Local Government TV

Thursday, July 07, 2022

Romney: We Are a Nation Divided

Yesterday, I told you that many Trump supporters are not the Republicans, conservatives, Libertarians or patriots they think they are. They are instead fascists who've been deluded into joining the cult of Donald Trump. I have friends and family who voted for this guy, but they are under no illusion about what he is. Many prominent Republicans have been speaking out against him, with more joining the ranks on a near daily basis. They are vilified by the fascists as traitors or RINOs for putting their oath to the Constitution above loyalty to the cult leader. Most, whether it is Mitch McConnell or Liz Cheney, are more conservative than Trump ever was. They also have something Trump, despite his millions, never possessed - integrity.   

Last week, I posted a powerful speech by Liz Cheney calling on fellow Republicans to choose our representative democracy over Trump. Today, I wish to refer you to Mitt Romney's America In Denial.

He notes that this denial afflicts all of us: 

"Even as we watch the reservoirs and lakes of the West go dry, we keep watering our lawns, soaking our golf courses, and growing water-thirsty crops.

"As inflation mounts and the national debt balloons, progressive politicians vote for ever more spending.

"As the ice caps melt and record temperatures make the evening news, we figure that buying a Prius and recycling the boxes from our daily Amazon deliveries will suffice.

"When TV news outlets broadcast video after video of people illegally crossing the nation’s southern border, many of us change the channel."

"And when a renowned conservative former federal appellate judge testifies that we are already in a war for our democracy and that January 6, 2021, was a genuine constitutional crisis, MAGA loyalists snicker that he speaks slowly and celebrate that most people weren’t watching."

I think this denial afflicts us all. Joe Biden ran on a promise to unite us. His biggest failure as President has been his inability to do that. We need leadership that will stop telling people what they want to hear and start telling them the truth. 


  1. Romney, Cheney or any Bush will never win another election as a republican. They might as well join the democrats, but they could not win a election there either. They will soon be relegated to be analysts on CNN and MSNBC, the burial ground of progressive republicans.

  2. we are in a war--Its the Patriots against the liberal snowflakes ( spend spend spend) radicals Its boderline for a new civil war to start or maybe its already started

  3. In other news, O'Hare announced that effective immediately, Lehigh Valley Ramblings has now officially been renamed The R.I.N.O. Review.

  4. Most Rs hate Romney, even I who held my nose and voted for him. He authored Obamacare before it was called that and had failed miserably in Massachusetts. Then, when Rs nominated him to run against Obama, they'd nominated the only R in the world who couldn't criticize Obamacare. Meanwhile, Rs were cleaning up on Obamacare, taking over Congress, 34 governorships, and over 1,100 state and federal legislative seats. Obamacare was a huge boost for Rs for six straight years, and Romney was the only R who couldn't use it to win. Your citing turncoats is pathetically cynical. But it's what you've become. Neither Romney nor Cheney will win another election as Rs. It is preciously telling that you can't find a similar profile of an opposing view among Ds. That's a pure party in a very small, very authoritarian, very wealthy, and very elitist tent. They thank you, the unlanded, gentile poor sheep of their party who still reside in the halcyon days of the working man's party, to clean their excrement from their nasty little tent. You shovel their shit quite well.

  5. I find the current “anti-Trump explosion” to be rather unusual. First of all, the man has not even announced he’s running . . . for an election TWO YEARS from now. Second, the current President in office is generally not expected to run for re-election as he is struggling and losing the support of most Americans, including Democrats!

    Should not the focus be on the Mid-Term Election just a few months away?

    We should be determining if our Legislative Branch needs a good cleaning, and possibly complete overhaul. We are now under the influence of overly aggressive Democrats and somewhat hapless Republicans in Congress. I believe the entire group in Congress needs a good flushing. It’s a waste product.

    Think hard before endorsing (voting) your local incumbent by keeping them in place. If you want change, your vote this November is equally important. Now, if you do not want change, I surely won’t ever understand that satisfaction!

  6. I often wonder what type of President Reagan would be if he lived in the age of social media. The relentless bombardment on social media would make it difficult for any President to unite.

    When is it appropriate for a former memer of law enforcement to post "They will never realize the damage they have inflicted, until they have, the impending peril, busting down their doors"

  7. Please not too many anti-liberals write into this blog some of them get upset they think their policies are good for our country.

  8. When the opposition advises you who not to vote for...You obviously found who you should be voting for and who they fear the most.
    Thanks for the clarity Bernie. ;}

  9. 8:43 - Wise words indeed. That's bumper sticker. . . no, flag material! just like the "Fuck your Feelings" flags I see flying from the back of trucks. I love those flags. As a RINO it reminds me that we're in charge and I always point them out to my boys and say, "see there? we're owning the libs one truck at a time!" Merica Fuck Yeah!

    P.S. I'm a lifelong republican who doesn't think you turds are that cleaver. looking at you 6:27. Sounds like you want war? You should be careful what you wish for as those are pretty strong words.

    1. Clever. Not cleaver. You word turd!

  10. Mitch McConnell has integrity? Surely you jest.

  11. words of wisdom from romney, wow. It looks like he wants to run again, wow again. He is as delusional as they can be and there is lots of delusion around the beltway.

  12. Name a politician who has integrity?

  13. Cocaine Mitch (R's term of endearment for Mitch) has little integrity. But he may be right because he certainly knows how to win. He kept every single R senator - even the slippery RINOs - solidly on the reservation during Obamacare. Not one voted for it. Rs went on to pummel Ds mercilessly with the Obamacare club in the next three elections over six years. Mitch took Harry Reid's "nuclear option" and shoved it so far up Ds' asses they're still pulling it out. Mitch also hung tough when torpedoing Merrick Garland. He and Trump are equally responsible for Roe's demise, EPA's reigning in, and strengthened 2A protections against D's who administer the most dangerous locales in America. Mitch McConnel has been a one-man, partisan wrecking ball. And he's about to take back over in January! It's called winning. McConnell does a lot of it.

  14. Patriots would win.

  15. @ 9:52 you are part of the reason this country is falling apart. You look no further then your small minded retardation. And do not try to defend your self. As you put f your feelings. F your kids feelings. F your friends feelings. People like you need to be purged from our society. The WAR you are wanting is closer then you think adn the first targets will be all those big trucks and people that are too stupid to realize they have made targets of themselves.

    You as many of your wanna be heros like Lynch and Trump could not defend themselves in any manner they talk big, they act tough but in reality they are nothing more then wanna be bullies who the real powerful people think are jokes to be taken advantage of and to be used to move their loser followers to do the even more pathetic bidding because they are not smart enough to know when they are being used.

    1. Bravo 1:08. I was reading thru the comments and was intending to write something similar, but you beat me to it. I should write Fuck 9:52's feelings, but that would be lowering myself to his level.

  16. 7:30
    First of all, President Reagan was one of the top five worse presidents of this country. He broke the unions and allowed big businesses tax incentives they never had. But the treasonous Trump takes the cake as the worse ever President of this country. I voted for the best of both parties in local and national elections. But due to the shit we are facing with the Trump disciples I will only vote for Democrats.

  17. Those wo are proposing war need to start sucking on the open end of their guns as many of them are going to be the first to cry when and if something actually does happen. They will hide, run, complain and shrink into the shadows. They are a be war hero's in their own mind claiming patriotism when all they are is actually terrorist ripping apart the fabric of this country.

  18. Romney talking unity?
    remember his little speech?
    "These are people who pay no income tax. ... [M]y job is not to worry about those people. I'll never convince them they should take personal responsibility and care for their lives."
    So his claim that unity is required is plenty effing rich.
    He only can talk big because maga folks are not going to replace a Mormon Senator from Utah.
    republicans decided on trench warfare and seem to like that form of political discourse.
    Until the republicans purge the monster they created there will be no common ground.
    For example Bannon is still a hero to the right even after he was pardoned (by trump ) for ripping off donations.
    Yet where is the outrage from republicans who should be driving him away?
    nowhere to be found.

  19. 7.08
    "Should not the focus be on the Mid-Term Election just a few months away?'
    The focus is on the mid-terms.
    The Democrats are promoting their interests and are working on routing those republican Congress members who were involved in the coup attempt.
    That is one of the reasons why maga folks are in a tizzy.
    trump has to held accountable for his actions along with all of his enablers.
    The republicans(the law and order folks)lack the guts to clean up their party so the Democrats will have to expose those republicans in power who thought a coup was no big problem.

  20. Mittens lost his moral authority starting with the infamous family road trip with fido crated and strapped to the roof of their wagon while it defecated and urinated all over itself terrified of the rushing wind, rain, and detritus of the interstate.

    Oh that's and his idiotic remarks about corporations being people too, I'd rather have Strom Thurmond than that disgraceful cuckservative latter day spraint.

  21. Sorry. Integrity and politician without current personnel do not go together. Majority of them lack it.

    Time for term limits and to start fresh. Remember too much power for too long corrupts. A statement made when setting term limits for a President yet it never reached congress.

  22. 1:08 - Oh boy, reading comprehension and picking up on social cues and sarcasms is not your bag.

    12:22 - Damn it! Maybe I was just trying to cut it up? good catch, word turd.

  23. 11:31 - Please read my comment at 9:52 slowly . . . You obviously didn't get the joke.
    Jesus tap dancing Christ, you people are dense.

  24. @11:46 and 12:15 spoken like the lowest of life politicians and other losers in life. Make comments, be proud of them, and take credit for them until you are called out for being a dumb ars. Then you use the sarcasm excuse or that it is a joke and or blame the other person for not understanding the BS way in which you meant it. Why don't you just say you are going to plead the 5th about it or can't remember it even though it can be read back to you. Or are you going to call out a conspiracy theory against you.

    To put it more in your terms F your sarcasm, f your self perceived attempt at a joke, Own the fact that you got called out. And don't forget to show this to your boys so they know what other people think of you and you mental midget moments.

  25. I'll stand by my comment at 12:15. You are obviously angry and searching for a target for your wrath. Unfortunately, you are either that stupid or you are an excellent troll.

    Calm down, have some dip.

  26. @6:44 How many times did you have to start and restart erasing your rage. I bet if this would have been on twitter we would be reading an entirely different perspective from you. You are the joke in society that people are walking away from and getting tired of being in existence. Too bad you don't understand how your pathetic attempt as humor is actually driving the wooden stake into you heart by society. Republican extremists and RION"S are working their way toward extinction.

  27. Didn't take a whole lot of time I guess. I type pretty fast for an adult.
    I'm still having trouble understanding how my pathetic attempt at humor has completely chapped your ass. What's your point? I'm going to rot in hell because I was sarcastic about flag humping trump truckers? Get a grip.

  28. Because so many sarcastic SOB's use it as an excuse and should actually have their teeth kicked in when they use it as an excuse to shirk from their real feelings.

  29. So you're canceling me? I thought we were on the verge of a serious breakthrough.
    You should avoid the threating bodily harm, not a good look. Oh, and you're still wrong about my real feelings. Though I'm glad I could help you burn some calories with all the conclusions you've jumped to.
    Seriously, get some help before you have an aneurism.


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