Local Government TV

Wednesday, November 25, 2020

Trump Might Attend Pa. Senate GOP Hearing Hosting Giuliani

The Pa. Senate Majority Policy Committee (GOP) plans to conduct a hearing in Gettysburg today for the purpose of exposing "irregularities" in the Presidential election. According to both CNN and Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, Rudy Giuliani will be there to continue spewing claims of fraud, something he failed to do in court. Both news sources report he might be joined by President Donald Trump. This hearing will be conducted at a hotel in Gettysburg, not the state capital.  


  1. I guess Rudy isn't spending much time preparing for all those upcoming court hearings then.

  2. You already know this is worthless since its being held on the Wednesday before Thanksgiving weekend. Talk about a news dump... The continuous hand job these Republicans keep giving Trump to sooth his poor battered ego is completely embarrassing.

    Politically what does it gain them? Further lock step allegiance from the MAGA hat crowd? Like they're going to defect over to Democrats? Then again, they're districts are so gerrymandered that they have to do these little dog n pony shows to avoid getting primaried by the local You Tube nutzo yelling into his/her iPhone driving in their car...

  3. Tweedle Dumb and Tweedle Dumber.

  4. This was a hoot of a hearing. Republicans crying on each other's shoulders, giving standing ovations to each other, bragging about patriotism.

    Snover called in to the meeting today at 2:35pm and recited a list of questions she received, and bitched about curing ballots. Blah blah blah. Then claimed that voters who never intended to vote had voted.

    And then Donnie himself called in! Whoo hoo. VIP guest. Said he won the election easily, and "by a lot". Said the election was rigged. Show us the proof. Again, claimed he won the election the night of the election (before all the mail in ballots were counted). Said he won all of the swing states. Raft of lies. The PA GOP really stroked Donnie's ego with this total farce of a hearing. Senator Scavello spent half the hearing texting on his cell phone, while everyone else was listening. Not cool, Mario.

    Trump bragged about receiving 74 million votes, but said nothing about Biden winning 80 million. Donnie droned on and on, making unsubstantiated allegations. What an immature child. And the crowd roared.

  5. The democrat shave an opening here if they can field real people candidates, not ultra- left wing nuts. Are there any common sense moderate real people democrats left?

  6. Looks like this was a positive to go on to the US Supreme Court! Don't fill that seat quite yet with a dinosaur dummacrate seeing the senile one can barely read the script.
    Will this also be voiding Susan Wild to Lisa Scheller Bernie?

  7. Don't get your panties wet just yet, 8:35. The Republicant judge has over-reached into her butt. The orange clown is done.

  8. The election was reviewed and re-reviewed by countless domestic and international organizations who have all noted it was one of the most secure and proper in history. However, if you spew lies long enough, they become facts. And this has become what the GOP is parroting, most notably from NorCo, looking for attention and accolades from the fuhrer himself. Let this end, let our nation begin healing and I pray regularly that this horrifying radical right wing that looks like something out of Italy in the 1930's ends.

    Accusations fly about ridiculous "Venezuelan ties" while a wannabe Mussolini or Peron pits 1/3 of American against the other 2/3s. All the while, on twitter, facebooks and conservative radio, our local Kreisleiter vilifies anyone not wearing a MAGA hat as the enemy.

    The American people have seen what this is, countless political scientists and historians the world over have drawn parallels over the past four years about what was occurring in our country. Thankfully, it will soon be over unless there's a coup.

    There is no fraud, there is no conspiracy- just outright and abject desire for voter suppression to continue to benefit the white christian nationalists whose population and clout will continue to diminish as our region and nation evolve in the coming years. Please take that stuff back to Alabama where it belongs, this is Pennsylvania, home of quaker tolerance and despite all the confederate flags on the back of trucks- Union standing and heritage.

    Today is Thanksgiving, I am thankful for a new start for our nation in January. I am thankful for all of our doctors, scientists and service workers risking themselves to save lives despite other mocking a pandemic that ravages the elderly and sick and may leave countless others with conditions for years to come. Lastly, I am thankful that all the characters affiliated with Trumpism including those at the local level, will with any luck- be left behind as history marches on and they are left as a footnote of a short, but dangerous radical right wing movement that sought to suppress voters, deny medical science and enrich their colleagues and ilk, while weaponizing the white rural and working class against fellow americans.


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