Local Government TV

Monday, July 26, 2021

Lynch's Plan B Hints at Violence When He Loses Exec Race

Steve Lynch, the Republican nominee for Northampton County Exec, is dangerous. A reader asked him "when do we start to physically take our country back cause [sic] I gotta tell ya I'm getting tired of waiting. They have no clue the beast they are awakening in true conservative Americans." Lyunch responds, "I am focusing on winning through taking back local government and then permeating liberty throughout surrounding counties. If this fails, then we will have to have a Plan B." 

I know many conservative Americans. They tend to take a dim view of sedition. 


  1. Our political leaders must be stopped-they are ruining our country.

  2. card board patriots

  3. Lynch is an anarchist. No plan. Just negativity.

  4. Did he even serve his country in the military or did he just adopt the term Patriot like the other stolen valor creeps out there?

  5. Bozos like Steve and Wolly have no clue what government is or how it works. They just like to bitch and whine about things. Their vision/version of what government should be is worse that what we already have. I look forward to their future insurrection/Plan B because whatever it is, when planned and executed by imbeciles it will be a spectacular failure, just like they are.

  6. I think we need more candidates like Lynch. Then we can finally drown the current Republican Party in the bathtub and get back to some sanity. The current party will continue to drive people to the doors.
    Maybe after this election, Lee will realize this is why we can't have nice things.

  7. Thanks for publishing his comments. I hope they receive wider attention in the local papers and other media. Whether he is angry, misguided or mentally ill, this guy is a dangerous demagogue with no discernible skills or interest in government administration. He plays to the basest fears and resentments of people and has yet to seriously address any of the important governmental issues in Northampton County. The Republican county leadership should be embarrassed and ashamed of their endorsement of his candidacy.

  8. Wow. Its quite a stretch to call this a threat for violence. By making that conclusion, you continue to show how your credibility lacks. Give your readers a break. Language like this is used by both sides, daily. Its become political speech. Repubs nor Dems hold the patent on this.

  9. Liberals, progressives, moderates or whatever you would like to call the left agenda continually try to dismantle and eliminate the traditional and conservative beliefs, values. Then when they decide to fight back and defend themselves, the "left" calls them seditionists, racists, insurrectionists and accused them of many nefarious things. I liken this to individuals tormenting a sleeping, quite dog and then blaming the dog when it finally decides to snap and bite back.

  10. Um a person who theeatens to use force when he does not win an election is guilty of sedition. Lynch certainly is throwing hints in that direction.

  11. Lynch's Plan B for when he loses is a response to the plea that his myrmidons use force to "physically" take back the country. His response leaves very little room for doubt about his intentions. I am refusing to post comments suggesting he does not really mean what he said or that I should interview a person who has blocked me.

  12. that I should interview a person who has blocked me.

    he is afraid of your interviews because he has nothing to say other than tRump talking points

  13. They need to be reported to the FBI. These people are domestic terrorists pretending to be politicians. Sadly the days of "Charlie Dent" Republicans are completely gone. They've been replaced by Jan 6th, Trumper nut jobs.

  14. Thoughts and ideas should be deemed illegal, until vetted, approved, and determined legal. This is America, dammit. Every word and idea is fire and we're all in a crowded theater.

  15. @10:26 "Liberals, progressives, moderates or whatever you would like to call the left agenda continually try to dismantle and eliminate the traditional and conservative beliefs, values."

    Those traditions and values you cite are being politically challenged because they no longer fit modern times and society, whether you like it or not. Republicans have been losing major elections since 2016, their message and platform no longer speaks to a majority of Americans.

    "Then when they decide to fight back and defend themselves, the "left" calls them seditionists, racists, insurrectionists and accused them of many nefarious things.

    There's a major difference in what you term "fighting back". Persuasively arguing a differing opinion is one thing, physically intruding and disrupting government proceedings IS seditious and/or insurrection.

    "I liken this to individuals tormenting a sleeping, quite dog and then blaming the dog when it finally decides to snap and bite back."

    Dogs that bite get put down.

  16. Anyone who thinks advocating the overthrow of our legitimate government is protected speech may very well be right, but I have the right to draw everyone’s attention to it.

  17. As Bill Burr said...categorize the internet as fiction and non-fiction like a library... too funny.

  18. There are many conservative republicans who believe,as above states,we can no longer speak without being called something! Most conservative republicans do not want violence and condemn it. I agree that if we speak out about our conservative beliefs we are now condemned. That's not what this country was built on. I fly a flag but many now think that means I'm racist. Don't you see what's happening to our country? I don't want to see what happened in January ever again. I wish everyone would realize it wasn't 70million people who voted republican that did this. It was a few. Most were peaceful. I'm not excusing it but don't think everyone that doesn't agree with the far left agenda is a potential threat and violent!

  19. Pelosi is wondering why the capitol building was attacked--she is so stupid--the political leaders in this country is hated by the majority of the people and rightfully so. There will be more attacks on these people.

  20. I see. Is this Plan B? Attacks on the Speaker of the House? And let me get this straight. You are suggesting that the political leaders od this country are rightfully hated. Is that a justification for violence? Sedition?

  21. @4:52 - That you (or anyone else for that matter) identifies themselves as a "Conservative Republican" or "Liberal Democrat" and are passionate in their beliefs is why this country has the political problems that it does. Sadly its become team sport, and certain powers have become very adept at communicating and signaling to their respective teams that the other side isn't American and is out to destroy our country. None of it is true. Fly your American flag with pride - it represents our country which includes all of us.

    Flying a flag with some guys name on it, the Confederate flag, a Nazi flag and a few others just simply advertises what team you're on.

    1. I don't disagree. Point taken. We are all Americans.

  22. @7:53 - What is the difference between Pelosi and McCarthy? AOC and MTG? Schumer and McConnell? Trump/Biden? They're all political leaders. Or do you only hate one teams leaders?

  23. 4:52 I agree with you except for one point. I will go out on a limb and gander that a whole bunch of those 70 million are not "conservatives" or even Republicans. The conservative party I associate with looks nothing like the professions wrestling knock off of so called Trump republicans.
    The current R's are no longer the adults in the room, just loudmouth brats, much like the far left you mention. Unfortunately, they are more alike than they would like to admit. Each like a wet fart, 90% fragrance and 10% substance.

  24. @7:52 - the problem is, far too many people are willing to overlook the tantrums and behavior of their farthest extremes and will vote and reward "their party" anyway. We need more Manchins, Romneys, Cheneys and Kinzingers who put country over party to step up further and encourage their colleagues to shun the bozos and idiots in their caucuses.

    The more they ignore the behavior of "The Squad" or Matt Gaetz, etc., the more it becomes acceptable to the others.

  25. Some of the problem is that people are trying to be nicer and gentler. Take the word gaslighting often used today. The old way of putting it is that they are trying to con someone or even harsher is that they are a lying sack of crap.

    Think of the politicians that say they are going to do some and encourages idiots to give them money, then they do not use any of it for that or they only utilize a very small portion on the advertised purpose. Historically that is a con artist or a thief. but today it is just a politician.

    This of people that tell untruths and blatantly lie. Historically people would try to avoid, and would shun or ignore them. Today however you have the weak of mind who grab on to them as cult like idols. In reality they are just politicians.

    Think of people who take from the system through unauthorized means and pad their pockets with ill gotten gains. Historically they were embezzlers but today it is just a politician.

    Think of people who use their closed door knowledge to buy and sell stock well before the rest of use to make lots of money. Historically they were insider traders however they wrote the laws so they can legally do that without recourse. These people are now politicians.

    Think of people who can delete emails, hide reports, alter reports, ignore facts, and broadcast falsehoods. Normally these people would have been ignored in society but today they are politicians.

    Anyone noticing a trend?????


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