Local Government TV

Friday, August 12, 2022

Trump Search Warrant May Have Been Necessary to Obtain Nuclear Weapon Documents

On Wednesday, when I first wrote about the unprecendented search warrant at a former President's home, I was concerned that the FBI had engaged in a bit of overkill. Why on earth would you need to seek a search warrant for Presidential records? From what I've read, Donald Trump had been uncharacteristically cooperative with National Archives, even to the point of allowing them to go through his storage and remove 15 boxes of records.  And contrary to what some of you have suggested, 30 agents are about 26 agents too many for what was a limited search of an office, bedroom and storage room. Nor am I satisfied by AG Merrick Garland's motion to make public the actual warrant and property receipt. If he really wanted top be transparent, he's want to make the supporting affidavit public as well. Despite all these misgivings, I'm beginning to believe the search warrant was appropriate. 

I've stated this search warrant had to be one of two things. It could be a pretext search using Presidential documents as an excuse to look for evidence of other crimes. This would be highly inappropriate, but don't kid yourself. It happens.

The other possibility was that feds had reason to believe that these Presidential records contained highly sensitive information that could damage our national security if they fell into the wrong hands.  According to The Washington Post, agents were looking for classified documents that relate to nuclear weapons. Obviously, under such circumstances, they'd have to move quickly to prevent them from falling into the wrong hands. There'd be no time for niceties. If this was the reason for the search warrant, the action taken was not just justified, but necessary. 

We'll know for sure once the search warrant and property receipt are released. 


  1. from what you read?
    the author of the co operation by trump is
    "two government officials experienced in Ukraine matters — Alexander Vindman and George Kent — testified that Ukraine-related articles Solomon had written and that were featured in conservative media circles contained a "false narrative" and in some cases were "entirely made up in full cloth."
    It may be that trump cooperated but solomon might not be the best source for that.
    as to the supporting affidavit trump just wants to know who the informant was.
    Given that the maga folks threatened law enforcement --seems there is no reason to give them a new target.

  2. Bernie,
    You should have told you audience of numskulls that the FBI doesn’t engage in any overkill when it comes to number 1. He has been treated with kid gloves throughout his life. Either you have faith in our constitution or you don’t, and if you don’t let’s get together and change it. I would like to see a more just system when it come to taxes, everyone needs to pay their fair share of taxes. That would be a good start.

  3. Trump is done. Good riddance. DeSantis 2024/2028

  4. If he had some home-cooked server containing national security information in his hall closet, that is very serious. What if Guccifer 2.0 was able to hack said server six times? Very serious. What if he stuffed documents down his pants to sneak them out of the White House? Again, this would be very serious. If these things were done by Democrats, however, it's perfectly cool (or just a misdemeanor with Sandy Berger's pants) and there's no problem.

  5. Only a cultist can defend this traitor. He's absolutely compromised by the Russians and Saudi's and will hang for this!

  6. From my readings, Trump previously told his outgoing administration to declassify EVERYTHING before he left office. That process included various Department heads first redacting, then releasing all of it. Trump wanted full transparency. It is reported at Conservative Treehouse, much of the materials could have been related to the Crossfire Hurricane investigation. Some of it potentially revealing inappropriate, even unlawful, behavior by FBI & DOJ operatives. The Conservative Treehouse site has very extensive, 4 part series up explaining its view on all of this.

    Naturally, as the website includes the term “Conservative” in its name most of your readers will quickly attack it. The name-calling and denials will begin before those individuals even read the materials. Oh, well. We might never know what really went on. But, yes, the info offered yesterday by Garland was not complete. Garland was required by a judge to address this before Monday.

  7. Yeah, nothing can be altered by now.
    What about Obama taking boxes of material that were supposed to be copied and returned?
    Sure you'll have an answer shortly.

  8. So now Trump is spreading the idea that "if they found anything, it was planted by the FBI". The guy just can't stop being a weasel. Garland is calling his bluff to release the warrant but part of the conditions for that is that Trump has to agree. Trump has painted himself into a corner.

  9. "What about Obama taking boxes of material that were supposed to be copied and returned?"
    If they contained nuclear documents or signals intel, I am certain they would be seized.

  10. I am so very sad to see what has come of America. There are few in Congress to admire, lies are seen as truth on social media, and young people aspire to be like the Kardashians by becoming influencers. Our country is in dire need of leadership who cares more about the fundamental ideals of the Constitution and less about being the cool kid. Sadly, the Trump flag-wavers don’t have the sense to see that their hero will continue to harm America because his only allegiance is to himself.

  11. After a few months of invisible responses to your subject of today's posting, I am sure that any response including a list of or the mere typing of #45's name leads to moderation oblivion. Prove me wrong.

  12. "From my readings, Trump previously told his outgoing administration to declassify EVERYTHING before he left office."

    A President can declassify man things, but cannot declassify nuclear documents. That comes under the Atomic Energy Act.

  13. Does anyone truly believe that nuclear codes and other sensitive security information would be retrieved by the FBI and not the military? Also, why did it take so long to get this warrant? More government failure? Oh wait, the election is in November....

  14. The 8/8 Movement is strong and getting stronger.

  15. From my readings, Trump previously told his outgoing administration to declassify EVERYTHING before he left office. That process included various Department heads first redacting, then releasing all of it. Trump wanted full transparency.

    You are really drinking the kool-aid spin on this one, Aren't you?

  16. "You should have told you audience of numskulls"

    Come on in, the water is lovely! Oh wait you're already here!
    couldn't resist.

  17. Another witch hunt by the radical left-wing Marxist--IT will FAIL just like everything these people try--Long live PRESIDENT TRUMP>

  18. Trump is deferring to his playbook already:

    A. "It's a hoax"
    B. "It's a witch hunt"
    C. "It's a scam"
    D. "Fake News"
    E. "RIGGED"

    It's as if nothing we see or hear with our own eyes and ears is real. And his base just follows along. This is cult-mentality.

  19. Not a big fan of Trump, but something's not right here.

    1) Nuclear "secrets" supposedly held by a former President for over a year-and-a-half suddenly just became critical enough to justify an armed raid to a former President's home? That doesn't pass the smell test to me.

    2) Reports that Trump's lawyers weren't allowed to oversee the search as it occurred, and instead forced to wait outside, are also troubling. Yeah, the government might legally be able to do that, but did the FBI, DOJ and Garland himself not believe that this would be highly scrutinized by half the country? If so, they're all idiots and should all be fired. I would have had all the agents wearing body cams, allowed Trump's lawyers to oversee the search, and also to review and inventory any items that the government wanted to take off site.

    3) I agree that taking 30 heavily armed agents to search a property with a residential area of about 3,000 square feet seems like overkill. To me, it seems designed more to intimidate and create a negative photo-op of the former president.

    4) If they were really looking for a specific document, I would think it could have been done by subpoena instead of an armed raid. Combined with my previous point, the raid seems more politically driven than anything else.

    5) It shouldn't have taken Garland 4 days to come out with the weak statement he made yesterday, that really said nothing. That could have been made as soon as news of the raid broke. The fact that it took 4 days to get as little as we got yesterday makes me think that they didn't find anything and are now looking for some kind of justification for the raid.

    6) Assuming that Trump is willing to have the warrant released, Garland should also release the supporting documentation on the justification given for seeking the warrant.

    7) As touched on previously, I am also concerned about reports that the agents left with boxes of items from the property without letting Trump's lawyers see what they were taking. If they had specific enough intelligence to justify an armed raid, I would have expected them to quickly find what they were looking for. Garland didn't say they had found what they were looking for when he spoke yesterday, and the taking of additional items from the site (if true) gives the appearance of a fishing expedition by the DOJ and FBI.

    I think there are legitimate questions by Trump and his supporters about what occurred on Monday. Garland seemed less than transparent, and owes the country much more than what we got yesterday. If we don't get that quickly, he needs to resign or forced from office.

    1. @10:53: I can easily assassinate every point your just made. However, instead, I'll just start with your first statement that you're not a "big" fan of Trump. Therefore, you are a fan. The rest of your nonsense power points are just that. Nonsense.

  20. Telling people to do something and actually doing it are two completely different things. Trump previously told his outgoing administration to declassify EVERYTHING before he left office. Trump saying the he told somebody to do something or more especially that he was going to do something is extremely unlikely. HIs track record shows that there is very little which can be trusted in that like a new health plan, like putting Clinton on trial, Like showing his taxes, and so on and so on.

  21. 10:53, I agree with some of your points and disagree with others.

    "Nuclear "secrets" supposedly held by a former President for over a year-and-a-half suddenly just became critical enough to justify an armed raid to a former President's home? That doesn't pass the smell test to me."

    I'm sure they've been critical all along, but their existence was only recently discovered. These are exigent circumstances and an armed raid (not by 30 FBI agents at a place already protected by Secret Service) is entirely justified.

    " If they were really looking for a specific document, I would think it could have been done by subpoena instead of an armed raid. Combined with my previous point, the raid seems more politically driven than anything else."

    Completely wrong. If they had reason to believe there were nuclear documents or signal intelligence at the site, this is an immediate problem and must be addressed immediately.

    "Garland didn't say they had found what they were looking for when he spoke yesterday, and the taking of additional items from the site (if true) gives the appearance of a fishing expedition by the DOJ and FBI."

    He does not have to say what was taken. The property receipt willo answer that question.

  22. Someone suggested he wanted full transparency and declassified everything. We'll you won't find the Whitehouse visitors log or transcripts from the meetings with dictators.

  23. The FBI that waited 18 months to search a golf resort for nuclear documents, is the same FBI that missed 9/11, 1/6, Uvalde, Buffalo, Kenosha ...

    Keystone Kops were better at their job. The FBI was never any good and should be completely disbanded. Not tracking nuclear secrets for 18 months is simply outrageous. I suspect foreign involvement in their apparent disinterest. This thing goes much deeper than Trumpy.

  24. Trump has never been trustworthy. The FBI usually is.

    Simple enough who to trust.

  25. Bernie O'Hare said: "He does not have to say what was taken. The property receipt will answer that question."

    Was there a property receipt given?

    Were Trump's lawyers allowed to review what was being taken and compare it to what was on the receipt?

    If both aren't done, it leaves the government open to accusations that they're planting evidence among the items actually taken in the search.

    This is where you either have a complete lack of understanding by the FBI, DOJ and Garland of the ramifications of what they were doing (which I find unlikely), or a willful attempt to damage Trump politically.

    If not that, the only remaining alternative is that Garland is the most incompetent AG in the nation's history. It's embarrassing that he was once being touted as somehow fit for the Supreme Court.

  26. So Trump posts that "Nuclear weapons is a hoax, just like Russia, Russia, Russia was a hoax."

    Uh-huh. Who wants to bet on Trump?

  27. Bernie O'Hare said:

    "I'm sure they've been critical all along, but their existence was only recently discovered. These are exigent circumstances and an armed raid (not by 30 FBI agents at a place already protected by Secret Service) is entirely justified."

    Yes, but all this week we were being told that this raid dealt with the National Archives and was an issue at that level. Now suddenly it's a nuclear weapons and national security issue?

    Why didn't they ask for/or look for these documents when the Archives people previously went down to Mar-a-Lago and were given access to the records Trump had? That review apparently didn't need armed federal agents to be accomplished.

    Did the government just suddenly realize that these "highly-sensitive" records that could "damage our national security" were missing? It's been over 18 months since Trump left office. How incompetent is the current Administration?

    Sorry, not buying the current story either. It seems as though the DOJ and Garland are trying to find something to justify what they did. I'd expect many more revisions (and lies) before we get anywhere close to the truth.

  28. BTW - Garland should not be approving any investigation or raid on Trump. Trump is Biden's #1 political opponent, and Garland will certainly be out of a job should Trump win in 2024.

    It is ungodly inappropriate for Garland to be directing any federal investigations of Biden's political opponents.

    That this doesn't seem to dawn on Garland is astounding, and very telling of his suitability to be AG.

  29. Trump declined to share his copy of the warrant and inventory because he preferred that his fascist friends speculate concerning it. Now we're going to see what he was hiding.

  30. BernieOHare to 12:46 I am assuming that you are willing to be logical and reasonable. If that is so, you must know that National Archives can include sensitive material, including nuclear documents and signals intelligence. If the WashPo story is correct, the only logical and reasonable question to ask is why these were not sought and taken before. If this information was only recently discovered, these are exigent circumstances that demand immediate action. Failure to be aware could be the result of incompetence or could also be the result of deliberate perception.

    For someone who claims he’s not a fan, you’re doing your best to slant this.

  31. When someone demands your respect (i.e. Garland re: DOJ and FBI) they are usually failing to understand that they need to earn what they have squandered. The FBI jokes are funny, but also sad. After the Russia hoax, the FBI has a lot of reputation rebuilding to do.

  32. "Garland should not be approving any investigation or raid on Trump. Trump is Biden's #1 political opponent, and Garland will certainly be out of a job should Trump win in 2024."

    So you're saying that no AG ever should conduct an investigation of someone from another political party, or someone who might run for president? I guess we also should extend this to the state AGs.

    And what do you propose prosecutors do when such investigations are needed?

    If only Garland's appointment as AG had been confirmed by the Senate...

  33. I see that now the Rs in Congress are suggesting that these weren't IMPORTANT nuclear secrets, you could get this stuff on the internet! They would be so much smarter to stop talking until more is known, although I do enjoy seeing them embarrass themselves. They are just without shame.


  35. "Was there a property receipt given?"

    YES, there was. Trump had documents marked TS/SCI - Top Secret/Sensitive Compartmented Information. This is the highest security level. He is under investigation for espionage and a multitude of other crimes.

  36. They apparently rescued declassified documents. Garland appears to have stepped on his little dick and lit a wildfire. Internal memos warning Ds not to take victory laps this weekend. What an imbecile; clearly not fully in control of DOJ. His White House Oberlin College Strategery Office masters have made a little monkey out of the little angry not-SCOTUS justice. Trump keeps winning.

  37. 1:14 It is ENTIRELY appropriate for the sitting AG to investigate anyone they feel they have enough credible evidence against including the sitting president if necessary. They are supposed to act indepently of the president. You just got so used to Trump's politicization of the executive branch that you think its the norm.

  38. This is run by a fake media person, so the truth is not here.

  39. Also trump managed to lie about search and one of his followers managed to get himself killed.
    trump like to get hard by firing up his followers.
    shame a guy had to die for trump's amusement.

  40. Bernie, your fairness here and concern about abuse of power is going to get you the Dershowitz treatment and you'll be disinvited to brunches and such. Be careful out there. Stepping from the reservation is perilous and considered very unhip.

  41. Black and white for me. If he broke the law, he's done. But damn... if this turns out to be another false flag by the Left, I'm all in for Trump, and ALL of America should be wondering what dirt he has on some of these higher ups. What are they so afraid of?
    It's like a few pundits have said... investigation after investigation, and they still have no felony or crime. Years of investigations and still he walks free.
    If he's guilty, put him away already. If he's not, then I'm getting a TRUMP 2024 flag for my front yard.

  42. I find it hilarious as to the comments posted prior to 3pm. They didnt age well.

  43. 3.37
    "They apparently rescued declassified documents."
    So trump should just offer them up to be published as he always claims transparency.
    He could call a presser and read off the titles.
    He could give a list of those documents to Fox and let them scream about trump is pure as the driven snow.
    trump has not done any of those things.
    trump could tell his maga followers to keep their nail guns at home and respect law enforcement. He might save lives or he views his followers as expendable.

  44. There are scenarios here which we have no knowledge of. And Trump utilizes our lack of knowledge to his advantage. He fills in the pieces with his lots and deflects the view from what is there to what he wants his followers to focus on. He then has his minions parrot him till it is covered across the channels. MTG seems to be his strongest proponent right now. And the further this goes the more the others appear at least to be cautiously rethinking their vocalization. What strikes me most about this is that allow there is lots of buzz out about it there are minimal facts. And less leakage. So in It all makes me think there is a lot more to this and probably a lot that we will never know But I think the real career politicians who have a true feel of what is going on are trying to hide in their holes to have less splatter upon them. When you ignore the head trash being bantered about and visualize the picture this entire situation points badly for Trump and feww of his most fervent.

  45. @8:05 what you forget about Trump is that he habitually lies and habitually ignores the laws. And that many within his organization have similar characteristics.

    In today's world doing something or not doing something is almost totally different then having laws applied to it. Whether anyone likes to admit Trump has had since early childhood numerous connections and contacts with Russia and other Soviet Block countries. He has to his own admittance spent much time with Putin prior to his election and spoke with him regularly during his presidency. Putin did say that he would do anything he could to get Trump Elect. And Putin in a speech said that his investment in Trump was promising. Now those things are true and definable. However under law they are not acceptable for a conviction. Trump is smart at skimming the edge gaining notoriety and using is by being on the edge but never giving up enough to be actually prosecuted for it.

  46. 8:05 they are afraid of death of their families especially on the action of his cultists.

  47. Seems trump is wondering who flipped on him.
    Hmmm--worker at the resort?--well one of the illegal hires might get a green card but unlikely the FBI would bet on that.
    Rudy?--well if he is facing some serious jail time---possible.
    Jared and the kids?--well if Donald is the most "stable genius in D block at Club Fed"--then they can let trump take all the blame and they scheme for the money left over.
    Historically a king was in more danger from his family than outsiders.
    Time will tell.

  48. Do you think after all of these months if there was nuclear classified documents they would really still be in his home? If and it's a big if they found something clearly not allowed then he should be held accountable. However after all of the lies this is just very hard to believe. Time will tell. I like the comment if true why did it take so long to go after it and increase the risk

  49. BernieOHare to 10:56, we know that these classified materials, some of which are only to be viewed in secure settings, were found. This does not mean he will be prosecuted. But if it is determined he was sharing this info with the Saudis, he’s in deep shit.

  50. They're using a wide ranging and nebulous law that has been traditionally used against civil rights protesters and long decried by the left ... until now, of course.

  51. Hey here is a really interesting satirical piece. Well worth reading for he fun it is making of the old Trumpster. The scarier part of it is that some of the portions of it I had to read twice because they could almost be quotes from the orange man.

    Cerabino: Dear Mar-a-Lago Club members, this FBI raid is going to cost you


  52. Trump clearly de-classified EVERYTHING as per his letter to the Attorney General on January 20, 2021. That official letter is posted online. At least we can say, Trump and his legal experts “thought” that’s what the letter indicates. There is most definitely a difference of opinion about that now.

    Also, the current Attorney General had full access to those documents during June of this year. At the time of the raid at MAL, there was an ongoing lawsuit between the Trump team and the Hillary Clinton group in progress. Supposedly, the items at MAL include un-redacted documents describing actions of individuals during the Crossfire Hurricane attempt to frame Trump. All of that would be of great interest to both sides in this ongoing lawsuit.

    It is much too early to know how all of this will conclude but the matter will be in the news and talked about for many more months, if not longer. Either way, I am certain the next Republican candidate for President (Trump or someone else) remains in VERY strong position to win that election.

    Until then, the blathering here will ramp up, I’m sure. Enjoy!

  53. Every one is overcomplicating the situation. Trump should not have one single document in his possession. Each are the property of the U.S. government. Donald had no more right to take them then silverware, paintings or dishes. The president is no different then when an employee leaves the job the files stay with the company. The U.S,. government basically came in and retrieved it's possessions. It's that simple.

    And before anybody goes off saying, "what about Obama"? The archives issued a statement all his files are in their possession at a storage facility in Chicago. Obama has no direct access to them.

  54. Bernie, I think CNN's ratings are so low because more people are reading your blog. CNN is no longer relevant.

  55. BernieOHare to 8:22, as I’ve already explained, a President has no authority to declassify nuclear documents.

  56. 8:12 AM

    This is funnier.


  57. 8:22 you know face book does not count as a factual place to get your information. I search for a while and connot find any reference to such a letter. IF you are such a genius then put where you saw it or crawl back in you friends ahole and enjoy the scenery. You spewing of stuff you read on you Poor Boys blogs or America Hatters Society is exactly the reason why people het you trump and all the people like you.

    Let's get the picture your orange ooze has been battling and delaying this for over a year and now just after what has gone on someone mysteriously finds a letter he declassified stuff. And that he never had mentioned it whatsoever in the past year. And that Trump to his own words only after the FBi said he mentioned it to some on his staff that everything is declassified. And let me repeat he said he mentioned EVERYTHING was declassified.

    When it looks like a lie and is followed by a group of losers what do you have. An habitual liar with a cult following of losers and failures of society. Both of them need to be rounds up and sent to mother Russia which Trump is working for.

    He is trying to save his ass because he did not successfully destroy and rip apart the country during his time in office like he promised Putin. He had to take documents so he could dangle them in front of Russia and China so they would not rip his heart out and that it allowed him time to continue to cultivate his loser clan into giving more money and doing more to damage this country.

  58. Bernie, I know you have mentioned the nuclear information limitations before. Since the raid, I haves spent many hours reading the analysis reports from scores of reputable commenters from the fields of law. Many have come forward with statements as shown on various news sites.

    While you might be accurate this is the specific “crime” that will be what results in the arrest of Trump, I have yet to hear reference of this possibility by any of the experts. Not only has there been no discussion of such a risk, but none of the hundreds of comments from general readers that follow these “expert” opinions being published even mentions your point. I find that perplexing. Admittedly, the FBI haven’t yet displayed any “Here’s what we’ve found of serious significance” list.

    Maybe you should hold your own press conference and break the big national story that somehow escapes everyone so far. 😁

  59. "Admittedly, the FBI haven’t yet displayed any “Here’s what we’ve found of serious significance” list."

    It's doubtful they can display to the public the classified documents. Some so sensitive that they are classified with the highest level of Top Secret. Those posing a grave risk to national security and the Orangutan kept in his basement.

  60. BernieOHare to 1:32, I do not and am not suggesting that Trump will be arrested for a violation of the Espionage Act. What I am suggesting is that there was a real need to seize nuclear documents before they fall into the wrong hands. Some of them were not allowed to leave a specific secured area. For Christ’s sake, Trump just hosted a Saudi golf tournament and they want to go nuclear. It is certainly possible that the same people who killed and dismembered an American citizen journalist would have few qualms about slipping into Trump’s Florida estate. The warrant was not only entirely justified but in fact resulted in the seizure of those very documents.

    If you really are an American as opposed to a brainwashed Trump cultist, you need to understand our national security trumps a lot of things, including Trump.

    This by no means is an indication he will be charged with any violation. I dislike the guy and consider him a thug, but doubt that even he would sell his country out.

  61. And do not forget the Trumps pet Kushiee spent trip after trip in the middle east as well as The Trump world received a $2 Billion dollar injection for something has truly be able to identify as to why.

    No law or rules constrain the investment activities of former administration officials after leaving the White House; many from both parties have profited from connections and experiences gained in government.

    But what are the Saudis buying for the cash? Certain American classified documents? Possibly?

    It is too early for any of to know but there are those out there which do. Hopefully it is above board but with the Saudi's, Trump, and Kushner it is highly doubtful.

    Drain the swamp and Mara Lago Drain the swamp and Mara Lago Drain the swamp and Maro lago
    Four more year four more years four more years in jail in jail in jail
    The simple fact here is that Donald the asshole Trump is not supposed to have ANY WHITEHOUSE DOCUMENTS IN HIS POSSESSION. He by law was supposed to turn everything over to the Archives.

  63. Trump said he declassified everything. So since he has previous said much of his information is confidential and even said some of it is classified. The government should immediately open all his tax returns, They should open his college records, they should open how much mommy and daddy paid for him (wink wink donated) to the college). They should open his full medical records of his presidential physicals. Does he really have bone spurs, how healthy is he really, How sick was he really during his bout with COVID. They should systemically start releasing all of his expenses for him , Ivanka, jared, and the rest of this kids durign his presidency. Then they should start releasing all the republican congressional and senator visitor records for the weeks running up to J6 with a correlation to all the rioters that have so far. They should open up all the records for all the congressional and senators drug records, criminal records. If he said that he declassified everything. There is nothing that should be protected for any of these political people especially those which support him. HE IS HTE ONE WHO PUT IT IN THE STREET>

  64. Thank you for your scholarly opinion, 8:10. The truth of it is this, the attacks on Trump are not hurting him. Even if Trump is prevented from running, or resigns, whoever becomes the Republican replacement will be very difficult to beat, especially in a, let’s say, “normal” election.

  65. Trump had nuclear secrets and Iraq had weapons of mass destruction. The American people get scammed again.

  66. 3:23 THE OTNLY NON NORMAL ELECTION IS IN THE MIND OF THE CULTIST FROM THE POISONING BY TRUMP and his hacks. He had been pitching his lying sack of crap which so many mentally retarded spazs took as gospel. To this point the only evidence is that about 20 million people in this country are stupid to admit they are being played by people who care more about taking money them and scamming their sheep following group. I chose 20 million for the number as I don't believe all republicans are bad, just many of them are too smallminded to understand they are being abused regularly like sheep to the slaughter.

  67. 3:23 it certainly sounds like you are a trumpet. May you be lucky enough to be one of the chosen republicans because if not I am almost going to feel sorry for you as you go through withdrawal and disillusionment as you glorious world come dying down around you.

  68. Spoken like a true trump lover and right wing zealot who must have his/her world of delusion. IT is going to be hard to pick from all the losers both sides put up for candidates. Desantis will further destroy the country, Other then him the Republicans have nobody. Biden will continue to decay by the end of his term. Democrats have no one. It is going to be the world of who gets to put the final knife in America!

    I hope I am wrong.

  69. Not fully validateable but this is an interesting read.

    Putin World Declares ‘Our Agent Trump’ Is Irreversibly Screwed



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