Local Government TV

Wednesday, June 15, 2022

NorCo Continues to Lose Democratic Edge

Northampton County's final voter registration statistics in advance of the 2020 Presidential election were as follows:

Total: 227,315, compared to 211,593 in 2016.

Democrats: 102,436, compared to 98,929 in 2016.  Democrats accounted for 45% of the total registration, compared to 47% in 2016. 

Republicans: 81,345, compared to 73,638 in 2016. Republican registration increased from 34.8% to 35.8% of the total registration.  

Other: 43,534, compared to 39,026 in 2016. Independents shrunk from 19.15% to 18.4% of the total number of registered voters. 

Though the county did vote for Biden, it is no longer a blue county.  It is becoming more and more conservative,, as the voter registration totals before the May 17 primary make clear. On election day, this is the voter registration data.

Total registration: 220,685. 

Democrats: 97,710. This is 44.2% of the total number of registered voters, compared to 47% in 2016. Democrats have been losing voters for the past six years. 

Republicans: 80,198. This is 36.35% of the total number  of registered voters, compared to 34.8% in 2016. Republicans are clearly becoming more dominant.

Other: 42,777. This is 19.3% of those who are registered, and is approximately where it was in 2016.

Conclusion? Northampton County voters are increasingly rejecting the Democratic message, at least on a national level. 

Erratum at 9:15 pm: My thanks to a reader who observes that the independent percentage has increased from 18.4 to 19.15%.  



  1. democratic will lose a lot more in November How can anyone in their right mind vote for a democratic if you don't believe me look at their policies and the results.

  2. Wonder if this will affect King McClures run for a third term.

    1. I hope so!! He’s a huge bag of windpipes. Can’t believe him and his incompetent administration destroyed Gracedale. SMDH

  3. Higher interest rates possible today from Fed. I’m no expert in anything, however I see people leaning on credit cards and hitting existing accounts to stay afoot . Folks are paying too much for vehicles for example, and when supply returns,and competition for your business starts again ,many people are going to be upside down
    to suffer depreciation at an alarming rate. We are not insulated against Geopolitical.influence.

  4. If you thinking their losing now wait till the mid-terms.

  5. The Democrat Party demands that it’s constituents be 3 things. Desperate, dependent, and disarmed.

    The Covid farce was an exercise in how much control a government could exert over its population via fear and misinformation.

    Our tanking economy and rising costs of living are driving a growing sense of despair.

    Our current government uses tragedy to inflict restrictions on populations that live peaceable lives, while ignoring the violence where it primarily occurs, turning a blind eye to those who commit it.

    This country still has a chance of self correcting once the entitlement drunk crowd realizes that liberalism only ever has crumbs to offer.

    But until then, happy LGBTQ month. Remember to take your children to libraries featuring men in drag reading Fairy tales.

    And be sure to read todays news articles about the missing $1,000,000,000 in covid relief fund monies distributed to underserving blood suckers. That’s a billion dollars for those of you too lazy to count the zeroes.

    Democrat Party. No thanks.

  6. Northampton must turn red or keep policies that are hurting people bad.

  7. As it relates to politicians already in office (incumbents) there really is little difference between the labels Democrat and Republican. Through their actions (Democrats) and inactions (Republicans) our nation is circling the drain. America is declining, the future of its children damaged.

    Fellow citizens, what we have is a POLITICIAN problem.

    One simply can’t expect a change in direction by electing the same people to be our representatives. As a group, these people have failed us, and will continue to do so. If you are unhappy with the direction of this nation, as I am, it is foolish to rely on the same people to fix things.

    Vote Democrat, Republican, or any other label. Just DO NOT VOTE for the incumbent who occupies the seat now. Try someone different.

  8. Bernie. You aren't in the dark about why this is happening are you?
    Let me know if you need a few links to websites to educate you.

  9. Bernie,
    This is a perfect example that the American people are getting stupider and stupider. In fact I could go as far as stating we are the stupidest people in the groupings of developed countries. Our country is falling apart because of race and religion. Republicans unfortunately are mainly made up of bigots and religious zealots.Those people who state they are independent are nonetheless voters without any gumption.
    Maybe we should go back to the 1920s, where everybody’s tax payments were public records for all to see. The main goal of the 1924 tax publicity law, called the Big Reveal, was to show whether wealthy Americans and large corporations were paying their fair share of taxes. And guess who shut that down? In 1926, Republican President Calvin Coolidge, under pressure from rich taxpayers, got Congress to end the public tax payments. Look into these facts.

    1. You did not include a comment about Democrats? Only Republican and independent

  10. This is not only good news for Republicans in Norco but for the citizens of Norco overall. This is a trend in other blue counties, states across the country. Those die hard Dems are finally seeing that it becomes about survival rather than about continuing to vote Democrat and are realizing, as did I, that this is not “Dad’s Democrat party” but rather an attempt at a socialist takeover in the United States. If I was a Democrat, I’d be asking myself “why “instead of “it’s just how I’ve always voted” in November.

  11. To the Republican and conservative readers of this blog: Norco leaning more towards Republican means nothing. Wild, Shapiro, and even Fetterman are going to clean house in the fall election. Scheller, Mastriano, and Oz won't know what hit them. Maybe other swing states will lean towards Republican candidates but PA will not.

    To the Democrat and liberal readers of this blog: how anyone supports Fetterman is beyond me. He's a shotgun toting profiler who should be shunned by the Democratic party. From the outside. Lamb appeared to be a better choice. He's someone who had cross-party appeal and he doesn't chase after innocent people with shotguns.

  12. Republicans are simply NOT for the working class, they’re all been bought by the corporations and oligarchs in this country.

    Just look at the recent baby formula and gas gouging bills they ALL voted against. They even voted against extending the child tax credit. Everyone of those bills would have helped millions of American families. And countless others, All voted DOWN.

    And they fed you some BS propaganda excuse and you believed it.

    Dems aren’t any better, but at least they propose bills in congress that help the working class.

  13. And Republicans want to slash social security, Medicaid and Medicare so keep voting red. How many local Lehigh Valley residents will be affected? I'd say all of us!

  14. There is nothing our greatest President ever Donald J. Trump could do if he was in office at this time. Unfortunately, the bills that he has pasted have gotten us into trouble waters which we are currently floating on. So let’s not blame the current administration and look into different realities for a better outcome.

  15. 6:26 is very obviously a big time Hater. There is NO plan to indoctrinate our youth into the gay culture via library initiatives,
    Your Trumpism is showing , Hater.

  16. "Maybe we should go back to the 1920s ..."

    You wish. It's the 2020s now, and Democrats are the party of the wealthy elites. To paraphrase Barack Obama (D-IL), "The last century is now calling to ask for their politics back."

    Meet me in the middle. It's where Rs are picking up all their new voters.

  17. 7:21 you are correct our politicians are very very bad people on many levels--they collectively are destroying our country, but it is also our political system that let these people in office for decades. The system must change but the people in political offices will never change to term limits are get rid of all lobbyists. WE are IN BIG TROUBLE.

  18. It would have been even better for Republicans if Steve Lynch had not run the Republican ticket into the ground last fall. Too bad no one else stepped up. That was good for you and yours Bernie, as I am sure you know. He still can't admit that he is the reason that he and some other Republican County Council candidates lost, which is obvious to any thinking person.

    As much as Steve Lynch and his band of Jim Jones misfits criticize the current "Republican Leadership," look at the steady results in increased Republican turnout and registration that has been trending since that leadership came into the position. If any Republican supports Lynch to be the face of the party, they need to have their heads examined. If that were to happen, then I think the Heaven's Gate Hale Bopp comet is passing by again, and that it will once again be suicide, this time for the Republican Party in Northampton County.

  19. New poll out today has Fetterman up 9 over Oz. Trump needs to step aside as he has effectively divided the republican party in a year where they should be winning big. Oz and Mastriano are both bad candidates.

  20. 7:21 -

    Your "solution" is flat-out wrong, and I can only assume that you're a democrat operative trying to minimize your party's losses coming in November.

    There are huge problems in our country right now, and they are a direct result of DEMOCRAT POLICIES that are FAILING us AT EVERY LEVEL of government.

    If you think voting Republican incumbents out of office is the solution, you're insane.

    There is not a single democrat running for any office that I've heard denouncing the democrat policies that are driving up inflation; causing shortages of food, energy, and other necessities of life; defunding our police force; failing to educate our children in public schools; and leaving our borders wide open for the drug cartels to poison our population. I could go on, but it would make us both sick.

    Vote every democrat incumbent out of office, and don't elect a single new one. That's how we return our country to sanity.

  21. And yet there is still more Democrats than republicans.
    With lynch as a vocal republican the Democrats will win more offices.
    After all how did the great maga candidate do in the last county election?

  22. The nations blue is losing big time. We all love the sky rocketing prices of all things as bond holding gets ready to be bailed out?

  23. I have long since left the bickering political class and refuse to worry about part affiliation. Republicrats and Democans, bottom line is they're two sides of the same coin. Both are out for control, both are out to enrichen themselves at the expense of others (regardless of color, ethnicity, whatever), both want power at any cost. Sure, sometimes someone makes some noises about being an "outsider" and not owned by anyone but within months, they are bottom feeders like the rest. I haven't pulled a "party line" lever ever, not since 1982 when I first voted. The infighting between the voters just feeds their egos and gives them more control (power).

    Bernie, perhaps you would better served to stop comparing parties and start comparing what's best for the electorate. You, at times, seem like a reasonable person and I suspect you have more in common with most of us knuckle-dragging, pie-faced, mouth-breathers than you'd like to admit. We're not all stupid.

  24. Your "Poorly Educated" Faux Noise readers and commenters are still drinking the Kool-Aid and have continued to redirect and avoid reality.
    We live in a capitalist society and currently, corporations (US & Foreign) are fucking us and not to due to any "policy", it's plain and simple greed!
    How bout them Corp Oil quarterly profits released today. BILLIONS!!!
    How many tRumpster's here on your blog contributed to the latest grift (Official Election Defense Fund) to the tune of a quarter billion dollars? Lying-Cheating-Grifting SOB...

  25. 9:52
    Thank God somebody understands our reality.


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