Local Government TV

Wednesday, July 06, 2022

The Rise of American Fascism

Since the beginning of last year, there's been a sharp increase in ugly comments attempting to justify every mistake Trump has made and vilify everyone who fails to see things their way.  I refuse to publish some of the more vulgar attacks or ignorant remarks, but the ones I do are bad enough. It's finally dawned on me that the persons making these comments might call themselves patriots or conservatives, but they are noting of the sort. They are actually fascists. 

Fascism is defined as "[a] form of political behavior marked by obsessive preoccupation with community decline, humiliation or victimhood and by compensatory cults of unity, energy and purity, in which a mass-based party of committed nationalist militants, working in uneasy but effective collaboration with traditional elites, abandons democratic liberties and pursues with redemptive violence and without ethical or legal restraints goals of internal cleansing and external expansion."

This is classic Trump. He has given us a cult of the leader promising national restoration (Make America Great Again) after decades of corrupt government ("Lock her up") from democrats, a dishonest media ("fake news"). elitists in the deep state. His fascism was, like it or not, legal until January 6. That's when, just as Mussolini marched on Rome in 2022 to seize power, he nearly succeeded in engineering a coup at the capital. 

Since that time, there have been a multitude of arrests of those who breached the capitol. But there have been no consequences at all for Trump and those in his inner circle who actively plotted to undermine our democracy. If our representative democracy is to survive, there must be consequences for those who tried and are still trying to destroy it.  This is why the January 6 hearings are so important. 

It might surprise you to know that Socrates was highly dubious about democracy. His chief concern was that it was too easy for someone who is utterly incompetent to win an election based purely on popularity. This in turn leads to demagogues like Trump or, on a more local level, Steve Lynch. 

Many of you who voted for Trump did so because you thought he was conservative (he's not) or because  you hated the alternative. But many of you have been swallowed up by this cult. 

Here are some warning signs from Jason Stanley's How Fascism Works.: 1) A mythic past in which we were great, but his has been taken from you by "demon," "subhuman" Democrats (terms that have been applied to me). 2) Propaganda presenting the "other", be they liberals or illegals, as relentless enemies to your very existence.  3) Anti-intellectualism rejecting science and other experts. The leader will tell you what to believe, not Dr. Faucci. If he wants you to inject bleach, you better do it.  4) Get people used to lies. Tell them what they want to hear instead of the truth. 5) The leader will tell you that you are a victims of illegals taking your jobs, elitists telling you what to say, 6) You will be told that you are better and higher on the pecking order than the other. Germans were better than Jews and Trump supporters are patriots who are better than illegals, Democrats, etc. 7) Loyalty to the leader. This tops everything. It is why Cassidy Hutchinson was so severely attacked. Loyalty matters more than truth, 8) Patriots who want to Make America Great Again are necessarily law abiding even if they breach the capitol. This is because the leader exhorted them to do so, and by definition, the leader can do no wrong. As Trump him self has said, he could shoot someone on a public street and would suffer no consequences.  9) The role of fear. - The leader will warn you that transgenders plan to change the sex of your children, and you need toxic masculinity to stop these woke people from ruining this great nation. 10) Cities are scorned. The cities are portrayed as Sodom and Gomorrah, where the elitists congregate and BLM destroys infrastructure. Outside of the cities, hard-working Americans do the real work.   


  1. Trump continues to rent space in your head. He was the greatest President of our times. Hardly a fascist. If he is a fascist, then you are a Communist, comrade O'Hare. You resent successful people because of your own miserable failures. You have run out of original material. So continue to drag out your tired, unoriginal tirades against Trump and his supporters. Boring.

  2. Bernie you are anti-American you are a left-wing radical media person--you are one of these people who gave us Biden by hiding the corrupt person he is and also how incompetent he is,and Boy do you lie to the people with your bullshit about PRESIDENT TRUMP. Because of people like you in the media we have 5-dollar gas, high inflation, major border issues, a war in Ukraine, and many other issues.

  3. Wow, not a good look for you Bernie. Calling half the country fascists.....nice. Oh thats right, election season is right around the corner....gotta make voting republican feel like a crime against humanity.

  4. You are seriously overreacting here, Bernie. It’s really pretty easy to understand if you set aside your extreme distaste for Trump and tone down your distortions of current events.

    Americans are NOT pleased by the contrast they are seeing between this administration and the previous one. Families are stressed out emotionally and financially. They see foolish spending of their hard earned tax dollars and are concerned about their future.

    Bottom line, we want someone else in charge to replace what is draining the sense of security we once felt. If not Trump to fix this, we’ll rally around just about anyone else outside these current office holders who just aren’t producing on our behalf.

    1. 6:11: "Families are stressed out emotionally and financially".

      I'll give you that people are stressed out financially, but emotionally? I couldn't be happier since Trump was kicked out of office. We The People have spoken, kicked his fat ass out of the white house and are pleased as a pig in mud.

  5. Bernie,
    So well said! Great job!

  6. So, this is the talking point that has been relayed by the party that they believe will save them in the next election. A poor shot at diversion from who the real fascists are.

  7. You're getting worse and not better. There's a large middle out here that's tired of this endless hyperbole. Could it be that both things are true: Trump is a lying, clownish asshole, and Faucci is a lying, clownish asshole? You and the other side's extremists live in a black and white world where that could make your head explode. You share so much.

  8. Biden is killing our country and you are worried about Trump.This blog should be taken off the air because it is so woke.

  9. Very well done Bernie. As somebody who is really purple these days, I hope folks on both sides read this with an open mind….at least willing to consider there might be some truth in it and thought provoking parallels to some tough times in world history.

  10. If anyone is a fascist it is Biden and his left-wing progressive. They are the ones who shut our country -the masks did not work the shots did not work yet the closed down our schools and businesses for no reason. we cannot forget how many old people they killed and babies in abortion up to birth. They are led by the most corrupt President in our history who is also not at all Com pendent to be President. And all you want to do is lie about Trump.

    1. Masks and vaccines work/worked 7:23.

  11. Dude, look in the mirror!

    It's the democrats who want government control of everything, and who are willing to demonize their political opponents and support violence to achieve their goals.

    It's the Left and the democrats that try to squash any political disagreement by canceling people, or by falsely claiming that "science" has a settled debate on some issues while conveniently ignoring scientific opinion on the other side. They're also the ones who will try to undermine our institutions and system of government every time something doesn't go their way. They're like bratty children who can't accept being told 'no'.

    I'm not trying to tell you that republicans have all the answers, but they're not the ones whose policies are ruining our economy (see inflation), causing shortages of food and other necessities of life, purposely raising gas and heating oil prices in the name of the "liberal world order" (whatever the hell that is), trying to intimidate Supreme Court justices and political opponents at their homes, and trying to indoctrinate our kids in the same failing public schools that they control.

    I realize you have an untreated obsession with Trump, but it's clouding your judgement.

    Most of the rest of us realize that the current democrat show trial is about using the government to damage their political opponents and try to distract the people from the many failures of democrat policies, only a few of which are listed above. That's the way the democrats have to operate, since they long ago realized that they can't win the intellectual debate on any of the issues.

  12. #7. This is why Steve Lynch and his clown show sever ties with anyone who has a different opinion from them. This is why they view themselves and ONLY themselves as “Patriots” and attack and exclude (even other Republicans) who support candidates not backed by Steve and the clown show. The funny part is that the circus tent is getting smaller and smaller and before long, the circus is going to pack up and go.

  13. So, instead of reading the current re-worded definition, let's look back to when books were printed and politics didn't enter into every aspect of life, Webster's New Collegiate Dictionary, second edition of 1949, for their definition:
    Fascist:"An adherent or or advocate of fascism"
    Fascism:"the movement of governmental regime embodying their principles. Any program for setting up a centralized autocratic national regime with severely nationalistic policies, exercising regimentation of industry, commerce, and and finance, rigid censorship, and forcible suppression of opposition"

    Well, that sure sounds like what our current regime is doing in DC at the moment. Just look at yesterday's press conference when the representative was asked about the voicemessage concerning Biden's China dealings and refused to answer the question. Or that Biden's handlers force him out of the room when questions arise. Or if someone refutes the claims of climate change, racist behavior, pandemic vaccines, etc., they are immediately shunned and ridiculed. Sure, Trump was not a choir boy, not by a long shot, but to claim that he and only he is a fascist is just wrong.

  14. If you wanted to ruin a country name me one thing you would do different than what Biden is already doing. Ruin the economy, no borders, high inflation, restrict energy, weaken the military (recruitment is down), ruin peoples savings w/lowest S&P in 50yrs, terrible foreign policy (Afghanistan). As usual I bring left wing receipts.




  15. Trump missed his calling as a circus clown grifter or did he?

  16. I think we need to look at the Fascist Idea a little further and admit there are people with Fascist tendency on both sides democrat/republican. Republican have a demagogue leader who created a cultist revolution. The democrats just have not been so formalized yet. Both of these groups who have been indoctrinated and mentally compromised. They are the ones who get the extremists messaging because of social media and the News want for sensationalism to make profits. Their activism is being encouraged for the sake of profit by others. Again Money is the root of the evil. And many are raking in millions and millions on the destruction of our democracy. Trump however pushed the envelop too far and the main stream got scared they were about to lose it all. That is why they are putting on the show for both sides but not really prosecuting those that need to be.

    I dare anyone to come up with a valid reason why the politicians who knowing and admittedly created a group of false electors, submitted paperwork under personal affidavit signature, and had it forward should not be prosecuted to the full an maximum extent For multiple counts. They should be immediately arrested and brought up on charges.

  17. Scarily accurate and well written Bernie!

    Sadly too many of our fellow citizens will read it, and then reflexively take a defensive posture without seeing many of the underlying truth to what was laid out.

    Plain and simple - You are NOT a patriot or a true American if you hate other Americans.

    I do think the "Everyone gets a trophy" philosophy has weakened our nation by making everyone think they're more special and precious than others. We need to get over ourselves, put in a good days work, go home, have a beer and enjoy being with loved ones and stop looking at and comparing ourselves to others.

  18. The important part of this post is how you declare, without a bit of shame, how you are censoring certain replies, just like a mini Twitter or Facebook post. How very progressive of you, you dirty little liberal...

  19. Come on Bernie. Paxton is right up there with Howard Zinn and Stephen Greenblatt. This is the continuing attempt by liberal professors to put as much space as possible between the current ideology of the left and and the trash pile of fascism/nazism. The left is constantly trying to re-tread authoritarian socialist thought (that's both a tautology and an oxymoron!). Why don't you try Faces of Janus or Mussolini's intellectuals by James Gregor to get an honest understanding of those socialist evils.

  20. You must be talking about the left-wing radicals who burn down our cities and let people harass the supreme court judges which is against the so-called law. They also shut down schools, shut down businesses, and made people take shots, that did not work by the way.How about all the people they killed--put old people into homes where they died or all the babies they killed or the drugs they are leaving come into the country that are killing Americans. I agree with you They are fascists.

  21. Obama was more of a racist than Trump was a fascist.

  22. "Trump continues to rent space in your head. He was the greatest President of our times."

    This comment illustrates the "cult of the leader" aspect of fascism.

  23. "Bernie you are anti-American you are a left-wing radical media person"

    This comment illustrates the fascist tendency to dehumanize and vilify the other. The other in this case certainly includes anyone who can be identified as ""left wing" or as media.

  24. Bernie you are Anti American and a left-wing radical media person--THE TRUTH HURTS BERNIE.

  25. The cognitive dissonance is strong with you Bernie.

    Why would people be distrustful of their government and media after the last few years?? Boy, I have no idea!

    But yes, lets just call all the people that you disagree with "fascists". Im sure that will yield positive results.

    You're no better than the people you disparage and are being a hypocrite when you poke at people with these labels. "Fascism, Patriots, Toxic masculinity". The last time Fascism was a threat in this world, TOXIC MASCULINITY stomped it out. If thats considered to be a "mythic past in which we were great", then I guess I must be a fascist right??

    Dont get me started on Anti Intellectualism, "trusting the science", propaganda, and telling lies.

    I never could have imagined institutions that use to be held to such a high standard flat out LIE to the people. No one is held accountable. The Broken Window theory seems to be just as applicable in the political setting as it is in the corporate environment.

    Be less divisive. Conservatives dont even want Trump, they want DESANTIS. Everything else (like the 1/6 witch hunt) is just steering the narrative to be taken away from the inflation crisis, the gas prices, the new wars that we have poked and prodded along, the self loathing, the identity politics, and the cultural marxism.....to keep people divided. This is not what people want. We want to be proud of America and Americans. We dont want hate and division....unfortunately people like you keep promulgating it.

    Be better.

  26. "Wow, not a good look for you Bernie. Calling half the country fascists...."

    As I said in my post,many who voted for Trump are not fascists but disliked the alternative. You like to distort what I say, which illustrates the fascist tendency to tell lies all the time.

  27. "Come on Bernie. Paxton is right up there with Howard Zinn and Stephen Greenblatt. This is the continuing attempt by liberal professors to put as much space as possible between the current ideology of the left and and the trash pile of fascism/nazism."

    This comment illustrates the anti-intellectual aspect of fascism, in which intelligence is demeaned unless it comes from the leader.

  28. "You must be talking about the left-wing radicals who burn down our cities and let people harass the supreme court judges which is against the so-called law. They also shut down schools, shut down businesses, and made people take shots, that did not work by the way.How about all the people they killed--put old people into homes where they died or all the babies they killed or the drugs they are leaving come into the country that are killing Americans."

    Another illustration of the fascist vilification of the other.

  29. "The important part of this post is how you declare, without a bit of shame, how you are censoring certain replies,"

    I have comment policies and if you fail to adhere, you will not be published.

  30. Bernie why don't you admit Biden is the most corrupt President in our History I agree most of it is covered up by the fake news which you are a part of. There are too many facts out there about how bad Biden is-and you will not admit it. Also, Trump was a very good President, and he will be again, but Biden must be impeached first thing in January. If not the country as we used to know will die.

  31. I think we need to look at the Fascist Idea a little further and admit there are people with Fascist tendency on both sides democrat/republican. Republican have a demagogue leader who created a cultist revolution. The democrats just have not been so formalized yet. "

    Oh, there can be authoritarianism on the left. Look at Stalin or Mao. But that uis not fascist. Fascist is necessarily right-wing, which totalitarianism appears to be necessarily left-wing.

  32. Bernie, those "warning signs" could just as easily be applied to the leftist/neo-liberal establishment. With the obvious exception of #10, although many will instead romanticize the non-white/indigenous rural areas.

    The problem with the accusations of "FASCIST!" is that it essentially just means "Bad Person", with various shades of authoritarianism or populism, as evidenced by the sources you cited. If you want to understand Fascism, then you need to read actual fascists. Would you try and learn Marxist theory by reading Ayn Rand? No, you'd go and read Marx.

    If you get a better handle on fascism, then you'll better understand its critiques of democracy, capitalism, and Marxian/international socialism. If you love democracy then you should want to openly listen to it's critics. You'll also understand why Trump was no fascist, and is hated by actual modern-day fascists. He is merely a demagogue with no real clear ideology or political organization behind him. Of you don't understand what is going on, and why people are increasingly rejecting democracy, then you'll never save it

    Anyway, here's a short reading list to better understand the issue:

    The Doctrine of Fascism by Benito Mussolini and Giovanni Gentile

    The Philosophic Basis of Fascism by Giovanni Gentile

    Fascism: One Hundred Questions Asked and Answered by Oswald Mosley

  33. 7.24 and 7.47, your comments are right on and gives hope that the country is seeing through all the bull.

  34. If you wanted to ruin a country name me one thing you would do different than what Biden is already doing. Ruin the economy, no borders, high inflation, restrict energy, weaken the military (recruitment is down), ruin peoples savings w/lowest S&P in 50yrs, terrible foreign policy (Afghanistan). As usual I bring left wing receipts."

    And as usual, you are deflecting. Biden's incompetence is totally unrelated to this topic. If you are positing it as an excuse for fascism, that's patently absurd. As usual, I bring logic.

  35. Fascism, according to the classic definitions when fascism was wrecking havoc was a cooperation between business and state. Like much else today, even dictionary definitions have changed.

  36. 9:20 A typical fascist reply.

  37. "So, instead of reading the current re-worded definition, let's look back to when books were printed and politics didn't enter into every aspect of life, Webster's New Collegiate Dictionary, second edition of 1949, for their definition:
    Fascist:"An adherent or or advocate of fascism"
    Fascism:"the movement of governmental regime embodying their principles. Any program for setting up a centralized autocratic national regime with severely nationalistic policies, exercising regimentation of industry, commerce, and and finance, rigid censorship, and forcible suppression of opposition"

    This comment starts out with a reference to our mythic past, when we were supposedly great and didn't need things like the Internet, and then regurgitates a definition of fascism that is pretty much identical to the one I gave.

  38. It wasn't all that long ago that advocating violence was the kiss of death in American politics. I am amazed to now see so many who are without self-awareness in their violent advocacies.

  39. I have comment policies and if you fail to adhere you will not be published Cannot be more fascist than that?

  40. @8:09 until you have an original thought an don't just spout Fox, Newsmax on some other organization you are just part of the problem and useless to society.

  41. @7:24 Dude you must be a drug adict loser for your use of Dude. And yes I am making a judgement based on one word.

  42. I love the way that Bernie and his supporters try to deflect from THEIR hatred, THEIR bigotry and THEIR fascism by casting it as somehow noble and good for the country, while trying to accuse others of the same. Then of course shut down discussion on any points made that don't agree with their viewpoint.

    Like the old saying goes, if you want to know what the Left is really doing, look at what they're accusing others of.

    I guess you have to constantly attack your political opponents personally when you can't win the argument on ANY of the policies you support.

    Thankfully people are waking up and fewer and fewer are buying it, recognizing it for the dishonest political ploy that it is.

    And we're looking forward to proving that last point come November.

  43. By definition, you could call both the Progressive Left and Far Right fascists. However, most people residing in the middle of the political spectrum are hurt by radical ideology.

  44. Bernie, you have no creditability you help give us Biden now you trying to blame Trump for everything - you left-wing people are doing more damage to America Than the Chinese.

  45. "Why would people be distrustful of their government and media after the last few years?? Boy, I have no idea!

    But yes, lets just call all the people that you disagree with "fascists". Im sure that will yield positive results."

    Conservatism is a political ideology premised on a healthy distrust of government. I have no problem with that and actually agree with it to some extent, although I think government exists to help people. I do not call people who distrust government fascist. That word applies to those who subscribe to a cult of the leader who claims we've been humiliated ny and are victims of the other (liberal democrats, illegal immigrants, the deep state, etc.) coupled with a mass-based party of ultra nationalism (Make America Great Again, America First) that abandons democratic liberties and pursues with redemptive violence (January 6 march on the capitol, Hang Mike Pence). That is just the way it is.

    I am not using the word as an epithet. I am using it because many of you, whether you realize it or not, are fascists. You have deluded yourselves into thinking you are patriots or whatever, but have fallen into the clutches of a cult.

    If I wake a few of you up, I will have succeeded.

  46. I am having such a good time reading the responses from clearly disturbed individuals on this blog. Remember they Live amongst us, Not Aliens, tRump supporters

  47. By definition, you could call both the Progressive Left and Far Right fascists. "

    As I've already said, authoritarianism exists on the right and left and is ugly in both instances. But fascism is exclusively right wing while totalitarianism is exclusively left wing.

  48. Bernie and his supporters are the real fascist they have a fake blog, and they only leave fake news on their blog. They also gave us Biden and look what the most corrupt and left-wing President we ever had did to us.

  49. "I guess you have to constantly attack your political opponents personally when you can't win the argument on ANY of the policies you support."

    I have engaged in no personal attacks. I have simply taken the textbook definitions of fascism and have shown how it applies to many of you who are in the cult of Trump.

  50. But you would not apply that to the left wing radical and socialists

  51. Bernie O'Hare said: "I have engaged in no personal attacks. I have simply taken the textbook definitions of fascism and have shown how it applies to many of you who are in the cult of Trump."

    No, you are trying to mischaracterize current political beliefs by mislabeling them with a name that doesn't really apply.

    You and others on the Left are merely using 'fascist' because you wore out calling everyone who disagrees with you a 'Nazi' or 'White Supremecist'. It's what the Left does in order to avoid discussing the issues.

    So why don't you stop the name calling and start discussing the issues that people actually care about? Like the economy, inflation, shortages of food and other essential items, security at our border, security in our homes, etc.? Please, why don't you defend the Defund the Police movement the democrats have pushed on our cities with fabulous results, or countless other failed policies the democrats have given us?

    It's because you can't defend those policies, so you have to resort to calling anyone who points out those failures a 'fascist'.

    It's old, it's tired, and it's not going to work.

  52. "Attacking" your political opposition has become perverted. It just seems that the only dialogue these days is to "Own the Libs" or ridicule conservative opinions.

    I do agree that Dems have made Trump their whipping boy and regularly use his name and those associated with him as a way to motivate their base.

    Republicans are not free from sin either, as they've made a cottage industry all their own in using Clinton and Barack "HUSSEIN" Obama to fire up their own base.

    What all of us really need to do is stop and REALLY look at what were defending or excusing. If January 6th was reversed and it was a BLM protest run amok at the Capitol, I am positive the Team Trump folks here would be in full meltdown mode.

    We need to stop making excuses for what our team is doing in Washington or Harrisburg. We need to hold them all accountable for making out lives better and easier, and not allow them to get away with moronic political stunts & posturing, including our own team.

  53. "I have engaged in no personal attacks" unless of course you count Steve Lynch, who doesnt count....because he is a fascist.

    The hypocrisy is strong with this one.

  54. I remember when I felt we were the adults in the room and I was proud to call myself a Republican. Today the party has been infected with the loudmouth low information voter. Most of the comments on here attacking BO are making his point. No emotional intelligence, just shout down a differing belief. Hook, line and sinker you took the bait.
    I guess I'm a RINO now like McConnell, Romney, Kinzinger and Chaney. Other than wanting to move on and move away from trump, how are they not conservatives?
    One day, professional wrestling will rise again and us RINOs can have our party back. The belief that if I'm not giving full throttled support for trump, means I'm a democrat, you made my point.

  55. ""I have engaged in no personal attacks" unless of course you count Steve Lynch"

    This post is about fascism and I was accused of personal attacks for using that word to describe people like you. It is not an epithet but an accurate description of what you are. As for Lynch, I have called him a bully because he is. I have called him a demagogue because he is. He has his own cultish following, complete with goofy lion symbols and t-shirts. He and his lynch mob are textbook fascist. Sorry.

  56. ""I have engaged in no personal attacks" unless of course you count Steve Lynch"

    This post is about fascism and I was accused of personal attacks for using that word to describe people like you. It is not an epithet but an accurate description of what you are. As for Lynch, I have called him a bully because he is. I have called him a demagogue because he is. He has his own cultish following, complete with goofy lion symbols and t-shirts. He and his lynch mob are textbook fascist. Sorry.

  57. "But you would not apply that to the left wing radical and socialists"

    I have already made clear several times that fascism by its very nature is right-wing. Yes, there is left-wing authoritarianism. It is called totalitarianism and has resulted in the deaths of millions. I seed no American politician who comes close to that.

  58. I suggest you read this excellent book on the subject:

  59. Good post, Bernie. I hope more and more people will wake up and realize that our democracy is in peril. The January 6th hearings are (hopefully) instrumental in exposing the crimes committed against our nation not just on that day, but in the days leading up to it. It MATTERS and they're still doing it, as evidenced by the handful of trump cult members that have chimed in here.

  60. Isn't Joe Biden a grifter? He's on tape discussing with Hunter how he's clear of trouble re: Ukraine. This, after repeating many times that he never discussed business with his son. Fascism has a prettier face sometimes. Sometimes it looks just like Joe Biden and his oligarch friends.

  61. I no longer associate MAGA/Trump Supporters as "Republican". They simply are their own movement, that has unfortunately absorbed and corrupted the brains of many Americans into thinking they're the cure to all that ails this country.

    FOX News and their media eco system gives them talking points to repeat (seen hear daily) and obscures or outright hides any potential stains on their brand.

  62. If you wanted to ruin a country name me one thing you would do different than what Biden is already doing. Ruin the economy, no borders, high inflation, restrict energy, weaken the military (recruitment is down), ruin peoples savings w/lowest S&P in 50yrs, terrible foreign policy (Afghanistan). As usual I bring left wing receipts."

    And as usual, you are deflecting. Biden's incompetence is totally unrelated to this topic. If you are positing it as an excuse for fascism, that's patently absurd. As usual, I bring logic.

    So my left wing receipts are deflecting? I thought Time, Reuters is to be believed. Are you saying those outlets are "Fake News"? Sounds Fascist to me. Posting left wing outlets is deflecting? The TDS is strong w/you


  63. You are one of those left-wing democrats who has an excuse for everything and a nlie.

  64. From reading these responses, I'm convinced its one, maybe 2 people here who love Trump. Based on their Pro Trump commentary and the oft repeated lines and phrases that everyone is concerned with "the economy" (no President controls the economy), inflation (it's a global issue, not a US issue), shortages of food (this is imaginary) and security at our border (massively overblown issue, and that any PA residents have it high on their lists of concerns illustrates just how gullible and scared MAGA voters are).

  65. 10:04 Parroted right out of Russian and your orange cult leaders play book and mouth.

    Like the old saying goes, if you want to know what the Left is really doing, look at what they're accusing others of.

    Blame others for what you are doing and deflect it to them to explain while you are doing it.

  66. 12:08 - I think what you perhaps miss, and what Bernie tries to misrepresent as a cult, is that most Trump supporters support him because of his POLICIES.

    Where I have a problem with what you describe as the RINO's is that during his Presidency, Trump fought for policies that should have made any conservative happy. Border security, cutting regulation that was strangling our economy, energy independence, peace agreements in the Middle East, getting us out of the endless wars that have cost this country in terms of money but more importantly in the terms of the toll it took on our soldiers, etc. I could go on, but you get the point.

    Was Trump the most articulate spokesman for those conservative policies? No, but he was willing to FIGHT to achieve them, despite being personally maligned from the start of his presidency. So I am very grateful that he fought for those conservative policies, and that deserves some loyalty.

    Out of the four Republicans you mention, it would have been nice to see them fight for conservative policies as hard as they've fought against Trump. Cheney and Kinzinger have certainly not moved on from Trump, and in fact seem obsessed with him. McConnell is McConnell, and while I am frequently disappointed in his lack of leadership when Republicans had control I will give him credit for bringing some balance back to the federal court system and away from the liberal tilt that had existed there since the 60's.

    As for Romney, if he had an ounce of the fight in 2012 for conservative policies that Trump had from 2016 forward, we'd be talking about President Romney instead of Senator Romney. I suspect that deep down Romney realizes this, and somehow blames Trump for his (Romney's) own shortcomings in failing to reach that goal.

    So I truly have no hard feelings about any conservative Republican who is looking for a CONSERVATIVE alternative to Trump in 2024. I understand and respect that as part of the process. But by conservative alternative I mean someone willing to fight for those conservative policies and principles as hard as Trump did.

    That said, once the 2024 primary is over I expect all Republicans to get behind the 2024 nominee and vote for them, since we all know the policy disasters the democrats have pushed at all levels of government don't work. The same goes for the upcoming mid-terms in November.

    I can't think of one democrat in office or running for office that's denounced the failures of their party's policies. In fact, it seems that they're in lock step in doubling down on those same failed policies. So I have no respect for any Republican (or independent, or democrat) willing to support more of the same failed democrat policies - whether it's at the federal, state or local level.

    If you agree with that, you should have no problem with the Republican party, now or going forward.

  67. Trump definitely is a kleptocrat, an oligarch, a xenophobe, a racist, an authoritarian and a jerk. He just doesn’t fit the definition of a facist. For example wants government out of control of business. Anti reg. That’s not a fit.

  68. Hey you Republicans wake up or your team will take away your social security, medical care, and other benefits for us working stiffs. Wake up you are voting for the wrong team they have tried to privatize social security, luckily that was stopped. But I keep on reading this blog, and all I see is TRUMP is our holy savior. Wake the hell up, your parents or grandparents are rolling in their graves because of your stupidity. Get real and read the facts.

  69. Tell me Biden is not a fascist he is a lot closer to one than Trump. Trump was the greatest President of the modern era and now the American people realize this so Trump will win by a landslide in 2024.

  70. @6:09 we know you are a republican bot so just stop posting. NO matter how many times you tell lies and misinformation it does not make any of it true. It only makes you look like a bigger idiot.

  71. @3:30 Let's look at your post

    Trump fought for border policy by building a wall which numerous people pocket huge sums of money from including his own organizations.

    He focused on cutting regulations not for all but for a select few. He kept his ars safe out of it. He only did it where it was impactful to those who contributed to his life or he would have allowed drilling along the Palm Beach/Miami coast line.

    He did not want energy independence. When you look at his record he did absolutely nothing toward that end other then be a mouth piece. His kids and friends places in many locations were off limits for drilling. He encouraged much that would have destroyed so much. Did you support the pipeline through the Lehigh Valley. You can't have it both ways.

    He had not peace agreements in the middle east. You forget that right after his presidency there was a huge sum of money connected to many of his nearest associates. The trips to the middle east were more about his personal profit and other around him then anything to do with this country.

    You said you could go on so please do go on. But he was an absolute failure out for his own profit and fleecing of America.

    I know you will say what I posted is hogwash but if it looks like a dog, acts like a dog and rolls over like a dog it is more then likely a dog.

    And speaking of being a dog when you look at many of things he did , it appears they were done to appease he idols especially Putin. I know you will say he was impeached and let lose on that but some time look at it from a court of law and he would have been hung for what he did. Heck he even pardoned one of his king Henchmen Michael Flynn who was a sitting General under Trump while taking Hundreds of thousands of dollars from Russia for what no one can truely identify. Kind of strange for someone to do that who is an American Patriot.

  72. How many posts are from the same person? Is tRump charging for his Kool aid yet?

  73. "Trump definitely is a kleptocrat, an oligarch, a xenophobe, a racist, an authoritarian and a jerk. He just doesn’t fit the definition of a facist. For example wants government out of control of business. Anti reg. That’s not a fit."

    Wow! I was about to give you some props and then saw that you plagiarized this from an article in Vox.(https://www.vox.com/policy-and-politics/21521958/what-is-fascism-signs-donald-trump) And it's an old article written before the attempted coup. What's more, it is incorrect. Fascism tends to develop close relationships with big business and will be antireg so long as the businesses support the Leader.

  74. For a long time, Conservatives referred to Democrats as "Socialists, Communists, and Marxists", well, today, a good percentage of the House Democrat(ic) Caucus is comprised of adherents of those ideologies.

    Keep calling Trump and his acolytes "fascists". See where that gets you.

    To paraphrase Winston Churchill, I will not pretend that, if I had to choose between Communism and Fascism, I would choose Communism.

    Please stop being so divisive, that you push us further towards that choice.

  75. Part of fascism is giving up individual goals including wealth for what is important to the society as a whole. Fascism also militarized for the preparation for war to protect those beliefs. Although fascism has it's root in the far right by definition so I understand that point it is also rooted in racism and social structure. I strongly disagree that today's republicans meets that definition. Individual success is important to Republicans as is the American dream. We prefer not to engage in war. The things that are important include controlling the border and controlling children and drug trafficking. Democrats today don't seem to care who comes into our country. Securing the border is not fascist it just makes sense. As already said it's the policies of the Republican party that matters and not a former president. But it seems deflecting and continuing to be obsessed with Trump seems to me that the reason is to deflect or perhaps out of fear that he could once again be president. But what we need to discuss are our different opinions on policies and stop labeling each other causing yet more division. Why do you do it? To work people up? What does that do but fuel the hatred and lack of willingness to work together. We believe in working hard and paying off your own college debt. Energy independence is important. How is that working for us today? Support for our police and military. Is that a fascist thing? I wish you would take key issues an talk about them. Does everyone want their taxes to go to 50percent so we can fund programs for those who don't work but could? So many real issues could be tackled. You've do e it before. Hope you do it again. Stop the hate and help us heal and work together

  76. @9:26 Was that a slip - Please help us understand your definition of controlling children as being important to Republicans.

    Also should controlling woman be on that list for conservative republicans.

    And shouldn't controlling religion be on that list? Whelp as long as it is certain religions I guess.

    And shouldn't control of what you read be on your list for many Republicans.

    Oh yeah and controlling things that are taught in school be on the list for many republican's?

    And as far as support of police and Military, I cannot speak about police directly but the Republican President Bush did more to hurt the military benefits in his time in office then most other presidents. And many republican politicians have worked to remove retirement benefits from the military for years saying that they should only receive either social security or a military pension not both. And the 45th called military people Saps, idiots, suckers and generally losers.

    Both of those same people spent huge sums of money on the war machine and one engaged us in a long term situation.

    And they represent the top of the Republican party. Not to mention those like Boebert, Greene, and many others.

    If the republicans were to believe in paying off college debt they would have helped resolve the compounding problem of college debt. It is not the actual base debt of college costs which are the problem but it is the way interest is compounded. It is compounded multiple times in a year vs a single time in the year like a common house loan. Have you ever actually had college debt or look at a college debt agreement?

    And when you look at funding programs. Have you ever looked at the giveaways to companies domestic and foreign and the dollars as compared to giving away to people. There are many areas in which republicans back corporate welfare/give a ways well beyond the cost of personal give a ways.

    I personally find many politicians from both parties to be absolutely useless, self absorbed, self promoting, and self enriching. I try to look at things eyes wide open and listen to a variety of viewpoints. It is about the conversation but as you say we need to discuss the differences. The problem I find with so many is that they only look with one eye open and the other turning a blind eye to what they don't want to see or consider.

  77. 3:30, 12:08 in response. What I believe you are saying is don't throw out the baby with the bathwater.
    The reps and senators I mentioned do "fight" for conservative values by voting for conservative legislation. I may agree with you on the policy position of trump, but his execution of those policies left something to be desired. He lost me when it was apparent that he was setting the stage with election fraud prior to the election and Jan 6th was the icing on the cake. If trump is good at anything it's weaving a story. If there was room for widespread election fraud we would have exploited the same gap. It's human nature.
    If we continue to play stupid games, expect to win stupid prizes.

  78. It was obviously a slip...trafficking of children for sex etc was part of the trafficking comment. But if you want to discuss control who wants to control the dialogue and new things like birthing people and can't use pronouns and no mother and father. Are you really ok with all of that? I have great respect as do most people in both parties for individual people's choice for their lives. Just don't control it. Respect it. Do I respect sexual choice. Of course but not at age five or eight when children can't understand. Let teachers teach science and math. Let parents teach the rest. I don't pay huge school taxes for kids to not learn the basics in education! Controlling woman comment makes me smile. Woman should control themselves. Lots of options there but not for this discussion. I have family and friends who are strong Democrats. We talk often trying to understand each other's viewpoint and searching for middle ground and solutions. I believe both eyes and ears have to be open to try to understand why so many in our country think so differently...and how do we come together again. One common theme that makes no sense to me is the constant trump talk. Even before the election getting people to talk issues was almost impossible. All everyone talked about was trump. And it's still happening. ...

  79. @9:50 just like the senator who said she would shoot her own grandchildren to protect them from other people's guns.

  80. Bernie, I’ve been preaching about the rise of white Christian fascism on your blog for months and I truly believe that MAGA won’t be satisfied until they place every person that doesn’t look like them in concentration camps. This is what happens when you decide not to teach our citizens the ugly truth of how the United States came to power. This country was built on the backs of chattel slavery and the genocide of indigenous tribes and because this truth was never told, we’re doomed to repeat it.

  81. thank you for posting this, Bernie. The small but vocal pack of fascists will attack you for correctly describing them because the truth is shameful. Their side tried to toss out the results of a fair election by attacking congress. I don’t care about your position on policies - you need to support the constitution first and foremost, critically and especially the election of representatives. Otherwise fet bent


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