Local Government TV

Thursday, January 14, 2021

Trump Impeachment Most BiPartisan in US History

Ten Republican members of the House voted to impeach Donald Trump yesterday. Given that there are 211 Republicans, that's less than 5%. But it is still the most bipartisan impeachment of a U.S. President in history. 


  1. "Most bipartisan" is as funny as "mostly peaceful."

  2. Like it or not, this is the most bipartisan impeachment ever of a US President.

  3. You're entitled to your own opinion, but not your own facts.
    We as Republicans better get on board with saving our party from this cancer. Else we be left with the Marjorie Taylor Greene.

  4. Couldn't have happened to a nicer tyrant.

  5. Trump promised he'd be remembered in the history books.
    Promise made. Promise kept

  6. Never again.... white "christian" nationalism must be stopped at all fronts.

    20 years ago, this is the same party that gave us all lessons about how muslims were being radicalized and they could all potentially be a threat.

    Fast forward and they are all radicalized under white nationalism and calling themselves patriots.

    Mad dogs...

  7. It is not a question of wishing for a civil war -- go to Washington DC and take a look around

  8. Voter turnout for Biden was historic and it is a shame that he will not be able to receive record crowds for his inauguration. A vote recount would have only confirmed his victory and consolidated his support but that doesn't matter now . It appears most likely that he will lose both the House and Senate in 2022 unless he can get Statehood for DC and Puerto Rico .

  9. “The trouble with history, it repeats itself”. Clarence Darrow, - my grandmother would sit in court room during his trials. Point is: Constitutional rules violated by these morons getting voted in. Should be no pension , term limits and no free stuff . Stop this bull crap. One term and your set up for life? Horseshit .

  10. The politicians over the last 50 years have been terrible--they still cannot see that they are the problem. 5000 page bills are a good example of how inept they are. Look at DC NOW --25000 troops and fences to protect the politicians--that should tell them what the citizens think of them and the job they did.


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