Local Government TV

Friday, March 19, 2021

NorCo To Receive $60,710,00 in Covid Relief

Executive Lamont McClure told Northampton County Council that the county is getting $60,710,000 in Covid relief money, thanks to the bill recently passed in Congress and signed by President Joe Biden on Monday. I will outline his comments on Monday. He does plan to reinstate the very popular small business grant program and is looking to provide more relief to nonprofits. . 


  1. Feeding frenzy for Lamont donors. Lamont just got a huge warchest injection. This is like the Woke family winning the bonus round on Family Feud.

  2. That's a whole lotta clams we're borrowing from ourselves. No such thing as a free lunch you say?

  3. 6:40: You're right. And just to make sure, when Gracedale had extra vaccines, instead of giving them to essential county workers who have been working in person since the start of the pandemic, he handed them out to his political buddies and campaign donors. Just one more giant slap in the face to Northampton County employees from this administration.

    1. And gracedale gave to high level union staff who never came to the nursing home. Young union reps before the elderly in the county

  4. I suspect the comment from 9:20 is a bald-faced lie.

  5. Just checked and it is a bald-faced lie. In an effort to encourage employees to get the vaccine, two union officials from AFSCME who work directly with Gracedale volunteered to get the vaccine to provide an example. No political buddies. No campaign donors. McClure himself is still ineligible.,

  6. The vaccine was given to two union officials in an effort to persuade reluctant AFSCME members to get the vaccine as well. It was not given to political buddies or campaign donors, as you dishonestly asserted earlier.


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