Local Government TV

Wednesday, August 31, 2022

DOJ Response to Trump's Special Master Motion Is Damning

Instead of talk radio and other conservative news outlets, DOJ is doing its talkingin court. It is very damaging to Trump. You can read the DOJ response here.


  1. Typical Lawfare attack logic. We’ll have to see what the judge decides tomorrow about the request. As I see it, the two bigger issues for later are whether Trump’s Fourth Amendment rights were violated, and whether Trump had the final authority to declassify the items as he did by letter in 2019. These answers might only come at the Supreme Court level some time down the road.

    The raid is considered by the Trump side to be related to his already standing suit against Hillary Clinton and various Crossfire Hurricane actors at the FBI. In other words, a search for damaging evidence of FBI misbehavior to be presented at that trial. It is undeniable, our current FBI actions have been inconsistent.

  2. There have been countless instances that one would assume would be "damaging to Trump", but as he once said he could "shoot someone in the middle of 5th avenue" and not lose any votes. It's cult mentality.

  3. I see 10:22 AM did not read the document. Go figure....

  4. I assume this is what 10:22is talking about. It appears there will room at the inn for Patel too.

  5. 10:22, His 4th amendment rights were not violated. He was repeatedly told he needed to return the documents, failed to comply but had his lawyer sign a document that said he had, and then the DOJ was issued a lawful warrant by a Trump-appointed judge to retrieve the documents, which it executed. Additionally, the President is not the final authority on declassification of all secret documents, and even when his is, there are specific procedures that must be followed so that declassification does not put intelligence sources and methods at risk.

    This is investigation is unrelated to Crossfire Hurricane, which pertained to alleged collaboration between the Trump campaign and Russia in the 2016 election, as all the classified documents that were in Trump's possession were necessarily obtained AFTER Trump became president. Trump can say whatever he wants, but he is famously full of shit.

  6. For Fuck's sake - just stop defending him. He has done nothing but continuously flout all laws, rules and morals. He gets attacked by everyone because he's screwed everyone and only cares about himself.

    Declassify the items and 4th Amendment rights really? These are the excuses and reasoning you're clinging to?

    He TOOK TOP SECRET information that he has no right or privilege to with him to his residence in Florida - that is against the law. He's jeopardized our country's national security, potentially revealing secrets, communications and other intelligence resources our country needs and uses. When is it enough for you to bail on this guy?

    He probably took them and was attempting to sell them in order to pay off the massive debts he owes.

    The GOP needs to flush this guy down the toilet and into the swamp he oozed out of.

  7. trump is just trying to delay the perp walk.
    Remember when this started trump stated that Having top secret files was "fake news".
    What a surprise trump lied again.
    The local counsel who signed off on trump not having more top secret info are in deep doodoo.
    trump also wants to find out who turned him in.
    Ivanka? Melania?--one of the illegals trump hired to clean the place wants a green card?
    Does not matter.

  8. for the 1 millionth time. We got him now. the walls are closing in. Worst than Watergate. Wonder why no more leaks about the nuclear codes from the Washington Compost?

  9. Can't wait to see your stories starting January and the next 5 years.

  10. This is a bridge too far. A special master is required. Their aren't good guys in this battle. Everyone is dirty.


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