Local Government TV

Monday, January 04, 2021

If You Want to Avoid Covid, Move Into a Nursing Home

Believe it or not, seniors who live in nursing homes are now more likely to survive a bout with Covid-19 than those of us at home. Here's the latest from numbers cruncher Steve Thode:

There were 4,865 new deaths reported between December and December 31 (the report was a day early due to the New Year's Day holiday). That's more than 30% of all deaths since the pandemic began. Deaths continue to be overwhelmingly among the elderly as there were as many new deaths among those over the age of 105 as there were among those under the age of 30. Pennsylvanians in their 80s accounted for more than a third of all new deaths.

Those over age 60 accounted for 94.8% of the new deaths between December 5 and December 31 (4,612 new deaths out of 4,865 total new deaths). That percentage continues to increase. Meanwhile, the percentage of new deaths among those under the age of 60 continues to decline (only 253 out of 4,865 new deaths, or, 5.2%).

The number of new deaths among the elderly not in Long-Term Care Facilities (LTCFs) was substantially greater than the number of new deaths among the elderly who were in LTCFs. There were a total of 1,972 LTCF resident deaths between December 5 and December 31. Even if every one of those LTCF deaths was among residents over the age of 60 (the state does not break down LTCF deaths by age), they would account for less than 43% of all new deaths among Pennsylvanians over the age of 60.


  1. It is extremely irresponsible of you to suggest people move into nursing homes. Nursing homes are for people in need of assisted living.

  2. It's meant in jest. Get over yourself.


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