Local Government TV

Friday, March 19, 2021

NorCo Exec Candidate Claims Covid Was Created so Government Can Force Vaccinations

Northampton County GOP Executive candidate Steve Lynch may be nuttier than I thought, and that's pretty amazing. On his Facebook page he is claiming that the virus causing Covid-19 "was created to implement forced inoculations." Oh yeah, they alter your DNA, too. 


Moderna and other mRNA vaccines will have no effect on a recipient's DNA

His claim that the virus was created so the government can force you to submit to DNA-altering vaccines is just another of numerous conspiracy theories that appear to be more contagious than the virus itself.

Lynch's statement is irresponsible and he should withdraw from the race. People who believe his nonsense could die. 


  1. and let's not forget he was Lisa Scheller's campaign field manager. Doesn't show good judgment on her part. One more reason NOT to vote for her.

  2. Maybe , to the candidate mRNA is confusing “set of intrusions to make proteins “ as changing DNA.

  3. What a nut. One side has these nuts and the other side has us still wearing two masks after being sick or getting vaccinated. Somewhere between "it's a hoax" and "we need to shut down swings and sliding boards," our leaders completely lost their minds. We already have enough conspiracy crazies from both sides pretending to lead us. This is not the time to double down on the lunatic fringe. But that's all that seems to be running anymore. It's a shame because the only issue that should matter is a verdict on deadly Gracedale and the administration that made it that way. Doesn't look like McClure will ever have to answer for it and he'll walk off smiling after all those horrible elderly deaths he said nothing about. We deserve those deaths and leaders like our executive and council. Elections have consequences; sometimes deadly.

  4. Everyone should do some research on these vaccines before they take them, while they may be safe and effective, no one knows the long term effects of these EXPERIMENTAL drugs. While it may make little difference for 70 year old citizens. Parents should be especially wary of having their children vaccinated with certain new vaccines. There will be a large selection of choice in time and they should make a informed choice.

  5. and this is the best that the Republican could come up with to represent them ?

  6. Considering all the election fraud it wouldn't surprise me anything is possible. I mean there are people out there who really think Joe Biden won the Presidency. Lol

  7. A good friend of mine is a Republican who questioned the validity of a recent NPR poll stating that Trump supporters are reluctant to get the vaccine. All the Rs he knows (as well as Trump) support the vaccine. Indeed, Trump deserves credit for accelerating the vaccine development. His Operation Warp Speed is the reason we have three separate vaccines. Joe Biden missed an opportunity to give Trump this credit in a recent speech, which he should have done if he wants to bring us together

    I sent my friend this Facebook rant from Lynch. He responded by saying, "Lynch is a nut job."

    I agree. His uninformed attempt to dissuade people from getting the vaccine could very easily kill someone. He wants Wolf and Levine brought up on mass murder charges, but his anti-vaccine exhortations are going to hurt people who believe his nonsense.

    He should withdraw.

  8. Bernie, do you think school age kids should get the vaccine? I'm all for the vaccine for people who are at risk and/or elderly, but we have no idea what will happen to young people 5,10,or 20 years from now after taking this vaccine. The pharma companies were able to defer liability and they have no long term side effects research on these shots.
    Seems silly for my kids to take this vaccine when they were around me when I had the virus for 2 weeks in quarantine, and didnt get sick. People like Steve Lynch may be off the rails on certain topics but he will also do whatever he can in his power to make sure no school in Northampton County will make vaccines mandatory for students. I think that is extremely important, dont you?

    1. Way before Covid, back when the Steve Lynch's of the world were falsely claiming all sorts of nonsense about vaccines, my children's pediatrician's office ( one of the largest in the Lehigh Valley) posted a sign saying, "We require your child to be vaccinated. If you refuse to have your child vaccinated, you need to find another Doctor's office". I asked one of the doctors why the sign was posted. She exasperatedly replied, "We're just so tired of trying to dispell lies about vaccines. We're not arguing with parents anymore".

      My kids have their yearly check up around Easter break. I know the sign is still there. I'm curious to know if their position has changed regarding this vaccine. I intend to take their advice.

      My doctor advised me to get the vaccine and I had my second shot last week.

  9. Check out the brains on Lee! way to go young lady. I guess Lynch is her ideal of the "new republican" I agree with 6:38, where do sane people look for leadership these days? If this is the best we can do the republicans under Lee don't stand a farts chance in a whirlwind.

    7:13 I hope your research is having an honest discussion with your doctor or other qualified health care professional. If not you can always find something on the internet to justify your suspicions. But if you don't want to get the vaccine don't complain about any of the restrictions we currently enjoy.

    BO: Pfizer was not part of Operation Warp Speed in the sense they didn't take federal dollars for the development of the vaccine. They did agree to supply the federal government with 100 million doses ONCE it was approved. This was their incentive to forge ahead. They rolled the dice with their vaccine knowing that federal dollars development dollars come with strings attached. Pfizer didn't want to be sidelined by red tape and egos in Washington. They had a promising vaccine in the pipeline at the conception of OWS. Albert Bourla was not shy about letting it be known, federal dollars were not part of the development. I know it may be viewed as splitting hairs but as most anything in life, its complicated.
    FDA has a process for vaccine development and approval and the companies didn't deviate from that process.

  10. "Bernie, do you think school age kids should get the vaccine? I'm all for the vaccine for people who are at risk and/or elderly, but we have no idea what will happen to young people 5,10,or 20 years from now after taking this vaccine. The pharma companies were able to defer liability and they have no long term side effects research on these shots.
    Seems silly for my kids to take this vaccine when they were around me when I had the virus for 2 weeks in quarantine, and didnt get sick. People like Steve Lynch may be off the rails on certain topics but he will also do whatever he can in his power to make sure no school in Northampton County will make vaccines mandatory for students. I think that is extremely important, dont you?"

    Lynch is off the rails, and on this exact topic. Do your research. Children are not getting the vaccine, and will not be getting it until medical professionals, not me or you, think they are safe. You are creating a scenario that does not even exist. Also, there is no way a vaccine can be mandatory when it is only approved for emergency use. https://apnews.com/article/when-can-kids-get-covid-vaccine-8d3fae2d18853c2b0ee0f640b8a09d58

  11. Steve Lynch is a train wreck! He's gonna take the whole party down with him!

  12. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Considering all the election fraud it wouldn't surprise me anything is possible. I mean there are people out there who really think Joe Biden won the Presidency. Lol

    March 19, 2021 at 8:03 AM

    What a numbnuts. We're laughing at YOU, kid!

  13. I don't think Rs are hesitant to get shots. I'd guess that problem leans more left. Our local NAACP person got her shots, but warned of Tuskegee and polls show blacks are particularly hesitant. That's not surprising, as many Democrats running for election last year warned not to trust a "Trump" vaccine. Biden has been vaccinated and still wears two masks; same with Fauci. Their continued mask use indicates that they must not believe vaccines are effective and can be trusted. We hear politicians words like white noise. Their actions are far more instructive. They got shots and are still wearing masks. I've suspected masks were useless. Now, our leaders are showing us the vaccines are, too. Who are the idiots; Biden and Fauci - or people lining up to get a shot that Biden and Fauci clearly don't trust?

  14. and this is the best that the Republican could come up with to represent them?

    Unfortunately, yes. What sane Republican wants to spend a year campaigning, trying to raise money to compete against Lamont's political patronage cash machine for a job only pays 85K? Historically it's been a political dead end.

    he should withdraw from the race.

    Agreed, but after the primary. If General Lee Snover was smart, she would then reassess the battlefield and redeploy John Karchner to this race and abandon the unwinnable Bethlehem skirmish.

  15. He demonstrates a poor understanding of the issues and tends to side only with what agrees with his personal philosophy, whether fact based and accurate or not.

  16. 9:10 AM

    "I know it may be viewed as splitting hairs...)

    No shit.


  17. Considering Fauci has laid out a plan for vaccinating school aged kids including as young as 6 mnonths old, and the propaganda pushing the absolute necessity for us to get vaccinated to return to normal....i fully anticipate this being pushed hard on kids. I'll vote for anyone who values of our freedom to choose whats best for ourselves and our kids.

  18. In other words, you are as nutty as Lynch.

  19. Maybe the FCC should start looking at these social media platforms with the rules they use for TV and radio broadcasting false information.

  20. 12:52 Thought provoking point. Thanks for simplifying the issue. Upstream vs. downstream? thoughts?

    -Awaiting Wisdom

  21. Some choice for county exec. Either a wacky Qanon or an arrogant authoritarian. Way to go county.

  22. I'm a conservative Republican... it's embarrassing this loon is the nominee in NORCO. If this guy is the face of the Republican party moving forward we're destined to smaller and smaller vote shares moving forward. This is bad for conservatism. A total train wreck. This guy is a caricature. This new Trumpian populist Republican Party is destined to be a niche thing in rural areas. We are losing (already lost?) the suburbs. Kiss places that swing Lehigh Valley races (Upper/Lower Mac, etc.) goodbye.

    I also generally agree with @6:38. This comment is not saying the other side is any better. It's not. They are equally nuts. Why does this happen? Closed primaries where taxpayers fund private party functions where wingnut activists from each party choose wackier and wackier nominees leading the rest of us with zero good choices. Where DO sane people look for leadership these days?

    Also good point by someone above about the mixed messages from the left ... "Get the vaccine, but still wear TWO masks and prepare to hunker down for another 2 years!". Absolute utter nonsense.

    Other question posed, what sane Republican wants to raise 85k and spend a year campaigning in what may be a lost cause? Well Glenn Eckart over in Lehigh. He's got a tough hill to climb but he is 100% doing this for the right reasons and has genuine and valid concerns about the Armstrong (actuality Hozza) administration. Unlike the Trump parroting nationalist/populist in Norco he's going to actually talk about LOCAL issues that matter to county voters. Has Steve Lynch talked intelligently about a single county issue yet? Is he even capable of doing so? Glenn will and that's step one. Tough for Glenn to win he's gotta throw a Hail Mary, but he's giving us a valid choice and moving forward discourse on actual county issues. I applaud him for that.

  23. Bernie, TRUMP deserves no credit at all for anything except for helping the 1% and corporations pay no taxes. Excuse me TRUMP deserves credit for 500,000 American deaths. Remember the China flu will go away by itself, or let’s use bleach, or how about the 30.5K lies he spread over his presidency.

    The other side cares for humanity and democracy. The Republicans and the Republican Party are gone, they will be decimated in the near future as they deserve.

    Finally, it’s about the variants, they are around and all you need to do is wear a mask and get vaccinated.

  24. He didn't mention the insertion of micro tracking devices with every injection? Everyone knows the vaccine doesn't change DNA. It's the aliens that find you through the tracking devices and transport you to their mother ship through beams disquised as lightning bolts during thunderstorms. It's on the internet and many people told me, so it must be true. I was going to vote for him, but with this new information I'm thinking he isn't a real QAnon believer.

  25. What a FRUIT CAKE

  26. Is this kook a graduate of the MezzaCrazy school of nut case

  27. Corrections are on the way. Trump not responsible for 500,000 deaths and the the leftest don’t sleep. . We’re in for it . Some people won’t know the difference because they don’t pay taxes or go anywhere. Their complacency in life ends at the stoop on front door. Get ready if you pay taxes,. It’s coming,you asked for it , your commuting costs are up enough that now your vacation might be in jeopardy,you voted for this! Meanwhile I’m here ii. Easton,my real estate that is “entry legal college hill “ is souring . I want to go away , taxes done and we’re heathy ,but I have friends in hospital s that need help at their homes , so we’re here . Get ready , inflation shortly 4 bucks a gallon and 1 loaf of Italian bread at giant. Well you asked for it .

  28. Anon 7:59, you smoking tat NJ weed! Seriously, what are you talking about. Trump lied and 500.000 died. people voted for competency and honesty not lies and golf. Turn off the TV and read a book.

  29. "... all you need to do is wear a mask ..."

    These religious zealots can be brought to science and math, but you can't make them any smarter than they are. Amid 75% - 90% mask compliance, we saw positive test rates skyrocket from 1% to 22% in just three weeks. These are the same douchebags who think we need to continue wearing masks, even after being vaccinated. Our generations-long failure to teach math and science is making lefty mask cultists look mentally retarded. Roping off sliding boards and swing sets (and prosecuting violators) should save us if the case count starts to rise again, right?

  30. @7:59 - not totally sure what your point is - you're kinda all over the place with that rant. We ARE very much at risk for inflation, but that ultimately isn't Biden or Trump's credit for what would cause it - so there is no point in playing a political blame game for one's favorite team.

    We should see a big economic bounce over the next 12 months - the concern is that the pent up demand for dining out, leisure activities and travel, etc., will create a spike in prices (economic laws of supply/demand). To counter that, the Fed will have to play chicken on when to raise interest rates to make sure things don't over heat, so if you're considering buying a home, a refi, or home equity line of credit, take advantage of the absurdly low rates that are currently out there.

  31. @7:04 - please cite where and when your skyrocketing stats are coming from. Anyone can bend stats to suit a narrative. Masks help, thats a simple fact. Also a fact is that some people are delicate flowers who can't handle being inconvenienced and whine and moan about their freedoms being trampled.

  32. 7:04 Don't be bashful, just tell us how you really feel.

    I asked my buddy who's a surgeon about masks. Turns out he only wears one because it makes him look cool. What a loser . . .

  33. "I asked my buddy who's a surgeon about masks."

    Perfect analogy. One never knows when one might encounter an open body cavity in a grocery store or restaurant.

  34. 5:28 I'll go out on a limb and assume we're not frequenting the same establishments. What kind of pedestrian life are you living?


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