Local Government TV

Tuesday, July 27, 2021

NorCo's GOP Candidate Vlogs While Driving ... and Complaining About Another Driver

Northampton County's GOP Executive candidate, Steve Lynch, likes to hold forth quite a bit with Facebook Live videos. Although he's blocked me, I get numerous reports on an almost daily basis of the outrageous lies and disinformation spewed by this demagogue. He's even willing to hint around at violence when things don't go his way in November. I'm posting the video you see above because it makes clear that, in addition to everything else I've noted, he is an idiot. 

What you see is called a Facebok Live or a vlog, a technique used by people who prefer speaking to writing. Nothing wrong with that, but Lynch is vlogging while driving.  This is distracted driving. I believe these vlogs are contrary to current state law. More importantly, they endanger not only Lynch, but other drivers on the road. I realize he's all about freedom, but should be a bit more concerned about the safety of his fellow drivers and whomever might be unlucky enough to be in the car with him.

What I find most amazing is that Lynch, who is himself engaged in distracted driving, spends a full two minutes complaining about another driver. My guess is that he was weaving or perhaps cut this driver off, but because he was distracted by Facebook, failed to realize it.  


  1. You really need to disclose your financial donations to McClure. It is obvious you are part of his campaign team and as such in no position to report factually. You are pretending to protect the public from comments that shed the truth while you continue to attack Mr. Lynch with unfounded comments about his supposed plans. He has not once mentioned violence only you have said that.

  2. I have previously disclosed my contributions to McClure. I consider Lynch a threat to democracy.

  3. He has certainly hinted st violence. People who are peaceful do not prance around in bulletproof vests.

  4. Most people in this great country know that you left wing radicals are a much bigger threat to America than even the Chinese. Violence maybe needed to get rid of you people.

  5. no seatbelts???????????????????????

  6. Wow, thanks for the video, He has my vote.

  7. Hey bernie, I didn't know you drove a mercedes van.

  8. Kinda pales in comparison to an exec who supported the governor who issued the must admit edict that resulted in so many of our beloved elderly dying needless, horrible deaths at Gracedale, the worst elderly culling station in the state. Distracted driving is peanuts compared to concentration camp murdering, while you worry about closing sliding boards. WTF.

  9. 6:46 What would Lynch do? (WWLD) As the virus does not exist, he would have allowed admissions at Gracedale to continue unfettered. Try and tone down the over the top emotion and try and make a valid point. Thanks for playing.

    4:33 Wow

  10. This guy is really a cartoon caricature of the modern Republican voter - Sad. Definitely not saying all are like this, but the party has certainly cornered the market on these narcissistic whiney white guys who have spent 20 years listening to conservative radio in their cars.

    There have to be 12 billion You Tube videos of Trumpsters driving and ranting about the "Radical Left wHo wANt tO taKe ouR guNs!!!" and the imminent destruction of America. The only thing missing is the wrap around sunglasses. What a poser.

  11. Is there going to be a debate? I would love to see this Bonehead try to answer actual relevant questions about the position he's running for. He's clearly a moron. It says everything you need to know about the local GOP that they nominated this embarrassment.

  12. First time I heard his voice, Saw him on a video... I expected something outrageous. Thanks for posting. I won't write him off. Not yet anyway, if at all.

  13. The more that Ohare posts, the more obvious it is that Mr. Lynch is the man for the job. As #45 opined; Fuck your feelings, go with the facts.

  14. so he is on camera, breaking the seat belt laws of pa and also breaking the law of filming himself while driving, distracted driver laws) and no one has cited him yet?


    Sec.4581. Restraint systems.

    Does Pennsylvania Have Laws against Distracted Driving? Yes. In 2012, a statewide ban on texting while driving was rolled out. This makes it illegal to use any portable wireless device to send or receive text messages, emails, or other communications while operating a motor vehicle.

    It's all right here for the PA state police to file their charges against this menace to the road

  15. @4:33

    It's you and those like you, who consider violence an option, that have sane Republicans realizing Trump, Lynch, and others on the radical right are not what we want representing us.

  16. It would help if he could stay on point and finish a thought.

  17. He's batshit crazy, but isn't he sitting in the passenger seat? From that camera angle it looks like he's on the right hand side of the vehicle.

  18. @8:45 - The FACT is that Lynch has zero clue about running a LOCAL goverment, he's just parroting FOX/Right Whine taking points from a national level and is a disaster for the
    local GOP. Remember that the "Fuck Your Feelings" mantra works both ways - so do keep that in mind following another empty November.

  19. I like the wife-beater T-shirt he is wearing, so professional

  20. 10:34 --not true at all-we must take back this country by any means --if not America will be no more--you left wing radicals are destroying this once great country

  21. 10:34 your dead wrong

  22. 2:50 your myopia world isn't what the majority of Americans want. By the way, if you are going to make veiled threats, learn the difference between "your" and "you're." Try to appear minimally intelligent.

  23. 1:44/2:50

    I cannot really point to any change in my daily life today, compared to 2 years ago. State and local issues have had an impact though.

    In all seriousness, What has changed/happened in your lives that's worth fighting for?

  24. @10:22 - Great point! I keep laughing at the newest flag all the local flag enthusiasts are enjoying these days "Don't Blame Me I Voted for Trump!". Blame you for what?!? Nothing has materially changed since the election beyond non-stop empty drama around something stupid or over blown that Trump did or said.

    Give Trump credit for raking huge coin from slapping his name on piece of fabric. Some people will buy anything.

  25. I'm a republican but guys like this we don't need. Trump needs to move on as well. I liked most of his policies, but his rhetoric not so much. The republican party has a real chance to expand it's hispanic and working class support by outreach, not by running muscle head clowns like this guy who wants to fight everyone that has a different opinion than him.

  26. Steve Lynch and his followers are holding on to white supremacy and can’t grasp that this country is moving predicated by equity and the dismantling of the systemic racism that has benefited his kind for far too long.

    1. Well you better notify all the Hispanics working on his campaign. Maybe you should argue facts and not some made up bullshit.

  27. I URGE ALL MY FELLOW REPUBLICANS TO VOTE Lamont McClure for County Executive!


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