Local Government TV

Thursday, November 05, 2020

Winners and Losers in 2020 Presidential

Since last night, I've heard and read all sorts of complaints. Donald Trump wants all vote counting to stop and has declared himself the winner. Several have moaned about Democrats' failure to seize control of the Senate. One article in Politico groans that Biden is already screwed. Of course, everyone is blasting pollsters for getting it wrong ... again. There are just two groups who seem to get it. One is the Biden-Harris campaign. The other is the American people. You can discount the former if you wish, but the latter are a lot smarter than we often think. With this in mind, let me name the real winners and losers of this contest. 

Biggest Winner - The American people. Despite what the pundits might say, the American people are collectively pretty smart. They are on the way to handing Joe Biden the Presidency. They are taking it out of the hands of a reality-TV star whose biggest accomplishment over the past four years is his uncanny ability to create chaos wherever he goes. Some adore him. Others detest him. A substantial majority of Americans are simply tired of him. American people did more than vote Trump out. They also rejected the blue wave that many were predicting. 

It seems likely that the GOP will retain control of the Senate. They may even gain ground in the House. This has been a recipe for gridlock in the past, but it's in reality an invitation to come together and listen to each other again. The perfect person to do that as President is Joe Biden.

Winner - Joe Biden. Last night, as votes were being tallied, Joe Biden and Kamala Harris walked out onto a stage decorated with numerous American (not Trump) flags. He delivered a short speech that was perhaps the most effective I've ever heard from him. Unlike his counterpart, he declined to declare victory, but made some important points about Tuesday. 

"Democracy is the heartbeat of this nation," he reminded us. "Here the people rule." He called on all of us to "put the harsh rhetoric of the campaign behind us," to "respect and care for one another,"  "to unite, to heal, to come together as a nation."

He said "we have to stop treating our opponents as enemies." If elected he "will govern as an American President. I will work as hard for those who didn't vote for me as those who did vote for me." He called yesterday's still undecided vote "a victory for the American people." He reminded us there really are "no blue states or red states, just the United States." 

Biden, unlike Trump and Obama before him, can work with Senate Republicans. It's possible that he can deliver something we've been missing for a long time - bipartisan government.

I am hopeful.   

Loser - House Speaker Nancy Pelosi. - Though she has called herself a "great negotiator," she was unable to deliver a deal that would help both the unemployed and small business during this pandemic. Even though the White House was willing to meet her more than half way, she held out in the cynical belief that this stalemate would prevent Trump from claiming any victory before the election. In the process, she hurt the very people that she and Democrats pretend to champion. We need to cleanse ourselves of bitter partisans like her and others who loudly complained when Senator Diane Feinstein dared hug Senator Lindsey Graham at the conclusion of the Amy Barrett confirmation hearings. 

Winner - Northampton County. After a disastrous debut, the Express Vote XL has proven itself to be an excellent voting system, especially now that voters can check in with electronic poll books. Despite all the curveballs thrown by the state, the county's elections office was able to deliver results early yesterday morning. This is a credit to both Elections Registrar Amy Cozze and her Chief Deputy, Amy Hess. It is also a credit to the many hard-working people in that office, who spent weeks getting ready for what appears to have been another flawless election. 

Thanks to a quick tabulation of 80,000 MIBs, we knew early that Biden was the winner in a county Democrats lost four years ago. Northampton has acted as a bellwether for the rest of the state, where things are now going Biden's way.  

Executive Lamont McClure and County Council, to their credit, spared no expense in making sure this was a well-run election. Our elections should get even better now that I am stepping down as a pollworker.    

Loser - Party bosses. GOP Chair Lee Snover actually invited two accused felons to speak at a superspreader rally in Lower Saucon Tp.  She organized a divisive and confrontational counter protest when a group of mostly kids wanted to march in protest of the George Floyd death in Pen Argyl. She is so divisive that she has lost two Vice Chairs since the beginning of the year.

This is not West Virginia.  

As bad as she may be, Dem Party boss Matt Munsey is worse. It's still very unclear whether his party even has a treasurer. His particular talent is recruiting the most extreme Democrats he can find to run for office. To be suitable in his eyes, you must be a transgender pagan who is completely out of touch with ordinary people. If you want to help working people, you're no good. 

Winners - Trump Supporters. While I fail to understand what they see in this incorrigible liar, Donald Trump's supporters  created a lot of enthusiasm for and against their hero. Their flag rallies and car parades struck me as goofy, but they were getting a lot of positive feedback. With some exceptions, they are very nice people.  They were engaged in core political speech, which only makes us better. We need to listen to them instead of hate and try to find a middle ground when we can.  

Loser - Tara Zrinski. She is perfect for  Matt Munsey and might be great as an activist, but should never have run for State Representative in a heavily Republican district. That was simply insane.   

Winner - Moderate Voices in 2021. Had Americans re-elected Donald Trump, there would be a bloodbath for Republicans seeking municipal office next year. Had they elected Biden and tossed out Republicans in the Senate, it would be a bloodbath for Democrats. The American people have spoken, and have made clear they are sick of partisanship,

This is good news for moderates of both parties seeking local office. Lamont McClure, Phil Armstrong and Nat Hyman should do quite well. Extremists like Josh Siegel, Ce-Ce Gerlach and Mark Pinsley? Not so much.  You can be a proud Democrat. You can be a proud Republican.But you should represent everyone.    


  1. The change in Washington comes just at the right time. I have a sick feeling in my stomach that we, as a country, could not have survived four more years with Trump at the helm. Now we need to rid ourselves of Nancy Pelosi, Mitch McConnell and the rest of these so-called leaders who view their positions as authority to cause havoc and chaos instead of working for a better America. It's time for new leadership in the House and the Senate. Let the healing begin.
    By the way Bernie, you had this election pegged right and deserve a big congrats for your accurate predictions and reporting. Keep up the good work.

  2. Biggest Winner- Main Stream Media.

    Winner- "trunalimunumaprzure"

    Loser- "covfefe"

    Biggest losers- the deleted, deplatformed, censored, cancelled, and the ones picking up the tab for 2020.

    Killed off- Journalism

  3. I think the biggest losers right now are the American people, especially those under the age of 50. They have just been duped by corrupt politicians and a weaponized news media.

    We have just seen the most extensive and comprehensive voter fraud operation in American history. This should be obvious to everyone, although many would never acknowledge it. They see themselves as winners. Quite the opposite. No election going forward can be trusted. To a degree, the value of each citizen vote cast has been devalued. The Rule of Law has been fractured.

    I’m old and financially secure. I expect to get by just fine. But, I see a great loss of freedom for those who follow me.

    1. Old man, ain't nobody following you into your delusional American landscape.

  4. You're silly re: Allentown. Never ever ever ever going to happen. Nat should run for wider office in the area and stop wasting his and everyone else's time on that festering hole.

  5. "two accused felons". Typical Dem. Due Process only for the left. And Bloomberg and Harris and LeBron, Soros.... can send Hundreds of millions to felons and criminals to bail them out of jail, pay their fines, get them to vote....
    Nice. You can see why there are so many Trump supporters. And how does a state get 89% of their voters to vote when its shows numbers of the charts for being reality? Do some homework Bernie. Sharpies.... But hell. An "X" for a signature on a ballot is ok?

  6. Good analysis Bernie!
    So glad Northampton County’s voting went smoothly and also came in this time for Biden!
    Losers for the American public are the repeated names, like Mitch McConnell and Lyndsey Graham!
    Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Shumer, Charles Grassley, Diane Finestein should all go!
    Biden will attempt to get this Country on a better path, if he wins!
    Our democracy has worked. Trump stretched it toward Facsism!
    He brought out the worse in lots of people on both sides!
    Lehigh County and other Counties, like Philadelphia and Allegheny County may help push Biden, closely to the finish line!

  7. And we will still have the Chinese Communist Party by our side. With that unemployment rate shrinking to 3.4% I was getting worried that someone was going to find me a J-O-B!
    Slow Joe got it right!

  8. I could not agree more. Can we stop with the insane back and forth playground games and actually start running this country? It is has been years and both sides are to blame for the situation we are in.

  9. Did Northampton County win? Calling Hunter Biden Father the winner before the votes are certified is premature. With less than 800 votes In favor of the Democratic candidate at this time and almost 2000 votes and military absentee ballots in question.

  10. "Loser - Party bosses. GOP Chair Lee Snover actually invited two accused felons to speak at........"

    How in the world can you be an "accused" felon? You could be charged with a felony crime or you could be a felon if convicted. But an "accused" felon???

  11. Looks like the winners rioted in NYC and Portland last night.

  12. ""two accused felons". Typical Dem. Due Process only for the left. "

    "How in the world can you be an "accused" felon? "

    Of course these people are entitled to due process and are presumed innocent. But people who threaten violence and who alter a firearm to make it appear inoperable should not be exalted.

    Also, a person charged with a felony is an accused felon. Break out a dictionary.

  13. Opinions are like assholes.

  14. County Exec Armstrong is like 71 years old. I don't see him running for re-election. He's a nice guy, but not an effective leader.

    I have much respect for Matt Muncey, when all the nonsense was going on in Lower Saucon with the appointment of Kristen Stauffer, he showed up and spoke. Jason Banonis treated him as he does everyone else, with no respect and very nasty.
    It would be great if the Northampton County GOP would reimburse Lower Saucon residents for the extra cost for the "pavilion rental", aka the costs of the Trump Rally.
    Your view about Trump supporters is not accurate. They spew much hate for their fellow citizens and are in denial about their leaders actions as much as their own.

  15. Zrinski financials finally posted. Between her cycle 5 and 24 hour contributions, looks like she raised over 200K. If she wasn't a whack job, she might have won. I also notice she did not concede, at least on facebook.

    1. Zrinski has a tendency to blame others for the very acts she commits. Since raising that amount, may I suggest her personal financials also be checked since she accuses her opponent of buying cars, spending money on mortgage or rent. My educated supposition would be Zrinski paid fir her personal items with campaign funds. Would suggest checking her student loans.

  16. I've said this and felt this at the change of every administration since Clinton left. Maybe now Washington will realize that we are a country that has left and right extremes, but the wide fat middle ground is where their bread should be buttered. Get common ground, common sense things done. It shouldn't be this complicated.

    Over the past 30+ years both Republicans and Democrats have honed their communication and talking points to ridicule and divide. This has activated and agitated the far left and far right who continuously echo, amplify and radicalize that messaging.

    I am hopeful, as I was with Trump, Obama, and W that Biden can unite the country by ignoring the fringes and play it down the middle. 4th times a charm?

  17. Anon 1012am said "I've said this and felt this at the change of every administration since Clinton left. Maybe now Washington will realize that we are a country that has left and right extremes, but the wide fat middle ground is where their bread should be buttered. Get common ground, common sense things done. It shouldn't be this complicated."


    Sorry Bernie, rant over.


  18. Wow Bernie I am seriously impressed. This will be the best you will ever write. An opinion that will resonate along with some deserved respect. Thank You


    Catering to one group over another whether it's the majority groups or the minority groups is the problem. You obviously think the majority should rule over the minority, and the individual is lost in the crowd.

    The government should apply it's main concern towards the protection of the individual person, not the group identities of the mob.

    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NcpWk2WKhEM -It's the Individual that's finished.

    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3HQTNZRmJdg -The tube lies.

  20. Is it true that Zrinski hasn't conceded? LOL she's even crazier than I thought!

  21. Its nice to see the optimism from the democrats, but i doubt that Joe biden will be making the decisions or running the country. It will likely be President Harris before 2 years. We will know as soon we see his cabinet, likely to be reruns of Obama administration, whose # 1 priority is to makes sure that the republicans will never be able to win an election again.

  22. Funny how you pat yourself on the back, as usual. What a guy!

  23. "I’m old and financially secure. I expect to get by just fine" says the Trumpist election fraud cult member.
    That helps explain everything.

  24. So what is the deal with Zirinski's money? Was told she paid herself some of that money. Also is it true she can use it for otter races like her council race and to start her own campaign fund to donate to other people and herself in the future?
    Did not think that was legal.

  25. "County Exec Armstrong is like 71 years old. I don't see him running for re-election. He's a nice guy, but not an effective leader."

    Northampton County would take him in a second over McClure. Armstrong respects government and the employees. McClure is a not so mini tyrant.

  26. We are looking at a long legal process before final victory is declared. It is the fault of our election process. There should be a (hate to say this) Federal law that sets the rules for elections in all states. They should all be the same. The loser of this election will never believe it was a fair election. If all states had the same rules that they had to follow I think this would help make it a more trusted election. That is my opinion. My opinion and $2.00 will buy you a cup of coffee.

  27. American freedom , Constitution and Rights. Born 7/4/1776 -Died 11/3/2020. If you think we are better off with this, good luck. Now we know why they don't teach or want to rewrite history in our educational system ( if that is what it is anymore).The first part of the 20th century never took place I guess. You know, what our grandparents and great grandparents fought against for our freedoms and against gov't tyranny around the world. Remember, if you were taught history of Rigged elections, party controlled media, party controlled education, loss of rights , privileges and freedoms, higher taxation, corrupt govt officials. Sounds like several countries in Europe between 1914 - 1945. . You know, which we fought against and admitted they wanted to destroy America. Now 75 years later we are slowly becoming what we were against. Not my America anymore. I believe in our constitution and laws. What happened to the TRUE DEMOCRATS ?

  28. All of Washington DC needs to be removed for corruption and not working for the rights of those who support our country. That is both parties. All about party control and not the people. We the people need to wake the hell up. Enough of this crap.

  29. The GOP leadership in Northampton County needs to change. There are an abundance of local seats without Republican candidates. The NCRC leadership team uses vengeful strategies against their own member workers. Snover finds ways to make sure her family members serve on the election board and as Area Committee chairs and carry on her socialist top down commands.She gave bad/fake information to the local, state and national news media promoting herself and ultimately resulting in hurting Trump’s victory. She was publicly observed disrespectfully shouting at Trump workers at an event because one of the Trump surrogates did not personally say hello to her. She and her sidekicks may as well have handed Northampton County on a silver platter to the Biden team. The Democrats will continue to rule in Northampton County as long as Lee Snover continues with her revengeful tantrums and maintains her leadership role as the NCRC figurehead.

  30. "So what is the deal with Zirinski's money? Was told she paid herself some of that money. Also is it true she can use it for otter races like her council race and to start her own campaign fund to donate to other people and herself in the future?
    Did not think that was legal."

    I wanted this report on file before the election so it could actually be examined. State law leaves a lot of room for interpretation. Morganelli used campaign funds to buy suits, Cunningham bought a car and Pawlowki used them to pay babysitters and send flowers at funerals. Schlossberg used them to mingle with the brahmins at the Pa. Society. Most of these pols use campaign money like this. I will be looking very closely at her report.

  31. Highly-placed Democrat here. It now can be revealed that all of the Republican concerns are far worse than you imagined. Bend over for some socialism! Hillary for Attorney General! All red states will be shut down while the blue states go to football games!

    We owe it all to Eric Trump, as he's the one who kept us informed. Go figure!

  32. 424 has it right. How is it so few people see it. Mind blowing that so many see so little.

  33. Bernie. How about the news saying the secretary of defense wrote his resignation letter that has now been denied by the pentagon. The news media is out of control even in the face of a potential biden win. When will it end bernie?

  34. "you must be a transgender pagan" passable???

    El Zorro

  35. Everyone is a winner when they VOTE and it counts. THERE ARE NO winners or losers this is not a football game. Its about USA (United) we all are on one team.

  36. Everyone is a winner when they VOTE and it counts. THERE ARE NO winners or losers this is not a football game. Its about USA (United) we all are on one team.


You own views are appreciated, especially if they differ from mine. But remember, commenting is a privilege, not a right. I will delete personal attacks or off-topic remarks at my discretion. Comments that play into the tribalism that has consumed this nation will be declined. So will comments alleging voter fraud unless backed up by concrete evidence. If you attack someone personally, I expect you to identify yourself. I will delete criticisms of my comment policy, vulgarities, cut-and-paste jobs from other sources and any suggestion of violence towards anyone. I will also delete sweeping generalizations about mainstream parties or ideologies, i.e. identity politics. My decisions on these matters are made on a case by case basis, and may be affected by my mood that day, my access to the blog at the time the comment was made or other information that isn’t readily apparent.