Local Government TV

Thursday, September 30, 2021

NorCo GOP Exec Candidate Steve Lynch Blowin' Oil Over Accurate Mailer

Up until now, Northampton County Exec Lamont McClure has been a good boy in his re-election bid. He has sent out a few mailers highlighting his accomplishments during his first term in office. But now he's telling you about the pathetic excuse the Republicans have put up to challenge him.  It's Steve "20 strong men" Lynch, who participated in the January 6 attempted coup at the US Capitol. He wore a bulletproof vest to this insurrection, and was visited by a curious FBI after he returned home. McClure just thought you should know. 

I imagine you'll soon be informed that Lynch also wanted to storm the Northampton Area School Board with "20 strong men" over, of all things, a face mask. 

He also wants to prosecute Governor Tom Wolf for murder, although I was unaware that a county exec had law enforcement powers. 

Lynch was really upset at McClure's accurate portrayal. He hopped on Facebook Live on Tuesday, blowin' oil, in a bizarre attempt to counter the "McCounty Coward," as he calls McClure. 

Lynch claims that McClure lied when he stated that Lynch was visited by the FBI over his role in the January 6 insurrection  

"If I'm an insurrectionist and I was interviewed by the FBI, why am I not in jail?" he asks. "Wanna' explain that one to me?" 

The answer is simple. You did participate in the insurrection, but there is just no evidence that you trespassed or were one of the guys smearing shit in the halls of Congress. ... Yet. 

Lynch goes on to claim that McClure slandered him when he stated that Lynch was visited by the FBI.

Let me give you a lesson in defamation law. First, it's called libel, not slander. Second, truth is an absolute defense.  The proof that you were visited by the FBI comes from your own daily Facebook Live videos, in which you repeatedly hang yourself. You have stated, at least twice, that you were visited by the FBI over your role in the January 6 insurrection. You can see an example above.

There most definitely is a liar, Steve, but it's you.   

Steve, everything you say can and will be used against you. And you've said a lot of goofy and dangerous things.


  1. Wow, McClure must be worried, I thought he was a shu in of this election.

  2. This whole thing should be very simple. There are hundreds of cameras in and and around the Congressional building. 100% of them should become public record. They should apply facial recognition to everyone that was there that day and then let the FBI visit all of them. Or better yet make all the pictures available to the public and let them do the investigation.

    2nd if Lying lynch is so truthful turn over your phone geospatial positioning record for January 5th, 6th, and 7th for all to review make them public and give complete access to those three days. Even just January 6th would do. Phones can be tracked to an area of 30M down to 1M. More often the typical range is within 5 meters or less.

    then the answer is simple he was either there or he was not.

  3. Lynch reminds me a FOBBIT (For those who have not been in a combat zone that is a soldier who never left the base) where this is concerned. He seems just like many of them that he talks and brags that he was in the middle of it but in reality stayed on the base pumping things and then became a war hero in his own mind.

    If he was so truely there and part of it - OWN IT - Do not hide from it. Either put up and prove it or shut the F up about it.

  4. Lynch - Loser - Liar

  5. I can and cannot believe someone in the Boro of Nazareth not only has yard signs for Lynch, but actually is flying a flag with Lynch's name on it. Beyond pathetic.

    I've said it before, I'll say it again. No matter the name, Trump, Biden or Lynch, if you own and fly a flag with another man's name on it - YOU ARE GAY!!!!!

  6. Why does Steve Lynch invent stuff to be oppressed about?

  7. Apologies if this is a double post Bernie... Feel free to delete...

    If you're wondering how we've arrived in a world where a complete dipshit like Steve Lynch is put forth as a candidate, not even for a zoning committee, a school board or supervisor at a local township, but leader of entire county this article does a great job explaining it...


    "Conservatism went from the pages of National Review to a governing majority in about two generations. But along the way, conservatism was dumbed down considerably. Perhaps this dumbing down was an inevitable concomitant of conservatism’s growing popularity; surely it was also linked...to our technology-induced shift away from a culture accustomed to written complexities to a culture that prefers the vapidities of pictures and sound bites..."

    "The importance of free markets and low taxes was once the sort of thing explained in middlebrow TV shows and books by Milton and Rose Friedman; in the hands of their popularizing successors, free-market rhetoric became little more than a reflexive accusation that anyone wanting to raise taxes for any reason was a socialist. As for the arguments for traditionalism, the less said about these never-ending culture fights—the "war on Christmas,” kneeling at football games, yelping about Dr. Seuss—the better..."

    "The conservative elites, however, had miscalculated. They were not mindful enough of James Madison’s fear of the passion of the masses. They failed to realize the danger inherent in such dependency on popularizers who were ultimately with "the people” and against the elites..."

    "Pipes stood for America’s role in the world, Hayek for free markets, Kirk for virtue, and Buckley for all three—on their own merits. The popularizers, though, had arrived at these positions merely in opposition to the left. They didn’t know why they liked what they claimed to like—they merely knew whom they hated, and constructed their positions from there..."

    "However well versed the popularizers might have been in conservative arguments, they were ultimately not adherents of any specific conservative ideology. They were beholden to the passions of the masses. That was their business model—not just at Fox News and on talk radio, but among various culture-war organizations that knew profit was to be found in heat, not light. The popularizers came to replace the elites. Talk-radio hosts had once sought to debate and popularize the ideas in conservative magazines; they in time became the arbiters of what counted as conservatism. Fox News hosts became more important shapers of conservative opinion than the authors of rigorously argued think tank studies or the politicians who appeared as guests. CPAC, which had once tried to bring together activists and intellectuals, energy and ideas, turned into a sorry circus for dimwitted demagoguery.

  8. Lynch appeals to the lowest common denominator of uneducated worthless gullible losers.

  9. "He [McClure] has sent out a few mailers highlighting his accomplishments during his first term in office.

    Those must have been some small, inexpensive mailers.

    Did he just send out a postage stamp with writing on the back?

    But I guess with all the money he's shaken down from the unions and county vendors he can afford it.

  10. The fact that Lynch actually spent money to put his name on a flag and then sold them tells you everything you need to know about what a skid mark on the underpants of society he really is.

    That there are morons who call themselves "Republicans" that celebrate this guy and promote him with signs in their yards tells you that the GOP is no longer a party of ideas and principles, just people who simply have been raised to HATE Democrats, but can offer no real plan or organizational thought. They are DOOMED to self imposed minority status for decades because of this.

    1. No truer words will be said on this blog today.

  11. 10:17 - Spare me.

    After McClure and his cronies on Council come out publicly against Zrinski and the REAL havoc she has caused, then post your BS.

  12. Wow, McClure must be worried, I thought he was a shu in of this election.

    September 30, 2021 at 5:55 AM

    Only a Lynch flag flying fool would think this

  13. Lynch in a nutshell:

    Narcissistic personality disorder — one of several types of personality disorders — is a mental condition in which people have an inflated sense of their own importance, a deep need for excessive attention and admiration, troubled relationships, and a lack of empathy for others. But behind this mask of extreme confidence lies a fragile self-esteem that's vulnerable to the slightest criticism.

    A narcissistic personality disorder causes problems in many areas of life, such as relationships, work, school or financial affairs. People with narcissistic personality disorder may be generally unhappy and disappointed when they're not given the special favors or admiration they believe they deserve. They may find their relationships unfulfilling, and others may not enjoy being around them.

  14. @10:41 - McClure/Dems aren't saints by any means. Just regular old run of the mill dubiously motivated politicians. The "Republican" alternative at the moment is actually more than a couple levels below run of the mill dubiously motivated politician. If you can't see that and are talking yourself into thinking Lynch can in any possible way be an improvement you're lost or just in denial about who you really are and what sort of society you think you're living in.

    Just because you hate democrats does not automatically mean that the alternative is a better option. Blind faith and allegiance is just stupidity by another name.

  15. 10:55 AM - Allow me to offer an adjustment to your last paragraph. “Just because you hate Republicans does not automatically mean the alternative is a better option. Blind faith and allegiance is just stupidity by a different name.”
    Sadly, I can attest to this from what I’ve seen over the past months. Yikes!

  16. What does Lynch know about running County government? All I ever see from the guy are fringe conspiracy theories about national matters, hollow declarations of performative patriotism and updates on when he is mailing his "merch" out.

    You would think a Trump acolyte could come up with better insulting nicknames than "McCounty Coward." At least Trump calling Buttigieg "Alfred E. Neumann" was funny.

  17. Lynch had a meet and greet at the Daily Grind in Bath today. It is a shame such a good coffee place decided to host this joke

  18. So you are only allowing anti-Lynch comments. The pro-Lynch stuff isn't here. Went to the old vireo you referenced. Lynch made some good points. Especially how McClure conned business woman.

    also stop covering for your pal McClure. He has a responsibility to the voters to debate Lynch. Why is he hiding and just doing PR events?

    1. There’s nothing new or original to hear from Lynch, just the same old and worn alt-right diatribe. He has no substance and when cornered into a corner about his obvious participation in the January 6th insurrection, he’ll begin to yell and become unhinged. Who would want to put themselves through that? Lynch is not a true candidate for county executive because he lacks a true plan and direction. Just because he’s good at yelling at McClure doesn’t mean he’ll do the work necessary for all the residents of Northampton County.

  19. You can be pro-Lynch and anti-McClure and get published, but have to abide by my comments policy.

    McClure conned no one. There obviously was a miscommunication. She agreed her letter could be used, in contrast to what Lynch said. (Another Lynch lie). But she was simply unaware it would be used in a political message.

    McClure should stay away from Lynch for the following reasons: (1) He obviously is way ahead in the polls and should not give Lynch any traction; (2) Lynch is a fringe candidate who should never be legitimized; (3) Lynch attempted to undermine the democratic process in the Jan 6 attempted coup; (4) Lynch attempted to undermine the democratic process by threatening to bring 20 strong men to a school board to remove directors elected by the people; (5) Lynch's views about vaccines and face masks would have killed every Gracedale resident; (6) Lynch would involve the county in state and national issues, costing taxpayers money; and (7) he is a liar who contradicts himself in his own Facebook messages. Every person running for office, Democrat or Republican, should stay away from him.

  20. I’m fed up with both major parties being hijacked by freaks. By and large, American voters are moderate liberals/conservatives, yet the morons get the attention. Trump has killed the republicans and the “squad” is driving the democrats into a ditch.

  21. This guy is equivalent to the men who wear combat boots and dress in military gear with a rifle strapped to them as well as having a pistol as they parade around these government buildings while rallies and protests are going on, BUT NEVER SERVED!

  22. Is Lynch a married man with school age children?

  23. I believe the answer to those questions is yes but prefer to keep his wife and children out of this. They’re civilians.

  24. Brother Steve my Lynch Flag looks fantastic getting lots of compliments from those in the neighborhood who don't carry water for the plandemic fetishists. I'll see you bright and early at the gym for leg day brother hoping to go for max squat PB sits at 750, UHURU!

  25. Stop playing politics McClire and debate your opponent for the people of Northampton County.

  26. And there it is another flag waving freak of a human LT DAN. HE shows up pulling his head out of Lynch groundhog hole to make a comment and disappear again. Self righteous in calling himself a LT as he previously stated with no real reason for it other then self gratification.

    And using UHURU just like a wanna be.

    1. My rank of Lieutenant in the Keystone Alpha Conscripts was earned with multiple deployments during the bloody summer of 2020 guarding businesses against ANTIFA degenerate marauders here in Bath we held the line while bung hole cities like Allentown were ransacked by the woke mob. Brother Steve showed great courage with his boots on the ground providing OPSEC to those who retook the people's house. Norco needs a leader who has been in the trenches not a trough, UHURU!

    2. You consider yourself a LT because you held the line in Bath? Bath PA? Are you currently Military or Law Enforcement?

    3. I think that was sarcasm on the part of Lt Dan

  27. The four stages of COVID denial:

    1. It’s a hoax
    2. Don’t be sheep
    3. Prayers needed
    4. Visit our GoFundMe

  28. Trump Lied - Denied & Golfed so over 600,000 Americans are Dead.
    Lynch stands tall with that?

  29. Wow LT Dan is a war hero in his own mind in a war in bath PA. I guess he provide security to the dunkin donuts, ahart or seven eleven. Such a war hero. Just like his idol Lynch. Perhaps he needs to dig a fox hole and then lie in it to protect all from everyone especially from his own delusions.

  30. "I can and cannot believe someone in the Boro of Nazareth not only has yard signs for Lynch, but actually is flying a flag with Lynch's name on it. Beyond pathetic."

    I think the same thing about all political signs. That anyone would display a Biden sign, after knowing what we know about his racism, child touching, and crooked schemes with one of his two drug addict kids he raised, it blows me away. Imagine families who lost loved ones at Gracedale having to endure the pain of looking at a McClure sign, after burying their loved one(s). Political signs are ridiculous and often hurtful. I see a Lynch or McClure sign and I know the person in that house is unstable. Seriously unstable.

  31. FBI Definition Domestic terrorism:

    "Violent, criminal acts committed by individuals and/or groups to further ideological goals stemming from domestic influences."

    Lynch participated in the violent insurrection on Jan 6th. He threatened publicly elected school board officials with violence over mask policy.

    He's a Domestic Terrorist.


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