Local Government TV

Wednesday, September 15, 2021

When Anti-Vaxers Die From Covid-19

SorryAntiVaxxer is a website chronicling antivaxxers who died or became very ill after refusing the vaccine. Now I know some of you might enjoy a bit of schadenfreude at their suffering, but I consider these losses tragic and completely unnecessary. If you've refused to get the vaccine so far, please reconsider. 

One of the persons featured is Mark Kuronya, a 55 yo firefighter from Bethlehem. He was an anti-vaxxer who regularly posted memes making fun of the vaccine. One of his last entries joked that Delta was a new strain of bullshit."

It killed him on September 1. He was a loved father and a brave firefighter. 

He was also duped. 


  1. I agree that all deaths from COVID are tragic. And almost all are preventable, which only heightens the tragedy.

  2. Never wish death or relish tragedy of anyone. How many of these needless occurrences need to happen before people wise up.

  3. You truly live up to your reputation of a formerly stinking drunk and scheming asshole. To drag an honorable man into your steaming shitty blog pile to make your point is truly disgusting. Fuck you. Fuck your shitty blog and praise for the citizen that procured your stupid Cannondale.

    1. Agreed. How can you write such an article! You're 'DUPED' to think people care about this blahg!

  4. I used to feel sympathy for the antivaxxers and antimaskers. Now that science has proved both effective, I'm no longer a "snowflake" when it comes to these idiots. Most of whom follow Trump, Newsmax, and right-wing nut jobs like Hannity, or local a-holes like Lynch.
    So many last words from those antivaxxers like, "I wish I had taken the vaccine." Those deathly ill with Covid, begging for the vaccine after it is too late for it to help them.
    Like the Trump flags (many still flying for 2020), FUCK YOUR FEELINGS!
    I do have sympathy for the intelligent children of these idiots. Some want the vaccine, but because they aren't 18, their nutty parents refuse to give permission. Hopefully, the kids will be strong enough to survive.
    It's Darwinism. Cull the herd of stupid adults among us.

  5. You'd think the Taliban was reduced to dozens with their anti masking, no social distancing....

  6. That website is in very poor taste and is yet another sign that humanity has lost all sensitivity. Video killed the radio star and social media has killed civility.

  7. Why is this even a story?

    Do you do a story or is there a Sorry... site for overweight people who continue to eat fast food and then die of a heart attack? For the gay man who dies from AIDS after having unprotected sex? For the motorcyclist who dies in a traffic accident? For the smoker who died of lung cancer? For the drunk whose liver failed?

    People die every day, for many reasons. And we're all going to die.

    I don't get the motivation of so many to try to foist their beliefs onto that person and tell them what they should have done differently. Would you be writing this article if the guy had a bad reaction to the vaccination and died from that? I'm guessing not.

    It's really not your or anyone else's business. And I write all this as someone who is fully vaccinated.

  8. Sorry but I have zero sympathy. These are the same people who put all of us in danger before the vaccine by refusing to wear masks, social distance, etc. Now they continue to put kids who can't get vaccinated in danger. I wonder how many people this firefighter spread it to before he died. The only thing sad here is that these people wasted needed hospital resources.

  9. the young football coach from Northampton that recently died from COVID was not vaccinated. i work with a friend of his. very sad times indeed.

  10. I agree completely with 9:37
    This guy was a fool. I don’t care what kind of occupation he had, who knows how many people he infected because he was too stupid to get vaccinated. We all make choices in life and we have to learn to be happy with them. He made his. It will be the last stupid decision he ever makes.

  11. I am amazed that people will still attempt to post disinformation here. False claims about the vaccine will not be published. It takes me 10 seconds to determine you are trying to pass along misinformation. You are not checking your facts and are either lying or terribly ignorant.

  12. I can't say I agree with the direction and energy devoted to that website, but the bigger shame is that it will undoubtedly have a long stream of future examples to share unfortunately. For as gross as that website is, it does become difficult to muster sympathy for someone that could have easily prevented their own death but at some point over the past 18 months made a decision, then simply became entrenched. For what reason? To own the libs? Some weird solidarity with their Facebook friends?

    Why do people lean into this stance so strongly? Why are scientists, doctors and medical professionals so easily ignored by people who have no background, training or formalized education on contagious disease and vaccine development?

  13. @9:50

    It would be interesting to see what your conception of "misinformation" might be, Bernie.

    Do you really think your readers are of such low intelligence that you have to play censor for them? Do you indeed have the qualifications to reasonably do so? Or is it perhaps that you are unable to refute want you *want to be* "misinformation?"

    1. It takes me about 10 seconds to determine you are trying to post lies. Posting and refuting just elevates the disinformation. While people can usually judge for themselves their ability to distinguish fact from fiction has been damaged by propogandists like you, who feed on people’s fears.

  14. Republicans are literally killing off people in their strongest voting blocked because they are so committed to the Trumpy,anti-science message. Mark Kuronya's Facebook posts had Steve Lynch/Trump support written all over them. Maybe one day conservatives will wake up and realize their leaders don't give a shit about them.

  15. 5:33, I am posting this bc it might save a life. It might encourage an anti-vaxxer to rethink and get the vaccine. This is a local instance of an antivaxxer who ended up dying from Covid. I wish no harm on anyone. Quite the opposite.

  16. So he is a Bethlehem Fire Fighter, this makes him a GOOD person, Your profession does not make the man, or the person. No he was in a club that is predominantly Trumpsters and we hold them in high esteem because they get paid to sit around for 99% of their time every day whilst they spread bullshit theories that Trump said or anti Vax lies I hope he did not infect the Firefighters who truly are public servants and got the VAX even though this ass ridiculed them for their choice while at work and online

  17. There has been considerable resistance among firefighters and police departments anecdotally. So my hope is that some of them rethink.

  18. @7:30 am

    Because Covid is contagious genius. People who are overweight, have unprotected sex, smoke or drink are doing it to themselves. Not getting vaccinated and potentially passing a contagious disease to others is something totally different. Obviously with your statement you’re just another uneducated and clueless sheep.

  19. @7:30 - The difference in your analogy is that the people you are mentioning, the obese, gay, motorcyclist, smoking alcoholic aren't posting memes mocking others and flaunting their poor choices online in an effort to get others to agree with their lifestyle.

    We all make bad decisions each and every day, mostly in private and usually insignificant. When you double down on those decisions, then trumpet that choice on social media, or even in regular conversation with others, I think its fair to expect that some (not all) people are going to come back and dunk on you when your decision and hubris backfires on you.

  20. I wish no harm or injury to anyone either. But I have no compassion for ignorance. If you didn't get vaccinated, NO PROBLEM! THATS YOUR CHOICE! But if you or someone close to you gets Covid, just suck it up and shut up. Don't go on social media and cry and whine about being sick or possibly passing from it. Nor should you take a ICU hospital bed away from someone who has a heart attack or some other real life need for health care. Your Choice, Your decision.....Live with it and deal with it!

  21. Reality is that there are many viruses that are passed and may impact a person's life expectancy. Reality is that death will not evade any of us. The discussion being held here is about people's personal choices that increase/decrease and impact the longevity, risks to said death. A person's decision about a medical issue is nobody else's business unless said person chooses to divulge such information.

    Bernie since you offer some sense of acceptance in this fashion of death, I surmise that you would honor the comment of Nor. CO Councilman Tara Zrinski. When she witnessed older woman talking in a bookstore, she questioned, "What are they even alive for". I guess your time is up.

    What a glib an elitist attitude in this blog.

  22. @ September 15, 2021 at 11:06 AM

    Nailed it !!!

  23. " I surmise that you would honor the comment of Nor. CO Councilman Tara Zrinski. When she witnessed older woman talking in a bookstore, she questioned, "What are they even alive for". I guess your time is up."

    I doubt your anonymous slur is true or it is completely out of context. Who are you? When did this incident occur? Did you witness it or hear about it from someone else?

    It is amazing that you would take a story about the unfortunate and tragic deaths of the unvaccinated and spin it into a dubious and off-topic attack at a NorCo Council member. You obviously have no respect for the dead yourself so whjen you want to call someone an elitist, take a good, hard look in a mirror, coward.

  24. @11:15 "A person's decision about a medical issue is nobody else's business unless said person chooses to divulge such information."

    This is correct, and in the example of this particular blog post, the individual chose to divulge his choice and position on taking a vaccine that *MAY* have extended his life expectancy.

    Taking the vaccine is very much a personal choice. Expecting your life to remain the same, without limitations on where you can work, shop, or go, let alone evade catching the virus and spreading it to others isn't realistic.

    The 2 BIG C's in life;



    You make a choice, you live with the consequences. Its really that simple.

  25. Bernie:

    Regarding the comment from Tara Zrinski, it was heard directly from her mouth by my ears and in fact it was seen in written form. Timing is immaterial.

    As far as being a coward, there are certain reason why I must remain anonymous. Let's just say you and I know each other from NWLL and one that had been able to confirm her perjury directly.

  26. The firefighter chose to believe disinformation and exposed his own children to a deadly virus, and for that he gets no sympathy from me.

    1. 12:03pm. Exactly. Whether he was a firefighter, police officer, teacher, coach, nurse or employed in another noble professional, he gets no pass for purposefully exposing people to this deadly virus.

      1 in 500 Americans have died from it. And, being a firefighter, he was first in line to get the vaccine when it became available. Let's not martyr him because he of his job. He knew (should have known) better.

  27. @9:57 am

    Yes, knowingly and willfully killing off your voting block is unwise. It is a bit of a puzzle how people who expose a pro-life stance can, at the same time, promote an atmosphere that virtually sacrifices life (e.g., anti-vax).

    Well, they don't make much sense just as the anti-abortion efforts will more largely affect people of color, who tend to vote Democrat, adding to that base...as well as putting more in need of social services (e.g., welfare, Medicaid, unemployment, etc.), something the Republicans rail against. Off-topic I know, but something that just came to mind and is somewhat related.

  28. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Agreed. How can you write such an article! You're 'DUPED' to think people care about this blahg!

    September 15, 2021 at 1:05 PM

    And yet here you are posting.

  29. @1:05 - Yet here you are commenting on a post. The Anti Vax/Anti Mask Trumpsters always reveal their intelligence, or the lack thereof.

  30. 7:30 hope you didn't spend too much time thinking up these fine examples of false equivalency. the only thing those have in common with refusing a vaccine is, play stupid games win stupid prizes.

  31. Just a curious question with those stating your choice your consequence. If this is accurate would you all accept that NarCan should never be provided to an addict because of having an overdose of an illegal drug?

  32. I am vaccinated. I hope everyone that's eligible and can safely get the vaccine that they do. Having said that, I am not a fan of the mandates, nor was I a fan of Bidens tone when announcing them. It's just creating more resistance in my opinion.

  33. One might say that these people are dead wrong.

    Not me, but someone...

  34. Its too bad we cannot have mandatory birth control for Republicans and Trump supporters. it would solve future problems.

  35. @3:29 Same goes for those on the drugs.

  36. @3:29. Some insurance companies ask that if you are in a car accident you specifically ask the other person if they are on any prescriptions adn or if they have utilized drugs recently. Some are starting to try to push the same rules as for truck drivers. If in an accident you are immediately open to testing or forfeiture of your license.

  37. @ 5:33 am. Amen to that.

  38. It takes guts to kick a man when he's dead. Well done Bernie. Keep being that beacon of hope for Lehigh Valley 'journalism'. Let's post pictures and names of all the unvaxed and how about addresses of their families, so we can stand outside and laugh at their dead loved ones.
    You truly are despicable.

  39. How is anti-vax being a Trumpster? Doesn't "The Donald" fly around the country telling everyone how he developed the vaccine and how great it is? So how do you equate anti-vax to being a Trumpster? Just more bull crap to divide and demean.
    I mean, it was Biden and Harris who questioned the vaccine during the campaigns, right?

    1. He did such a great job convincing people to take the vaccine they booed him when he mentioned it. And why did he not take it publically or ever mention he had?

    2. Wrong. Stop watching doctored videos, first developed on Tiktok. They said that they didn't trust trump's messaging with the still yet developed vaccine. Remember, trump ran in 2016 with an anti-vaccine platform, and continued to call the Covid pandemic a hoax during the 2020 campaign.


  40. The Don has told people who he can grab any woman by the crotch but women still love him, He has said he can walk in on women in the dressing room just because he is him. He has told military people they are losers and failures and dumb asses but other military people still adore him, He has praised people like Hitler, Putin, Kim Jun Uns and others of similar ilk however people who claim to support democracy still idolize him. He has stolen from non-profits, and bilked his followers out of money through his fund razing practices but people still give him money. He has claimed bankruptcy on at least 6 companies we know of but people praise him for utilizing the laws to benefit himself. He called rioters peaceful law abiding citizens. Trump has badgered and belittled many politicians that had surrounded him but they keep bowing to kiss his ass. And he clamed that he was the only reason we had the vaccine but Pfizer and the other main vaccine developer shunned him. He has told people it might be a good idea to inject bleach but luckily few have listened to him. He said the virus was a hoax but he caught it and then had mysterious medical assistance which no one can truly quantify. So the Don says lots of stuff that most people ignore.

  41. @9:51PM Trump's messaging vacillates from one side to the other. I would in no way shape or form call him pro-vaccination. He gives a speech, takes credit for developing the vaccines (because that's what Mr. Attention loves to do) and mentions getting vaccinated, people boo loudly and he backs off to "or if you don't want to, don't." Wow how definitive. Then babbles about people's "freedoms". You may also feel he is "pro-mask" because he wore one one day for 5 minutes. If Trump had been pro-mask and pro-vaccine we would be so much better off. His minions wouldn't be harping about their freedoms and face diapers and yelling like idiots at town meetings. He is as good as anti-vaxx, and he was definitely anti-mask.

  42. We are doing this all wrong. Pass a mandate requiring vaccinated people not to wear masks. Maybe that will spark the un-vaxxers to rethink their position.

    All "...regardless of vaccination status.. " does is de-incentivize those who haven't had the shots. "Why get the shot if I still need to mask up?"

    K-12 schools may take a different approach but it's ludicrous that educators (who probably have the highest vaccination rates), even when not in the presence of children ineligible for the shot, have to mask up when around others who are vaccinated. Colleges and universities also display this absurdity. For example, Lehigh and Penn State say that well over 90% of the student body is vaccinated...yet masks are still required indoors.

    To paraphrase Joe Biden: get the shot, drop the mask.

  43. Humphrey - the vaccine doesn't make you impervious to the virus, you can still contract it, be symptomatic or not and then as a carrier spread it around to others.

    The mask, as inconvenient as it is, is simply just another measure IN ADDITION TO the vaccine that is needed to mitigate the spread of the virus.

    NEITHER the vaccine or the mask is 100% effective, BUT each one does reduce your chances of getting the virus on their own and when used together are even a stronger barrier.

    People who choose not to mask up and/or get vaccinated are taking personal risks for their own reasons, in some cases selfish reasons, but certainly not all. These individuals are putting family, friends and others at risk because they help the virus spread more easily, but ultimately its their personal decision and how they handle it and justify it to themselves and others is on them.

    Dipshits who choose to loudly protest, make light of, and downplay the virus are the individuals that should be made examples of when karma decides to put a foot in their ass.

  44. RIP those poor souls on that website. They died doing their own research…

  45. As a species we screwed up natural selection a lot with all these medicines. Republicans just returned us to our roots. I used to feel bad. When they get sick, FUCK YOUR FEELINGS. Go away and suffer quietly and dont try to infect the rest of us. Dont use up valuable hospital resources and stop fucking up everything for the rest of us. Just think how much better off we would be if we would have ALL followed what some of the countries did with the draconian lockdowns that put them at near 0 infections. If half the world stopped being assholes and listened to science we might not have to wear masks at all. Who knows? We are too busy chasing those that openly infect everyone without a care in the world.

    Its a crime to knowingly spread AIDS yet this goes mostly unpunished. Go figure.

    1. THIS. Fuck them and stay away from the hospitals when you get sick. Go pray to your god.

  46. It was being reported today 70% of insurance carriers will no longer waive medical costs due to covid-19, if you're not vaccinated.

    About fcking time


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