Local Government TV

Monday, November 16, 2020

Ten Lawsuits in State Courts Over Presidential Election

Thus far, 10 separate lawsuits have been filed in Pennsylvania state courts concerning aspects of the presidential election. 

The Supreme Court is considering a case related to the canvassing in Philadelphia. That matter has already gone through the county and Commonwealth Courts.

The Commonwealth Court has rejected Department of State guidance that would allow some voters who filed late ballots to cure defects. It has ordered some ballots segregated. 

Four county courts are considering ballot challenges.

None of the litigation complains of widespread or systemic fraud. 


  1. Georgia is supposed to be making good progress on its recount. We need to get this behind us, and Trump needs to schedule some moving vans for January. This is getting ridiculous.

  2. Pathetic anti-democratic actions that are unpatriotic and harmful to the republic.

  3. Use the process. Use every bit of the process. It's working. It certainly beats rioting, arson and looting. Most of my candidates lost. But I love the process. Would either side be peacefully navigating the process vs. rioting, arson and looting? Is that why cities were boarding up? Being cranky and letting the system work is always better than violence.

  4. None of these lawsuits will overturn the election in PA, let alone nationally. Sadly there are some folks who are still clinging to the idea that Trump is going to pull some legal rabbit out of his hat and continue to serve as President. The question is why do they believe it?


    First Amendment guarantees the right to free speech, but when that speech leads to harmful and dangerous behavior that right no longer exists. Schenck v US (1919) and Brandenburg v Ohio (1969) are 2 relevant cases to what we are seeing today and need to be revisited with the prevalence of social media and fragmenting of cable news.

    Everyone wants to share their opinions, which is all well and good, but those who amplify those opinions need to be held accountable for what is being said on their platforms.

  5. But "the process" should not include making false claims of fraud. That just defames our democracy, and those who buy into it are, at best, gullible.

  6. The Trump campaign just withdrew the major part of its federal lawsuit in PA, which pertained to 682,479 mail-in ballots. Now they're down to piddling about a number much too small to affect the outcome, and they don't seem likely to prevail even on that.

    At least I'm not tired of winning!

    1. False. Fake news. The 600000plus are still in the suit. Pennsylvania is not decided.

  7. 7:56. Absolutely, the rampant spread of disinformation is going to end up shredding societies on this planet...it already has. Social media are publishers whether they like it or not and should be subject to censorship laws even if Zuckerberg etc. don't like it. His "fantasy" of free "universal connectivity" has created a monster. He forgot that age old dictum of newspaper publishing "if it bleeds it leads". Human beings like hyperbole, violence, tribalism, vice etc. His platform and those like it will be society's doom if left to self-regulate.

  8. The “meaty” lawsuits are just beginning to take shape. The entire matter is making it’s way up the judicial ladder. The biggest challenge will be in authenticating the truthfulness of the electronic systems used in various states across the nation . . . Including parts of Pennsylvania.

  9. @10:28 - 100%!!!

    Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, etc., fight it because there will be SUBSTANTIAL costs associated with monitoring and removing stupidity. It will also likely sink their "user" #'s as the Bots, Trolls and outright agitators simply leave because its "no fun anymore" which is what they use to sell advertising.

    They amplify the bullshit that is out there and ultimately THAT is their responsibility.

    I also think that FOX, CNN, MSNBC and any other pretend news organizations should also take some ownership of what and how they're reporting information.

  10. @12:06 - There is no meat of any consequence on any bone Republicans are gnawing on. It's a perverse and sadly pathetic effort to drag out the inevitable that truly benefits no one.

    That there are legions of people in this country that only desire to hear what they want to hear and see what they want to see and that we allow it, is our nations greatest failure.

  11. Republicans are scrambling and attempting to get into field goal range in the last minute of a game that they're trailing by 21 points.

    It's over, move on and focus on 2022 and beyond.

  12. Days after the election Trump reached out to Biden and offered to concede in exchange for pardons for him and his family. Biden apparently shot the offer down, hence Trump is attempting to muddy the waters. Barr, Pompeo, McConnell and Graham will all be implicated and dragged down with Trump.

  13. "But "the process" should not include making false claims of fraud."

    Relax, F. Lee Tantrum. False claims are in the ears of the beholder. That's not you or me. Judges decide what is false and what is fraudulent. It's part of the "process." It's a bit uncomfortable for you. Awesome. That's when things are working best. Beats torching buildings, right?

  14. 12:06, there are no "meaty" lawsuits. The computer systems were "authenticated" at the outset. It's up to Trump to prove otherwise, and it's going to take a lot more than Rudy Giuliani to do so--a WHOLE lot more.

  15. To borrow a phrase - unless a mainstream news service like Associated Press, New York Times, Wall Street Journal, Washington Post, or major network *news* (ABC, CBS, NBC or Fox) is reporting that there is credible evidence of widespread election fraud it's "Fake News".

    If something like One America Network or Breitbart or some other right wing agenda outfit is telling you some pie in the sky lawsuit is coming down the pike take it with a giant grain of salt. It's irresponsible reporting meant to create a false sense of optimism and to manipulate emotions of readers/viewers. It's very similar to all the left wing rumor mongering back in 2016 about the mysterious "Pee Tape" that would destroy the Trump Administration in its crib.

  16. 12:06,
    There are no "meaty" lawsuits taking shape. None. Every argument, from illegal voters, to a nation-wide "glitch" in software hasn't been supported with evidence to prove it. Even FOX News - the actual news division - has accepted the election results and reported accurately.
    Put down the Kool-aid.

  17. I'll try this again. The lawsuit over the 670000 votes in pa has not disappeared. How can keeping the truth of what is happening whether you like or if you feel it is crazy considered okay? When the media lies to us and withholds the facts that's a problem. And please I don't want to hear trump lies. If pa did nothing wrong it will be proven so but don't keep the public from hearing the facts. The lies should scare everyone!!

  18. 12:06, Um, I hate to break it to you, but the claims about Dominion are what you like to call fake news, and have been alleged nowhere except by a Newsmax reporter who cited a source that denied her claims.

  19. "Days after the election Trump reached out to Biden and offered to concede in exchange for pardons for him and his family. "

    Provide a link to this claim. Just because Trump lies is no excuse for you to start.

  20. 5:53, That lawsuit has made zero allegation of fraud. No newspaper is hiding it. There is a link to it and if you got your head out of your ass and began to read, you'd realize Trump and his myrmidons have been lying to you. Either that or you're one yourself.

  21. The anger is from what. You censor people for that. That is the problem now. Just rude. I honestly have you more credit than that

  22. As to the PA suit, just read the amended complaint. Or what the judge says tomorrow.

  23. I'm a hard-working american who is proud of our democracy and appreciate differences of opinion. I avoid calling people names or crude things because they disagree or have different opinion than mine. What amazes me is that only Republicans are idiots and are lied to. Never would a democrat lie or hide the facts or be brainwashed by the press.

  24. From the AP:
    HARRISBURG — President Donald Trump’s campaign is withdrawing a central request in its lawsuit seeking to stop the certification of the election results in Pennsylvania, where Democrat Joe Biden beat Trump to capture the state and help win the White House.

    Ahead of a Tuesday hearing in the case, Trump’s campaign dropped its request in the lawsuit that hundreds of thousands of mail-in and absentee ballots — 682,479, to be precise — be thrown out because they were processed without its representatives able to watch.

  25. 8:59, Then get your head out of your ass. if you distrust media sources, then read the pleadings and briefs. I have linked to them. You are parroting horseshit. Try honesty.

  26. Now I understand why people don't engage in blogs. It's your so you can do what you like. But I've never been spoken to like that in my life so I'm out. You can make your points without being crude.

  27. Your hero does it all the time. You are attempting to spread disinformation and I take a very dim view of people like you.


You own views are appreciated, especially if they differ from mine. But remember, commenting is a privilege, not a right. I will delete personal attacks or off-topic remarks at my discretion. Comments that play into the tribalism that has consumed this nation will be declined. So will comments alleging voter fraud unless backed up by concrete evidence. If you attack someone personally, I expect you to identify yourself. I will delete criticisms of my comment policy, vulgarities, cut-and-paste jobs from other sources and any suggestion of violence towards anyone. I will also delete sweeping generalizations about mainstream parties or ideologies, i.e. identity politics. My decisions on these matters are made on a case by case basis, and may be affected by my mood that day, my access to the blog at the time the comment was made or other information that isn’t readily apparent.