Local Government TV

Thursday, October 07, 2021

GOP Exec Wannabe Lynch Allows Internet Host to Falsely Portray Him as a Marine

Northampton County's GOP Exec wannabe Steve Lynch, in his own words, "has a big ass." I don't know how big his ass might be, but he certainly is a big ass. I say this because of his goofy appearance last night on some right-wing internet show. The host thanked Lynch for his service as a Marine with three minutes left in the show, and Lynch never bothered to mention that he never actually spent a second serving his country in any capacity, let alone as a Marine. 

This is stolen valor. 

You can see the show here. Check out the last three minutes, and you'll see Lynch has plenty of time to correct the host, but fails to do so. 

That's what I'd expect from someone who is a big ass. This failure is an insult to those who actually served, as opposed to those who prance around in bulletproof vests. 


  1. There are ways to vet Marine Corps service if you were one . Just ask what rifle were you issued by manufacturer and barrel twist at boot camp . That'll pretty much start the ball rolling . “This is my rifle, there are many like it but………….”

  2. Wow. Still voting for him. McClure and Gracedale. Shit, I'd vote for you over Lamont the Gracedale Reaper. What was the death toll and death rate, including my aunt and uncle? They died before the National Guard stepped in for Lamont. I'm voting for ABL. Anybody But Lamont. I'm not alone.

    1. You know what else kills people. Unvaccinated people that spread the viruses to the elderly and they end up dying because of your selfishness. I thought this virus wasn’t a big deal, 99 percent survival rate you guys say! Now you’re blaming McClure for the plandemic that killed your family. Do you see how stupid that sounds? Grow up and stop listening to misinformation.

  3. We the people does NOT mean everybody. When the constitution was written, ALL the white founding fathers owned slaves, so they were NOT speaking for ALL the people, just white people. And not any white person, only filthy rich white land owners. Ninety-nine percent of all white people chanting “We The People” didn’t even qualify to vote in anything important back then, so why romanticize that era like it means something to you?

    Not too smart, eh?

  4. Lynch has a big ass alright. And it sits squarely on his shoulders. What a lying buffoon. It'll be interesting to see how he melts down Trump-style after the election.

  5. Does it really surprise you? In a video on his Facebook timeline he literally asks all his followers to ask and them who they’re voting for and then intimidate those voters who are voting for McClure!

    What a piece of sh*t!

  6. Isn't it illegal to portray oneself as serving in the military?

  7. His supporters coming to his defense in one, two, …

  8. Maybe the host meant "Marine" as a generic term to acknowledge Lynch as a "Weekend Warrior/Make Pretend" type? Its just hard to keep up with slang these days.

  9. Serious question - Is Steve Lynch homeless? Does he just live in a car, or is that his mobile studio?

  10. When someone makes a false claim of valor to receive a tangible benefits (winning the election), it's a crime. At minimum, an investigation should commence.

    Lock him up! Lock him up! Lock him up!

  11. If he does not recant the situation then he should be shunned and abused by all those that actually did serve. This is the time that LT should actually stand up and condemn his wanna be hero. At least LTD said he protected Bath. The wanna be Lynch is just a pathetic loser.

  12. "When someone makes a false claim of valor to receive a tangible benefits (winning the election), it's a crime"

    True, but it is the host who made the false claim about Lynch, and Lynch failed to correct him. Don't think his silence on that point is a crime, but it is a slap across the face of every real Marine

    1. My comment about an investigation was made tongue-in-cheek, as evidenced by writing to "Lock Him Up"; parroting the commonly used chant Republicans use against any opponent for any flimsy reason. Perhaps, my attempt at humor didn't resonate, nor is his campaign.

      Go Away! Go Away! Go Away!

  13. @5:48 - You aren't alone, but you are in the minority because the GOP put this weak excuse of a candidate up for election. Stupid is as stupid does.

  14. 5:48, the death of residents at Gracedale was tragic and McClure did everything he could to keep them alive. This includes bringing in the National Guard, which you deride. It also includes the establishment of an isolation unit, hazard pay, a necessary ban on visitors, acquisition of PPE, air filters, masking and multiple vaccination clinics. What McClure did saved lives. Since the vaccines have been implement, the death rate at the nursing home has plummeted dramatically.

    Lynch, a rabid antivaxxer and antimasker, would have killed every resident at Gracedale by now.

  15. We elected Biden because we delivered a verdict on Trump. Elections are rarely about the challenger. They are verdicts on the incumbent. Sadly the challenger has prosecuted a very poor case against a careless and disinterested incumbent who did horrible things to his citizens. Missed opportunity. We deserve McClure. Just like we deserved Trump and Biden and everyone else who crawls the filthy gutter of politics.

  16. According to Bernie,

    When a democrat does something and people die: "They did everything they could and saved countless lives. It would have been exponentially worse if they wouldn't have done what they did."

    When a republican doesn't do something and people die:"MURDERS!!!"

    I wonder why the republican candidates didnt answer your questions Bern? You are so unbiased and pragmatic....

    1. It’s simple, if you’re a Republikkklan that promotes NOT getting vaccinated, and people die from contracting the virus through you OR they don’t get vaccinated because of your anti-vax propaganda, then yes, you’re a murderer.

    2. Spelling Republicans with KKKK Is sooooo woke.
      It’s like 1968 all over again.

  17. @9:34 - pretty much nailed it right there.

    All politicians are gross, and its a dirty game, but I do find it somewhat ironic that a lot of anti-McClure sentiment/comment does hinge on COVID/Gracedale deaths, yet Lynch and other GOP types all seem to be of the mind that its a great hoax or something that should be minimized in terms of significance.

  18. This post is about false valor, but what Lynch supporters do is attempt to change the subject when confronted with a fact that makes them uncomfortable.

    As for Covid deaths, I have called no one a murderer, not even Trump. That has been Lynch, who called Governor Wolf a mass murderer and said he'd prosecute him if elected. How a county exec gets involved in the prosecution of criminal cases is anyone's guess, but that's what he pledged.

    The deaths at Gracedale were tragic and McClure's proactive response was way ahead other counties and saved lives. He is faulted for bringing in the national guard, which is precisely what he should have done.

    Had Lynch been Exec and not McClure, there would be no masks, no vaccines, no national guard and no residents. They all would have died.

    But as I said, this is about Lynch's failure to correct someone who thanked him for his service as a Marine. That is a slap across the face of those who served and an insult to those who made the ultimate sacrifice.

    1. So true. Lynch is a filthy lying scumbag for not making that correction. Worst kind of paper patriot piece of shit there is.

  19. If Lynch heard the comment and failed to correct the interviewer, he is definitely in the wrong for failing to correct them. The operative word hear is "IF". I know for myself, I had to listen to the video several times to understand what the interviewer said. So it is quite possible it was never heard.

  20. I know that Lynch has shown up to numerous military organizations events trying to foster votes. There should be no military person that allows him in the door until he gets his head out of his ass and sets the record straight.

    Or we could go the other way and say really harsh things about him, beatings, and children and see if counters them. IF he does not we know they are probably true. If he does it is an admission that he is condoning and falsely accepting what that person said about him being a marine.

  21. Yes, lets get it back to the fact that Lynch enjoys playing dress up games with other men. And those men all have a fetish for uniforms. #notgayatall

  22. Brother Steve is a new American Warrior. Even the Mediterranean manslab is taken with his visage. Steve is a mans man. McCounty looks like a bowl of pudding next to Brother Steve.

    Liberty and Freedom forever!

    1. Aww, are you in love?

      Your liberty and freedom is a mirage perpetuated by the bread and circuses given to you by the oligarchs of this country. They’ve fooled you into voting against your best interest and you swallow it up like the proper peasant you are.

      Wait, did you say manslab?

  23. What is up with this guy? He posts multiple videos daily from his car ranting and raving like a complete loon against McClure which is the only thing he can do to keep his base riled up without ever addressing a single issue in regards to the county he's running to be exec for. He can throw all the flag rallies in the world but it still doesn't take away the fact he's no better than the "political hacks" he's trying to drain the swamp from. He's a Trump clone, a liar, a narcissist, and is probably making a pretty penny off of all the "official merch" him and his cronies continue to peddle off. Begging for donations now and will probably blame his loss on not enough of his followers stepping up for him.

  24. 1:37 What about beatings and children?

    12:40 I heard it loud and clear. I believe Lynch even pursed his lips to the side there after the interviewer said so he definitely heard what was said.

  25. @8:53 Not exactly. The county GOP didn't put Steve Lynch up. I understand that he represents the party because he's the Republican candidate . . . but he was the only candidate; there was no other interested candidates and no contested primary.

    It is understandable that this isn't a coveted position: you are basically taking a job as CEO of a fairly large and complex company with various departments (the county), but you have to go through the savage campaigning and political process, win an election, then be paid a fraction of what you would for similar work in the private sector. Surprised that most talented citizens aren't lining up to be county executive?

  26. I'm curious to see how Lynch handles his loss in November. He will almost certainly cry fraud and keep raking in that merch money and donations.

  27. This guy again...It's gotta be the beard that makes him a 'Patriot'. Or the attitude? Either way he loves attention.

  28. Brother Steve remember Bernice is a real vet who peeled bushels of potatoes during his stint stateside, see you at the event Saturday can't wait to see you put up some tight groupings on the fly with that Bad ass vintage colt m-16 you snagged at the heritage guild last week! Uhuru!

    1. Are you gonna borrow the bad ass Colt M16 to provide security detail in Bath?

  29. I know a Republican who only votes for Republicans. She told me "we have a deeply flawed candidate this time around." Yup - hope she votes not for her party but for common sense and competency. We don't need John Brown on steroids.

  30. Steve Lynch is totally natural including his bronze complexion, 6 egg omelets are the norm after sessions , he turned me on to a mackerel stevia smoothie that has cryogenic chamber like recovery benefits the haterz need to board the Lynch freight train or get stuck waiting on the McCounty micro bus.

    1. Ah, okay, I get it. You’re making FUN of Steve Lynch by exaggerating the many stereotypes that bodybuilders have.

      Good job…

  31. Lt. Dangle,

    Is that how you two are referring to mustache rides these days?
    By the way, the M16 is a piece of garbage, unless you keep it squeaky clean. I'm sure you and brother steve have plenty of practice from shaving your chests. Keep it weird, brother.

  32. LT Dan,
    I hate to spoil the image of your fantasy but I have seen him eat bacon potatoes and drink coffee. He has been lying to you just like he lies to every one else. The only difference is that you have a brain that can not grasp reality and that you thereby believe all the shit he spews.

  33. There is a rumor that Lynch runs five miles every morning and does 200 pushups a day. If true that makes him one formidable man.

  34. Brother Steve has been known to do burpees continuously throughout a 3 Hour Joe Rogan podcast , he makes Jack LaLane look like Artie Lang.


  35. Brother Steve is the most famous local official in the land. Pudding McClure will not debate him. Can you imagine old Pudding next to a bronze man statue like Steve. The guy is built like a Greek god. He has already got a thumbs up from the Mediterranean manslab. Even the Rock may consider him for a part in his movie. Bath is honored to claim him!
    Better hurry and order your shirt as his merchandise is moving fast. A collectors item for sure.

    1. You know who else is pudding? Your lord and savior Trump has a body between Jabba the Hutt and Michelin Man.

      Uhuru up your arse!


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