Local Government TV

Friday, October 08, 2021

Lynch's Campaign Page on Facebook is Gone

NorCo GOP Exec hopeful has no trouble getting on goofy right-wing extremist Internet shows, but is having trouble with Facebook again. He was sent to Facebook jail before for intimidation and bullying. Now his campaign Facebook page has just vanished. "These leftist ideologues are traitors to this country and our constitution," he complains.  

Maybe he blocked himself. 


  1. The question is, will anyone except an intrepid reporter like you notice it is gone? A local staunch Republican said to me recently "we have a damaged-goods candidate this cycle." Yup - raw meat 2 months past its prime, kept at room temperature.

  2. The page is still there. Maybe you are blocked from it. In other words, maybe they blocked you specifically.

  3. Regardless of politics, and in light of today's Nobel Prizes awarded to two international journalists for their efforts to promote uncensored information, being sent to Facebook's "jail" is a high honor. Also regardless of politics, anyone possessing a Facebook account is profoundly mentally retarded and emotionally unstable. Please seek help.

  4. Is there any way to find out if he deleted it or facebook did?

  5. I certainly don’t agree with his methods of campaigning, and do not believe he can be elected. However, even hardened, longtime and loyal Democrats just have to recognize (without admitting) America is in rapid decline due to political decisions now being made in Washington, D.C. If you’re not nervous about the future, you will be soon.

  6. Sad, I feel so bad he can’t ask poor people to fund his misguided campaign.

    Why doesn’t Steve Lynch ask one of his millionaire republican friends on Newsmax for help reaching $30,000?

    The truth is that the millionaire republicans in charge don’t give a crap about you and your stupid and broke campaign Steve. They’ve convinced peasants like you to vote against your own interest so the politicians they bribe in congress, vote to keep THEM rich.

    Trump and all his friends never have to work another day in their lives.

    But come November 3, you go back to selling whey protein online…


  7. 6:43, Since it is he who complained that it did not come up, I doubt he deleted it. I am banned from his personal page but not that one. I tried getting on a few times this past week and was unable. I assumed he banned me from there as well but it appears that the page has vanished, at least temporarily.

  8. "The page is still there. Maybe you are blocked from it. In other words, maybe they blocked you specifically."

    That was my assumption. But Lynch himself has complained he is unable to get on it.

  9. I just checked. Both his Facebook campaign page and personal page are are up and running. He just updated the one page supporting a write in candidate for Nazareth Area School Board who is "not afraid of lawsuits". Oh dear. Nazareth taxpayers, please note!

    His campaign page has a link to his campaign store where he's hawking Steve Lynch campaign apparel, including an anti-Biden shirt in various colors and sizes. What this has anything to do with his County Council platform and agenda is anyone's guess.

    But, c'mon man, a grifters gotta grift.

  10. @9:52 AM Not surprising. He's taking a page from Dumpster Fire's page on grifting, and anti-Biden sentiment. I don't think he stands a chance of people blindly voting R - we'll see.

  11. The Russians did it

  12. "Kashi! Grape Nuts! Alpen Museli! Wheaties! Raisin Bran!"

    I'll never forget when Brother Steve joined our ranks, his choice of cereals signaling a driven health conscious man dedicated to his family, country and faith. That being said it concerns me that he has embraced big tech social media platforms that have muzzled our leaders movement. No man is perfect although Steve comes closer than most I've seen.

    1. And Steve's a prayer warrior, too! He leads morning Christian prayers on his Facebook page with his followers. It's so fucking hilarious cause he's about as Christlike as Beelzabub!

  13. County level politics is much different than Federal. Despite the heavy damage being done to America in Washington, and what I expect to be a strong anti-Democrat vote in 2022, I don’t think Lynch has much a chance to win in our Northampton County.

  14. I have been told by several friends that Lynch's campaign page is still up, and I looked more closely at his complaint. It was made May 5. So his page must still be active, and it appears that only I have been blocked.

    1. I love the irony that Steve Lynch is against any form of censorship but blocks your access to his pages. He’s the biggest Hypocrite.


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