Local Government TV

Thursday, January 14, 2021

NorCo GOP Needs to Remove Snover

Not long ago, NorCo GOP boss Gloria Lee Snover left Facebook for Parler, where death threats are treated like jokes.  So much so that Apple and Google both refused to permit downloads of the app. As a result, Parler has gone dark. That might be permanent, too. 

Snover attended last week's attempted coup at the capitol. I have no idea whether she participated in storming past the barriers, or whether she was among those smearing her feces on the walls or taking down the American flag to replace it with one of Trump. I doubt she'd do that, but the crowd she was with did.  I do know that in a radio interview with WLVR, she attempted to minimize what had happened (it includes the murder of a police officer) while adding she had as much right to be inside the halls of Congress as VP Mike Pence. 

Before Parler went dark, I was following her. She's not just angry about Trump. She's also angry that outfits like Twitter and Facebook no longer tolerate incitements to violence. "maybe satellites need to come down," she suggests. She also hates most of the Republicans in her own party for failing to ray at his aqltar like she does.

Until her party denounces and removes her, I see no reason why anyone should support a Northampton County Republican. 


  1. This woman is batsh** crazy based on the quotes seen here and in the newspaper.

  2. She stands on her beliefs. She is no rhino. We need true conservative
    American Republicans. Don't worry about the GOP. Your boy will have a great opponent.

  3. You mean you didn’t see her throw that grappling hook up to the balcony , and pull herself up that line? How dare her, she had the nerve to step on the grass at the Capital . Influenced emotional enthusiasm is not a crime. Lee ,to my knowledge has not published any threats, She should be replaced by whom? If she was replaced , it would be by vote of Republicans during a civil association , not by mob. You have to admit she’s is probably very civil, but with zeal, she’s got character.

  4. So you as a democrat committee person, advocates the stepping down of your opposition, Just another partisan power attempt. It is up to the republicans in Northampton county to make that decision. Do they have anyone more effective?

  5. Your blind spot is how equally radical NorCo Dems have become. The parties have bookend radicals. Dems just made one council president. They didn't trust voters on a referendum. They never condemned left violence or the shooting of a sitting Congressman. They act like lefty versions of the righty nuts. So here we are. Stuck in the middle of two increasingly radical tribes. And each side denies they're different. F the police, right? Take down satellites, right? God help us.

  6. She also needs to resign her position in Bethlehem Twp!

  7. Oh, there will be plenty of time for the satellites. But not before we slay these damn windmills.

  8. All those who denies the truth need to be removed from their post! That goes for Snover, Bobby Gunther Walsh, Fox News, Rush all the congressional leaders who denies Biden won the election and those that spread those radicalized conspiracy theories.

  9. In response to a comment I decline to publish, I am highly critical of NorCo Dems, and also think Matt Muncy needs to go. Also, I have not been a committee member for some time. I am a registered Dem so I can vote in primaries but am really an independent. I lean more left than right, but only slightly so.

  10. Lee Snover has hurt the Republican Party in Northampton County. She truly appears to be having some mental problems contradicting herself in her latest published statements. She actually hurt Trump with her actions and statements this past election. I am a Republican and I will not support any Republican that is in any way aligned with Lee Snover and Mary Barket or NCRC. Snover and Barket are fake, vengeful, and will viciously seek out to destroy, censor anyone, even her own fellow Republicans, who may offer ideas different than theirs. Snover leads in a controlling dictatorial manner (which by the way,she accuses the Democrats for using this same leadership style). She schedules events and publishes press releases and statements under the NCRC umbrella without even checking with committee members or her own executive team. This is clearly demonstrated with the loss of all her vice chairs. There are better Republican leaders in Northampton County who are capable and willing to step up to repair the divide and conquer damage of Snover’s dwindling socialist kingdom. With Snover heading up NCRC McClure and his team will clean sweep Northampton County across all municipalities in the upcoming election. The Dems should really be sending Snover a thank you note for their democrat successes!

  11. She is also the Chair of the Bethlehem Township Planning Commission. She should be removed from that position as well.

  12. OMG they put her on the planning commission?

    so when I want to build something I have to go in front of partisan Hack?

  13. As you have correctly observed, Northampton County is very PURPLE. It is a bell weather county for both the state and the country in terms of its demographic make up.

    Snover, like Trump, has only 1 trick - which is stoke and agitate the base for high turn out. They both may call themselves "Conservatives" but that meaning and movement has been plowed under in recent years. Republicans are now the party of Caucasian Grievance and Victimhood, which plays very well to some rural low income and low education voters who feel that they've been ignored by politicians and that their lifes problems aren't addressed in the same way as inner city problems are. They want their piece of the pie or more accurately don't want others to have any either.

    Most Country Club Republicans are happy to be in bed with them if only for the votes, but thats as far as it goes. They would never sacrifice their own, rank, privilege or standard of living because they've "earned" what life has given them thru hard work and effort - plus having parents who worked and set examples, paid for their college, etc.

  14. Lee Snover will make no apologies for being so far to the Right. Her way or the highway. She will have a slate to run for Council & Executive, but they will lose and she will not care. She does not care she is hurting the County Party. As a moderate Republican I am very sad. I can't wait to see the team she fields this year. It will be a joke.

  15. She should resign or be removed. And Republicans would do well to stop dismissing other Republicans with ethics as rinos. Just because we won’t be part of the mob doesn’t make us any less Republican, perhaps it makes us more so.

  16. The majority of Republicans support Lee. Stop trying to sabotage her for your patron McClure. Lee does not answer to you.

  17. You Anon posting from 10;11— 3:10 are you Democratics ? Or Communist? There are people sharading as Democratic Party Members that are real Communist. Be carful for what you wish for. Lee is a civil person . They pay a lot of taxes. Her family are generous and not self serving. She pored her time into this Northampton Republican Party. She is an educated lady with class . She wants this country and county to prosper. Not be dragged down , not have welfare payments. Her being on those America s grinds is a pilgrimage to her ,sacred. This is - Democracy,.

  18. So it seems the next election posturing has already begum. It looks to be much more of the same. If someone wants Snover's position why don't they run with a program or plan, instead of this constant public character assassination. If there was a competent replacement, I would bet she would gladly give it to them.

  19. "The majority of Republicans support Lee. Stop trying to sabotage her for your patron McClure. Lee does not answer to you."

    Really? She goes thru Vice Chairs the way she goes through whoppers. Moreover, I'd like her to explain why prominent Rs like Mario Scavello and Marcia Hahn stopped contributing to the county party. They are not doing McClure's bidding. She alienates people and condemns all Rs who do not bow down at the altar of Trump.

  20. "She is also the Chair of the Bethlehem Township Planning Commission. She should be removed from that position as well."

    This is very convenient for her. It gives her drywall company an "in" with developers. She does not have a conflict when approving developers' plans and then gets the drywall contract. And she talks about the swamp.

    1. I think you're reaching a little here. We would need to see minutes of the meetings noting her comments and and votes to know whether or not she's carrying out her duties impartially.

  21. It would seem to me that if the GOP actually wants to survive at this point, the party is going to have to purge all the Trumpist white "christian" nationalists from top to bottom. The outgoing Senate Majority Leader already seems to be posturing for this.

    Snover, as Trump's head Lehigh Valley Kreisleiter has spent several years ejecting and disenfranchising moderate republican. Meanwhile, radicalizing others into the twisted mess that attempted the failed insurrection and took part in seditionist acts. The social media trail shows it all.

    As a FORMER republican, the party very much left me.

    As far as the Bethlehem Township issue, I never heard that. Maybe O'Hare should look into this more, smells pretty rotten.

  22. If Snover is unwilling to admit that the whole election fraud/steal was a big manufactured line of manure, then she is either purposefully lying or detached from reality. Neither option is good.

    If the "majority" of county "Republicans" support her, then its either an opportunity for Democrats to lure those orphaned by Trumpism over to their party or better yet, the formation of a new center-right party is needed.

    Not all Republicans are Nazis and not all Democrats are Socialists or Communists.

  23. From a Northampton County Republican, I couldn't agree with you more Bernie. She needs to step down and be replaced with a respectable Republican who better represents the majority of Republicans in the County (rather than the very loud minority).

  24. Exactly 11:05AM!

    Republican and Democrat moderates and independents are the swing voters who ultimately decide elections. The vast majority of these types of voters are living in heavily residential suburban areas like Bethlehem Township, Palmer, Forks, Lower/Upper Nazareth, and Hanover. Most of these folks are the commuter types, with above average incomes and a high % of college education.

    They do not embrace extremism on either side. They have eyes, ears and brains that tell them what is real and what is fantasy.

    Trumpism is not the path to bringing in swing voters. Doubling down on divisive rhetoric will only drive them over to Democrats side.

  25. Lee is a hardworking Patriot and loves her country. She welcomes new ideas and gives of herself tirelessly and financially. Let he who is without sin cast the first stone.


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