by foisting some religious narrative on voters who might buy her tale. It's campaigning 101. She's a campaigner. Let your conscience, not hers, be your guide.

  13. "Your criticism of "bullshit degrees" is ridiculous. Anything can be taught either well or poorly. It sounds like you're trying to settle a personal; grudge or two here."

    No, nothing personal. Ask any college student what he should major in if he wants to skate. The answer will be criminal justice, poly sci and sociology. I am philosophically opposed to what I call the soft sciences because they are not science at all. They are bullshit. They do not teach critical thinking. I actually wrote a paper on this topic when I was in college. Of course, you are free to disagree and let me have it, but most of you who majored in the pretend sciences lack the ability to think analytically. Of course, I myself am full of shit so don't take my insults to heart.

    I do have high regard for people who major in the hard sciences, math, history, language or literature. I see evidence of what they learned decades afdter they obtain their degree.

    Anna Thomas is an analytical thinker. She is not driven by ideology, but facts. I like that scientific approach.

  14. Does she have a Facebook page or website? Not many have heard of her or what her actual views on all the issues really are.

  15. I sense she's "Zrinski-lite". Not as loud and whiny but still smart.

  16. 12.24
    "They are bullshit. They do not teach critical thinking."
    They have critical thinking --using different values than just math.
    Math is an artificial construct.
    A engineer uses math to approximate a physical process.
    They can get close but math does not explain the entire process.
    Otherwise you would not have engineering rules that require say a water line has to hold 100psi when the design(math) says you only can produce 70 psi.
    Why?--crap happens-things your math missed.
    Math has it's uses but is not the prime mover on all things.
    So crapping on "so called" soft science is just a bias from math folks.
    A political science major could write a speech that either starts or ends a war.
    What math is used in that case?

  17. F small business! What have they done for me? Do they pay their employees a prevailing wage? Do they pay their employees medical benefits? Do they offer the community great deals on goods they sell, maybe, maybe not. But our government needs to take care of its citizens, especially when we pay our taxes and need medical benefits and assistance. That’s what our government should do for us. Our government need to collect taxes from everyone especially those who don’t pay them, like dirt salesman, apartment builders, and the 1% ers. So, Ms. Thomas what can you do for us? Middle Class Working Americans?

  18. Science and critical thinking? Right, like Dr. Fauci? I'll pass. Another do nothing with no practical experience telling us little people what we should think and do while the Earth is burning. Nikita Khrushchev was correct. This country will do itself in from the inside. We need more common sense people like Ron Angle and Donald Trump.

  19. Bernie at 12:24: If a college student wants to skate, major in education. Pathetically easy, which definitely shows.

  20. 9:06 and 9:30 Pardon me while I laugh my ass off! Common sense, Donald Trump???? Major in efucation, pathetically easy huh? I'd love to see you try to teach. When is the last time you stepped foot in a classroom? Our kids are lucky people like you aren't there. You two are much alike, you speak of that which you no naught.

  21. Babykiller or not? That will tell me all I need to know.

  22. She’ll be a rubber stamp for the Wolf/Shapiro agenda.

  23. Bernie, there’s definitely someone at the host of your blog (Google?) censoring comments here. I’ve had 4 comments censored for no particular reason beyond just difference of political philosophy. No vulgarity, no threats, etc. All just within the past 2 weeks. If it happens again, there’s no longer a point in my contributing here after more than a decade.

  24. My body my choice, except when you are required to put a Pfizer injection into your body lest you lose your job (or your universal human right to health care, if many on the left have their way). I'd like this evil thing to never get a job due to her failure to advocate for bodily autonomy re: non-vaccines. Is that fair? I wish her the worst of luck. She's going to get shellacked and I'll enjoy every word of her tearful concession speech. Loser in waiting. Lol.

  25. ACTUally, most of the comments here are off-topic. This is not about abortion or even Democrats. It is about a new candidate for office. If you don't like being deleted, stick to the damn topic.

  26. I have to laugh aet these comments about abortion when in fact the Catholic Church has been operating the worlds largest pedophile operation for the past 100 years.

  27. She has the ying and yang- First she is an outsider who so many are begging to come into politics and be a potential change. She is Christian but not a holier then though Christian in that she also believes in helping thy neighbor. She has some conservative values but a few progressive opinions. All really good things which should peak anyone's consideration. But for many it is concerning she is a woman. And even more scarier is that she is ethnic. The White Male conservatives and good ole boys have a series problem with this.

    Also for many in the region it appears she does not have the political connections that many do. She is not beholding to the political quid pro quo and the games of behind the scenes money exchanges that we all suspect is going on but cannot factually identify. I have not found scenarios where she must give back politically and financial to buy here way through like so many others in the valley.

    Change can be good, but it can be a horrible thing as seen when some outsiders have been elected to positions where they wield the power to do substantial damage and line their own pockets.

    Sometimes a risk not taken is an opportunity missed.

  28. 8:02 and 9:02 and 9:07 and 10:11 and 1:55

    I think this reference was directed toward people like you.

    Numbers 14:12
    I will smite them with the pestilence, and disinherit them, and will make of thee a greater nation and mightier than they.

    May you all crawl back in the hellish hole you so rightful belong and be banished from this earth for the hate filled existence you so emblazon. Make the full weight of your own religion be shown to you and enforced upon your neck. Either step up an fully live buy it, don't just cherry pick what you deem others should be held to while not doing the same onto yourself or shrink away into that eternal oblivion.

  29. thanks for posting this, she's definitely got our votes

  30. Wow! right down the abortion hole! but I'm sure that the word hole, makes you uncomfortable. Why do you folks have to always go to the extreme? That type of over the top BS is what turns people off. Not very Christian of you judgmental bastards. I'm sure that most of you loons would be proud to call this young lady your daughter. Looking at you 12:38.

    As a hard science degree holder, I'll agree, education is sadly easy. I roomed with these folks in college. They enjoyed many a night out while I was working on my calculus. Doesn't make me a better person, I only have a healthier liver to show for it. Just my observation.


You own views are appreciated, especially if they differ from mine. But remember, commenting is a privilege, not a right. I will delete personal attacks or off-topic remarks at my discretion. Comments that play into the tribalism that has consumed this nation will be declined. So will comments alleging voter fraud unless backed up by concrete evidence. If you attack someone personally, I expect you to identify yourself. I will delete criticisms of my comment policy, vulgarities, cut-and-paste jobs from other sources and any suggestion of violence towards anyone. I will also delete sweeping generalizations about mainstream parties or ideologies, i.e. identity politics. My decisions on these matters are made on a case by case basis, and may be affected by my mood that day, my access to the blog at the time the comment was made or other information that isn’t readily apparent.