Local Government TV

Monday, July 12, 2021

I Was Evicted!

You may have heard there's a moratorium on evictions, but I've been tossed. Oh, I still have my apartment. I've been evicted from a community garden I rented from Northampton County at Louise Moore Park. 

I picked it up in early Spring for $25 with very good intentions. I planted stuff and watered every day for about two weeks. But I began to neglect it. That's a no no.

Apparently, the fine print in my lease requires me to maintain my plat. This admittedly is something I failed to do. Other gardeners complained. I tried to tell the parks dude that I love to eat weeds. I even tried to tell him it was hemp.  He was unmoved by my lies.

So I'm out. I do apologize to the real gardeners who are doing amazing things there.   


  1. You have been biking and walking too much Bernie. If you return to being a sedate slug, they may accept you back into the Garden of Eden.

  2. At least you had the decency to go quietly when you know you're wrong. Its a behavior to be lauded these days.

  3. bout time. Now Nazareth is next!

  4. I started growing pot when stuck at home with liquor stores closed during the panic. It's remarkably easy and very fulfilling. The online resources are seemingly endless. And my stuff is pretty good! Never gardened in my life before this. I officially have the bug. The Earth is bountiful for those who sow and tend.

  5. Ha! Several years ago, I inherited an abandoned garden at LM and worked off my fanny trying to rid the plot of all the weeds. My hard work was rewarded with more produce my family, neighbors, and I could enjoy. Gardened there for a few years, but now have a little area at home (that the critters love).

  6. Bernie was probably growing maryjane too under cover of all the weeds. Now he may be on the big pharma watch list for trying to cut in on there annual income from gods plants.

  7. I guess it's too late to have someone take it over. Are these plots designed to help feed needy people?

  8. The gardens are available on a first come first served basis to those who have $25. Gardeners from previous years have priority. I believe food banks will pick up produce left there but am unsure. I also believe my play will go to there.

  9. You may be blacklisted now Bernie - they may want $50 or $100 to let you darken their trellis again.

  10. Your garden would have grown the biggest vegetables of any garden out there. With all the manure you spread around about how great you are with your athletic abilities, you should have spread some of that crap around your garden and you would grown onions the size of watermelons. Love your blog Barnie.
    Hokie Joe


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