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Nazareth, Pa., United States

Thursday, February 03, 2022

What Is Steve Lynch Up to Now?

Steve Lynch
Failed NorCo Exec candidate has promised a lot of things. He's gonna' sue Lamont McClure for "slander." He's gonna' sue the post office because his one and only campaign mailer arrived the day after the election. But think he stops at lawsuits. No siree. He wants fellow patriots (men only) to get together and fight (voting's not enough). 

Yesterday, he hosted a right wing nutjob named Matt Wakulik on some sort of Facebook show. Wakulik is from Pittsburgh, where he runs an illegal militia that prances around with AR-15s and train by pepper-spraying each other. 

They now espouse the "doctrine of the lesser magistrate," which they view as a justification for them to take down any government function they dislike. They referred to the ATF as a "criminal organization " and have called on men (not women) to stop watching sports and Netflix and start fighting. 

Alrighty then.  


Anonymous said...

If Steve and guys like him distract lefties from their usual pursuits of dreaming up more forced redistribution of income programs, quota systems, and irrational COVID restrictions, then they're certainly performing a valuable service.

Hey! Look over there lefties! A conservative!!!

Anonymous said...

They may be totally wacko on everything they do and say. But they are absolutely correct when stating the pussification of the American male by leftist liberal comrades is almost complete.

Anonymous said...

Not bad for a fake Marine

Anonymous said...

"What Is Steve Lynch Up to Now?"

I thought for sure this would be a report on his daily masturbation routine where he uses one of his now useless Lynch flags while gazing lovingly at one of his Trump posters, probably the one where the head is super imposed onto Rambos body.

joe said...

During Lynch's run it was troubling to see the kind of angry populism he stirred in people, but I suppose that makes him a symptom and not a cause of the anti-america conspiracy mob.

Since then, following his absolute nonsense on Facebook, it is clear he is possibly one of the dumbest men I've ever seen run for office in my lifetime. He was talking about "nanobots" in the vaccine in one recent video.

And, especially around holocaust remembrance day, it is notable how he likes to paint his fellow citizens as "demons" and dehumanize them. All very dangerous rhetoric.

Luckily, I truly don't think he is competent enough to succeed in electoral politics, but who knows? I'm sure the northern reaches like Lehigh Township would love to embrace this brand of walking-facebook-meme fascism.

Anonymous said...

Is he smoking his steroids now?

Anonymous said...

Him and people like him (I’m talking about you Donnie) appeal to the lowest common denominator of uneducated worthless gullible losers. White men like him can’t seem to get adjusted to the fact that we live in a diverse world.

Anonymous said...

At what point do they bring charges against this guy, or at least have him committed. He's completely batshit crazy. mY FReeDoMMmMM!!! PAtRioTSSSSS!! He sounds like a total moron. Get a job dude. Why are you so angry?? Who hurt you??

Anonymous said...

The view from this Slate Belt Republican... the septic tank purges and Steve Lynch opens his mouth. I can sleep at night knowing Lamont McClure s our county executive and the most loved ones in Gracedale are safe from a pathetic scum like Lynch. Has anyone done a check to see where the gene pool went wrong with this fecal matter silk panty wearing goof? Steve Lynch wears silk panties and carries his AR-15 well......his basket has NO jewels some before him looked for a date at a family reunion....Ahh the secrets yet to come out on this tool

Anonymous said...

What "critter's" are living in that beard? Asking for a friend in North Bangor

Anonymous said...

"nanobots" - Here I thought it was the Bill Gates micro-chip from my vaccine shots & booster that are helping me solve the daily Wordl!

Anonymous said...

What is an "illegal militia"?

Anonymous said...

Wow these guys are a joke. They love to parade around in their joke fatigues with their AR-15's, Rambling on about "freedom". All just to compensate for there tiny, little, penises. But they would crap their cargo-pants if they were ever in real combat.

They're right about one thing... NO ONE is afraid of them. Not the government, not the left. Bernie, Leave the tiny pecker brigade alone. They're sad enough without you posting this so we can all laugh at them.

Anonymous said...

A gym rat talking about the pussification of men. That's rich.
I feel sorry for this guy. I had to go to the gym to maintain my scholarship, Lynch and the likes went to maintain their ego.
Years later, I ran into one of these gym rats from college. He was trying to sell me on using his company as a sub. I was willing to give him the benefit of the doubt, but he opened with, "Hey I remember you from the gym, they called me pipes, remember?" It was obvious he never moved on just as Lynch.

Carl said...

Well... I suppose chasing each other around and pepper spraying them is similar to us real men and women who still play in sports leagues thru out the valley. But I doubt their chasing really involves any serious physicality.

peterjcochran said...

Spurious Regression?

Anonymous said...

@3:24/5:33 - Please state clearly for the class that "Lefties/Leftists" are no better or worse than the Cosplay Commrades Lynch and his ilk are giving hand jobs to. Its one thing to be a wing nut with pie in the sky hopes and ideas, its something else completely when you are openly fantasizing about using physical force to implement your preferred way of doing things.

Dismissing it, rationalizing it, excusing it makes you complicit.

Democrats absolutely have their share of whackos - no argument here.

Republicans attract and unfortunately tolerate, maybe even embrace racists, and violence loving skidmarks. Let me be clear - not all Republicans are racist violence loving skidmarks, but unfortunately Republican behavior has seemingly accepted them with open arms and as such the association is defining ALL Republicans.

Bernie O'Hare said...

The only legal militias are the national Guard.

Anonymous said...

It says plenty about "conservatives" that a fool like Lynch has any followers at all.

Anonymous said...

Steve Lynch sure likes strong men.

Anonymous said...

These 'Patriots' are wannabes. First criteria to hold such a title is to have a beard. Second is to own an AR-15. Third is to think and to believe you are someone you're not! Gotta love these guys.

Anonymous said...

Reply to Bernie , yes, and they must get vaccinated.

Anonymous said...

The whole body of the citizens is the militia.

Anonymous said...

Lynch is like Trump asshole people hate him but boy they are wrong ion all counts- and it is coming out look at cnn only one example of the left -Bernie you are on the wrong side --print this Bernie.

Anonymous said...

Lynch and Trump are so much better for our country nthan any of your fucking politicians -- Bernie you must know that is right you can not be that stupid. look at the results of Biden and democratic policies -- you must be so proud of what they are doing to the people. Bernie you only live one life and boy are fucking it up by being a democrat.

Anonymous said...

Left wing people must be eliminated--they are worse than the Nazi their abortion policies are killing millions of people.

Anonymous said...

No worse than McClure. There are quite a few people, many employees who have buyer's remorse with McClure. I am sure voters would love a do over with Mr. Lynch. Your boy McClure is really messing thi8ng sup.

Anonymous said...

We would look . Because true conservatives are few and far between. We also know to keep our eyes on the treasonist portion of your party.

Anonymous said...

"Your so Vain......you probably think this song is about you" I think he is dying his hair.......LOL. Much darker than his beard.

Anonymous said...

So where is the Steroid Snowflake with all those post election lawsuits he promised to deliver on? He was talking a lot of hard core smack just 3 months ago. Promising all sorts of retribution and revelations. What happened? Surely he's moving forward with those promises, yes? Stevie is like so hot and dreamy.

Anonymous said...

7:43, 8:41, 8:44, 9:47 & 10:10 are all the same individual and he is deeply in love with Steve Lynch.

Anonymous said...

@10:34 - it's steroid Steve talking to himself or rather the voices he's hearing...

Anonymous said...

Steve is the prime reason that politicians do nothing to resolve mental health issues in that they would have the rules used against their own.