Local Government TV

Wednesday, July 07, 2021

MDJ Candidate Amy Zanelli Kicked Out of Fountain Hill Pool

The first time I saw Amy Zanelli was at a Hanover Tp (Northampton County) Supervisors' meeting in 2015. Though Hanover Tp was once known as Chickentown, it imposed a backyard chicken ban in 2011. Zanelli, who had a chicken coop with four hens, wanted that policy changed. While the CDC has just issued a warning about a salmonella outbreak linked to backyard chickens, they are nevertheless increasingly popular in suburban and even urban environments. I found no fault with Zanelli's poultry pitch, but something else bothered me. At the time, she was employed by Northampton County Children and Youth. She flashed her badge at Supervisors, which was entirely inappropriate. It was a portent of things to come.

Fast forward two years, and she's no longer a resident of Hanover Tp. She's no longer a Children and Youth caseworker. Now she's a realtor living in West Bethlehem, and is running for Lehigh County Comm'r. 

I learned then and told you Zanelli had been employed as an intake worker in Somerset County, but was terminated in 2012 because she refused to return to work after receiving a number of leaves of absence under the Family and Medical Leave Act. She left the most vulnerable element of our society, our children, go without protection. Though she refused to work, she dropped in on her office one day to deliver Avon products to co-workers. 

Zanelli appealed her termination and lost.

She told me she was a victim of discrimination.

Zanelli then worked in Northampton County Children and Youth as a caseworker between  March and October 2015. She was terminated there as well, and during her probationary period.

She told me this was because her hours had been expanded beyond the time she had agreed to give. 

Zanelli was quite upset with me for telling you she had been fired twice. She banned me from her Facebook page, which happens to me quite. She claimed my report was nothing but "false allegations" and "fake news." She noted The Morning Call declined to publish a story, as though that somehow makes her truthful.  

Voters apparently believed her. They elected her. 

According to Zanelli herself, she could remain a Lehigh County Commissioner for the next 30 years if she wanted. But after a May 1 Facebook post in which she supported looting as an appropriate response to slavery, she decided to bring her special brand of justice to the people of West Bethlehem and Fountain Hill. 

On the campaign trail, Zanelli has held erself out as some sort of super child abuse investigator from Jersey.  She has told people this past will give her some sort of edge as a magisterial district judge. She told a fawning reporter that she was forced to move here because she was a target in Jersey. But guess what? She's a liar. My report about her was right. She really was fired. Twice.

You see, Zanelli is currently involved in a rather protracted custody dispute with her ex-husband. She's already gone through several lawyers, and is currently is represented by David Harrington. He just happens to be both a fellow Lehigh County Commissioner and a member of LV4All's Exec Committee. 

In her Pretrial Memorandum (filed 9/22/16 at 2014-3733), Zanelli's attorney makes the following admission: "Mother was employed long term in New Jersey as a social worker. The Mother was a union member. The Mother was terminated from her employment in 2012 and as a result of the termination the Mother filed a grievance. The Mother recently received an Order with supporting Opinion denying her claim."

In another Opinion and Order of the Court signed by President Judge Michael Koury, Jr. on 8/23/17,  he notes that Zanelli was employed after she separated from her husband, but was "terminated from the position." This refers to her job at Northampton County.  

So contrary to Zanelli's "fake news" assertions (where have I heard that before?), she was terminated twice as a social worker for children, both in Jersey and NorCo. 

This is how Judge Koury assessed Zanelli's demeanor: "Mother testified at length during the parties' custody trial. ... Mother's demeanor varied from happy to openly hostile. ... Mother repeatedly referred to the custody trial as a 'circus.' ... Mother accused opposing counsel of  'play[ing] semantics and stated that her questioning was 'crap.'"

She obviously lacks the temperament necessary to be a magisterial district judge. 

But if you have any doubts, take a gander at this incident report from a week ago today, when Zanelli was kicked out of Fountain Hill Pool. She was ejected by the pool manager for repeatedly intervening as the manager was attempting to deal with some unruly teenagers. 


  1. Another Lehigh valley For All Candidate?

  2. She was trespassed. At least she had the sense to leave.

  3. She will still get elected like many of the others.

  4. The primary election voters spoke but her party elected a candidate with no judicial experience compared to an officer of the law with decades of knowledge. Doesn't make sense. She may be qualified for another elected office, but district magistrate? How many defense lawyers are ordering more business cards.

  5. If residing in West Bethlehem, one can only wonder why someone of such stature would not partake in the shenanigans at the new Memorial pool? Fountain Hill pool is not located in West Bethlehem.

  6. Sounds like Amy was being a bit of a Karen that day.

  7. Okay…West Bethlehem and Fountain Hill you have a choice to make. Do you want to elect a petulant child, who habitually exhibits poor judgment, no work ethic, and instability? Several things are quite troubling. First, let’s ask the question that needs to be asked…why did Northampton County Children and Youth hire someone who was fired from similar work in another jurisdiction?

    The Morning Call has given her a pass (that seems to happen…can we say Cee-Cee?) once. Based on your posts and this police report I think mainstream media coverage is warranted. After all, corroboration doesn’t get any better than court documents and police reports. These are gifts to a reporter that should intrigue enough to spawn some journalistic endeavors.

    And, you have to wonder…Gerlach? Zanelli? Can we not attract better people to protect children and youth? Then they aspire to other positions of trust – mayor and magisterial district justice. Just keep in mind, Zanelli’s job is one that, while it is elected every six years, unless you screw up royally it can last a lifetime. Unless, of course, you get restless and move on. Both seem to be possibilities given Zanelli’s history.

    Clearly she has problems with authority (e.g., acting out in Judge Koury’s court, inserting herself in a situation being handled by an adult in charge, threatening to file a complaint, etc.). And, for someone who touts just how judicial she will be, based on the report, she quickly (over)reacted to and weighed in.

    Once again, we are seeing a number of issues that justify mainstream media to take a closer look – the Harringtons (Tom, Kathy, and Dave), Lehigh Valley for All, Valley Youth House, contractual agreements, and conflicts of interest, and, most importantly as we move to an election, the fitness of Amy Zanelli to serve in a position requiring integrity and good judgment. But, in the end, it is incumbent for voters to dig on their own, find out what they can, and make a decision based on that. Clearly, Zanelli is not the person for this position.

  8. It is an unfortunate fact that the math on the combination of Democratic and Republican voters combined for these two candidates heavily favors the disastrous candidate, Zanelli... I believe to the tune of 800 votes. These are the facts and they are undisputed. If I was candidate Scott I would get this information to the super voters and not rely on word of mouth from your well researched and informative blog that only goes to your readers.

  9. Another running for elected office that is off the chart in the world of chicken's in your backyard. she she run for supervisor in Upper Mount where crazy is the norm..... Santa as the incompetent Twp. Manager and John (the twisted bible fake circus master) as ring leader.... you cant make this stuff up.... Ever read the book "The Animal Farm"....lol

  10. This illustrates the big problem with politics today. Too many people are running for ego, rather than to serve the public. No politician should put their own interests firsts, rather they should think of the needs and wants of the constituency. The voter is to blame, too, because too many just vote without knowing a candidate’s position or character. A liar has no place as a MDJ where she will sit in judgment of others.

  11. Hmmmm.... I know of a NorCo Councilwoman, Tara (Perjurer) Zrinski, who 1) told a judge she never said anything (subject of perjury), then 2) told the judge that he misunderstood her and then ultimately 3) stated, "well my attorney told me to say this".

    Sounds like these two sustain they are legends in their own minds. It is a shame on how the public continues to fall for these individuals who clearly demonstrate a lack of integrity. This is speak to the slick, cunning and charming ways of said females or it speaks to the lack of concern of the general public, OR BOTH!!!!!.

    This is a demonstration of how America as a whole has become lazy and entitled. It is truly sad that sad the "Equal justice under the law" fails to be maintained for everyone. Integrity has been lost and has walked out of our government the day teh government told GOD to leave the buildings.

  12. Look at Judge Koury's comments. He is saying in a professional way that this woman has mental health problems. Mood swings, inability to stay gainfully employed, and poor impulse control are all signs of a mental health issue. If she gets elected DJ that courtroom will be circus.

    1. 11:54- Exactly. Anyone remember Maryesther S Merlot? I do. She was a monster prior to being elected to the bench.

      "The best predictor of future behavior is to look at past behavior".

  13. The right hand makes claims of not knowing what the lefts criminal endeavors when fact is the right is ordering the left from between the shoulders?

  14. Our politcal systems breeds these people--
    look at the people in office--look what they did to the U S ON ALL LEVELS

  15. Who is Zanelli kidding here? Look at her whole character. She has Gods gift to women syndrome. She also has oppositional defiant deficit disorder! She refuses to listen to the authorities and believes it’s her way or no way. How can West Bethlehem and Fountain Hill actually vote a person like this on a Judge’s Bench ?
    Have we all lost our mind ? Voting Zanelli in would be a very dangerous move. Giving judicial power to this crack pot would be suicide to the average middle class working man & woman. We have a choice that is a no brainer. Zanelli cannot be trusted she will be loyal to a certain few and a train wreck to the others. Put it this way, if Zanelli wouldn’t have the backing of Lehigh Valley for All/Some, Zanelli wouldn’t have a pot to piss in !

  16. Why would someone of such self proclaimed importance be at the public pool? Thought she would be sipping Singapore Slings on the travertine deck of her palatial estate. Certainly not associating with the peasants.

    She will get elected and it will be non stop entertainment at the expense of the rule of law. Just wait till someone comes before her that reminds her of her ex. Yikes!

  17. Lehigh Valley for (Some) is a mess. First they denounced Ce Ce after the charges were filed, then they apologized for denouncing her. Now they have another endorsed nut job. These groups are extremely dangerous with the other nut jobs that listen to them.

  18. @ 3:59pm, she lives directly across the street from the pool.

    1. Is that property ownership under a private entity?

  19. @10:45 Pressure needs to be placed on the editorial staff at the Morning Call. This has the hallmarks of a great investigative piece with many implications. And, it has the ability to stop the election of someone who has no business being elected to any position of responsibility. The Morning Call can look for some redemption...put on your big boy pants and do some real journalism.

  20. The problem in a lot of society today is that there are no repercussions for making false claims, slandering others, out right lying, cheatings, and so many other things Heck blatant thievery, bad deals, and planned extortion are all common place in so many areas that involve money adn get even worse as money gets bigger. local political level, state levels, and federal levels a escalate the ineptness and failure levels of many of those who perceive they have power but are actually being manipulated for others profits. Heck it has even seeped into religion and all the protection various religions have extolled upon theirs. Until people stop being politically correct, turning the other cheek, or accepting of f-ups failure and fools in positions of powered and their excuses for why they are above the law and common decency we will only continue to spiral down the path we are headed. Look at how many politicians in the local area and governmental official really have no experience or background to be in the position they are. I don't have the where withal to do it but it might be an interesting thing to really do a background bio on them. Check out education business success, criminal accusations, and see how they really stack up. I bet it would be scary.

    I heard a story of a regional politician who got pulled over for his 3rd DUI but was friends with an economic guy who leverage a rezoning a police chief and judge wanted for
    development group the privately profited from wanted and in turn wiped the 3 DUI and the previous records while the other each inurn greased the skids to allow the others activities to occur. each profiting substantially beyond what their means should have been if they were not all skum. And the scariest part is all of them have been further elevated since this incident a few years back.

  21. Thanks, we all need to know more about these candidates.

  22. There are wack jobs all over the place. LC has Amy and NV has Tara. Unfortunately it's spreading into the Townships and Boroughs like COVID. We're all doomed.

  23. 9:45 has a point. Without local media we are at the mercy of slick consultants and politicians. What is real and who is not. Bernie has shown the light on some but he can't know everything. We have Zanelli who is whack being a judge, a judge! CeCE who dumped a kid in tent city on Allentown city council, Harrington on Lehigh County voting millions to his fathers job place. And in the East you have Zirinski who lied to a court of law and almost ruined Bethlehem Twp. officials with false pipeline statements, Vargp Hefner getting into it with a constable and the police in L. Saucon, Ferraro not bothering to show up for a elected position she ran for and won. As well as an insurrectionist who was at the Jan6 riot in Washington DC. running for county Executive. They will all get elected.

    Is their a program to read as to what the Hell is going on and what is all this crazy happening? What is true and what is not? Are these all facts or rumors? Without local press coverage it is just out there.

  24. Sadly this nut job will be elected MDJ and the fun, games and many complaints will start. Once she finds out you can make close to 100k with full benefits and barely work and start blowing off your cases...well. DA Martin had better keep a tight notebook because she may even be worse the MDJ Merlo who was removed. This ride is gonna be fun Bernie, get your popcorn ready!

  25. Thanks AZ - you contributed nothing to the pool situation except a phenomenal waste of 32 minutes of police officers’ valuable time. Seems like she is good at wasting lots of time for public officials - a category of people of which she should not be a part.

    1. What would you expect from someone who has a 'crazee house' (painted) sign out in the front yard

  26. Well, some people are good at self-promotion and manage to bamboozle those who are inherently stupid, gullible, and/or have ulterior, self-serving motives. Based on Zanelli's own words...I'm pretty, I'm intelligent, I could stay on as a commissioner for 30 years...she is masterful at self-promotion. And, we know those who have been bamboozled...Lehigh Valley for All, et.al., not to mention the career politicians who endorsed her. Did any of them take the time to really look at the other candidate, Van Scott, when considering their endorsement? No. They were bamboozled and jumped on the Zanelli snake-oil bandwagon. Now, it's time for mainstream media to reveal her for the fraud she is and voters to show they are smarter, not gullible, and sincerely care for integrity.

  27. At 1132pm: All information you have regarding Zrinski is true and accurate. I have first hand knowledge of it all.

  28. Wow!! What is with these people?

  29. At least Zanelli is only running for one job. Zirinski is running for county council while admitting she is already ruining for state representative next year. It is one thing for a sitting official to run for another office but if you already know you want to leave for another office why would you run?
    If she wins this Fall and wins next year she will cost the taxpayers money in a special election. She has told people she can serve on both positions. Believe that is against the law.

    I have been told her ego is though the roof but that is just irresponsible and wrong. How she can be the leader of the democrat slate is hard to understand. Tien for people to wake up and get to know your candidates.

    Zirinski is flat our nuts and an egomanicac.

  30. Seems like these two, A.Z. and T.Z. are cut from the same cloth.

  31. I've been as vocal a critic of Zrinski as there is, and I take responsibility for what I write. But I think her defeat in the State Rep race may have matured her. I notice she is more subdued now at Council meetings. Her questions have been more salient. Also, when a group of seniors complained recently about conditions where they live, she visited them in person, took pictures and brought up their concerns at Council. I must say I was impressed. She was responsive to people who are unable to giver her campaign $. So I am currently re-evaluatng her. Regardless of what you or I think, she is going to win. It is one of five seats and she has a following.

  32. Bernie:

    If she is altering her behavior in that fashion, please note that she has learned of how she is able to find a new way to get what she wants and still be a disaster and destruction to the county and to the state. Sociopaths will learn how to alter their game while taking advantage and self-promotion remains their target.

    Her pleasantries is her lure. Don't be fooled.

  33. I love how the same fools trying to slander her don't have the balls to not be 'anonymous.'

    This whole thread is obviously one guy who has his panties in a bunch because a highly intelligent and capable woman is about to take a position she has earned and deserves.

    I'm not afraid to put my name her...I have nothing to prove or hide.

    Try using all of the energy you use to slander your opponent and focus on what you're actually doing for the community.



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