Local Government TV

Wednesday, November 04, 2020

Biden Wins NorCo!

Biden and Harris received 83,163 votes, 30,753 in person and 52,410 by mail or drop-off. Trump and Pence have 82,416 votes. This is 63,666 in person and 18,750 by mail or drop-off. You can follow results here. This is a reversal of the results four years ago, when Trump eked out a small victory. 

The win in this battleground county portends a victory in a battleground state that should hand Biden the keys to the White House. 

I do not believe that the counting of mail-in ballots is complete in Lehigh County.


  1. This is why Lee Snover has been running around thinking of any excuse to blame everyone but herself. Look in the mirror Lee. You put together a counter protest of BLM. You alienate everyone in the party. Two Vice-Chairs have resigned within months. You must go.

    1. Wow! So Banonis actually did resign? That was the rumor...

  2. As of 9:13 a.m. there are still 22,105 mail in ballots to be counted in Northampton County. Go Here: https://www.votespa.com/About-Elections/Pages/Counting-Dashboard.aspx and click on "Click to View Mail Ballots Cast"

  3. That is from the state site. I am pretty sure they are all (or nearly all) counted on the county site, which totals 72,135 MIBs in President race. US Elections Project had reported about that number of MIBs received in NorCo. If more MIBs are out there, the margin will only increase.

  4. A couple of points. If Jorgenson wasn't on the ballot Trump may have won Northampton County, it's that close. I think any honest person can say that the pollsters and media folks in this country are out of touch with the American people. Washington post poll the other day had Biden up 17 in Wisconsin, really? Not one poll had Susan Collins winning, not one. The guy in SC spent 106 million dollars and lost by 9 to Graham. Quinnipiac had that race tied. In fact, I think Dems outspent R's 2 to 1, so even if Biden wins they really didn't get a good return on investment. Bloomberg spent millions in Florida. For the Bernie Sanders/AOC crowd, the people in south Florida who have lived with Socialism totally repudiated it. Very unexpected and interesting election night for sure. There will be no court packing, adding new states, getting rid of the electoral college. It looks like split government and gridlock ahead folks.

    Lastly, the pollsters were so far off they should just disband the industry and start over. What kind of country are we living in where people are afraid to express their political preference to anyone, even on the phone, for fear of reprisal? I saw many houses with down ballot republican signs on their lawn but no Trump sign. Am I to believe those folks aren't voting for Trump? C'mon man.

  5. Well, you said Biden will win Northampton by 54% Bernie. No worries though because you were as close as any of the so called pros when it came to polling this cycle LOL.

  6. Big increase in turnout vs 2016. Also, Nazareth borough was muuuuuch closer than 2016 in all 3 wards. Interesting.

  7. I find the Wild /Schiller race fascinating, I think it's going down to the wire. Monroe County still counting mail ins. Whoever that girl who ran against Joe Emrick is, wow, she got smoked LOL. Cozze did better than that. Tara Zrinski also lost pretty big, thank the Lord!

  8. The pollster who got it right in 2016 said that Trump was going to have to overcome a 4-5 point disadvantage from the mail-in voting process and all the funny business that that entails. That is precisely the margin that Trump won Northampton County in 2016. The results in 2020 were almost dead even. Provisionals are outstanding as well, and in all probability the mail-ins coming in after election day will probably not be allowed to count. After all, the governor paid the postage for the ballots exactly so that no postmark would be on it to prove it was not mailed after election day. This whole thing is thanks to the State Republican Party representatives and senators who gave us mail-in voting.

  9. Lee must have roll call with Northampton County area chairs see who won their area for Northampton County and who didn’t then we will know where the problem lies. Quit clowning around little boys you know who you are you make good cheerleaders but you can’t win your own area all you do is run around with your hand in some candidates pocket and God only knows who else. You stand at meetings and say you are the National leader in new registrations but you can’t win your own areas something don’t add up or you win your area no questioned ask Either your a liar or they stolen your registration come on you clown 🤡 .

  10. 8:40 am sounds an awful lot like, I don't know, someone who has been "running around" like a woman scorned spreading discord amongst Republicans and dividing the party, which he has wanted to take over since he first watch Pinky and the Brain. For crying out loud, get a life.

  11. Just curious. Hope yopu are right but where did you get your results for Northampton county? Getting scared.

  12. 10:06,
    Pollsters did get it wrong on the gap, but they got it right when it came to the winner.

    10:44 AM,
    You are so wrong on so many levels. Mail-ins will be allowed. The ballots are marked by the post office with a small stamp (just explained in a press conference).

    Everyone, no matter who your candidate is, should be concerned with a President who declares a premature victory, calls for counting to be stopped where he is leading, but continue where he is losing.

  13. This will be interesting. So, over in Northampton which is a big deal statewide... With all in person and MIB, ballots counted Biden is the UNOFFICIAL winner but the margin is razor-thin. <1000 votes.

    The only votes left to count are provisional. Now here is the thing. The President is predictably tweeting about the late vote counts, but in Norco at this point the only thing that could POSSIBLY (longshot, but not completely impossible) move Northampton are yet to be counted provisional ballots.

    There are definitely scenarios where Trump wins that category because many Trump voters requested mail-in ballots only to decide at a later date to vote in person. Folks who did that had to vote provisionally at the polls.

    So, how do you simultaneously argue that additional votes should not be counted, but then also know that the only way you catch up is by counting additional ballots?

    They really put themselves into a box here.

  14. "Just curious. Hope yopu are right but where did you get your results for Northampton county? Getting scared."

    Right from the county and I provided a link.

  15. "I find the Wild /Schiller race fascinating, I think it's going down to the wire."

    Wild wins when MIBs are tabulated.

  16. "you called it Bernie"

    My prediction was based on a 70% turnout assumption. Turnout was 76%, higher than I projected. There were more in-person voters, and they were for Trump except for Beth and Easton.

  17. Correction: 74.1%. Had turnout been 76%, Trump would have won the county bc the GOP was driving the in-person turnout.

  18. "This will be interesting. So, over in Northampton which is a big deal statewide... With all in person and MIB, ballots counted Biden is the UNOFFICIAL winner but the margin is razor-thin. <1000 votes.

    The only votes left to count are provisional. Now here is the thing. The President is predictably tweeting about the late vote counts, but in Norco at this point the only thing that could POSSIBLY (longshot, but not completely impossible) move Northampton are yet to be counted provisional ballots."

    I think they could. I only had four in my precinct, but the one next to me had over 20. I believe many of these are from Republicans who were shamed into voting in-person. They could make the difference and give Trump the win. It's gonna' be close. Most JOEs hate provisionals. They are easy to screw up, too. I am a big proponent of provisional voting and believe all effort should be made to make sure they count and ignore mistakes made by pollworkers who may not do them correctly. This may give Trump the win, but I think it unlikely. I am a small "d" Democrat, and want a vote for Trump to count just as much as a vote for Biden.

  19. I've yet to see this question answered - but, what was/is the reasoning for not starting the MIB counting prior to yesterday morning?

    Why couldn't the counties have a 24 (or better yet a 48, or 72) hour head start on the process of opening the envelopes and stacking them for scanning?

    I don't see how that would put either party at an advantage or disadvantage.

  20. A Green in or Lib out, and Trump wins NorCo. But Ds were flogged statewide. Lehigh turned bright red. Shapiro gone. Wild gone. Cartwright gone. 269 v 269 and PA's very red Congressional delegation gets one of fifty votes.

  21. There should be plenty of Biden votes coming in from Lehigh County yet, as I noticed numerous strong Democrat candidates losing by several thousand votes on the Lehigh County website this morning. Lehigh County is far Bluer than Northampton County and I expect these candidates to pick up a large majority of the mail-in ballot votes, probably enough to win close contests

  22. The simplified math from the state website indicates a Trump win for Pa. By the state’s own data, only 65% of MIB are from Dems. So Biden would only bet 336,396 once all of the outstanding 1,121,320 are counted. Not quite enough to overcome the current gap. Once provisionals are incorporated into the numbers it would get worse for Biden. Looks like we will in fact KAGA! Pa, we did our part!

  23. "A Green in or Lib out, and Trump wins NorCo. But Ds were flogged statewide. Lehigh turned bright red. Shapiro gone. Wild gone. Cartwright gone. 269 v 269 and PA's very red Congressional delegation gets one of fifty votes."

    Sorry, but what happened in NorCo is an indication that, when MIBs are tallied, these people will all likely win.

  24. "Why couldn't the counties have a 24 (or better yet a 48, or 72) hour head start on the process of opening the envelopes and stacking them for scanning?"

    Legislators were concerned that vote tallies would leak out.

  25. Terry Madonna stunned LOL. Again LOL. When will these pollsters learn. Most polls had Biden winning popular vote by 8 or 10 points. It's two points. PA is going to be close. Trump outperformed in all the areas he needed too according to Madonna. Jorgenson may cost Trump PA.

  26. @1:14, 65% of 1,121,320 is 728,858.

  27. Tara Zrinski was winning in a big way. Now I hear she lost? There is something wrong with that. She raised a great deal more money than he opponent. She had mail, radio and Tv ads. There should be a recount. There is no way Tara lost.

    1. Raising money doesn’t mean she won. Ann ran a more honorable campaign than Zrinski. The right person won because people saw how much of a whack job Zrinski is.

  28. Mail-
    material (such as letters and packages) sent or carried in a postal system.

  29. Bernie, I'm sorry and I don't want to change the subject. But I am so thrilled for Ann Flood that she won!!!

  30. Getting rid of the arrogant president. Next year the arrogant County Executive.

  31. This may mean all the N.J. People who moved here to avoid taxes and suffer a commute cost are wrecking us here. Who in their right mind would vote a tax and spend administration? Geez, Our Republic is going to be in peril shortly. Call me on this is about 24 months. Your all in for it . Biden at this point is a “ Straw Party “ he will have to step down leaving a mess. This is the end of our Republic.

  32. "Getting rid of the arrogant president. Next year the arrogant County Executive."

    This post has nothing to do with McClure. Your obsession with him and attempts to bring him into everything is a reflection of your own mental instability. I suggest you seek help.

  33. "This is the end of our Republic."

    Peter, If we could survive Trump, you can survive Biden. Besides, there will be divided government. Nothing will be achieved without compromise.

  34. "Bernie, I'm sorry and I don't want to change the subject. But I am so thrilled for Ann Flood that she won!!!"

    Zrinski is a bad fit for her district. She is out there with Josh Siegel and Ce-Ce Gerlach. Having said that, she raised a lot of $ (still have not seen the finance report she hid) AND MADE effective use of a small army of true believers who never caught on to her. And Ann Flood ran a terrible campaign, to be frank.

  35. No Bernie the extreme left will be an enabler. The Middle East Jews will be in danger too. They will be on their own . Joe will not finish his first term and the WH will be run by other people. The Republic is going to lost. The economy will be roasted. This is not electing A Dem. as Harry S Truman . This is different.

  36. "If Jorgenson wasn't on the ballot Trump may have won Northampton County,"
    "Jorgenson may cost Trump PA"

    So now you want to bring up her name. Trump lost the small goverment, fiscally conservative libertarian wing of the electorate with a combination of profligate spending, massive deficits, and acting like a jackass for 4 years.

  37. Survive with Trump? Ya he’s obnoxious,demeaning,and an ass with tweets . But he’s for American products, producing and we did well under him. It’s over. It’s going to change. The far left will creep into WH affairs like Atherosclerosis. Then they chock us of rights and run up bills on social shit. It’s over.

  38. Pete
    Republican law makers approved of the mail in voting.

    Since that law was passed, 6 months before the covid-19 world premiere, we know the intent of this new law was that these ballots be mailed in. Many were not mailed in.

    Drop boxes are contrary to the law as passed. But not one R dare say a word.

  39. Pete,

    Nothing to fear, Biden will be kept in check by the Main Stream Media same as Trump.

  40. Peter, Trump is a draft dodging fool. Why the blind allegiance. Many military people support Biden. Top Military leaders do not support Trump. We have veteran healthcare an benefits, so you us yours? That is social shit. This is another case of what I like is great, what I don't like sucks. You love republicans and people you claim are "real" democrats. Fact is you don't vote for democrats, so what! Truman wanted National Healthcare, what about that?

    Trump thinks he is Putin and this is not Russia.

    Northampton Lenny

  41. What these results show is a very divided country with totally different views on what the United States of america is and should be. It is proof of the media lies as they thought that biden was going to blow the president out. That didn't happen. Either way we are a very divided country who see very very different focuses. One goes to democracy. One path to socialism. One the American dream. The other free handouts. It's a shame if people voted against trump's personality instead of looking at the policies and very good things he has done for many and voted for the ideals of what this country was founded on. Shame on those media whose narrative was and is to suppress freedom of speech. Shame on the voters to not understand what was and is at stake.

  42. And can someone explain how democrats decided we can count votes in pennsylvania received after election day.

  43. Peter, agree 100% I almost feel that the best thing that could happen would be for the Northeast and West Coast secede and create their own socialist country. (They could take Philly with them too.) We are no longer a United States.

  44. 9:35 PM
    "can someone explain how democrats decided we can count votes in pennsylvania received after election day."

    I'll take a shot.

    There is no such thing as an election day, it's just an election, Election Day, Trademarks the start of the next election. That's the best I can do.

  45. SO nice to support Cheat By Mail. Mail ballots, postage included,.. even have someone drop off for you if you'd like.

  46. That’s a pretty good answer, 11:40 pm. Although the Constitution does specify a very specific Tuesday.

    I really don’t believe the “process” of electing by citizen vote goes beyond that, however. At some point, primarily the postmark freezing that specific date should be considered finite. Otherwise, votes might just as well be valid right up until the date of Inauguration. Assuming that date has any significance.

    Like a traffic light going “Red” is NOT the beginning of “Green.”

  47. Bernie, off topic, but please be sure to post where Zrinski got her money. Her and Branco ran very expensive TV ads. She was supposed to be the grass roots candidate I have a feeling she was backed by some pretty dark, dirty money.

  48. Lee Snover destroyed the Republican Committee in Northampton County. Anyone who disagreed with her and Mary Barket were targeted and publicly plotted against. They run a vertical, top down dictatorial organization and ironically they condemn the opposing parties for using the same destructive tactics that she models. She claims to be a Trumpster, but did so many things to hurt his campaign in order to gain her own narcistic publicity. She segregated so many of the strong workers who had worked tirelessly in the 2016 campaign for fear they may become more popular than she. She and Barket were vengeful and more focused on plotting against, hurting and undermining local candidates rather than keeping their eyes on the final prize. There is no room for revenge in Leadership and no room for Snover and Barket Leadership in Northampton County. In my opinion, Their selfish spiteful egos have hurt a number of good Northampton County workers, local candidates and ultimately the Trump campaign! As long as Snover and Barket are in charge of NCRC the Democrats will rule in the County..... so, I’m sure the Dems are happy she is in charge! Oh***.one more thought - take notice how she has appointed only her family members to chair the area committees and the Election Board.

  49. Curious as to the state house results. I think R's picked up a couple of seats. There were whispers of a blue wave actually flipping the State House. I can't seem to find out anywhere. Curious as to the state senate as well. If R's actually picked up seats than Wolf's last two years will be long ones.

  50. Anon 9.20 wrong , I voted again for Bob Freeman .D. And.... Evan when had a R opposition a few years back. I voted for Mc Cale from Bethlehem years ago . He even invited me to his home .

  51. Absentee ballot s are not same litmus test as mail in voters. I voted for President from the Vetnam War for Christ sake. These hand outs ,these undocumented voter returns are fraudulent.in their mike up.

  52. Based on my calculations from the pa website. Pa will end up under the 0.5% recount threshold. I’m estimating a .2% Biden “win”, not considering any provisionals. This is going to be a long month.

  53. 1221 is obviously Tom Carroll, as is the very first comment, you know the guy who put a monkey on the desk of a female professional black woman while he was in the DA’s office, a fact which he has never denied. That’s why he has to bow to BLM in his posts. How about focusing on trying to win PA for Trump instead of trying to advance yourself and trying to take over the local party from people actually doing the real work. If you can’t see that this election is being stolen because you are overcome by a lust to divide the party for your own perceived advantage, to become part of the Republican establishment that gave us mail in voting, you are blind. But you know very well that you are just being a disgusting opportunist. Why aren’t you blaming the head of the Trump campaign? Your motivations are obvious to everyone but yourself. Fight for Trump you a..hole.

  54. Agree with most of what is written here Bernie. We remain a nation that is a third conservative, a third moderate, and a third extreme liberal. Nothing has changed. One thing that is clear is your vote matters, this results in many states are razor thin!


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