Local Government TV

Monday, June 27, 2022

"We the People" Say No to Steve Lynch as NorCo GOP Chair (Updated)

On Saturday morning, Northampton County's Republican Committee reorganized to select a Chair and Vice Chair over the next two years. Steve Lynch, who was just elected to the state committee last month, was one of three candidates who wanted the job. The other two were Beverly Hernandez, a retired Gracedale employee, and Glenn Geissinger, a former NorCo Council member. Lynch had been predicting a landslide in his favor, but came up short. Way short. 

Under GOP by-laws, no matter how many people are running, the person elected Chair must receive 50% plus one of the vote. Glenn Geissinger did that, and in the first round of voting. From what I understand, most of Geissinger's voted came from the GOP faithful, whom Lynch has been alienating for months. Geissinger also did well with the tea party. Yes, tea party members went with Geissinger over Lynch. It appears that Lynch's base is much smaller than he had thought. 

In a short speech before the vote, Geissinger stated he'd support all Republicans nominated to office. 

Yesterday afternoon, "stay classy" Lynch had a characteristic display of sour grapes: "What's done in the darkness will be exposed by We the People," he complained. 

His unsuccessful running mate, Melanie Heilman, complained about 67 proxies received from committee members between 85-90. "The dishonesty WILL NOT be tolerated," said this bat-shit cRaZy loser.  I was unaware that people in their 80s no longer have any rights. I thought that only applied to pregnant women.  

Lynch has been an ardent advocate for GOP Congressional candidate Lisa Scheller. But from what I hear, her campaign pulled out all the stops to ensure that Lynch lost. Having a bridge burner like him  at the helm of NorCo GOP would be a bad look for her in a district that does lean Democratic. 

Scheller will be tied to Lynch anyway. 

Andrew Azan was elected Vice Chair, beating out Marge Mandell and Heilman.  Azan has been a soldier for the GOP for many years, so I can see why he won. From what I've been told, Mandell gave a great speech and is turning heads within the local GOP. 

The vote totals for Chair are as follows: Geissinger - 107; Hernandez - 57; and Lynch - 47.  

Note: An earlier version of this story incorrectly stated that 60% of the vote was needed. 


  1. Outside of this blog, nobody knows who he is or what you're talking about. People only seem to be talking about $5 gas, runaway inflation, and grocery shelves that are still hit and miss for many items. We discuss minimizing summer travel and postponing trips due to airfare prices and flight cancelations caused by personnel shortages. We probably shouldn't have fired people for not taking a not-vaccine. It's the economy and what Susan Wild, her Los Angeles money, and her political party did to all of us in just 18 months. All anyone needs to know about Lisa Scheller (whoever the hell she is) is that she's not a Democrat who caused all of this. It's the economy, Bernie (i.e. stupid). If this is your and your party's focus for the next four months, you can poke a fork in this race - it's over. I look forward to more of your typically liberal, sullen, helpful, and hilarious tips for hunkering down and surviving the Biden economy by riding bikes and eating bugs or something. You will help deliver us from the country's Malaise. Lol.

  2. A minor show of sanity by our local GOP, which is a bit of good news for the long term future of the party.

    Unfortunately they will still be punished because of national level issues linked to their base's love of Trump, Jan 6th and SCOTUS dipshittery.

  3. Thanks for this info Bernie!

    Do you have the listings of who won the area chair races?

  4. 6:48, Your attempted deflection is noted.

  5. Nancy, I do not have the bylaws and relied on what I was told. I even questioned my source on this point. I will say that even if 50% plus 1 wins, that is still a rather convincing rejection in a race with three candidates.

  6. Heilman claimed in her speech to be unable to shamed.

    That’s good news for her, because her lack of professionalism, constant aggression and crude social media postings would be shameful to most candidates for public office.

    1. Wow. Seems like the people within the GOP can't help themselves but run right to the opposing side to give insider information. Keep it coming! Let's do Margie next!

  7. Steve can always fall back on "live-from-his-truck" videos and muscle-flexing. And when that gets stale, there's other options: "Patriot-picnic" panning, "saving Gracedale", protein powder parties with fellow "patriots", and enlightening the "misinformed" masses about various conspiracies, vaccine "research" (DuckDuckGo), and "blasting" people with "truth" and laughing face emojis. Just what everyone needs.

    1. Loving his Randy Macho Man Savage look these days……he’s nothing but an entertainer at this point but the circus has to end eventually

  8. So instead of taking a step back and re-evaluating his positions and relationships with county GOPs, as expected, he double downs and resorts to conspiracies.

    Lynch, you were a flash in the pan and your fifteen minutes of fame are over. Five people subscribe to your politics and they’re all denser than oak wood.

    Go back to selling human growth hormone in the black market.

  9. @6:48 "People only seem to be talking about..."

    Maybe just in the small closet you inhabit with Fox News on 24/7.

    I've been at a ton of picnics and parties the last few weeks with a wide cross section of social and political persuasions, and while there has been some amount of grumbling about gas prices and inflation (like the weather it effects us all), there has also been equal amount of disgust about all politicians and the lack of any real alternatives. Most agree that Republicans didn't do a great job before the Dems and that nothing will change by switching back yet again. Then they're reminded of what Trump did while in office, limp gun control measures (hunters and gun owners even agreed), abortion bans, and future restrictions on contraceptives. Maybe 1 out of 10 people under 30 years old seemed to have a favorable view of the Republican party...

  10. Mandell's speech was outstanding and she could have a bright future if she stays active, but this election was about the Norco Republican establishment taking the party back from a fringe element.

  11. @9:26 doubling down on the lies and ignoring reality. Doesn't that sound like so many others on the Republican Far right.

  12. Every store I go to Wegmans, Giant, Weis and Shoprite always has everything our family needs. I want know what stores and what items is the 1st commentime referring to.

  13. Glenn is a good guy. Thanks for posting the update!

  14. For those that comment anonymously are cowards. We need real change in our local NCRC and people with decades of being involved we’re elected. Having decades of experience does not always relate to being the best person for the job. Decade old ideas don’t work in 2022. I don’t ever make hiring decisions solely based on experience that may equate to 20-30% of the equation. You can’t teach passion and dedication, those 2 characteristics are way more important.

  15. Lynch has come on here anonymously to accuse me of "slander" for claiming that he only got 47 votes. He insists he got 57, damn it. He is demanding a retraction. Steve, I'm still waiting for your response to the bicycling challenge. I refuse to retract anything. Sue me.

  16. " Rudy said...
    For those that comment anonymously are cowards. "

    This is the kind of comment that kills me. If you want to attack people like Lynch, who post here anonymously, you should let us all know your full name. I am assuming you are Rudy Shellenberger or something like that, one of the Lynch mob. What you fail to realize is that your own cult members do most of the anonymous attacking. A comment (that I declined to publish), accusing me of slander, was from Lynch. I'm pretty sure that batshit cRaZy Melanie Heilman posted another comment attacking Marge Mandell. Irefused to publish her jealous rant.

    Also, once spmeone labels himself a "public figure" and starts running for every office in existence, I will allow anonymous attacks.

    1. Batshit crazy indeed: “The new chair/vice chair are the equivalent to Joe Biden and Kamala Harris. The only difference is, our voices WILL be heard. I made a commitment to never stop fighting the corruption and our army has turned into the well-regulated militia. Hold on to your hats”

      I’d watch out for this hellion……

  17. Or this could be the fact that many more GOP were actually watching the Jan. 6 hearings. Many now need to distance themselves from that self-centered dingbat Trump. I see OZ went from red bragging Trump supported website to now all blue colors, with no mention of trump. Boebert in Colorado, has people changing parties just to vote her out. Fox news is even trying to distance themselves.

  18. Oh and 6:48 AM poster, let us not forget about the 9,000 permits (meaning that the oil companies are allowed to drill but not doing) so they can rake in net profits, do buybacks on stocks, and entice more people into buying stocks for profit. Go figure.

  19. "Maybe just in the small closet you inhabit with Fox News on 24/7."

    You wish. I don't watch TV anymore. I haven't had cable for years. Yes, it's glorious. And you, my friend are whistling past November's Democratic Party graveyard if you don't think voters are itching to send packing those who did this to all of us. Jimmy Carter had better odds with the shitshow he created. The current economy is worse. Pennsylvania has legal abortion and it will soon become taxpayer funded and likely available in convenient mobile vacuum clinics. Nobody cares about abortions. Nobody especially cares because it's so fabulously effective at culling uppity blacks and keeping them at 13% of the population and no more. And that will continue to be the case for PA's racist whiteys. Nobody's going to stop anybody from exterminating blacks and you can go about your day happy. It's the economy, stupid.

  20. @1:52 - Mid terms are never pretty for the sitting President's party, and very likely true again this November. That said, you are underestimating or attempting to wish away the fact that the GOP is STAINED by unpopular SCOTUS decisions, and much worse, Trump and January 6th.

    Keep telling yourself that nobody cares about it, while you whistle past the graveyard of the fact that there will not be a Republican in the White House for a decade or two.

    1. You are delusional. SMDH and if you think with the economy the way it is they won’t vote this incompetent fool out in November and a Republican in, you need to seriously stop watching CNN and put the bottle down. Good grief

    2. Clearly YOU are delusional if you think this November is a presidential election.

    3. 8:26- It's the midterm elections in November, not the Presidential election. Therefore, the "incompetent fool" that you're referring to cannot be voted out and replaced with a Republican...you fool. And, even if Congress impeaches him and gets a 60 vote conviction to remove him from office, Kamala Harris becomes the President. Again, you fool.

    4. I didn’t see 8:26 post about this November. Read again. Might help

  21. People should not talk about “ well regulated militias “ . First of all anyone who said this is a firearms shooter only and obviously not a well healed firearms handler. What I mean by this is , you put a target up at say,200 yds your group will be 12-15 minutes of angle not 2 minutes os angle. Just stop with this. Zero Classification Cards ,zero formal coaching,No credibility. So stop ,it’s sound like threats. Your contingencies have likely zero combat veterans from Infantry..your not helping yourself with this interrogatory.

  22. Steve Lynch has about as much class as a πŸ’¦ sweaty πŸ₯΅ armpit and the intelligent of a rock! Loser go back to your car video's as I am sure sooner then later the cops will be giving you a ticket.. Norco Republicans have had enough of this goofy stooge.

  23. Re: the recent SCOTUS decisions, I identify as extraordinarily pleased. Remember: if you leak Alito's decisions, you only get to read them early. Bernie, do you have any info on the leaker? Is anyone doing anything about it? Is all respect for courts in the shitter? I think the answers are no, no, yes. This is where we are.

  24. I love that Democrats are telling (themselves) this story. These "unpopular SCOTUS decisions" are going to drive Democrat victories in this 2022 midterm? It's the right that turns out big on social issues. Check the statistics: when abortion is on the ticket, strong pro-lifers win. Republicans see that the Court is making constitutional rulings that are pushing back decades of activist judges decide issues instead of the people, and so big issues are back in the hands of the people. But I would like Democrats to keep telling themselves this is all good for them. Please, carry on.

  25. @ 7:58 When we turn to a self imposed terroristic society like we are headed that will mean people like you become open targets for those they have loved for so long. Remember Hitler, Putin, Xi and so many dictators like you are encouraging kill many of their own for the fun of it.

    1. Again, if you think the Supreme Court making decisions stating that the constitution does or does not say something equals the country headed toward a terroristic or fascist state, good luck with that narrative. If you had a little nuance and could read what the opinions actually say, instead of reading a news headline explaining the outcome in a few sentences, you might be in a better place to speak. But again, keep painting that narrative and pretending that the Supreme Court upholding the actual text of the Constitution is basically Hitler. Carry on

    2. So what are they there for? The majority of Americans supported abortions, yet they reversed the decision. We should eliminate SCOTUS because it’s obvious that they’re NOT for the people. You don’t get more unconstitutional than not having full bodily autonomy. The fact is that the constitution is outdated and needs an overhaul. Sorry, but I don’t hold it as sacred as you may because it wasn’t written to protect people like me. But be careful what you wish for along the lines of “interpretations” and what the constitution says or doesn’t say because your beloved second amendment doesn’t mention “guns” specifically.

      Put that in your pipe and smoke it.

  26. @8:26 I have to agree with you that most Americans are not smart enough to get their heads out of their portieres and actually see what is going on and has been going on. Most people from many other countries think Americans are just stupid. They come here to take money back but in the grand scheme of things things Americans are not smart enough to save themselves and you and many on this blog prove it every day.

  27. @8:40a Joseph Alexander, if you want to post anonymously, make sure it isn’t the exact same thing you put on Steve’s page. You sound stupid then and now

    1. That actually wasn't me. I don't post anonymously. Any posts by me are from this account.

  28. I find it appalling that the political party who’s main argument is protecting peoples rights, are now cheering at the fact that rights are being stripped from other fellow Americans.

    How patriotic.

  29. Democrats have tried several times in US history to assign partial human status to certain citizens. It's never ended well. Full human status, while abhorrent to Democrats throughout our history, is patriotic and right. God bless America. All of it.

  30. Comical that any election Chucklehead loses is ripe with fraud. He won in May....no fraud thereπŸ˜‰. See how it works?
    His VP pick is as laughable as he, a joke if you will in her(?) community too due to her (?) alignment with him...also isnt she (?) a failed Constable candidate (3?)votes. πŸ˜†
    Rudy Schellenberger will eventually see the light in the Lynch Tunnel of Darkness.... everyone usually does.
    Instead of moving forward with the Party, as they claim they would, these Clowns, will bring their Circus to every NCRC meeting & disrupt & distract from the goals and purpose of the meetings. Why don't they just start their own club? No one wants them anyway. Lynch Mob. Core 4+. Chuckleheads Clown Club. just a few good names.
    Let God's Will Be Done.

    1. I'm partial to Steroid Steve and his Snowflakes. Like a really butch Vegas drag queen act with lots of prancing and drama.

  31. 9:47 big words coming from you πŸ™„ I never stated this November. Your comprehensive skills are lacking. Just like Biden, you make an ass out of yourself. I was referring to the disastrous shape our economy is in and how we are the laughing stock to other countries. But, hey, no more mean tweets to hurt your feelings.

    1. You idiotic fool. You did write November. You wrote, "If you don't think they won't vote out this incompetent fool in November...". Oh, and if they impeach President Harris and she's ousted, her vice president becomes President, which will probably be Nancy Pelosi. God bless the Democrats Party, you useless, idiotic, arrogant fool.

      Thank you 3:20 for having my 6. That's stupid jargon that that Lunch likes to use, pretending he's a patriot and military. I had to Google it. It's a ubiquitous military term that highlights loyalty; to have someone's back.

    2. Dude..who said anything about Lynch you jackass??? And if you read my original post, I didn’t say this November asshole. And if Biden is voted out, how would Harris be president?? WTF is wrong with you?? Stay off the bottle moron. You are an idiot! SMDH

    3. You did in fact write "this November"! I'd refer you to your original post, but you wouldn't believe your lying eyes.

  32. In response to Rudy, 'decades of experience' does not mean decades old ideas.

    'Decades of experience' means understanding the game of politics and learning from past failures. 'Decades of experience' means knowing how to win as opposed to 'no experience' where political novices think they know it all, but in fact know little about the system they seek to take control of.

  33. @9:25 you did say in November and you mental ability is a minimal as your ability to write a clear statement. You may not have stated this November but any normal human would consider in November to be this November. Why don't you go back to 1st grade like so many of the Republican Trump Lovers who barely can read but accept all the lies that they hear because they can comprehend reality. Cut your loses now and bury your head back in someone's Ars where everything smells Rosey to you and you do not have to open your eyes because it is all dark. That way there is justification for the S*** that will flows through your head.

    1. It’s your, not you. Grammar is important πŸ™„ Talk about going back to school Biden supporter. Go ride a bike and have fun

    2. Punctuation is important, too, tRump supporter. Talk about going back to school.

  34. @9:25 splitting hairs of what you went back and reread after you put something out just like your orange Russian hack tRUMP. Tryhing to change the dialogue to make you look better then you are as Pathetic piss. You deserve to be ridiculed and abused for your own personal stupidity.

    1. You are obviously the same person. Idiot

  35. @10;42 If you were to uphold the actual text of the constitution there would be an entire part of the population that would have to change their life. Have you ever read the constitution, let alone studied it or even bothered to pay attention to it. I personally have so if you have not crawl back into your hole and or any other hole you stick your head up.

    The High court has been basterdized over time and turned into a puppet organization for the most part. They should have to denounce all political party when they are put on it. They should have to forego personal opinion and biased. They should have to be an open book not a shadow organization which they have become. They are the highest court and should be held to the highest standards. And have the highest penalties when they F - up.

    I really do not give a crap if you are a democrat, republican or tea party person. All those groups and more have complained about the situation with the court in recent years.

    You are just another pathetic whiner who likes to blame others for their own poor self esteem. Wake up and admit that you are just a loser spouting spew. And if you cannot do that just dig a hole and jump in because you are like so many at both extremes who should be forced out as it should be the majority who runs this country and not the retards who have no shame, morals, scruples, or ethics which are on the fringe of society.

    Although the core may not agree it is time for them in the middle to take back over and quit the PC BS and truly call those on the fringes what they deserve to be called and have them be treated the way they deserve to be. LIKE THE FRINGE LUNATICS THEY ARE!

    1. I have no doubt that you've read the Constitution, but I doubt that you truly understand it or have had an in-depth, unbiased analysis and study of it. I have done so, at DeSales University of all places as an undergraduate student.

      Yet, you seem to be completely unhinged and on the extreme
      lunatic fringe, cloaked in "Patriotism", carrying their John Birch lifelong membership card.

  36. @9:25 It is becoming apparent that some of the supreme court are pandering for their own self importance and most likely profit.

    Clarence Thomas Urges Supreme Court to Revisit Landmark Decision, Make it Easier to Win Defamation Cases


    Take the time to read the article.

  37. Hey @9'25 when your boy was in office we were definitely the laughing stock of the world. The only one that liked us then was Putin. And because of him we are still the laughing stock because we are so screwed up. At least at the G meeting our current president is being talked to and not trying to be an arrogant self absorbed SOB who thought he was better then everyone else in the room.

  38. @3:41 Hey look it’s racist Steve Lynch himself people! Don’t try to deny it, I recognize your linguistic fingerprint. Yes I have read the constitution Steve, it’s not a difficult document to understand and interpret, you don’t need to “study” it. My assessment still stands, it’s dated and needs to be overhauled. This is why they have amendments, and should have more to reflect a more modern and diverse (Yes Steve, diversity makes us better) civilization but todays congress won’t vote on it because they’re too busy becoming millionaires via corporate donations, but I digress.

    And alas we arrive to ad hominem attacks because your fractured brain gets overheated from too much D-ball taken throughout the years. Steve, give it up. You’ll never hold any significant position of power in this county because all you do is complain, don’t come up with practical solutions to real county issues and accuse the members of your party of fraud with no evidence.

    Switch to being a democrat, you’ll have a more faithful following than you had with Lisa Scheller.

  39. Face it @6:30 and @6:32 are probably the same person and the exact reason why Republicans are vilified these days. He/she/it don't represent the majority of Republicans however they think they speak for all of them. Instead they are just out for self interest and the overthrow of our democracy as they have drank the Coolaid of a wannabee dictator. They will turn anything into a fight to try and create self worth out of their useless life and diminishing self esteem. They complain about everything else and even worse blame everyone else for their own self inflicted lacking. They write things but blame others for reading them. They say things but as soon as the heat is turned up deny them. They childishly say others are doing things but are the ones actually doing the atrocities which they blame others for. They threaten to fight/destroy (Especially when they think they can bring a gang against an individual) until someone calls their bluff standing up to them in public and they find every excuse to run and hide. They may be out in society but mentally live in the shadows and on the marginal edges. They have an even lower opinion of themselves then we the outsiders do. Their usefulness in our culture is limited to the cultish exercises, hooligans, charlatan antics and radicalized activities pushed by their idols. They are played the fool on a regular basis by those who get their kicks out of abusing the mentally limited. They cannot be ignored because they have no limits to what they are willing to do to show one of their temper tantrum moments. They need to be watched, marginalized, managed, and removed from any place they can bring harm to or do damage to anyone else as they are just a ticking time bomb. They are the festering toe fungus providing pain to the rest of our world making it difficult for us to walk forward.

  40. So was it in your study to be a cop or did you actually take one of the constitutional law course they offer?

  41. So sad to see Lynch lose. I guess his 15 minutes of Lame are over. Too bad so sad.


You own views are appreciated, especially if they differ from mine. But remember, commenting is a privilege, not a right. I will delete personal attacks or off-topic remarks at my discretion. Comments that play into the tribalism that has consumed this nation will be declined. So will comments alleging voter fraud unless backed up by concrete evidence. If you attack someone personally, I expect you to identify yourself. I will delete criticisms of my comment policy, vulgarities, cut-and-paste jobs from other sources and any suggestion of violence towards anyone. I will also delete sweeping generalizations about mainstream parties or ideologies, i.e. identity politics. My decisions on these matters are made on a case by case basis, and may be affected by my mood that day, my access to the blog at the time the comment was made or other information that isn’t readily apparent.