Local Government TV

Monday, January 04, 2021

Allentown Mayoral Field is Thinning

The meeting between Allentown businessman Nat Hyman and Mayor Ray O'Connell appears to have paid off. According to several informed sources, the field is thinning. 

Council member Joshua Siegel, an announced candidate, is apparently dropping out and will support O'Connell. The same is true of City DCED Director Leonard Lightner and former City Council President Roger MacLean. Julio Guridy is also under pressure not to run.  


  1. Hyman did the right thing for Allentown and not himself, what a novel idea. Other politicians and community leaders should learn by his example, especially Julio Guridy! Me Me Gerlach would have been a disaster for Allentown!

  2. Hope Ray doesnt give Josh his new phone number.

  3. I drove through downtown Allentown last week for the first time in years. I was amazed by how many bombed out buildings Mr. Hyman renovated into beautiful properties! I stopped to see that mural he had done and it was as beautiful and impressive as anything you would see in NYC, LA or Chicago. He ran against Pawlowski to try to save Allentown from its worst instincts. He was the only one who stepped up and put his money where his mouth is to save the state hospital. Now he is bringing everyone together to ensure Gerlach doesn't destroy the city. It seems to me that he has done more for this city than anyone in my memory. Yes, Reilly rebuilt downtown but he did it with the NIZ money and probably made millions. Yet people criticize Hyman and give him no credit for anything. I guess haters are going to hate and people are jealous of success. I for one applaud him and thank him for all he has done for Allentown.

  4. Siegel is a punk but at least he got this right. Maybe he is finally growing up. Now, that Turek character needs to get out and support Ray too. He has no shot of winning and looks like an idiot. He should drop out and run for city council.

  5. Bernie:

    I don't know how anyone could vote for Gerlach after reading Mr. Hyman's piece in your blog. He was right on point. Thank you for publishing it.

  6. I was hoping that McConnell would back down since he had his chance. I thought he was done. Fresh year with a fresh face (Hyman) would have been the way to go.

  7. There is no question that Nat put the city first when he bowed out and supported Ray but I still think his not being Mayor is a huge loss for Allentown. No one running could hold a candle to him in terms of ability to straighten this mess out.

  8. Joshua Siegel is not dropping out and not supporting Ray do your do diligence

  9. Having spoken to Mr Siegel this morning. He would like to know where this assertion is coming from as he is definitely not dropping out and is not endorsing MR. O'Connell

  10. It comes from someone highly placed and who has never led me astray. Of course, Siegel could have lied to him. I am properly at fault for not checking with the doxer.

  11. I think it's REALLY important that Gerlach not be elected. That being said, Guridy seems to me the best qualified person to stop her. Frankly, O'Connell seems tired & doesn't personify much innovative energy for the future, and while Tuerk seems great his recognition isn't where it needs to be. Guridy's well-known, has been responsible in his roles, and could I think climb past O'Connell and (Ha-Ha) Gerlach in the primary.

  12. The biggest blown opportunity is Lightner. He could have been a visible presence in the city, and being African American is a big advantage. Instead he was invisible and now apparently run over. Shame.

    As for Siegel, please go back wherever you came from. We don't need radicals here, we need people willing to work to find solutions.

  13. It figures Bernie, I thought Siegel finally did something smart by getting out and following Hyman's lead, but he screwed this up too. This kid can't get out of his own way. He is a non-event in this race and just keeps trying to make himself relevant. If Ray cared about Allentown, he would get out the race, beg Hyman to run and get everyone to support him. But Ray also only cares about himself. But anyone is better than Gerlach is.

  14. Nat is aces. But he was never going to win. Ray isn't a shoo-in. The city has few voters who actually decide things (as detailed many times on this blog) and the radicals have momentum. The primary is essentially the general. A primary in an off-off year will deliver miserable turnout. It may deliver a miserable result. A bottom feeding blogger once said democracy is dead in Allentown. He was right then and he's still right, now.


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