Local Government TV

Tuesday, September 14, 2021

Lynch Mob Makes No Move on Northampton School Directors

On Monday night, Northampton Area School Directors met for the first time since anti-masker and anti-vaxer Steve Lynch promised an angry crowd to get rid of them.  At an August 29 Harrisburg rally, he vowed to physically remove them with 20 strong men. "Forget going onto these school boards with freakin' data. You go into these school boards to remove them. I'm going in with 20 strong men and I'm gonna' give them an option - they can leave or they can be removed." I figured you'd all want to know all the juicy details. Did Lynch and 20 strong men go after the geriatrics who sit on the school board? Was there a donnybrook with the Northampton police officers and Northampton County Deputy Sheriffs brought in to keep the peace? How many bodybuilders did School Board Prez Dave "Konkrete" Gogel toss around like ragdolls while keeping his mask fashionably in place?  Here's what happened. 


No violence. Oh yeah, the school directors were called cowards and tyrants a few times, but no one uttered a profanity or even flipped a bird.

Steve Lynch has constantly told anti-maskers, "Do Not Comply." He has even advised health care workers to choose termination over being forced to submit to a jab of science juice. But there he was, as well behaved as an altar boy, with a mask covering both nose and mouth.  

Oh there was lots of security in place. In addition to several Northampton police officers, I saw six or seven deputy Sheriffs armed with a metal detector at the door. 

"Cell phone, wallet and keys," they barked at those entering the building. None of the anti-maskers and anti-vaxers even peeped, although that's a hell of a lot more intrusive than a stupid face mask. 

Once my Bowie knife and bazooka were taken away, my first priority was knowing where the rest room was located. No, I'm no Michael Corleone. I had no pistol stashed in the can, but needed to squirt my own water gun. When you're 70, you'll understand. Anyway, when I was done, a Deputy was standing at the door, making sure that my business included no mob activity. Fortunately for me, there was no anal probe. 

The meeting was held in the high school auditorium. A huge crowd was apparently anticipated. There were over 100 in attendance, and most of them were anti-maskers out to portray the school board as evil villains. As for the school directors, I saw no evidence that they bullied the audience. This was one of the reasons Lynch gave for needing 20 strong men. They in fact seemed incapable of bullying anyone. 

I've been to Northampton Area High School many times over the years, but my previous trips have been fun. I've been there for basketball games and tournaments. I've always considered it a friendly school where both parents and kids understand that a basketball court or gridiron is actually a classroom where people learn to give it their all, to win graciously or lose with dignity. And they have the best perogies in the world.

So it was hard for me to feel threatened by the lynch mob, which incidentally had a lot of strong women. For reasons that mystify me, they spoke out against the mask mandate. Even if this measure is ineffective, it is designed to keep students and staff from getting sick, with the goal of keeping school open five days a week. Even if you think it's silly, how can you really object to something designed to keep your child healthy?

As I listened to the anti-maskers threaten school board members that "there are 20 strong men here" or call these hapless unpaid public servants "tyrants" and "cowards," I had to wonder whether they really could possibly mean what they were saying or were instead playing highly-stylized roles in what has now become an American form of Kabuki theatre. 

Wearing ridiculous T-shirts and signs, they make exaggerated claims that masks are "child abuse". They openly jeered at the one person who spoke in favor of the mandate but hypocritically complained about their first amendment rights when their time had expired. 

Although there was lots of coverage of this American Kabuki theatre last night, it will be a short run. It is a play that closed on its opening night. 

You see, if you claim you support the law or the Constitution, you necessarily oppose anything that subverts the democratic process. 

Let's say the Supreme Court rules the mask mandate is unconstitutional. That's fine by me. That is the way our system works. I can and often do disagree with judges and elected officials, but that's no justification for physically removing them and elevating one person over the democratic process. That is what oligarchs and autocrats do, not those who believe in a democratic republic. 


  1. The Lynch team was there to ensure the people had their rights protected. Glad everything went well and the people were safe.

  2. " For reasons that mystify me, they spoke out against the mask mandate. Even if this measure is ineffective, it is designed to keep students and staff from getting sick, with the goal of keeping school open five days a week. Even if you think it's silly, how can you really object to something designed to keep your child healthy?"
    I've been wondering this same thing for the last few months. Of all the things to oppose, why this measure intended to keep schools open safely?
    In the near future this school board will have to make decisions regarding the closing of one elementary school and the construction of a new one. Now there's a topic suitable for heated disagreement.

    1. There is ZERO evidence that the masks in schools work. Studies that looked at this subject concluded it made no difference from those that were not masked. If we're following the science, there is no need for masks in schools. However, there is evidence that the masks are harmful for children

  3. Sorry you ended up with a nothing burger after putting aside the time to attend. Another 800-word salvo at a caricature of McClure's opposition. He's batshit crazy, but he's never killed any elderly. I'm holding my nose and voting against the heartless bastard who killed the county's elderly from the safety of his den during lockdown. His nursing hime had to bailed out by the National Guard. That's a rare distinction. I suspect I'm not alone in my anger. I'll run to the polls to vote for any breathing human who is not heartless and dangerous and overflowing with hubris, like Lamont McClure. Lamont watched Netflix. The county's elderly were left to die, while Lamont defended Wolf and binged Tiger King with his fam.

  4. You have made it more than clear you don’t want Mr. Lynch to be elected. But, enough already! I’m not following his actions and words as intently as you are, but until actual crimes are committed, I just see individuals exercising their Right of Free Speech. That Right includes many different statements of opinion, both verbal and written.
    Anyone who takes the time and effort to attend civic meetings and stand up to express themselves, both pro or con, deserves some credit. They are being responsible. Our nation is full of people who are largely unaware of the changes happening in America. Some of those changes, in my mind, are damaging to this nation and it’s people. Censorship of alternative knowledge is a serious problem right now. This is undeniable. An increasing number of citizens are unhappy with their government at this time. Public protests are to be expected.

  5. God bless our school administrators. Stay the course and don't let the vocal minority cloud better judgment. The Districts job is to protect all students and teachers and not cave to "me first" mask feelings. After the tragic loss this past week, I would have expected better. We are asked to wear a mask and other generations have so much more.

    1. Please provide the proof that masks are "protecting" students. I'll wait...............you can't, it doesn't exist. Studies have shown that there is zero difference between schools that mask, and schools that don't. There are also studies (now removed/censored) that state masks are actually bad for kids both developementally and health wise. So question is do you want to "protect" the kids??

    2. Stop spewing stupidity. No articles have been censored. Do the easy, cheap things to reduce the risk of spreading the virus. Wear your mask. Protect yourself and your countrymen. Here are three evidence-based articles about masking in schools.




  6. The only people that thought there would be violence were you and your gal pals mclueless dertbag

  7. Lynch was in a small warehouse in Bangor last night, taping a rally video. The rally for some reason started at 10 PM. His quote for the night, "Victory will be ours in November and then Northampton County will become the beacon of freedom that the Country will follow. Norco will become the nations template under his administration!" His rally was eerily similar to the Beer Hall Putsch.

  8. It's the Lynch Mob and their anti mask/antivaxx ilk that are the real tyrants, bullies and cowards. Why aren't they railing against mandated school student vaccinations for tetanus, diphtheria, polio, measles, mumps, rubella, chickenpox and a host of other preventive medicines? Even their cult leader Orange Julius is on board with Covid vaccines, despite his early rhetoric that his knucklehead following still embraces. It really has become American Kubuki theater.

  9. "Anyone who takes the time and effort to attend civic meetings and stand up to express themselves, both pro or con, deserves some credit"

    I see, and that means that the school directors who are unpaid volunteers deserve a great deal of credit. Peeople like me, who write about these issues, deserve a great deal of credit, at least according to your logic. Steve Lynch, who is hawking T-shirts and promoting himself, deserves no credit.

  10. " Censorship of alternative knowledge is a serious problem right now."

    There is no such thing as "alternate knowledge," just as there is no such thing as "alternative facts. There is knowledge and misinformation. There is fact and fiction. Most of the people at last night's meeting have been swayed by those who appeal to their emotions and persuade them with disinformation.

    1. Sadly the line between what is qhat is blurred by "fact checkers". I have attempted to post no less than 5 comments on your blog over the last week or so. All were factual. The fact that they never post shows me that YOU are censoring alternate knowledge. Typical. Sadly most posting here seem to take qhat MSM tells them to heart. Also, sadly, you have adopted a "screening process" aka censoring process for comments you disagree with.

  11. "The Lynch team was there to ensure the people had their rights protected. "

    They proved why they were there when one of them reminded school directors that morre than 20 strong men were present.

    They claimed that the mask mandate was forced on school directors by the teachers' union, which had threatened to sue them. But at the same time, they themselves were all threatening to sue school directors personally.

  12. Mask-it, Vax-it or Casket, choice is yours!

  13. Why doesn’t Lynch focus on what he can do for County government instead of false promises of freedoms he can’t guarantee? What’s he planning to do for Gracedale? Taxes? Does he even know what day to day operations are in the County? The only thing he knows how to do is get people to rally about masks and he doesn’t even do that well. Maybe we the people have missed it, but I’ve seen nothing other than his videos in his blue suit talking about fighting back against government. What will you as County Exec when the County residents and workers start fighting back against you? I’ll vote for Harry Potter before I vote for someone who has no clue about the things that matter most to the people that he would serve.

  14. I think the argument of masks being child abuse is being used because denying a child oxygen is covered under the child abuse statutes. I for one am glad that the vaccines have created 9 new billionaires and big pharma is profiting, meanwhile more restrictions are being implemented and the Ds are proposing tax increases. Yay politics.

  15. I was the recap on WFMZ this morning. The reporter said that many idiot Lynchsters refused to wear masks during the meeting and the camera panned the audience showing many maskless people. The School Board should have mandated mask compliance during the meeting and anyone who didn't comply should have been removed by security.

  16. Despite the use of masks, the virus continues to do what a virus does; mutates, spreads and continues to impact humans.

    I just need to remind people of the initials PPE

    P - Protection
    E - Equipment

    It is geared to protects the individual using the equipment. Anything other than this is an altered agenda.

    Vaccines are a personal decision and never right to be in the hands of the government. It is that pure and simple.

    Besides, we were all taught that we should treat others with Universal Precautions (meaning that we protect ourselves due to being uncertain as to what others may have bloodborne or airborne). The issue is that the country has become LAZY in this regard and thus the reason behind the government overreach.

  17. He appeals to the lowest common denominator of uneducated, gullible and worthless losers. People that live in Northampton obviously are not the most educated or affluent people so they tend to flock took conspiracy theorists and losers.

  18. 8:41, I will have to check the recap. Although I saw many people who failed to cover nose and mouth, most of the people I saw were wearing a mask. I seriously doubt anyone who was mask less would have been admitted. Also the first person to speak had taken his mask off and was instructed to put it back on. As someone who was there I will have to check this camera, which was on the other side of the room.

  19. "I saw no evidence that they bullied the audience."

    So limiting public comment and telling the people that showed up that the time has expired and you can speak at the next meeting is acceptable to you?

    Not one single board member made a comment other then the one member asked if the one gentleman can come back up and talk which Gogel Denied is also acceptable in your eyes as well?

    Bernie what was the point of you going other then to bash on Lynch? How about give credit to the student council president who had the backbone to stand up and fight for his fellow students?

  20. 8:41, I watched the recap. If the reporter said people refused to wear a mask I did not hear it. Also, I think the camera showed two people without a mask and that was likely temporary. I will stand by my own assessment.

  21. "So limiting public comment and telling the people that showed up that the time has expired and you can speak at the next meeting is acceptable to you?

    Not one single board member made a comment other then the one member asked if the one gentleman can come back up and talk which Gogel Denied is also acceptable in your eyes as well?"

    There was no bullying by the school board. Let me explain a few things to you as your knowledge of the First Amendment and Sunshine Act is obviously limited. Unlike you, I happen to be one of very few people who has successfully sued local governments over Sunshine Act infringements.

    Under the First Amendment, you have a right to spew lies, distortions and disinformation all day and all night. You even have the right to petition your government to redress what you perceive to be a grievance. You have no constitutional right to monopolize a school board or any local government's time.

    Under the Sunshine Act, you have the statutory right to address your local government on matters of public concern. The local government in question has the statutory right to adopt policies that limit each speaker and that limit the total amount of time allotted. Had there been no policy in place, you would have been able to speak until the cows came home. But a policy was put in place years ago, like it is in almost all local governments. Moreover, and you neglected to mention this, the school board voted unanimously to extend the 30 minutes set aside for public comment so they could hear more people.

    What people like you did was jeer at the one person who spoke in support of masking. You did threaten the board over public comment, reminding them that there were more than 20 strong men present. You were the bullies.

    Let me explain something else. Neither the First Amendment nor the Sunshine Act givers you the right to pose questions and demand immediate answers. School directors are not Alexa. They are not Google. They are there to listen to your concerns. We live in a very selfish society in which we expect everything right away, but that is not how things work. How on earth could you possibly expect a school director to know the answer to every question immediately? That is the standard to which directors were held last night, and that is absurd.

    I am a strong advocate of public participation in local government and have been so for decades. But people who get up and simply repeat what others have already said or who spread outright disinformation or who threaten directors with personal liability are serving no useful purpose. The right to speak also includes an obligation to listen. You are not listening when you jeer at others who say something outside your comfort zone.

  22. "Bernie what was the point of you going other then to bash on Lynch? How about give credit to the student council president who had the backbone to stand up and fight for his fellow students?"

    Steve Lynch is a dangerous demagogue who threatened the school board, and it was in the public interest to see what he would do.

    As for the student council president, he made a point of stating at the onset that he refuses to follow the news. In other words, he is uninformed, like most of the mob. Why should I give credit to someone who brags about his own ignorance? Amazingly, he made this declaration at a high school, where he should be learning how to learn. It appeared to me that he was learning how to play to a mob instead of filling his head with knowledge. Rather than condemning a child, I chose to remain silent. But I give that student no credit. Sorry, you brought it up, not me.

  23. It took no "backbone" to play to a crowd who already agreed with him. The person with a backbone was the grandmother who spoke in support of the mask mandate and who was booed and jeered at for her effort.

  24. Can we simply agree that this is a contentious issue? I think the never maskers and the anti-vaxxers are just as bad as "MANDATORY MASKING MANDATES" handed down FROM THE STATE and mandatory vaccines regardless of natural immunity, preexisting conditions, or personal choice! How about we take the middle road and leave these decisions up to the individual and the parents? There is no science that says we will be worse off if we do so. So far, no matter what we do, this virus continues to survive and spread. Natural immunity is strong and people know the risks if they pass on the vaccine. So lets let people decide for themselves and mind our own business!

    Because this isnt about a mask or a jab, its the fact that we are creating a precedent that will most certainly be abused later on down the road. Thats the way history always goes, never let a good crisis go to waste. Now our governments will be able to mandate shots because we have allowed them to set the precedent. This is most certainly about freedoms and liberties, even though people don't want to admit it. Is it truly still a free country if we cant make decisions as basic as these?

  25. Biden is mandating vaccinations for companies 100+ in size. However, congress and their are exempt from this "mandate". This is all that is needed to understand this pandemic is nothing more than an opportunity for government to exert power over the common people.

    @1207 - Completely agree with your comment.

  26. Obviously, masking is indeed a contentious issue. I myself have questions about the legality of a statewide or nationwide mask and vaccine mandate, and look forward to seeing how the courts rule on this matter. but there is no doubt that masking and vaccines are part of a strategy that is designed to and does save lives. This is what the science clearly says, despite numerous attempts from people like you to fog up the issue.

    There is also no question that those who refuse to mask or get vaccinated are endangering the health and safety of others. If some idiot refuses to wear a helmet on a bicycle or motorcycle, the only person he endangers is himself. But when a person refuses a mask or vaccine, he puts the health of everyone at risk. Its a personal choice that has very public consequences.

    Perhaps there would be no need for a mandate if people simply were less selfish. I see this all the time. When I go shopping, I am one of the few people who wears a mask or who tries to stay a few feet from others. So voluntary compliance just is not working.

    I dislike Big Brother telling me what to do as much as anyone. But a mask is a very minor inconvenience designed to protect us all.

    The other weekend, I was stopped at a sobriety checkpoint. I have not had a drink since 1985 and dislike the intrusion into my personal privacy. I find that stopping and then waiting 15 minutes and then having to produce my papers was very intrusive. I was even more bothered when the police officer, who was friendly, wanted to know what I had been doing that evening. Amazingly, I answered him, although it was none of his business.

    I think that sobriety checkpoint was far more intrusive than a mask mandate, although I get it.

    Our freedom does not include a right to drive, to say nothing of a right to drive while impaired.

    Our freedoms generally end when they begin to interfere with the freedom to others.

    When your right to sneeze and cough germs begins to interfere with the rights of others to be able to live, it necessarily follows that your freedom must be limited.

    I was completely opposed to a lockdown. That is where I drew a line. But masks? You\'re just being selfish.

  27. @12:07 - The reason the virus is spreading and thriving is because not enough people are wearing masks and taking the preventative measures needed to limit the virus - THAT IS BASIC SCIENCE. We unfortunately can't have half of the country choose to do their own thing while the other half does theirs when it comes to collective safety. You would think we'd all see this common foe and unite to beat it together.

    The best analogy I've heard is this; There isn't and shouldn't be a "peeing section" at the local swimming pool.

    COVID doesn't give a shit how old you are, how educated you are, if you own a gun, live off welfare, what color your skin is or where you go to pray. It really doesn't give a fuck who you voted for, or where you get your news.

  28. 12:18, as I previously explained, Biden has no authority to tell the legislative or judicial branch of government what they may or may not do. He is President, not King. They are separate branches of government. So your argument is either intentionally dishonest or based on a complete ignorance of the Constitution

  29. I certainly agree with the excellent 12:07 PM post. The PARENT is the one to decide what decisions are made about their child’s health. They know their child best.
    One reason for all of this contentious behavior is the inconsistency in messaging by the current Federal Administration. Another being this Administration’s, in MY OPINION, record of confusing decision-making. Too many changes to our nation in such little amount of time.

  30. I would like to say the anti-maskers and anti-vaxers are natural selection at play. And, we would come out better on the other side for it. However, they are putting at risk those that can't get vaccinated, maybe even their own children, and those who are at greater risk of breakthrough infection.

    Totally ignorant, selfish people. As a society we have an obligation to others.

  31. There is one question I have where do we draw the line on what government is or isn't allowed to tell us about our medical treatment.

    If we permit the government now to mandate something this size, what will be the next mandate.

    You see, if you shorten the length of a chain of a dog leash one link a week, the dog fails to see or recognize it is being shortened. The same is to be said about individual freedoms and rights encroached on about our government.

    The trouble is that the silent majority are finally speaking up.

    Bernie: Biden has no authority to mandate this on the federal government or state as well. Mandates are not laws yet everyone is expecting them to be treated as such.

  32. Homeschooling, for those who can do it, is the best choice at this time in our history. For years, public schools have grown more concerned with politics and group think, than academics.

  33. I've been in the same situation at meetings on a hot topic. I always have the same question, where is everyone else? Let's say the district is comprised of 40,000 residents, and 100 of those 38,500 show up, that's 0.25%
    If this issue strikes at the heart of our democracy, why the poor turnout? Let's tune into the real issues Mr. Lynch.

  34. 1:14, For working parents, homeschooling is not an option. I personally am not well-enough informed on the topic to judge whether a parent can more effectively educate a child than a trained teacher.

  35. "Bernie: Biden has no authority to mandate this on the federal government or state as well. Mandates are not laws yet everyone is expecting them to be treated as such."

    A mandate from a rule-making agency can certainly have the same effect as a law because it is authorized by law. Having said that, I'd agree that Presidents have been exceeding their authority for quite some time. Executive overreach is happening on a national, state and local level. I am unsure whether this is one such instance. That is why I look forward to the legal arguments. I personally am unperturbed by a mask mandate designed to help people, especially when the people have failed to adhere to mask recommendations.

  36. "The trouble is that the silent majority are finally speaking up."

    I suspect the silent majority were the numerous people who were not there. They either agree or are letting the people they elect make the call. You did have 100 loudmouths in a school district of 40,000. You did try to intimidate school directors and the one person who spoke in support of a mandate. Your 100 is not even a pimple on an elephant's ass.

  37. "One reason for all of this contentious behavior is the inconsistency in messaging by the current Federal Administration. Another being this Administration’s, in MY OPINION, record of confusing decision-making. Too many changes to our nation in such little amount of time."

    I'll agree the CDC has been terrible at messaging, no matter whether under Trump or Biden.

  38. It's almost like this was blown completely out of proportion. Congrats Bernie! That means you're a real journalist now!

  39. Nothing was blown out of proportion. Lynch threatened to bring 20 strong men to physically remove school directors who refuse to resign. He has since attempted to profit from his threat with T-shirts quoting his words.

    He backtracked only bc he knew he'd be arrested if he tried to do what he threatened to do.

  40. :1:10, How do you feel about polio, seatbelts, highway traffic lanes and smallpox ?

  41. I'd rather the school board answer if CRT is in the textbooks in our schools that we the taxpayer pay for? That is an issue that needs to be pursued

  42. Bernie you forgot to mention you met a trump supporter who likes your blog! You broke my heart Ohare

  43. :4:53, I would like to see CRT taught in our schools so that our kids learn something of our history.

    An issue that needs to be pursed is Jan 6 an the insurrection, an event that we should never forget.

  44. Yea but what does Ron'KonkreteKid'Heckman make of all this? lol

  45. The comments that I deleted were complete disinformation. I fact-checked every link supplied and know that the information was false. NMt conclusion was buttressed by other sites reacting to similar claims. This disinformation has confused and misled people and I refuse to allow it. You can start your own blog or webpage.

    You are entitled to your opinions but not your own facts.

  46. Ron Heckman spoke out forcefully against Lynch's threat at the last Council meeting and I quoted him doing so.

  47. The comments at 6:00 and 6:23 are examples of the blatant disinformation I refuse to post. There have been numerous studies indicating that masks are effective at reducing Covid-19. The most recent is a major study of 340,000 people and i linked to it and write about it. So do a little more reading and stop spreading lies. Google "mask study" and STFU already. You're a liar.

  48. "Bernie you forgot to mention you met a trump supporter who likes your blog! You broke my heart Ohare"

    Did not want to cause you trouble with any of your friends who might have seen us speaking. By the way, my brother was a Trump supporter.

  49. Masks aren't perfect, but they stop the larger droplets and slow down the smaller ones.

  50. 6.00
    "There is ZERO evidence that the masks in schools work"
    "The CDC guidance also cites several CDC-led studies that show the benefits of masking in schools, while independent researchers have shown similar results. Masking was often combined with other efforts to reduce spread, including improved ventilation and filtration systems."

  51. So does that mean your brother likes your blog?

  52. Another name for alternative facts is fantasyland. Think of the person that brought that to the forefront under the Trump administration. Kelly Anne had a habit of alternative facts to everything and a smoke screen of nothingness unless it fit her line of whatever she wanted to portray no matter how far from the facts it actually was. You have lies and you have facts. The truth is the fuzzy area in the middle of those that so many are doped into believing whatever their preferred perversion is. It cuts both ways right and left. And there are so many supposedly smart people especially here in the united states that would not know a fact for their preconceived notion of the truth. There are always multiple ways to look at any situation unless facts are known by all. And both the right and left do so minimize the availability of facts from both sides for control, power and most especially money.

    For me personally I enjoy reading blogs like this because I learn facts that I did not know. And I get to understand alternative truths and perceptions. Not all is the way it is explained to you in the world of politics especially when individuals are hypocritical in their nature as so many politicians are.

  53. ”does that mean your brother likes your blog”- He does not read it much lol. He knows I’m full of shit.

  54. We are long past convincing each other on these issues. It's important at this time continue to spotlight them. Lynch has done this well. You have been very helpful to him. Thank you for this blog.

  55. Masks are harmful to children! Cry me a river. Just wait till your little pawns grow up and try to get a job. Or better yet, wait till they turn around and give you a dose of the medicine you fed them as a child. Just another generation of brats that have no concept of sacrifice for their country.
    Maybe the kids will get a job in asbestos abatement, and refuse the respirator, cuz its harmful. Get a grip on reality, you jackass.

  56. Did Lynch come out of the closet yet?


You own views are appreciated, especially if they differ from mine. But remember, commenting is a privilege, not a right. I will delete personal attacks or off-topic remarks at my discretion. Comments that play into the tribalism that has consumed this nation will be declined. So will comments alleging voter fraud unless backed up by concrete evidence. If you attack someone personally, I expect you to identify yourself. I will delete criticisms of my comment policy, vulgarities, cut-and-paste jobs from other sources and any suggestion of violence towards anyone. I will also delete sweeping generalizations about mainstream parties or ideologies, i.e. identity politics. My decisions on these matters are made on a case by case basis, and may be affected by my mood that day, my access to the blog at the time the comment was made or other information that isn’t readily apparent.