Local Government TV

Friday, August 12, 2022

Guess Who's At Musikfest?


It's none other than Mike Fleck, aka the Fleckster, nattily attired with an ankle bracelet. As most of you know, he was the common denominator in a plethora of public corruption investigations that snagged his BFF,  Edwin "Fed Ed" Pawlowski. 


  1. Maybe he is doing volunteer work?

  2. Lots of dumpsters to dive at Fest. Old habits die hard. He walks around Bethlehem like he has multiple degrees from Moravian. Oh wait. Doesn't he?

  3. Rocking that bracelet in Slatington will get you a date.

  4. Well, they are always discussing compassionate release of murderers, so I guess seeing him walk around with ankle bracelet isn't so bad. May become the "in" thing. Status symbol for some of the young punks in our glorious cities.

  5. Was he drinking? That's a no no on supervision LOL.

    1. u see a drink? Im not sure what this post intends on accomplishing? who cares

  6. Even though it is warm out wouldn't ya rather wear some trousers to hide that fine piece of jewelry?

  7. What a bottom feeding blogger you truly are. He's done his time, leave him alone. If he goes on social media and claims he was a political prisoner, plans to sue the government and triple downs on everything his prosecution may have done wrong, then I'll remain silent.

    Whereas, the 5th street stunner from west Easton is doing exactly that and I can't wait for her to get another wake up call. It will happen. She's learned nothing. Mike Fleck has eaten enough humble pie and is moving on. Let him and his family heal.

    1. He apologized to no one. The only thing he’s sorry for is getting caught.

  8. To him the bracelet is a badge of honor and a symbol of his fight against the establishment. When it is off he will rub it in so many faces. My prediction is that it will not be long till he starts doing what Fletch mentioned.

    1. Remember that the author of this blog is a disbarred legal rat... So your point is spot on

      A leopard can't change its spots

  9. Who cares? So what? He is serving his sentence. He could be in jail but instead he is on house arrest. I would like to know why his parole officer allowed him a window of opportunity to go to Musikfest. He is rubbing the public's collective nose in shit. He is laughing in our faces. He thinks he is above the law. Welcome to the new USA.

  10. Isn't that thing around his ankle a scum bag holder? Most douche bags wear them.

  11. Maybe he will go back to singing. How about, "Jailhouse Rock". No pity for him!

  12. Was he going to meet up with oz and scheller and have an unauthorized political rally at Musikfest?

  13. He ran a corrupt pay to play operation. Then when caught sold out his best friend to save himself. That’s a scumbag and a coward in my book.

  14. He should have followed & learned lessons from the Trumpster then he wouldn’t have been caught.

    I can’t believe how this audience is so vicious with the Fleckster and yet they’re okay with the many crimes Trump committed in New York and as our President. So many crimes!!!


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