Local Government TV

Monday, March 07, 2022

Lynch Running for NorCo GOP Chair

Steve Lynch is the former Northampton County Exec candidate who argued incorrectly that the COVID-19 vaccine alters your DNA. His kookiness drew national ridicule when he threatened to bring 20 strong men to a school board meeting to remove directors over a mask mandate. Now he's running to take over control of the NorCo GOP party. I certainly hope so. 

The current party chair is Gloria "General Lee" Snover. She was among those who were at least present during the January 6 attempted coup at the U.S. Capitol.  She incorrectly told WLVR that she had as much right to be inside Congress as then VP Mike Pence.  He was legally required to be there to accept the certification of President Biden's election. Last time I checked, she was neither VP or a member of Congress.  She then appeared on some right wing podcast being broadcast from somewhere in the deep South to proclaim she had a new litmus test for NorCo Republicans. They have to believe in the "deep state" nonsense and that there was widespread election fraud in the last Presidential. So Steve Lynch should be her kind of guy. 

I have no idea whether she wants to remain at the helm of her party or whether she's finally realized that her polarized views just turn people off. 

I know one Republican who is turned off by Lynch. Beverly Hernandez is a retired Gracedale employee who was a long-time member of the League of Women Voters. She was a John Brown supporter and I saw her at Steve Lynch''s Executive announcement on a frigid January afternoon in 2021.

His antics have apparently turned her off. On her Facebook page, she refers to him as someone who thinks "success comes with his presence alone." She states he received votes "not because he was the best choice nut he was the only conservative choice. I know quite a few who chose not to vote." 

He seems perfect to me. 


  1. Where's Andy Daub when we need him

  2. Lynch recently called a local Northampton bar/restaurant and told them he was coming in to do an event with 100 people. They spent time preparing accordingly. He showed up with 8.

  3. Why does Lynch always photograph himself in his vehicle?

  4. If elected, we republicans will have completely shit ourselves

  5. He should have been committed for mental instability and ban from any political activity for the rest of his life do to his threats adn other bullshit in the past. But we allow him to continue like nothing has ever happened. Shame on all of us. We get what we deserve if he is allowed to become the chair.

  6. The Republicans could have put almost anyone up for Executive and they probably would have defeated McClure. What a shame we can't do better than Lynch to lead our party.

  7. Some people just need a lot of attention.

  8. I agree that Snover should be replaced, but the reason for that is that she let this imbecile represent the party for County Exec.

    Now they're going to give him control of the entire party for the county? Beyond stupid.

    If he becomes GOP Chair, the party will be finished in Northampton County, which is incredibly sad. Most Republicans here don't wave flags, especially ones with other guys names on it (this makes you a flaggat). We just need people who want small, efficient, responsive and responsible government. Not Q-Anon, not whiny pants wetting over life's inconveniences...

    The time is ripe for a 3rd party that has some common sense with rational, reasonable thoughts and solutions - Not moronic poser rhetoric.

  9. Good for him. No sane person gives a damn anyway.

  10. No fan of Lynch, but a democrat blogger using a retired government employee who "was a long-time member of the League of Women Voters" as the reason isn't exactly making a compelling case to the typical Republican voter.

    The League isn't the impartial group we grew up with. It's become a biased, partisan organization that uses its past neutrality to fool the uninformed while supporting democrat candidates and their failed policies. Take a short trip to their website and you'll find numerous democrat talking points.

    If you want to make the point that Lynch is out of step with Republicans, do a little work and go find an actual Republican. There are many who believe the county party can do better than Lynch, for numerous reasons (organizational, fund-raising, etc.) besides the ideological differences you have with him.

    It shouldn't be difficult to find one.

  11. You get what you deserve if you elect this clown. I enjoyed the irony of watching him critique the SOTU address from his basement. Should we start referring to him as 'Sleepy Steve'?

  12. This is some kind of joke right. Why wont this idoit just go away. He has no idea what he's doing or what the true GOP wants or needs.

  13. This guy...... The ultimate Patriot

  14. 9:39 Flaggat, that is a good one!

    I'll have to use that the next time I am amongst some of my American Taliban "friends".

  15. Lynch would ruin the Republican party. They need someone like Emil Giordano to step and straighten out the local party.

    Lynch is apparently upset that Snover would not help him make his false election fraud claims in his Executive Race by supplying legal assistance.

    Now Lynch is hanging out with closeted Tom Carroll and his band of wackos.

  16. McClure killed this guy and his loony agenda last fall. NH County R's would be crazy to let him be their flag bearer but then again Snover is a trumper also so I guess his push to lead is understandable on that loser path. Why would anyone want that jerk to be their party leader? Carroll probably a better choice under the circumstances of their lunatic fringe goals.

  17. The republicans made gains despite this fool. Woith normal candidates including Executive they would have won most of the county seats.

  18. The Northampton GOP chair race to see who’s the bigger white supremacist. Who cares, let them kill other, they’ll never win anything significant again. When will these fools realize that no one is buying their extreme far right talking points anymore. The Republican Party is suffering from a self-inflicted death of a million cuts and it’s fun watching it all play out.


  19. Will he still block everyone on Facebook who doesn't agree with him?

  20. OMG! Bernie have you seen Lynch's latest Facebook video?!! It's F@#$ing Crazy Town! He reads a Facebook post of Lee Snover who Accuses him of Witch Craft and being from the pit of Hell. He responds by Rebuking her in the name of Jesus, accusing her of Witch Craft and Being a follower of her father, the Devil. He continues on ranting about other NCRC candidates and leaders who "bear false witness" against him and other while in a church. The NCRC has completely devolved to a battle of the Nutbags. I'm waiting for them to start speaking in tongues while handling snakes and flopping around on the ground as the power of Christ compels them. WTF ....

  21. Between Snover and Lynch the GOP is toast in NC.


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